







. , ͳ - . . , 񳺿 . , ., , - 10 [314][314]. , .

1 5 :

"1" - ( );

"2" - ;

"3" - ( );

"4" - ;

"5" - ( ).

: (I) ; (II) ; (III) "know-how"; (IV) ; (V) ; (VI) ; (VII) ; (VIII) .




, : ? ? ?

I.1.: () ; () ; () ; () (, , ).

I.2. ̳ : () ; () ; () .

I.3. : () ; () ; () ; () .

I.4. : () ; () ; () ; () , , , .




ǒ, , , .

II.1. : () ; () ; () ; () ; () .

II.2. : () ; () ; () .

II.3. : () ; () ; () ; () .

II.4. . ³ , : () ; () ; () .

II.5. ( ): () ; () ; () .


III. Know-how


: "know-how"? "know-how" , ? "know-how" ? --?

III.1. "know-how": () ; () ; () 㳿; () ; () ; () 㳿.

III.2. : () ; () ; () ; () .

III.3. know-how: () ; () ; () ; () .




: ? ? ? ?

IV.1. : () ; () ; () .

IV.2. : () ; () ; () ; () ; () ; () .

IV.3. : () ; () ; () ; () .

IV.4. : () ; () ; () .




: , ? 㳺, 㳺? ?

V.1. : () ; () ; () ; () .

V.2. : () ; () ; () ; () .

V.3. : () ( ); () (, , ); () ; () , ; () .

V.4. : () know-how; () ; () ; () .


VI. ֳ


. , , . , - ; ? , , ? ?

VI.1. : () ; () ; () ; () ; () , ?

VI.2. : () ; () ; () ; () ; () .

VI.3. ³ : () ; () ; () , ; () ; () .




, , , 䳿: ? ? ? , ? , ? ?

VII.1. : () , ; () ; () ; () , "" ?

VII.2. : () , ; () (, ); () , ?

VII.3. : () , , , ; () ; () , , ?




: , ? ? ?

VIII.1. : () (, , , ); () 𴳿.

VIII.2. : () - , , , ; () - , , , , , ; () - ; , , ; ; , , ; () .

VIII.3. : () (, ); () ; () ; () , , , ; () (, , , , ); () ( , , ).

VIII.4. : () , ; () , ( , ); () ; () ; () ( ) 㳺 .

VIII.5. : () , , ; () ; () ; () ; () ( ); () ( , ); () .

. - . - 10 . - , .,- "... ,... "[315][315].

, , : (, , , ), .




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[2][2] , , Comparative Economic Systems: Model and Cases / Ed. by Morris Bornstein.- 6th ed.- Homewood, Boston: Irwin, 1989.- P.5.

[3][3] ., , .5-8 . .

[4][4] .: William Ebenstein and Edwin Fogelman. Today's isms: Communism, Fascism, Capitalism, Socialism. - 9th ed.- Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.- 229 p.

[5][5] .: Nicholas V. Gianaris. Contemporary Economic Systems: A Regional and Country Approach. - Westport, London: Praeger, 1993.- P.1.

[6][6] , , . , 1903 . " ?" ( . : 50- , .46).

[7][7] ., , Evolutionary Concepts in Contemporary Economics / Ed. by R.W.England.- Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1994.- P.4-8; Comparative Economic Systems: Models and Cases / Ed. by M.Bornstein.- Homewood, Boston: Irvin, 1989.- P.18-26; Nicholas V. Gianaris, Contemporary Economic Systems: A Regional and Country Approach.- Westport; London: Praeger, 1993.- P.1-11.

[8][8] .: Alfred R. Oxenfeldt and Vsevolod Holubnychy. Economic Systems in Action: The United States, The Soviet Union, and France. - 3rd ed.- N.Y.etc.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965.- P.169.

, 1952 , - - . - .

