






I. linguistic II. Psychological III. methodological


(learners strategies or

habits (grammar, compensatory skills)

language voc. pronunciation)

material skills (speaking, VI. Socio-cultural

(grammar, listening, reading, writing) (cultural background)


pronunciation) V. emotive component

(interest to the subject)

speech material

(Spheres of communication,

themes, situations, texts, speech patterns



In the context of Cognitive lingua-cultural Methodology of FL Education these are 2 components in the Content of FLT at basic school;

ü Subject matter of the content ( ) spheres, themes, situations

ü Procedural matter ( ) skills and competences; communicative skills in S, L, W, R, language material, socio-cultural knowledge and skills


The themes are updated: the world around, professions, hobbies and sports,environment, nature and the problem of ecology.


The content of general pre-profile training according to S.H.

Types of in pre-profile training

ü Informational work, (open days ceremonies,)

ü Profile orientation

ü Selective courses

ü Conclusive stage

ü Total

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Qualitatively new requirements to the education lead inevitably to the changes in the system of FLT. According to Kunanbaeva S.S. our Methodology of FL education in called Cognitive Lingiiacultural Methodology (2006). According to the state documents and the programs, the FLT is introduced into the new types of schools-gymnasia, lyceums, profile schools and specialized schools as well as international types of schools at different stages.

The new philosophy of Education proclaims pupil-centered approach, that is the main focus, the main figure is the pupil with all his cognitive mechanisms (memory, perception, thinking and its operations).

The final goal in FLT is Intercultural Communicative Competence and its components (Language Competence, Speech Competence, Socio-Cultural Competence, strategic Competence and Discourse Competence) and the development of "language g" ( .), ( .. , 2006). Intercultural Communicative Competence implies the ability to communicate, to use the target language as a mean of communication on the intercultural level.

Language Competence the acquiring of new linguistic means in accordance with the themes and spheres of communication,

Speech Competence the enhancement of the communicative skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. To plan verbal and non-verbal behavior,

Socio-Cultural Competence the ability to communicate in certain community,

strategic Competence-how to apply compensatoric skills

Discourse Competence the ability to use language in different situations

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8. - . . Communication as a goal and means of formation of intercultural communicative competence. Functions of communication. Communication - the most important of the concepts that describe the world of men. Perhaps the variety of functions and roles of communication in human existence and identified the special status of this phenomenon. Based on the fact that the communicative function of communication between people has its own specifics, we hold that the communication - is intersubjectivity process in which there is not an easy flow of information, but at least the active exchange of information. This generates a general sense, and parterres can influence each other. The effectiveness of communication is measured by how it was possible impact. Communication - "transfer of information from one person to another," a complex multifaceted process of establishment and development of contacts between people (personal communication) and groups (intergroup communication), creates the need for joint activities and includes at least three different processes: communication (information exchange), interaction (exchange operations) and social perception (perception and understanding of the partner)

Learning a language as native and foreign - is nothing like personal needs, which manifests itself in social interaction and communication. Successful communication is based not only on the speaker's desire to get in touch, but also on the ability to adequately implement speech intention. This activity is dependent on the degree of ownership of units of language and the ability to use them in specific situations of communication. However, knowledge of the individual elements of the language itself can not be attributed to the concept of "language proficiency as a means of communication." Through its ownership of communicative competence achieved unity "language - speech" as a means of (language) and the method of its implementation (speech).

M. Hyde believes that the formation of intercultural communicative competence required skill set of language tools vary depending on the situations of communication, speech etiquette, politeness rules, requirements to the choice of subject, and so on. D.

In this sense, intercultural communicative competence must be specially configured Communicative competence is understood as the adequate interpretation of the communicative intentions of the interlocutor, as the willingness and ability to take up through the social communication to the "discernment" and understanding of semantic and pragmatic features members of other lingvosotsiuma, to understanding the "picture of the world a social community believes II Khaleeva. Thus, for the successful implementation of cross-cultural communication is necessary to master not only the language, but also the conceptual system, which includes presentation skills, values, and norms, as a special and everyday social and cultural areas, including knowledge of the rules and regulations of communication.

