






2. 6

ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ: ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ (Colin Matthews, Nigel Rudd), ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ Present Continuous (is looking for) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, Present Perfect (has opened, have decided) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (to pass on the baton), ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ; ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ (shortlist, to raise, to stand down), ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (chief executive) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (57, 2008) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ (is safely opened) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (privilege, leadership, team, company, standard, service, efficiency, costs), ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (CEO) ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (fantastic, shambolic), ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵ: ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (Present Continuous, Present Perfect). ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ /TENSE, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ/present, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ/past ܵܵܵܵ/future, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ, ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ . . ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ (axes of orientation) ܵ present point - ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ; retrospection point - ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ [9].

ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ: ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (like entering a jewel box - ܵܵܵܵ, seater glows with myriad candle flames - ܵ, cherub-painted, mythological - ܵܵܵ), ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ- ܵܵܵܵ (allowed) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵ II, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ designed, placed in, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ - to help) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (There is a trap door), ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ - to remind), ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (us, we); ܵܵܵܵܵ Present Perfect (havent time travelled) ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (Anja Vang Kragh, Kasper Holten, Ormindo, Amidas, North Africa, Ariadenus), ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (suitor, tired of, prefers), ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (elopes with, fiancee), ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (mock, abet), ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ (tutu), ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ.


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The Guardian The Sun.

The Guardian, , , , .

The Sun , .

, , . , The Guardian.

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The Guardian . , . , ( Superstorm prompts mass clean-up. And jogging).

- The Guardian , , , .

The Sun , , .

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The Guardian , , , , , . The Sun , , , - , , , , , .

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