[9][9] .: The Evolution of Economic Systems / Ed. by K.Dopfer and K.-F.Raible.- N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1990.- P.1-18; Alfred R. Oxenfeldt and Vsevolod Holubnychy. Economic Systems in Action: The United States, The Soviet Union, and France. - 3rd ed.- N.Y.etc.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965.- P.167-239.

[10][10] .: David R. Kamerschen, Richard B. McKenzie, Clark Nardinelli. Ekonomia.- Gdańsk: NSZZ "Solidarność", 1991.- S.939.

[11][11] . ? : .-.- .: , 1992.- .9.

[12][12] .: David R. Kamerschen, Richard B. McKenzie, Clark Nardinelli. Ekonomia.- S.939.

[13][13] , .

, ᒺ , - . 70- (J.Forrester. World Dynamics. Cambridge, 1973; D.L.Meadows et al. The Limits to Growth. N.Y., 1975; M.Mesarovic and E.Pestel. Mankind at the Turning Point. N.Y., 1974; E.Laszlo, Goals for Mankind. N.Y., 1977; ., . ., 1979), . ( 10000 ) , , . , -, . . , - "Road Marks to the Future" (Oxford etc.: Pergamon Press, 1980), "", . , , , , , ᒺ .

[14][14] .: . : . .- .: , 1993.- .12-15.

[15][15] .- .13.

[16][16] .: . 1. / ...- : , 1992.- .124.

[17][17] . : . .- .13.

[18][18] .: 볺 , 5-7 // . - : - .. , 1989.- .18-26.

[19][19] .: . . - .136-138.

[20][20] .- .14.

[21][21] .- .139-142.

[22][22] .: . 1. . - .129.

[23][23] : . - .153-201.

[24][24] " " . : Emil Bej. Codetermination Principle in Labor-Managed Economy: An Institutional Approach // Jahrbuch der Wirtschaft Osteuropas. -München; Wien: Günter Olzog Verlag, 1981.- Band 9, Halbband 1.- S.11-33.

[25][25] . - .151-152.

[26][26] - . .- : , 1994.- .62.

[27][27] .

[28][28] - . // . -. - : , 1993.- .151.

[29][29] .- .152.

[30][30] .- .151.

[31][31] .: Paul A.Samuelson, William D.Nordhaus and John McCallum. Economics.- 6th canadian ed.- Toronto etc.: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1988.- P.785-787.

[32][32] .: Friedrich Hayek. The Road to Serfdom. - Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1944.

. , . . . , , .

[33][33] . , , . , . ( , ) . , , (, , ).

[34][34] Paul R.Gregory and Robert C.Stuart. Comparative Economic Systems. - 2nd ed.- Boston etc.: Houghton Mifflin, 1985.- P.12.

[35][35] Stephen Trudgill. Barriers to a Better Environment: What stops us solving environmental problems? - London: Belhaven Press, 1990.- P.87.

[36][36] Paul R.Gregory and Robert C.Stuart. Comparative Economic Systems. - P.26.

[37][37] Comparative Economic Systems: Models and Cases. - P.7.

[38][38] .: Paul R.Gregory and Robert C.Stuart. Comparative Economic Systems. - P.28.

[39][39] Ibid.- P.27.

[40][40] Richard B.Norgaard. The Coevolution of Economic and Environmental Systems and the Emergence of Unsustainability // Evolutionary Concepts in Contemporary Economics / Ed. by Richard W.England.- Ann Arbor: The Michigan University Press, 1994.- P.216.

[41][41] .: Ernst Haeckel. Generalle Morphologie der Organismen. - Berlin: Reimer, 1866.- Bd 2.- 462 S.

[42][42] ., ³ . . - .: , 1995.- .32.

[43][43] Rinaldi S. Systems Analysis and Environmental Modelling // Systems Sciences and Modelling / Ed. by A.Ruberti.- Dordrecht etc.: D.Reidel; Paris: UNESCO, 1984.- P.81.

