








(Colder, 1977) , . , , , . , (, ), , , - , (, ), , , , . , .

1980- . (, McElroy, 1982), (, Bresnen, 1995; Meindl, 1995). (Meindl, Ehrlich & Dukerich, 1985) , , , . , ( ) , , , (Meindl & Ehrlich, 1987). (Pfeffer, 1977) :


, , , , , , , .


: , , . , . , (Staw, 1982). (Kets de Vries, 1994) .


, ; , , , - , .


, , , , (Kets de Vries, 1993). , , , . , , ( ) .

, , . , , ? , : , , , , , . , , , .


, . . , , . , , .

, , . , , , .


1. , , , , , - . , .

2. , , , : ) ; ) ; ) . , .

3. ( ) . , 6, .

4. ?

5. : . -, , ? .


(inspirational leadership)

(contingency approach to leadership)

(two dimensions of leader behavior)

(substitutes for leadership)



(new age leadership)

(normative approach to leadership)

(social information processing and leadership)

(gender of leadership)

(opportunities for leadership)

(social exchange view of leadership)

(trait theories of leadership)


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