Example: Claire (whose luggage was searched in customs)
Claire had her luggage searched in customs.
1. Tom (whose car was stolen from outside his house)
2. Rita (whose rent was increased by ten per cent)
3. David (whose electricity has been cut off)
Speaking Practice
Enjoy Your Flight!
A. Group work. Decide together which of the following things can be carried onto an airplane, in the addition to one small carry-on bag.
umbrella skis radio magazines guitar
binoculars a pet camera a plant child’s stroller
coat briefcase handbag sandwiches laptop computer
For example: You’re allowed to take an umbrella.
B. Group work. Now decide which of the following activities are permitted or forbidden on a plane:
drinking smoking opening doors and windows playing ball
eating standing up undoing your seatbelt reading
running sleeping walking around singing
C. Group work.
Imagine that you’re talking to a foreigner who is going to visit your country for the first time. Think of questions a foreigner might ask. Take turns giving advice about the habits a foreigner would have to get used to. Talk about some of these things:
Getting into the country: crossing the border, passport, customs, visa, vacations
Transportation: public transportation, driving a car, taking taxis, cycling
Shopping: kinds of stores, finding bargains, paying with cash or a credit card
Eating: restaurants, cafes, table manners, meal times
Social behavior: meeting strangers, visiting people at home, inviting people out
Language: where English can be used, where your own language must be used
Gestures: different meanings of gestures in your country and other countries
1. Background to Britain. Mackmillan, 1993.
2. Boost Your Vocabulary 2. Penguin English Guides, 2001.
3. Build Your Vocabulary 2, 3. Language Teaching Publications, 1989.
4. English on Business. Collins, 1984.
5. Grammar and Practice. Language Teaching Publications, 1994.
6. Living and Working in London by Joanna Minett, 2001.
7. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, 2003.
8. Oxford Practice Grammar by Eastwood, 2005.
9. Reading 2 by Simon Hains. Cassell, 1989.
10. Situational dialogues by Michael Ockenden. Longman, 2001.
11. Target Vocabulary 2 by Peter Watcyn-Jones. Penguin Books, 1994.
12. Test Your Vocabulary by Peter Watcyn-Jones. Penguin Books, 1985.
13. The Heinemann English Grammar. 1992.
14. The United Kingdom – a Modern Tradition. London, 2002.
15. Vocabulary Builder 1. Longman. 1993.
16. Ways to Grammar by JohnWelcome t Shepherd. Macmillan, 1990.
17. Welcome to Britain. LTP, 1993.
18. Word Games with English Plus. Heinemann Games Series, 1986.
1. http://www.ltmuseum.co.uk
2. http;//www.listserv@sjsuvm1.sjsu.edu
Grammar on WEB-sites
- Alphabet: http://www.edunet.com/english/grammar/alpha.html
- An Elementary Grammar: http://www.hiway.co.uk/~ei/intro.html
- English Pronunciation: http://www.faceweb.okanagan.bc.ca/pron/
- ESL Grammar Notes: Articles: http://www.fairnet.org/agencies/ica/grammar2.html
- ESL Grammar Notes: Countable and Non – Countable Noun:
- ESL Grammar Notes: Verb Tenses: http://www.fairnet.org/agencies/ica/gramma3.html
- Grammar Help: http://www.hut.fi/~rvi/mi/htlp/grammar_help
- History of the English Language: http://ebs.english.vt.edu/hel.hel.html
- Irregular Verbs in English: http://www. library.pitt.edu/~coops/verbs.html
- LinguaCenter’s Grammar Safari: http://deil.uiuc.edu/web.pages/grammarsafari.html
- On-Line English Grammar: http://www.eolunet.com/english/grammar/toc.html
- On-Line Language Exercise: http://www.ilegroup.com/interactive/
- Punctuation: http://sti.larc.nasa.gov/html/Chapt3/Chapt’3-roc.html
- Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students: http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/
- Sentence Structure: Simple Sentences: http://www.ihes.com/Sresource/Sstudy/simplesentence.html
- The Grammar Lady: http://www.grammarlady.com/
- The Present Perfect: http://www.ihes.com/Sresource/Sstudy/presentperfect.html
Test Materials
- A Spelling Test: http://www.sentex.net/mmcadams/spelling.html
- Language Test for English Language Learners: http://www.tcom.ohio.edu/OU_Language/english/tests.html
- Resources in Language Testing: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/ELT/Ltr.html
- Test Your English: http://www.edunet.com/english/practice/test-ces.html
- TOEFL Online: http://www.toefl.org/
- TOEIC: http://www.toeic-usa.com/
Навчальне видання
“VEHICLES: HISTORY AND MODERNITY”(“ТРАНСПОРТНІ ЗАСОБИ: ІСТОРІЯ ТА СУЧАСНІСТЬ”: Навчальний посібник з англійської мови для студентів денної форми навчання спеціальностей 6.092200 “Електричний транспорт” (спеціалізацій 6.092200 “Електричний транспорт”, 6.092200 “Охорона праці та безпека на електричному транспорті”), спеціальностей 6.100401 “Організація регулювання дорожнього руху”, 6.100402 “Транспортні системи” і 6.100403 “Організація перевезень і управління на транспорті (міському електротранспорті)”.
Автори-укладачі: Видашенко Наталія Іванівна,
Сергєєва Галина Борисівна
Відповідальний за випуск: І. О. Наумова
Редактор: М. З. Аляб’єв
Комп’ютерна верстка: Видашенко Н. І.
Сергєєва Г. Б.
План 2006 поз. 135
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