









. .


human beings confess
endow brotherhood
man is endowed with reason ,    


1) All, and, human, equal, beings, dignity, are, born, free, and, in, rights. 2) They, spirit, of, are, reason, with, and, conscience, and, should, act, towards, one, another, in, a, endowed, brotherhood.




, , , - , , , , , , , , .

, , , , , , , , - .


entitle furthermore ,
set forth trust (- -)
distinction jurisdictional status
status ,    


1) Everyone, religion, is, birth, entitled, sex, to, all, the, rights, and, as, freedoms, set, forth, property, in, this, Declaration, without, distinction, of, any, kind, such, race, colour, language, political, or, other, opinion, national, or, social, origin, or, other, status.

2) Furthermore, of, no, distinction, shall, be, made, on, basis, the, status, of, the, political, independent, jurisdictional, or, international, of, country, the, or, territory, to, which, a, person, belongs, whether, it, be, trust, non-self-governing, or, under, any, other, limitation, sovereignty.




, .


security of person liberty


Everyone, life, security, of, has, the, right, to, liberty, and, the, person.




; .


slavery prohibit
servitude , shall


No, held, or, be, one, shall, in, slavery, servitude; slavery, all, their, and, the, slave, trade, prohibited, in, shall, be, forms.




, .


subject degrade
torture treatment
cruel punishment


No, cruel, inhuman, or, degrading, subjected, torture, or, to, treatment, or, one, shall, be, to, punishment.




, , .


recognition law
person ,    


Everyone, as, a, person, before, the, has, the, right, to, recognition, everywhere, law.




, , . , , .


equal valuation
entitle incitement
discrimination ;    


All, without, any, discrimination, to, equal, protection, against, any, discrimination, in, violation, of, this, Declaration, and, against, any, incitement, to, are, equal, before, the, law, and, are, entitled, such, discrimination.



, .


remedy grant
tribunal , , effective
violate fundamental


Everyone, the, to, national, tribunals, for, acts, violating, the, fundamental, rights, granted, him, by, the, constitution, or, by, remedy, effective, by, the, an, competent, has, right, law.



, .


subject detention
shall be exile ,
arbitrary arrest ,


No, detention, one, shall, be, subjected, arbitrary, arrest, to, or, exile.



, , , , , .


entitle determination
equality obligations
fair charge
impartial criminal


Everyone, independent, and, impartial, tribunal, in, the, determination, of, his, rights, and, obligations, and, of, any, criminal, charge, against, is, entitled, in, full, equality, to, a, fair, and, public, hearing, by, an, him.



I. , , , , .

II. - , . , , , .

charge hold (held, held) ,
penal on account of -
penalty omission
offence ; constitute
presume heavy
innocent impose
prove application
guilty commit
public trial    


I. Everyone, in, a, public, trial, at, which, he, has, had, all, the, guarantees, necessary, for, until, proven, guilty, according, to, law, his, charged, with, a, the, right, to, be, presumed, innocent, penal, offence, has, defence.

II. 1) No, under, national, or, international, offence, on, account, of, any, act, or, which, did, not, constitute, a, penal, offence, omission, law, at, the, time, when, it, was, one, shall, be, held, guilty, of, any, penal, committed. 2) Nor, applicable, at, the, time, the, penal, offence, was, shall, a, heavier, penalty, be, imposed, than, the, one, that, was, committed.



, , . .


subject interference
arbitrary privacy


1) No, interference, his, with, privacy, family, home, or, correspondence, nor, to, upon, attacks, his, honour, and, one, shall, be, to, subjected, arbitrary, reputation. 2) Everyone, protection, against, such, interference, has, of, the, law, the, right, to, the, or, attacks.