With regard to the functions (from lat.Functio - design, implementation) communication, then under them understand the outward manifestation of the properties of communication, the roles and tasks that it performs during the life of the individual in society. Allocate the following functions:

Communication is a form of existence and manifestation of human nature, it plays in the collective activity of people connecting communicative role;

provides a critical human necessities, a condition of its successful existence, has psychotherapeutic confirming the value (confirmation own "I" by another person) in the life of an individual of any age.

These functions, given their integral nature, are factors that show significantly greater role for human communication than just the transmission of information.

B.Lomov allocates to communicate three functions: information and communication (is any exchange of information), regulatory and communication (regulation of behavior and regulation of joint activities in the process of interaction and affective-communicative (regulation of the emotional sphere of man.

Information and communicative function covers the making, transmitting and receiving information, its implementation has several levels: in the first one alignment differences in the initial awareness of the people who come into contact psychological; second level provides for the transfer of information and decision-making (here implements communication purpose information, education and others.); the third level is associated with the desire to understand the other person (communication aimed at the formation of assessments of progress).

The second function - regulatory and communicative - is the regulation of behavior. By associating a person responsible for the regulation not only of their own behavior, but also the behavior of other people, and responds to their actions, that is, the process of establishing a mutual action.

The third function - affective and communicative - describes the person's emotional sphere, which reveals the attitude of the individual to the environment, including social.

L. Karpenko on the criterion of "the goal of communication" identifies eight functions that are implemented in any process of interaction and ensure the achievement of certain goals in it:

contact (making contact, that is ready for the reception and transmission of messages and maintaining relationships)

information (receiving and sending messages in response to a request)

incentive (target stimulation activity)

Coordination (mutual coordination and coherence in the joint venture)

function of understanding (adequate understanding of the meaning, understanding in general)

emotive (exchange of emotions)

function to establish relations (fixation of their place in society)

influence function (change of state, behavior, personality-semantic structures partner)

Intercultural communication competence (ICC) is the ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in various cultural contexts. ICC requires that students acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and critical cultural awareness necessary to communicate interculturally There are lots of right answers to this question, but many teachers answer that they are teaching English for the purpose of communication with people of other cultures.

As Ter-Minasova emphasizes in her book, To ensure cross-cultural communication one should not only know the language but also be aware of the system of communicational culture, rules of etiquette, forms of nonverbal communication and have deep background knowledge of values and perceptions accepted in other cultures (for example, of religious beliefs, taboos, public and historic facts, etc.)

The orientation of the education system of Kazakhstan to the competence approach in the content of education is reflected in the teaching of foreign languages in the formation of cross-cultural competence as an indicator of formation of a person's ability to participate effectively in a foreign language on intercultural communication level.

Professor S.S.Kunanbaeva gives the term subject of intercultural communication - the ability to communicate on intercultural level.

Subcompetences of ICC by Kunanbayeva Linguistic; Lingua-cultural; Compensatory; Educational; Lingua-self-educational

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Speaking is a complex psychophisiological process. It involves the work of memory, perception, inner speech, thinking and its operations, such as analysis, synthesis, induction-deduction, comparison, analogy, so on. Speaking skills in dialogue and monologue in FL2 (FL3) present certain difficulties. Students become frustrated when they just do not have enough words and grammar they need to express themselves. There are recommendations for T-s:

1) supply key language;

2) choose interesting topic;

3) activate the schemata;

4) bring variety;

5) interact (games and all);

6) use different techniques (role play, simulations, debates etc.); don't neglect cultural aspect.

The structure of S. consists of 3 phases: 1 Motivation; 2 Analytical-synthetical p-se; 3 Result.

Dialogue is a form of communication, which includes two or more interlocuters.

Dialogue. Types of D.: exchange of information, exchange of opinions, on joint plan, enquiring etiquette. Ways of TD: 1) top-down (is characterized by the presentation of the pattern); 2) bottom-up (consists of dialogical units: statement-statement, statement-question, Q-S, etc.

From the point of view of psychology the dialogue speech is supposed to be motivated, i.e. it is necessary to create conditions for the students to speak up and discuss different points. Favorable psychological climate at the lesson and friendly relationships can stimulate interest and motivation to the dialogue speech. A dialogue implies visual perception of the interlocutor and certain incompleteness of the utterance which are completed by mimics, gestures, eye contact, etc.

