






2. 5

Many senior figures in the government believe Hunt is a goner and the prime minister needs to accept it and move on (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Wednesday 26 February 2015 11.27 BST) [30] ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ: ܵ - ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ;

Experts are flabbergasted as more teens take up the killer habit (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 11 August 2015 13.04 BST) [31] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.

ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ:

A Swedish study claims that professionalfootballers to use a technical term, are not complete thickos (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Tuesday 22 August 2015 12.52 BST) [32] ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ;

He and his co-workers were instructed to remove and I quote every last bit of crap from carcasses for processing (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 12 November 2015 14.08 BST) [33] ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ [ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ;

One industry figure said fashion had worked hard to get away from the druggy image of Kate Moss years and had no desire to go back there (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Wednesday 10 February 2015 16.37 BST) [34] ) ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ (ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ) ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ:

Rat Blake charged Amy Winehouse £150 for a kiss (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 4 November 2015 13.14 BST) [35] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ 150 ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ rat - ܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ . ܵܵܵ);

The unspoken subtext is Arent we fabulous, caring about the poor and their limited budgets? Often this translates as I wouldnt dream of eating that crap, but it will suffice for the lower orders who, bless, dont know any better (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 28 January 2015 15.38 BST) [36] ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ! ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ! ܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ!;

Voters sick of endless belt-tightening are threatening a backlash that could sweep their political leaders from power if they dont listen to the growing chorus for change (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Thursday 1 April 2015 16.40 BST) [37] ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ:

Thousands of paedos escape scot-free ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ;

Euro judges give the OK to send hate preacher to US jail ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ;

Alkies back at the wheel ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ: ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ:

Pout of control. Kristina blows £4k on lip jabs but still wants more (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 21 September 2015 18.44 BST) [38] ܵܵ ܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ 4 ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ pout (ܵܵܵ ܵ) ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ out of control (ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ);

Its thirst place Olympic rip-off (The Sun, Wednesday 31 March 2015 12.34 BST) [39] ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ first place (ܵܵܵ ܵ) ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ thirst (ܵܵܵ): ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵ-ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ, Chinese takeaway ܵܵܵܵܵܵ: ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ takeaway (ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ) ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ). ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ:

Its notto lotto ditto (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Monday 14 October 2015 11.28 BST) [40] ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ; ܵ notto - ܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵ, ditto - ܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ntrcnjd ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ:

Appy endings. Pills are better than appendix op (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 2 May 2015 17.20 BST) [41] ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ appy (ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ) ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ happy ending (ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ);

Britains great for a break (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Friday 11 March 2015 15.17 BST) [42] ܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ Great Britain ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ great.

ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵ The Sun, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ: ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ - ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ The Sun ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ The Gurdian. ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ (ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ) ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ 1 ܵܵܵ 2015 ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ The Guardian ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ Heathrow airport boss Colin Matthews resigns after six years (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Friday 1 April 2015 16.37 BST)[43], ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ 30 2015 ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ The Sun Cavallis LOrmindo at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse - review (http://www.thesun.co.uk/, Tuesday 30 March 2015 11.24 BST) [44]

ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ , ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ.


: 2017-02-24; !; : 492 |



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