Relief - помощь
Headquarters - штаб
Vulnerability - уязвимость
Leadership - руководство
to prepare for … - готовиться к …
To establish - устанавливать
To destroy - разрушать
To control - управлять
Protective - защитный
organic to … - входящий в состав …
Questions to Text B
1. When was US Civil Defense formed?
2. Who was trained in fire fighting during World War II?
3. Why did the USA establish the Office of Civilian Defense
in 1941?
4. What was the main function of the Office of Civilian Defense?
5. Was the Office of Civilian Defense reestablished at the beginning
of the Korea Situation?
6. The Federal Civil Defense Act of 1951 created the Federal Office
of Civil Defense organic to the Department of Defense, didn’t it?
7. What was formed on the base of the Civil Defense Preparedness
8. How many agencies does FEMA include?
9. Why was the territory of the USA divided into 10 districts?
10. What’s the main responsibility of the civil defense headquarters?
Active Vocabulary to Text A
Authority - власть