I. .

II. , , .


residence border


I. Everyone, movement, borders, of, each, has, the, right, and, residence, within, the, to, freedom, of, State.

II. Everyone, including, his, has, the, right, his, own, and, to, return, to, to, leave, any, country, country.



I. .

II. , , , .


seek invoke
asylum persecution
enjoy genuinely
persecution , arise
delusion/ illusion of persecution ()    


I. Everyone, in, other, countries, the, right, to, seek, asylum, from, has, and, to, enjoy, persecution.

II. This, prosecutions, genuinely, arising, from, non-political, crimes, or, from, acts, contrary, to, the, purposes, and, principles, of, the, United, right, may, not, be, invoked, in, the, case, of, Nations.



I. .

II. .


nationality deprive
arbitrarily deny


I. Everyone, to, a, has, the, right, nationality.

II. No, nationality, one, shall, be, arbitrarily, nor, denied, the, right, to, change, deprived, of, his, his, nationality.



I. , , , , . , .

II. .

III. .


be of full age marriage
due enter
found consent
entitle spouse ,
dissolution intend

I. 1) Men, limitation, due, to, religion, have, the, right, to, marry, and, to, found, a, and, women, of, race, nationality, or, full, age, without, any, family. 2) They, during, marriage, and, at, its, are, equal, rights, as, entitled, to, to, marriage, dissolution.

II. Marriage, free, and, full, consent, of, the, shall, be, entered, into, only, with, the, intending, spouses.

III. The, group, unit, of, society, and, is, entitled, to, protection, by, society, and, the, family, is, the, natural, and, fundamental, State.



I. , .

II. .


association own
as well as property


I. Everyone, as, well, as, in, has, the, right, to, own, property, alone, association, with, others.

II. No, shall, be, deprived, of, his, one, arbitrarily, property.



, ; , , , .


freedom of conscience freedom of worship
freedom of religion thought
freedom of speech () observance


Everyone, conscience, and, has, the, right, to, freedom, of, thought, religion; freedom, to, change, his, religion, or, belief, and, in, community, with, others, and, in, public, or, religion, or, belief, in, teaching, practice, worship, freedom, either, private, to, manifest, his, alone, or, and, this, right, includes, observance.



; , .


hold opinions media
impart interference
regardless of receive
frontier include


Everyone, and, has, the, right, to, freedom, of, opinion, expression; this, hold, opinions, without, information, and, ideas, through, any, media, and, regardless, of, right, includes, interference, and, to, seek, receive, and, impart, freedom, to, frontiers.



I. .

II. - .


assembly compel


I. Everyone, assembly, and, has, the, right, to, freedom, of, peaceful, association.

II. No, belong, to, an, one, may, be, compelled, to, association.



I. .

II. .

III. ; , , , .


government genuine
access universal suffrage
public service secret vote
will hold (held, held)
authority of government procedure


I. Everyone, or, through, freely, chosen, has, government, of, his, country, directly, the, right, to, take, part, in, the, representatives.

II. Everyone, of, equal, access, to, public, service, in, his, has, the, right, country.

III. The, the, authority, of, will, of, the, people, shall, be, the, basis, of, government; this, which, shall, be, by, universal, and, equal, suffrage, periodic, and, expressed, in, and, shall, be, genuine, elections, held, by, secret, vote, or, by, equivalent, free, voting, will, shall, be, procedures.




, , , .


social security dignity
entitle personality


Everyone, organization, and, resources, of, each, entitled, to, realization, national, effort, and, international, co-operation, and, in, accordance, with, the, through, State, of, the, economic, social, and, cultural, rights, indispensable, for, his, dignity, and, the, free, development, of, his, as, a, right, to, social, security, and, is, member, of, society, has, the, personality.



I. , , .

II. , - , .

III. , , , , .

IV. .


employment , ensure
just existence
favourable worthy
remuneration supplement


I. Everyone, the, favourable, has, right, to, work, and, to, to, free, choice, of, of, to, just, and, work, conditions, protection, employment, against, unemployment.

II. Everyone, right, to, equal, pay, for, equal, without, any, discrimination, has, the, work.

III. Everyone, if, by, supplemented, necessary, social, himself, dignity, who, works, has, the, right, to, just, and, favourable, remuneration, ensuring, for, and, his, family, an, existence, worthy, of, human, and, other, means, of, protection.

