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1 - Palatopharyngeus; Palatopharyngeal arch; Posterior pillar of fauces; 2 - Palatine tonsil; 3 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 4 - Palatoglossus; Palatoglossal arch; Anterior pillar of fauces; 5 - Buccal glands; 6 - Frenulum of upper lip; 7 - Incisive papilla; 8 - Oral vestibule; 9 - Maxilla, alveolar process; 10 - Uvula; 11 - Palate; 12 - Mandible; Gingiva; Gum; 13 - Sublingual fold; 14 - Skin; 15 - Masseter; 16 - Mandibular canal; Inferior alveolar artery; Inferior alveolar nerve; 17 - Ramus of mandible; 18 - Parotid gland; 19 - Parotid fascia; 20 - Medial pterygoid; 21 - Tonsillar sinus; Tonsillar fossa; Tonsillar bed; 22 - Epiglottis; 23 - Pharynx, posterior wall; 24 - Peripharyngeal space; 25 - Mandibular canal; 26 - Buccinator; 27 - Buccal fat pad; 28 - Orbicularis oris; 29 - Palatoglossal arch; Anterior pillar of fauces; 30 - Lower lip;

31 - Sublingual caruncle

. 45. ( - , , - , , - , () , - ,

() ):

1 - First premolar tooth; 2 - Canine tooth; 3 - Lateral incisor tooth; 4 - Medial incisor tooth; 5 - Second premolar tooth; 6 - First molar

tooth; 7 - Second molar tooth; 8 - Third molar tooth; Wisdom tooth

. 46. :

1 - Deciduous teeth [I]; 2 - Deciduous teeth [II]; 3 - Permanent teeth [I]; 4 - Canine tooth; 5 - Incisor tooth

. 47.

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. 48. ( - , - )

. 49. ( - , , - , ,


- , , - , ):

1 - Medial incisor tooth; 2 - Lateral incisor tooth; 3 - Premolar tooth [II]; 4 - Premolar tooth [I]; 5 - Canine tooth; 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 16 + 17 - Permanent teeth; 7 - Anterior nasal spine; 8 - Intermaxillary suture; 9 - Infra-orbital foramen; 10 = 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 - Deciduous teeth; 11 - Medial incisor tooth; 12 - Lateral incisor tooth; 13 - Canine tooth; 14 - Molar tooth [I]; 15 - Molar tooth [II];

16 - Molar tooth [I]; 17 - Molar tooth [II]; 18 - Mental foramen

. 50. () , ,

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. 51. ͸, :

1 - Uvula; 2 - Palatopharyngeal arch; Posterior pillar of fauces; 3 - Palatoglossal arch; Anterior pillar of fauces; 4 - Palatine glands; 5 - Third molar tooth; Wisdom tooth; 6 - Molar tooth [II]; 7 - Molar tooth [I]; 8 - Premolar tooth [II]; 9 - Premolar tooth [I]; 10 - Canine tooth; 11 - Incisor tooth; 12 - Incisive papilla; 13 - Transverse palatine folds; Palatine rugae; 14 - Hard palate; 15 - Palatine raphe;

16 - Soft palate

. 52. ͸, :

1 - Soft palate; 2 - Uvula; 3 - Musculus uvulae; 4 - Palatine aponeurosis; 5 - Hard palate; 6 - Pterygoid hamulus; 7 - Tensor veli palatini;

8 - Levator veli palatini


. 53. :

1 - Palatine tonsil; 2 - Palatoglossal arch; Anterior pillar of fauces; 3 - Palatoglossus; 4 - Palatopharyngeus; 5 - Superior constrictor; 6 - Levator veli palatini; 7 - Tensor veli palatini; Tendon; 8 - Parotid duct; 9 - Greater palatine foramen; 10 - Buccinator; 11 - Greater palatine artery; 12 - Transverse palatine folds; Palatine rugae; 13 - Upper lip; 14 - Incisive papilla; 15 - Hard palate, mucosa, mucous membrane; 16 - Palatine glands; 17 - Papilla of parotid duct; 18 - Cingival margin; 19 - Cheek, mucosa; mucous membrane; 20 - Gingival papilla; Interdental papilla; 21 - Gingival sulcus; Gingival groove; 22 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 23 - Styloglossus; 24 - Musculus uvulae


. 54. , :