[44][44] .: Tansley A.G. The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts and Terms // Ecology. - 1935.- Vol.16, No.2.- P.284-307.

[45][45] .: Stephen Trudgill. Barriers to a Better Environment: What stops us solving environmental problems? - London: Belhaven Press, 1990.- P.86-87.

[46][46] ., : Paul R.Gregory and Robert C.Stuart. Comparative Economic Systems. - P.29; Comparative Economic Systems: Models and Cases. - P.7; Vaclav Holesovsky. Economic Systems: Analysis and Comparison. - P.17.

[47][47] Frederic L.Pryor. A Guidebook to the Comparative Study of Economic Systems. - Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1985.- P.15.

[48][48] Comparative Economic Systems: Models and Cases. - P.4.

[49][49] John M.Gowdy. Coevolutionary Economics: The Economy, Society, and the Environment. - Boston etc.: Kluwer, 1994.- P.1-2.

[50][50] . ³ .. // : . - : , 1992.- .335.

[51][51] . // . - , , . - : , 1990.- .115.

[52][52] .- .126.

[53][53] .- .146-147.

[54][54] .- .147.

[55][55] . .- .: , 1983.- .252.

(1863-1945) , .. . - . ( , .. ).

[56][56] , , . , ., ( ).

, , . . dz , , ,  "ʳ " (1944), , (.: .., .., .. ... .- .: . , 1984.- .122-123).

[57][57] . . - .: , 1977.- .2.- .96.

[58][58] .- .150. , , , , , . , , - (Le Conte. Elements of Geology. 1915), . - ( .. . 1936). . (Le Roy. L'exigence idéaliste et le fait de l'èvolution. 1927).

[59][59] . // ³ .- 1987.- 5.- .70-75.

[60][60] . // ³ .- 1995.- 17.- .331.

[61][61] .- .332.

[62][62] 㳿 ᒺ (.: . // ³ .- 1987.- 5.- .70-75; . // ³ .- 1995.- 17.- .330-336). . , . .

[63][63] : Andrew Zimbalist, Howard J.Sherman and Stuart Brown. Comparing Economic Systems: A Political-Economic Approach. - New York etc.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989.- P.15.

, : , . ѳ , .

[64][64] William P.Snavely. Theory of Economic Systems: Capitalism, Socialism and Corporatism. - Columbus: Charles E.Merill, 1969.- P.VII.

[65][65] Martin C.Schnitzer and James W.Nordyke. Comparative Economic Systems. - Cincinnati etc.: South-Western, 1971.- P.211.

[66][66] Ibid.- P.214-215.

[67][67] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - München: Bayerische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildungsarbeit, 1995.- S.124.

[68][68] .: Horst Seidel, Rudolf Temmen. Grunlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre. - Bad Homburg vor der Höhe: Gehlen, 1991.- S.381.

[69][69] Vaclav Holesovsky. Economic Systems: Analysis and Comparison. - P.16.

[70][70] Ibid.- P.17-25.

[71][71] Kanji Haitani. Comparative Economic Systems: Organizational and Managerial Perspectives. - Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1986.- P.10.

[72][72] Ibid.- P.10.

[73][73] Ibid.- P.11.

[74][74] Ibid.- P.18.

[75][75] .. , , , . . : . : (). - : , 1994.- 11 .().

[76][76] .: .- .9.

[77][77] "Know-how", , , , , , ( ), , .

[78][78] .: Clopper Almon, Jr. Input-output analysis // Encyclopedia of Economics / Ed. by D.Greenwald.- N.Y. etc.: McGraw-Hill, 1982.- P.526-530.

[79][79] ( . lag - , ) . , , .

[80][80] Picard A.-M. Transports et environnement // Transports. - 1990.- Vol.35, Nº340.- P.210-224.

[81][81] - 33.1 - 33.9 : Edwin G.Dolan and David E.Lindsey. Economics. - Chicago etc.: The Dryden Press, 1988.- P.810-822.

