






2. 4

The IRS denies their motives were political and has portrayed it instead as an organisational mess-up. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 21 May 2015)[14]

Anger at the Internal Revenue Service scandal boiled over at a congressional hearing on Tuesday when a senior Republican senator accused one of the former heads of the agency of "lying by omission".

After senator grilled the two IRS former bosses, Steven Miller, who was fired last week, and Doug Shulman, who was in charge at the time of the scandal and was giving evidence for the first time since the row broke. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 21 May 2015)[15]

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ: ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ) ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ (ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ). ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.

The social security budget is being butchered (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 16 May 2013)[16]

ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ.

ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ , ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ), ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵ ..ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ [5]. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ (sit-in ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, stay-in ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ), ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ (take-over ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵ, lay-out ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, drop-out ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ/ܵܵܵܵܵ/ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, follow-up ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ).

Paul Fletcher, director for youth engagement with Rathbone, a training organisation that works with older teenagers, said he could see the merit in picking up potential drop-outs at an early age (The Guardian, Tuesday 13 October 2015) [17]

Children can use these role-play templates to transform themselves into character, from supermarket owners to consumers to fairtrade cocoa farmers, in preparation for an informed debate. Find some additional information on the chocolate trade in Ghana and prompts for a follow-up discussion to extend and clarify learning. (The Guardian, Monday 11 February 2015 18.30 GMT) [18]

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ .. ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ [15].

ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ -ship- ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ: friendship, partnership, relationship. ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ -ship ܵܵܵܵ -man ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ: brinkmanship (ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ), showmanship (ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ):

Though indifferent to showmanship, Dorothy found herself to be an academic grandee a member of advisory committees and governing bodies. In 1980 she was elected principal of Bedford College, University of London, retaining her link with Imperial as senior research fellow (The Guardian, Friday 21 September 2015 18.44 BST) [19]

ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ. Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg), H-bomb (hydrogen bomb)

ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ: WHO World Health Organization; NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration, RBS Royal Bank of Scotland, NHS National Health Service. ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ.

2.3 ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ The Sun


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ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ: ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ The Sun:

Unfortunately, everything they loved had a hefty price tag, so they soon found themselves paying through the nose to ensure their wedding hit the spot (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 22 October 2015 14.47 BST) [20] - ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, , ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ;

In the last 3 years posties had to fork out more than £200000 from their wages to pay off the fines incurred when they get nabbed by speed cops (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 16 March 2015 12.10 BST) [21] ܵܵܵܵܵ 3 ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ 200000 ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ;

Brides have traditionally walked down the aisle with something borrowed - and these days more often than not this is cash ((http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 7 April 2015 18.34 BST) [22] ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ - ܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.

ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ-ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ:

Wasted Whitney went from powerhouse diva to a washed-up junkie (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 14 September 2015 16.25 BST) [23] ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ;

Dellas rich rebel image is not popular among fashionistas (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Thursday 30 June 2015 15.41 BST) [24] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ.

ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ:

They spent everything they had on the drugs. If they didn t have them, they were crawling the walls (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 21 September 2015 12.53 BST) [25] ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ;

The companys chutzpah is understandable: Samsung has become the largest seller of mobile phones worldwide pushing Nokia off a perch it has commanded since 1998 (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 12 September 2015 13.24 BST) [26] - ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ: ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ 1998 ܵܵ;

Thousands of elderly and vulnerable patients are being turfed out of hospitals in the middle of the night (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Thursday 01 February 2015 17.24 BST) [27] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

Other long-in-the-tooth (inf) actors in the show include Nick Nolte, 70, Michael Gamblon, 71, and Dennis Farina, 67 (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 18 May 2015 10.41 BST) [28] ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ 70-ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ, 71-ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ 67-ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ (ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ long-in-the-tooth ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ old);

Doctors spend most of their day advising patients - but what happens when they themselves feel under the weather? (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 21 May 2015 15.23 BST) [29] ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ?

ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ-ܵܵܵ:


: 2017-02-24; !; : 581 |



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