I - Ascending palatine artery, tonsillar branch; 2 - Superior constrictor, mylopharyngeal part; 3 - Lingual branches; Branches to isthmus of fauces; 4 - Masseter, superficial part; 5 - Masseter, deep part; 6 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 7 - Superior constrictor, buccopharyngeal part; 8 - Lesser palatine arteries; Lesser palatine nerves; 9 - Greater palatine artery; Greater palatine nerve; 10 - Palatine aponeurosis;

II - Greater palatine foramen; 12 - Tensor veli palatini; Tendon, Pterygoid hamulus; 13 - Buccinator; 14 - Levator veli palatini; 15 - Pala-

topharyngeus; 16 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 17 - Palatoglossus, palatine tonsil

. 55. ():

1 - Tongue; 2 - Musculus uvulae; 3 - Soft palate; 4 - Levator veli palatini; 5 - Tensor veli palatini; 6 - Pterygoid hamulus; 7 - Palatoglos-

sus; 8 - Palatopharyngeus


. 56. , :

1 = 2 + 3 - Inferior constrictor; 2 - Cricopharyngeal part; Cricopharyngeus; 3 - Thyropharyngeal part; Thyropharyngeus; 4 = 5 + 6 - Middle constrictor; 5 - Ceratopharyngeal part; 6 - Chondropharyngeal part; 7 = 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 - Superior constrictor; 8 - Glossopharyngeal part; 9 - Mylopharyngeal part; 10 - Buccopharyngeal part; 11 - Pterygopharyngeal part; 12 - Pharyngobasilar fascia; 13 - Levator veli palatini; 14 - Tensor veli palatini; 15 - Maxilla; 16 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 17 - Buccinator; 18 - Stylopharyngeus; 19 - Styloglossus; 20 - Depressor anguli oris; 21 - Digastric, anterior belly; 22 - Mylohyoid; 23 - Hyoglossus; 24 - Body of hyoid bone; 25 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 26 - Thyroid cartilage; 27 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 28 - Prevertebral layer; 29 - Cricothyroid; 30 - Trachea; 31 - Oesophagus


. 57. , :

1 - Oesophagus; 2 - Crico-oesophageal tendon; 3 - Inferior constrictor; 4 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 5 - Middle constrictor; 6 - Chondropharyngeal part; 7 - Hyoglossus; 8 - Stylohyoid ligament; 9 - Stylopharyngeus; 10 - Superior constrictor; 11 - Levator veli palatini; 12 - Pterygoid process, lateral plate; 13 - Tensor veli palatini; 14 - Maxillary tuberosity; 15 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 16 - Styloglossus; 17 - Buccinator; 18 - Maxilla; 19 - Tongue; 20 - Inferior longitudinal muscle; 21 - Genioglossus; 22 - Mandible; 23 - Geniohyoid; 24 - Hyoid bone; 25 - Thyrohyoid; 26 - Thyroid cartilage; 27 - Cricothyroid, straight part; 28 - Cricothyroid, oblique

part; 29 - Cricoid cartilage; 30 - Trachea

. 58. , :

1 - Pharyngeal raphe; 2 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 3 - Stylopharyngeus; 4 - Stylohyoid; 5 - Digastric, posterior belly; 6 - Superior constrictor; 7 - Pharyngobasilar fascia; 8 - Accessory muscle fascicle; 9 - Masseter, deep part; 10 - Masseter, superficial part; 11 - Medial

pterygoid; 12 - Middle constrictor; 13 - Inferior constrictor

. 59. , (- ),

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1 - Accessory nerve [XI]; Spinal root, spinal part; 2 - Internal jugular vein; 3 - Pharyngobasilar fascia; 4 - Pharyngeal raphe; Pharyngeal tubercle; 5 - Superior constrictor; 6 - Levator veli palatini; 7 - Hypoglossal nerve [XII]; 8 - Digastric, posterior belly; 9 - Glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]; 10 - Middle constrictor; 11 - Stylopharyngeus; 12 - Common carotid artery; 13 - Inferior constrictor; 14 - Thyroid gland;

15 - Oesophagus; 16 - Recurrent laryngeal nerve; 17 - Trachea


. 60. , , :