Dialogic speech is situational, it is emotionally coloured, and it contains elliptical sentences, abbreviations- contracted forms, directed to your partner, it is functional. Dialogue is generally unprepared. Sometimes it can be both prepared and planned as well. To carry on a dialogue pupils need words and phrases to start a conversation, to join it, to confirm, to argue, to reject, to invite, to comment and so on:

Id like to tell you; and what about; I hope; I mean to say; thank you; Im sorry; dont mention it; good luck etc.-These phrases make dialogues more lively and emotional.

While teaching dialogue we should use pattern dialogues in three stages:

1. receptive:pupils listen to the dialogue once or twice recorded or reproduced by the teacher, then they read it silently for better understanding. The teacher helps them in comprehension of the dialogue using pictures.

2. reproduction:3 kinds of reproduction must be underlined:

* immediate- Pupils listen to the dialogue imitating the speaker. Attention should be paid to pronunciation and intonation.

* delayed- Pupils enact the pattern dialogue in person (listen second time before it).

* modified- Pupils enact the dialogue changing some element in it. The more elements they change in the pattern the better they assimilate the structure of the dialogue.

These first two types aim to store up the patterns in pupils memory for expressing themselves in different situations.

3. Constructive or creative - Pupils are given a picture of situation and they make up their own dialogues.

There is a great variety of dialogue structures. Here are main four lead-response units, which should be taught in schools within the topic and linguistic material the syllabus requires:

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Speaking skills in dialogue and monologue in FL2 (FL3) present certain difficulties. Students become frustrated when they just do not have enough words and grammar they need to express themselves. There are recommendations for T-s:

1) supply key language;

2) choose interesting topic;

3) activate the schemata;

4) bring variety;

5) interact (games and all);

6) use different techniques (role play, simulations, debates etc.); don't neglect cultural aspect.

Speaking is a complex psychophisiological process. The structure of S. consists of 3 phases: 1 Motivation; 2 Analytical-synthetical p-se; 3 Result.

Speaking Proficiency includes a number of abilities

Monologue(is more organized, purposeful form of speech, programmed beforehand,logical, emotionally colored, sometimes bookish); Types of M according to Vingoradov: dramatical, lyrical, narration, description,etc.

Monologue is generally prepared speech. The speaker even may have the plan of his speech. Sometimes it can be unprepared as well. Of great importance are the speakers

* logical pauses

* the speed of speech

* the gestures.

Pupils should be able to express their thoughts and feelings and attitude towards the fact in a definite situation within topics and language substance the syllabus requires. The pupils speech should be motivated, situational and addressed to someone.

In teaching monologue 3 stages are distinguished:

1. The statement level.

The smallest speech unit is sentence. No speech is possible until pupils learn how to make up sentences in the foreign language and how to make statements on the topic or situation suggested.

Pupils are given sentence patterns to assimilate. The sentence pattern is filled with different words, so that pupil assimilates it:

e.g. I can see a (blackboard picture)

I am fond of (the pupils repeat + music)

A pattern must be repeated many times with a great variety of changes in its contents until the pattern becomes a habit.

eg. a) give it a name:

We write with - It is a pen.

b) say the opposite:

I live in - I dont live in .

2. Having assimilated different sentence patterns the pupils should learn to combine statements of various sentence patterns in a logical sequence - in an utterance. In the utterance level the pupils are to say a few words about an object, a subject offered.

e.g. This is a pencil. The pencil is green. It is on the table. I like the pencil.

At this stage pupils learn to express their thoughts, attitude to what they say.

3. The discourse level

When pupils have acquired habits and skills in making statements and combining in a logical sequence, free speech is possible. At this level pupils are asked to speak on a picture, film or comment on a text they have read or heard, make up a story of their own. The teacher should supply the pupils with what to speak about.

e.g. The farmers treasure the teacher asks questions about the text and the pupils reproduce the facts by means of agreeing with the suggested idea or rejecting it.


Ways of teaching M: a) top-down (work with the text; begins with a pattern); b) bottom-up (includes all 3 levels mentioned above)

D. and M. cannot be created without Speech situation. Speech situation- is a complex of circumstances, events, a combination of relations between people. , . There are 3 main components of speech situation: 1) Exposition (Who? Where? When?); 2) Characteristic of the partners; 3) Communicative task.