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[83][83] Nicholas V.Gianaris. Contemporary Economic Systems: A regional and country approach.- Westport; London: Praeger, 1993.- P.53.

[84][84] Ethnicity and National Identity: Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Persons with Ukrainian Mother Tongue in the United States / Ed.by Oleh Wolowyna.- Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986.- P.IX.

[85][85] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.375.

[86][86] Ibid.- P.375, 507.

[87][87] Ibid.- P.373.

[88][88] Ibid.- P.375.

[89][89] . ? . - .12.

[90][90] .- .6.

[91][91] Max Weber. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.- N.Y.: Scribner, 1930.- P.5-8.

[92][92] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.72.

[93][93] Ibid.- P.379, 373.

[94][94] Ibid.- P.373.

[95][95] Ibid.- P.379, 498.

[96][96] David Hargreaves, Monica Eden-Green and Joan Devaney. World Index of Resources and Population.- Aldershot etc.: Dartmouth, 1994.- P.34.

[97][97] World Resources, 1992-93: A Report by The World Resources Institute.- New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.- P.262.

[98][98] Ibid.

[99][99] David R. Kamerschen, Richard B. McKenzie, Clark Nardinelli. Ekonomia. - S.783.

[100][100] Floyd M.Baird. An Age of Environmental Concern // Building Operating Management. - 1989.- Vol.36, No.10.- P.20.

[101][101] Ibid.

[102][102] California May Tighten Environmental Rules // The Oil and Gas Journal- 1990.- Vol.88, No.6.- P.30.

[103][103] Ibid.- P.30.

[104][104] Ibid.

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[106][106] Ibid.- P.41-42.

[107][107] Joan Bavaria. An Environmental Code for Corporations // Science and Technology. - 1989.- Vol.6, No.2.- P.28-31.

[108][108] Ibid.

[109][109] Richard J.Fink. Public Land Acquisition for Environmental Protection // Ecology Law Quarterly. - 1991.- Vol.18, No.3.- P.485-557.

[110][110] Ibid.

[111][111] Thomas H.Birch. The Incarceration of Wildness: Wildness Areas as Prisons // Environmental Ethics. - 1990.- Vol.12, No.1.- P.3-26.

[112][112] .: The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.174-178; 349-350.

[113][113] Ibid.- P.123.

[114][114] Ibid.- P.125.

[115][115] : Ibid.- P.125.

[116][116] : Ibid.- P.111, 123, 125.

[117][117] . : . .- .: , 1993.- .21.

[118][118] .- .21.

[119][119] : . - : , 1994.- .169.

[120][120] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.444.

[121][121] Ibid.- P.154.

[122][122] Ibid.- P.152.

[123][123] - . . - : .., 1963.- .144.

" ", , . , , - . , , , ᒺ , . , , - , ᒺ ( ). .

[124][124] Max Weber. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. - P.5-8.

[125][125] . - : .. , 1989.- .70, 163.

[126][126] . . - .164.

[127][127] .: . 1. . - .137-138.

[128][128] Dieter Grosser. Sociale Marktwirtschaft - Soziale Sicherheit: Erfahrungen in der Bundesrepublik - Perspektiven im wiedervereinigten Deuthschland.- Melle: Knoth, 1993.- S.8.

ͳ, , ͳ .

[129][129] .: Horst Seidel, Rudolf Temmen. Grunlagen der Volkswirtschaftslehre. - Bad Homburg vor der Höhe: Gehlen, 1991.- S.374.

[130][130] Carlton J.H.Hayes, Parker T.Moon and John W.Wayland. World History. - New York: MacMillan, 1947.- P.679-681.

[131][131] . // ˳ 쳿. - : ˳ , 1982.- .9.- .23.

. ͳ . ( ) .

[132][132] - . . - .144-145.

[133][133] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.769.