1 - Inferior parathyroid gland; 2 - Corniculate tubercle; Corniculate cartilage; 3 - Cuneiform tubercle; Cuneiform cartilage; 4 - Aryepiglottic fold; 5 - Epiglottis; 6 - Pharyngo-epiglottic fold; 7 - Lingual tonsil; 8 - Tongue, vallate papillae; 9 - Submandibular gland; 10 - Uvula; 11 - Palatopharyngeal arch; Posterior pillar of fauces; 12 - Soft palate; 13 - Parotid gland; 14 - Digastric, posterior belly; 15 - Pharyngeal lymphoid nodules; 16 - Choana; Posterior nasal aperture; 17 - Levator veli palatini; 18 - Pharyngeal recess; 19 - Petrooccipital synchondrosis; 20 - Pharyngeal tonsil; 21 - Clivus; 22 - Middle nasal concha; 23 - Inferior nasal concha; 24 - Torus tubarius; 25 - Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube; 26 - Styloid process; 27 - Salpingopalatine fold; 28 - Torus levatorius; 29 - Medial pterygoid; 30 - Stylomandibular ligament; 31 - Salpingopharyngeal fold; 32 - Pharyngeal glands; 33 - Nasal septum; 34 - Palatine tonsil; 35 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 36 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 37 - Fold of superior laryngeal nerve; 38 - Interarytenoid notch; 39 - Inferior

thyroid artery; Inferior thyroid vein

. 61. , ( ):

1 - Arch of aorta; Aortic arch, brachiocephalic trunk; 2 - Trachea; 3 - Trachea, membranous wall; 4 - Oesophagus; 5 - Cervical fascia, prevertebral layer; 6 - Spinal dura mater; 7 - Extradural space; Epidural space; 8 - Anterior longitudinal ligament; 9 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 10 - Posterior longitudinal ligament; 11 - Corniculate; Cuneiform tubercles; 12 - Oropharynx; 13 - Palatopharyngeal arch; Posterior pillar of fauces; 14 - Axis [CII]; 15 - Anterior arch; 16 - Apical ligament of dens; 17 - Soft palate; 18 - Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane; 19 - Pharyngobasilar fascia; 20 - Pharyngeal tonsil; 21 - Sphenoid; Sphenoidal bone; 22 - Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube; Torus tubarius; 23 - Nasopharyngeal meatus, salpingopharyngeal fold; 24 - Ala of vomer; 25 - Sphenoidal sinus; 26 - Nasal bone; 27 - Nasal septum; 28 - Septal nasal cartilage; 29 - Palatine tonsil; 30 - Maxilla; 31 - Nasal vestibule; 32 - Nose, major alar cartilage; 33 - Foramen caecum of tongue; 34 - Sublingual caruncle; 35 - Genioglossus; 36 - Geniohyoid; 37 - Mandible; 38 - Mylohyoid; 39 - Hyoid bone; 40 - Epiglottis; 41 - Vocal fold; Vestibular fold; 42 - Thyroid cartilage; 43 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 44 - Cervical fascia, investing layer; superficial layer; 45 - Thyroid gland; Isthmus; 46 - Cervical fascia, pretracheal layer; 47 - Inferior thyroid vein; 48 - Jugular venous arch; 49 - Sternothyroid; 50 - Manubrium of sternum; 51 - Brachiocephalic vein


. 62. , :

1 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 2 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 3 - Intermuscular triangle; 4 - Recurrent laryngeal nerve; 5 - Cricoid cartilage; 6 - Inferior constrictor; 7 - Thyroid cartilage; 8 - Oblique arytenoid; 9 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 10 - Epiglottic cartilage; 11 - Superior laryngeal artery, vein and nerve; 12 - Cuneiform tubercle; 13 - Corniculate tubercle; 14 - Transverse arytenoid; 15 - Posterior crico-arytenoid

. 63. : ()

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. 64. , :

1 - Oesophagus; 2 - Cricoid cartilage; 3 - Killian triangle; 4 - Thyroid cartilage; 5 - Pharyngeal raphe; 6 - Inferior constrictor, thyropharyngeal part, thyropharyngeus; 7 - Inferior constrictor, cricopharyngeal part; cricopharyngeus; 8 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 9 - Tracheal cartilages; 10 - Trachea; 11 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 12 - Submucosa; 13 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane

. 65. ( ):

1 - Pharyngotympanic tube; Auditory tube; 2 - Palatoglossal arch; Anterior pillar of fauces; 3 - Palatine tonsil; 4 - Piriform fossa; Piriform

recess; 5 - Uvula; 6 - Laryngeal inlet; 7 - Oesophagus; 8 - Root of tongue

. 66. ( - , - ) ():

1 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane; Muscular layer; Muscular coat;

2 - Submucosa; 3 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 4 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 5 - Submucosa, venous plexus; 6 - Adventitia; 7 - Oesophageal glands; 8 - Oesophageal hiatus; 9 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane


. 67. ():

1 - Peritoneal cavity; 2 - Diaphragm; 3 - Parietal peritoneum; 4 - Oesophagus; 5 - Stomach

. 68. ( - , - ):

1 - Adventitia; 2 - Longitudinal layer; 3 - Circular layer; 4 = 2 + 3 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat; 5 - Submucosa; 6 - Muscularis mucosae; 7 - Proper muscular lamina; 8 - Epithelium; 9 - Oesophageal glands; 10 = 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane

. 69. ( )

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. 72. :

1 - Visceral peritoneum; 2 - Parietal peritoneum; 3 - Oesophageal hiatus; 4 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 5 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 6 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane, longitudinal layer; 7 - Parietal pleura, mediastinal part; 8 - Parietal pleura, diaphragmatic part; 9 - Diaphragm; 10 - Fundus of stomach; 11 - Cardia; Cardial part; 12 - Gastric folds; Gastric rugae

. 73. ( - , - )

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. 74. - ()

. 75. , :

1 - Stomach, epithelium unistratificatum; 2 - Oesophagus, epithelium multistratificatum; 3 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane; 4 - Muscularis

mucosae; 5 - Submucosa; 6 - Circular layer

. 76. , :

1 - Abdominal aorta; 2 - Coeliac trunk; 3 - Aortic hiatus; 4 - Inferior phrenic arteries; 5 - Lumbar part, right crus; 6 - Caval opening; 7 - Diaphragm, central tendon; 8 - Oesophagus, thoracic part; 9 - Right superior lobar bronchus; 10 - Brachiocephalic trunk; 11 - Oesophagus, cervical part; 12 - Subclavian artery; 13 - Trachea; 14 - Common carotid artery; 15 - Arch of aorta; Aortic arch; 16 - Ligamentum arteriosum (Ductus arteriosus); 17 - Tracheal bifurcation; 18 - Right main bronchus; 19 - Left main bronchus; 20 - Thoracic aorta; 21 - Oesophageal hiatus; 22 - Oesophagus, abdominal part; 23 - Stomach, cardia; cardial part; 24 - Lumbar part, left crus


. 77. , :

I - Oesophagus, thoracic part; 2 - Thoracic aorta; 3 - Posterior intercostal arteries; 4 - Tracheal cartilages; 5 - Oesophagus, cervical part; 6 - Thyroid gland, right lobe; 7 - Inferior constrictor; 8 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 9 - Cricothyroid; 10 - Thyroid gland, isthmus;

II - Common carotid artery; 12 - Right subclavian artery; 13 - Brachiocephalic trunk; 14 - Arch of aorta; Aortic arch; 15 - Ligamentum

arteriosum (Ductus arteriosus); 16 - Right superior lobar bronchus

. 78.

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. 80. , :

1 - Left main bronchus; 2 - Parabronchial diverticulum; 3 - Trachea; 4 - Inferior constrictor; 5 - Zenker diverticulum; 6 - Right main bronchus; 7 - Oesophagus, thoracic part; 8 - Epiphrenic diverticulum; 9 - Diaphragm; 10 - Oesophagus, abdominal part

. 81. , ( - : , , - ):


1 - Oesophagus; 2 - Heart; 3 - Vertebral column ( .. .)

. 82. :

1 - Left gastric artery and vein; 2 - Pylorus; 3 - Duodenum, superior part; 4 - Kidney, superior pole; superior extremity; 5 - Right colic flexure; Hepatic flexure; 6 - Omental taenia; 7 - Right lobe of liver; 8 - Gallbladder; 9 - Omental foramen; Epiploic foramen; 10 - Hepatophrenic ligament; 11 - Liver, quadrate lobe; 12 - Right lobe of liver, diaphragmatic surface; 13 - Round ligament of liver; 14 - Liver, falciform ligament; 15 - Hepatogastric ligament; 16 - Liver, coronary ligament; 17 - Diaphragm; 18 - Left lobe of liver; 19 - Fundus of stomach; 20 - Stomach, lesser curvature; 21 - Stomach, cardia; cardial part; 22 - Gastrosplenic ligament; 23 - Pleura, left costodiaphragmatic recess; 24 - Spleen; 25 - Phrenicocolic ligament; 26 - Stomach, greater curvature; 27 - Greater omentum; 28 - Body of stomach; 29 - Left gastro-omental artery and vein; Left gastro-epiploic artery and vein; 30 - Transverse mesocolon; 31 - Transverse colon; 32 - Greater omentum, gastrocolic ligament