1-4 graders in their monologic speech should be able to use 3-5 sentences as minimum in their utterances.

5-9 graders should be able to utter 9-10 sentences as minimum.

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Exercises for the formation of speech-communicative types of monologic speech

Reproductive:1) say by analogy; 2) say the opposite; 3) fill in the blanks; 4) make up a sentence using key words; 5) extend the sentence.

Reproductive-productive:1) combine the sentences; 2) speak on the plan; 3) substitute the table; 4) use a logical-semantic scheme; 5) play a snowball game; 6) detect mistakes in the picture.

Productive: 1) comment on the proverb; 2) make a report; 3) retell the story; 4) speak on the topic; 5) say what would you do in a similar situation; 6) solve a problem; 7) express your opinion/attitude 8) make up a story; 9) write a composition.

The tasks of TM include the formation of speaking skills of:

Retelling the text;

Giving the description, narration, information, evaluation;

Disclosing the topic suggested in logical succession;

Giving the grounds, accounting for ones ideas, introducing elements of argumentation

The communicative types of utterances are built up according to different logical schemes: description begins with naming an object, then its quality is defined; information begins with stating where and when the scene is laid: so does narration, which, besides, contains some evaluative remarks.

a) Logical-semantic schemes, or incomplete sentences which determine the succession of composing an utterance of particular communicative types

Content Vocabulary to be used

Name kinds of summer rest. We can spend our holidays.

Choose a preferable one for you. I prefer

Say why. It is in

is the most preferable

b) Plan (outline) of an utterance which predetermines its structure.

c) Pictures (of an object or situational ones);

d) Situations (real or teaching),

e) Independent work with cards at the lesson, e.g. each pupil gets a separate task:


In summer the farmers have to work very In summer there is (a lot of work in the field quickly. and the garden.

Say why, using the scheme suggested. The weather (may change)

It is difficult (to work in bad weather).

So (the farmers must work very quickly).


Describe the town you live in to your friend, Our town is.

who has come to visit you. It has

+ strip-stories There are

11. Listening is the process of receiving and assigning meaning to aural stimuli, it is a complex problem-solving task, which sharpens thinking and creates interaction. Listening Comprehension is a cognitive, receptive process which involves the work of memory, perception, thinking, anticipation, inner speech and thinking with its operations of deduction and induction, comparison, analysis and synthesis. In Profile School it is a significant and essential area of the development of ICC and it takes 90 % of class time.


Listening is linked to all the four components of the Intercultural communicative competence Linguistic competence is a sort of umbrella concept that helps to catch the meaning of what we hear. Socio-cultural Competence involves knowing what is expected socially and culturally by the FL users in this or that communicative situation. It is very important in FL listening to understand what the speaker wants to convey (facts, feelings, emotions, a sense of authority or meet hostility)

Discourse competence implies that the listener is cognitively involved, he is active not passive and is always seeking to know how the parts of communication relate to each other and what they mean. Moreover, it involves understanding how the target language is used in different situations.

Strategic competence is perhaps the most important of all the communicative competence elements for listening Proficiency and it means the ability to use all possible clues to get at the meaning of what is heard. First of all it involves using guessing strategies to compensate the missing knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, idioms trying to understand what is being heard.

There are many factors that determine the success and failure of L.C.

1. The character of the linguistic material

2. The tempo of speech; the character of the information

3. Familiarity of the topic

4. Lack of experience in L.C.

The success and failure of L.C. depends on clues which we largely rely on: gestures, poses, rhetorical questions, verbal clues, key words, the title- they can ease or make it difficult.

The English Listening presents too many difficulties for listeners:

- Phonetic difficulties;

- Lexical difficulties;

- Grammar difficulties

Difficulties of listening.

1. Unknown language (words and grammar).

2. Unintelligible manner of presentation (poor clarity of diction, etc).

3. Unfamiliar topic (never heard of the problem)

4. lack of own experience (have never been in the circumstance)

5. No visual clues (images, gestures, mimicry)

6. No personal opinion (have never thought about it).

7. No expectations' about the text (the information came all of a sudden).

8. Interference of the FL1 on the ph, gr, voc. level. (Examples are supplied by students).

Listening is not a straightforward match of sounds to some exact meaning. Listening is an inferential process, i.e. we make inferences (assumptions) during listening the listener reconstructs and in many cases creates the meaning of the speakers' message. Listening is a construction and reconstruction process. The process of making inferences includes estimating the sense of the words, constructing propositions (assumptions) about the text, assigning a general meaning to the text, making logical links and assuming a plausible (possible) intention of the speaker. In this sense the process of comprehension is a collaborative, process where the listener collaborates with the speaker.