[134][134] - . . - .144.

[135][135] . ͳ // .- ; -: , 1995.- .2, .11.- .142.

[136][136] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.769.

[137][137] Ibid.

[138][138] Ibid.

[139][139] Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland. - München: Bayerische Landeszentrale für Politische Bildungsarbeit, 1995.- S.135-149.

[140][140] Umweltbericht das BMU 1990// GIT: Fachzeitschrift für das Laboratorium. - 1990.- Bd 34, Nr.7.- S.870.

[141][141] Voss Gerhard. Europe 1992: Repercussion on Environmental Protection Policies and Problems of Harmonisation of Environmental Protection Derectives // Ziegelind. Int.- 1990.- Vol.43, No.4.- P.210-215.

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[144][144] Ibid.

[145][145] Wolfgang Lohrer. Luftreinhaltemaßnamen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland // Staub-Reinhaltung der Luft.- 1990.- Bd 50, Nr.4.- S.131-138.

[146][146] Jan C.Bongaerts, Andreas R.Kraemer. Liability Rules, Insurance and Reduction of Risk of Environmental Damages // The Environmental Professional.- 1989.- Vol.11, No.3.- P.209-219.

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[148][148] Nationalpark "Bayerischer Wald" // Unser Wald.- 1992.- Bd 44, Nr.1.- S.10-12.

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[151][151] .- .60-61.

[152][152] .: .- .49-50.

[153][153] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.769.

[154][154] Ibid.

[155][155] . . - .80.

[156][156] .

[157][157] Carlton J.H.Hayes, Parker T.Moon and John W.Wayland. World History. - P.545-556.

[158][158] / .. . .- .: ., 1990.- .9.

[159][159] , . - .164.

[160][160] .

[161][161] Alfred R. Oxenfeldt and Vsevolod Holubnychy. Economic Systems in Action: The United States, The Soviet Union, and France. - 3rd ed.- N.Y.etc.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1965.- P.190-191.

[162][162] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.767.

[163][163] . . - .80.

[164][164] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.767.

[165][165] . - .12.

[166][166] .- .7.

[167][167] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.767.

[168][168] R.Perrin. Environmental Policy in France // Plann. Outlook.- 1989.- Vol.32, Nº1.- P.15-22.

[169][169] 1970-1990: Le poids des vingt dernières années// Environnement actualite. - 1990.- Suppl.spec.- P.8-12.

[170][170] Ibid.

[171][171] A.-M.Picard. Transports et environnement // Transports. - 1990.- Vol.35, Nº340.- P.210-224.

[172][172] H.Kempf. Sur les chemins de la découverte // Sciences et avenir. - 1990.- Hors ser.Nº78.- P.74-77.

[173][173] Jean-Marc Gougis. La reconquête d'une forêt péri-urbaine: le reboisement du massif du Rouvray // Bulletin technique / Off.nat.forets.- 1991.- Nº21.- P.51-57.

[174][174] A.Debiar. Stratégie de maitrise des risgues // Preventique. - 1991.- Nº38.- P.16-19.

[175][175] . - .113.

[176][176] .- .114.

[177][177] .

[178][178] : . - .183.

[179][179] . - .116.

[180][180] .

[181][181] .- .117.

[182][182] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.767.

[183][183] : . - .177.

[184][184] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.767.

[185][185] : . - .173.

[186][186] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.767.

[187][187] David R. Kamerschen, Richard B. McKenzie, Clark Nardinelli. Ekonomia.- S.949.

[188][188] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.767.

[189][189] Ibid.

[190][190] . - .130.

[191][191] .- .131-132.

[192][192] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.823.

[193][193] Ibid.

[194][194] Ibid.

[195][195] . : - . - : , 1991.- .182.

[196][196] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995. - P.823.

[197][197] . : - . - .177-178.

[198][198] .- .178.

[199][199] .- .177.

[200][200] .- .178.

