






2. 3

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ 2013 ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ 7,3 ܵܵ., ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ 34% ܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, 64% ܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ The Sun 45 , ܵܵܵܵ 45% ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ.

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ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ 1000 ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ (ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ). ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

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ܵ The Sun ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ The Guardian ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵ The Sun ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ - ܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.


2.2 ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ The Guardian


ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ 2015 ܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ:

Reviewing Nigel Hamilton's American Caesars, Peter Preston describes covert negotiations between Richard Nixon and Vietnamese communists as " a pact with the devil " (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Wednesday 28 July 2015)[1]

Game boy: Will the incoming president of the Football Association (Letters, June 10) be able to march his men to the top of the hill, or will it be decided on a penalty shootout - as usual? (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Thursday 29 November 2015 18.45 GMT)[2]

The government is not being invited to take over the press. All those full-page advertisements linking Lord Justice Leveson to Robert Mugabe and Bashar Assad, all that high-octane coverage in the Sun and the Mail about his report "imposing a government leash on papers" and threatening "state regulation of Britain's free press" has proved to be no more than froth on the lips of propagandist (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Monday 11 June 2015)[3]

ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ:

London gets its first shot at an elected mayor and the Guardian stays silent rather than endorse the egomaniacal breakaway independent or the bearded (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Monday 11 May 2015)[4]

Cyprus makes frantic effort to prevent run on its banks (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Thursday 21 March 2015 21.45 GMT)[5]

ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ:

In the Great Portland Street office of Democrats Abroad, men with perfect teeth are explaining how to vote to expats down the phoneline who apparently have never used the internet before. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Friday 2 November 2015)[6]

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ.

War blows a tiny £12bn hole in Budget (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Friday 23 March 2015)[7]

ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ-ܵ 12 ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ:

American tactics all up in the air (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Friday 23 March 2015)[8].

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ Its still all up in the air ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ.

Oxford hits the biotech jackpot. Behind the dreaming spires, university is rolling in money after healthcare shares boom (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Monday 13 March 2015)[9].

ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ rolling in money - . ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ.

ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵ.

ܵ, ܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ:

ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ , ܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ. ܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ:

The Frenchman appeared to vent his frustration by aiming a volley of bon mots and a cursory brushing action at the back of the fourth official Martin Atkinson, who subsequently showed why he never made it as a footballer by failing to hurl himself to the ground, clutch his face and shriek like a scalded pig on the very cusp of death. ( http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 21 September 2015 16.37 BST)[10]

ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ:

Peter Preston: good news on a bad day for one polio victim (guardian.co.uk, 22 Jun 2015) [11]

ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ, ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ, ܵܵ.

ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵ ܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ.

Tragic comedy. Bernard Manning has sustained a racist popular culture on and off our screens for many years. His 'comic timing' should not exonerate him. (guardian.co.uk, Friday 24 May 2015 11.20 BST) [12]

ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵ The Gurdian ܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ, ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵ ܵܵ-ܵܵܵܵܵ. ܵܵ ܵ ܵ ܵܵܵܵܵܵ ܵܵܵ:

But according to many economists, the last thing the US economy needs now is a dose of austerity. If anything, there has been too much already. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/, Tuesday 1 January 2015)[13]


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