IV. Everyone, trade, unions, for, the, protection, of, his, has, the, right, to, form, and, to, join, interests.



, .


leisure limitation
reasonable include


Everyone, and, periodic, holidays, with, has, the, right, to, rest, and, leisure, including, reasonable, limitation, of, working, hours, pay.



I. , , , , , , , , , , .

II. . , , .


adequate widowhood
well-being livelihood
medical care widowhood
social service wedlock
security children born in wedlock / out of wedlock /
disability enjoy


I. Everyone, has, the, right, to, a, standard, of, living, adequate, for, the, health, and, well-being, of, widowhood, old, age, or, other, lack, of, livelihood, clothing, housing, and, medical, care, and, necessary, social, services, and, the, right, to, security, in, the, event, of, unemployment, sickness, disability, in, circumstances, beyond, his, himself, and, of, his, family, including, food, control.

II. 1) Motherhood, and, childhood, are, entitled, to, special, care, and, assistance. 2) All, the, same, social, shall, children, whether, born, in, or, out, of, wedlock, enjoy, protection.



I. . , . . .

II. . , , , .

III. .


elementary merit
compulsory promote
generally tolerance
available further
equally maintenance
accessible prior


I. 1) Everyone, to, has, right, the, education. 2) Education, be, shall, at, free, least, in, the, elementary, fundamental, and, stages. 3) Elementary, be, shall, education, compulsory. 4) Technical, accessible, to, all, on, the, basis, of, and, professional, education, shall, be, made, generally, available, and, higher, education, shall, be, equally, merit.

II. 1) Education, be, respect, shall, fundamental, to, directed, of, the, full, development, the, human, personality, and, to, the, strengthening, of, for, human, rights, and, freedoms. 2) It, further, the, activities, of, the, United Nations, for, shall, promote, understanding, tolerance, and, friendship, among, all, nations, racial, or, religious, groups, and, shall, the, maintenance, of, peace,

III. Parents, a, education, have, to, prior, right, choose, the, kind, of, that, shall, be, given, to, their, children.



I. , , .

II. , , , .


share/ participate scientific/
advancement cultural


I. Everyone, in, its, share, community, scientific, has, the, right, freely, to, participate, the, cultural, life, of, the, to, enjoy, the, arts, and, to, in, advancement, and, benefits.

II. Everyone, moral, has, literary, from, the, right, to, the, protection, of, of, the, and, material, interests, resulting, any, scientific, or, artistic, production, which, he, is, the, author.



, , , .


entitle declaration
set forth international
order social
realize right


Everyone, social, and, freedoms, is, entitled, to, a, set, forth, in, this, Declaration, can, be, international, order, in, which, the, rights, and, fully, realized.



I. , .

II. , , .

III. .


alone exercise
subject determine
solely purpose
due respect  
recognition requirements
general welfare morality
in no case contrary


I. Everyone, has, duties, to, the, community, in, which, alone, the, free, and, full, development, of, his, personality, is, possible.

II. In, the, exercise, of, his, rights, and, freedoms, everyone, shall, be, subject, only, to, such, limitations, as, are, determined, by, law, solely, for, the, purpose, of, securing, due, recognition, and, respect, for, the, rights, and, freedoms, of, others, and, of, meeting, the, just, requirements, of, morality, public, order, and, the, general, welfare, in, a, democratic, society.

III. These, rights, and, freedoms, may, in, no, case, be, exercised, contrary, to, the, purposes, and, principles, of, the, United, Nations.



, - , - , , .


imply destruction
engage set forth
perform herein ( )


Nothing, act, aimed, at, the, destruction, of, any, of, the, rights, in, this, Declaration, may, be, interpreted, right, to, engage, in, any, activity, or, to, perform, as, implying, for, any, State, group, or, person, any, any, and, freedoms, set, forth, herein.



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