[201][201] .- .8.

[202][202] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[203][203] . : - . - .8-9.

[204][204] .- .178.

[205][205] .- .14.

[206][206] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[207][207] . . - .181.

[208][208] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[209][209] . : - . - .176.

[210][210] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[211][211] . : - . - .79.

[212][212] .

[213][213] .

[214][214] .- .79-80.

[215][215] : . - .233.

[216][216] . : - . - .80.

[217][217] Harald Müller-Witt. Umweltschutz und Informationstechnik // Umweltmagazin. - Bd 19, Nr.10.- S.78-80.

[218][218] B.Bergander and D.Johansson. Small-Scale Hydro Power Developments in Sweden and its Environmental Consequences // - .- 1991.- 6.- .50-55.

[219][219] . : - . - .77.

[220][220] .

[221][221] .- .68-69.

[222][222] : . - .183.

[223][223] . : - . - .69.

[224][224] .

[225][225] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[226][226] : . - .177.

[227][227] .

[228][228] . : - . - .60.

[229][229] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.823.

[230][230] Ibid.- P.823.

[231][231] . : - . - .19.

[232][232] .- .23.

[233][233] . . - .181.

[234][234] . , , , , , , . . ᒺ , , , , , , , ., " " ", - , ³ - , , " ( ’. -. - -: , 1954.- .468).

[235][235] . .- : , 1991.- .32.

[236][236] . .- : , 1990.- .22.

[237][237] , . ( ab origine - ).

[238][238] . .- .32.

[239][239] .

[240][240] .- .33.

[241][241] . // . ? - : , 1994.- .115.

[242][242] . . - .33.

[243][243] ’. -. - .421.

. , " - ". , , " , , , , , 糿 , , .... , , .... , - ³...- 糿. , , , . , " (.421).

[244][244] ., . . // . - .: ., 1993.- .3.- .321.

[245][245] . : .- ; : , 1978.- .4.

[246][246] .

[247][247] .

1932-33 , "³", 1947 , .

[248][248] . .- .24.

ֳ , , , , , - (г ), ( ), (dz .), (г ) , г .

[249][249] . . - .290.

[250][250] .

[251][251] .- .291.

[252][252] : . // , . . ̳ . - .: , 1988.- .53, 54, 57, 63, 67.

[253][253] .- .69.

, " " "" ., - , . "", , "" (, , ), , , , .

[254][254] . // . .- .: , 1982.- .44.- .215.

. " ", . , . "" . " ", .

[255][255] .: ³. ҳ , // . - 1991.- 2.- .52.

[256][256] .: . 1. . - .146.

[257][257] .- .138-139.

[258][258] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.767, 769, 788, 829, 830.

[259][259] . : 2 .- : , 1994.- .11.

[260][260] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.829.

[261][261] . . - .116-131.

[262][262] . 㳿 // . - ; -: , 1949.- .1/2.- .711.

[263][263] . 㳿.- : ³ , 1993.- .60.

[264][264] . 㳿 . - .711.

[265][265] . 㳿.- .61.

[266][266] . 㳿 .- .712-713.

[267][267] . 㳿.- .61.

[268][268] . 㳿 .- .713.

[269][269] .

[270][270] .- .714.

[271][271] .

[272][272] .- .714-715.

[273][273] .- .715.

[274][274] .- .716-717.

[275][275] . 㳿.- .62.

[276][276] The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.- P.829.

[277][277] Ibid.

[278][278] . .- .121.

[279][279] Gerhard Schwarz. Limitations to the Interdependence of Systems // The Evolution of Economic Systems / Ed.by K.Dopfer and K.-F.Raible.- N.Y.: St.Martin's Press, 1990.- P.33.

[280][280] .- .: , 1996.- 48 .

[281][281] . .- .61.

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.. : .- : , 1997. - 176 .

ISBN 5-7763-2738-5

Copyright by .., 1997.



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