. 83. , :

1 - Pyloric antrum; 2 - Duodenum; 3 - Pyloric canal; 4 - Angular incisure; 5 - Lesser curvature; 6 - Cardia; Cardial part; 7- Oesophagus;

8 - Fundus of stomach; 9 - Greater curvature; 10 - Body of stomach

. 84. :

1 - Duodenum; 2 - Rib [XII]; 3 - Vertebral column; 4 - Stomach

. 85. ( - , - ):

1 - Serosa; Serous coat; 2 - Subserosa; Subserous layer; 3 - Longitudinal layer; 4 - Circular layer; 5 = 3 + 4 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat; 6 - Submucosa; 7 - Muscularis mucosae; 8 - Gastric glands; 9 - Epithelium; 10 - Proper muscular lamina; 11 - Gastric pits; 12 - Solitary lymphoid nodules; 13 - Gastric areas; 14 = 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane; 15 - Oblique fibres


. 86. (, ):

1 - Oesophagus

. 87. ():

1 - Body of stomach; 2 - Lesser curvature; 3 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 4 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 5 - Adventitia; 6 - Oesophagus; 7 - Fundus of stomach; 8 - Stomach; 9 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, oblique fibres; 10 - Greater


. 88. ( - , - ):

1 - Pylorus; 2 - Lesser curvature; 3 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, longitudinal layer; 4 - Oesophagus, muscular layer; muscular coat; 5 - Fundus of stomach; 6 - Greater curvature; 7 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, circular layer; 8 - Duodenum; 9 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat, oblique fibres

. 89. :

1 - Pyloric orifice; 2 - Duodenum; 3 - Pyloric sphincter; 4 - Angular incisure; 5 - Lesser curvature; 6 - Cardia; Cardial part; 7 - Oesophagus; 8 - Fundus of stomach; 9 - Greater curvature; 10 - Gastric folds; Gastric rugae

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. 92. ( - , , - , , - , - , - )

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1 - Fornix (fundus) of stomach; 2 - Vertebral column; 3 - Duodenum, superior part; 4 - Stomach, lesser curvature; 5 - Duodenum, ampulla; duodenal cap; 6 - Pylorus; 7 - Stomach, greater curvature; 8 - Body of stomach; 9 - Pyloric part; 10 - Jejunum; 11 - Duodenum, inferior part; horizontal part; transverse part; 12 - Duodenum, descending part; 13 - Inferior duodenal flexure; 14 - Stomach, angular incisure

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. 97. :

1 - Duodenum, inferior part; horizontal part; transverse part; 2 -Duodenum, descending part; 3 - Duodenum, superior part; 4 - Duodenum, ampulla; duodenal cap; 5 - Pylorus; 6 - Stomach, pyloric part; 7 - Duodenum, ascending part

. 98. , , :

I - Submucosa; 2 - Circular layer; 3 - Longitudinal layer; 4 = 2 + 3 - Muscular layer; Muscular coat; 5 - Major duodenal papilla; 6 - Pancreatic duct; 7 - Duodenum, descending part; 8 - Minor duodenal papilla; 9 - Accessory pancreatic duct; 10 - Circular folds;

II - Duodenum, superior part; 12 - Bile duct; 13 - Pyloric orifice; 14 - Pyloric sphincter; 15 - Body of pancreas; 16 - Superior mesenteric vein; 17 - Duodenojejunal flexure; 18 - Superior mesenteric artery; 19 - Duodenum, inferior part; horizontal part; transverse part;

20 - Jejunum; 21 - Head of pancreas

. 99. :

1 - Inferior part; Horizontal part; Transverse part; 2 - Inferior vena cava; 3 - Major duodenal papilla; 4 - Minor duodenal papilla; 5 - Right kidney; 6 - Descending part; 7 - Superior part; 8 - Gallbladder; 9 - Transverse colon; 10 - Cystic duct; 11 - Bile duct; 12 - Supraduodenal artery; 13 - Common hepatic duct; 14 - Hepatic artery proper; 15 - Gastroduodenal artery; 16 - Hepatic portal vein; 17 - Splenic artery; 18 - Splenic vein; 19 - Common hepatic artery; 20 - Suspensory muscle of duodenum; Suspensory ligament of duodenum; 21 - Duodenojejunal flexure; 22 - Ascending part; 23 - Superior mesenteric artery and vein; 24 - Abdominal aorta


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