The process of teaching LC is guided by several principles:

Principle1. Teaching to listen is a communicative skill. It means that the learners are taught the ability to listen in real or close-to-real situations.

Principle2. Teaching to listen is based on authentic materials. It implies that the materials are either authentic made or authentic like for teaching purposes.

Principle3. Teaching to listen is an integrated skill. It should be taught in integration with other skills.


Listening exercises include:

  1. training exercises (to train the mechanisms that are involved)

- on short-term memory 7 2

- on anticipation

- on logical thinking

  1. speech exercises

- listen and do (follow instruction, and connect)

- listen and answer the questions

- listen and transfer (tables, diagrams, graphs, notes)

  1. communicative exercises

- (listen-and-infer), express your opinion.

All the exercises should be adequate to the aims set.

Listen-and-do activities imply that the language learner listen to the language and perform commands, follow instructions, draw, tick off items on the list, sequence the text, match strip cartoons (picture stories), maps, plans, family trees, pictures etc. For example: draw a house and a tree near it, etc,

Listen-and-transfer activities imply that while listening to the language material the students transfer information to tables, diagrams, graphs, drawing, notes maps etc.

Listen-and infer activities are based on such tasks as interpreting situations, words, attitudes in the discourse drawing conclusions, making assumptions and judgments, "true or false". Work on the text for LC implies 3 stages:

1) Pre-listening- we prepare student psychologically and linguistically to minimize difficulties and maximize possibility to understood, brainstorming, guiding questions.

2) While listening-repetition, students repeat after the teacher. Ticking of items, paraphrase, sequencing, matching.

3) Post-listening multiple choice questions, T/F statements

Jigsaw listening is a communicative activity which consists in making up the whole text on the basis of the different pieces the individual listeners hear (See Jigsaw Reading)

Requirements to listening materials:

a) Authenticity

b) Relevance to the age and level of proficiency of learners

c) Relevance to the general topic

d) It should not be too long, or too short

Some linguists recommend the use of authentic text to help students further develop their communicative skills. By using such listening materials, the learner is given the chance to develop the skills needed to comprehend and to use language that is commonly found in real situations. With the help of authentic materials students learn to comprehend double meanings, predict meaning, make allowances for performance errors committed by other speakers, deal with interruptions and so on.

How to organize LC of a text presented by a teacher or a tape recorder in steps.

Step I. Introductory talk with the aim to prepare pupils for comprehension of a text by the ear;

Step II. Prediction. Aim to prepare students for listening, focusing on the situation and encouraging students to predict:

a) working at the title of a text;

b) removing the language difficulties of the text (phonetic, lexical, grammatical).

Step III. Setting an aim for primary comprehension of the text.

Step IV. Primary presentation of the audiotext to the pupils with the help of visual props (pictures, adequate to the content of the text) or verbal props (key-words, word combinations, phrases).

Step V. Checking up understanding of the general content of the text.

Step VI. Setting an aim for the second presentation of the text;

Step VII. The second presentation of the text/gist listening (for specific information) to understand the text in depth the words, details, structures (with the help of verbal (graphic) props);

Step VIII. Checking up understanding of the details of the text

Step IX. Summing up and follow-up activities.

Ways of checking up understanding

a) orally and in writing

b) in the mother tongue or in the target language if the pupils level of mastering the target language is enough to convey the information;

c) extralinguistic and linguistic ways - draw, underline, perform an action. Pupils are supposed to know the requirements to auding a particular text (e.g. the number of details).

Multiple choice tests (choose the correct answer out of 3-4);

Fill in the blanks in the graphic variant;

Answer the questions;

Choose a suitable picture;

A discussion in the mother tongue;

Underline the correct answer (or raise your hand when);

Make up an outline of the story;

Audiotape Assessments

We might consider audiotaping the assessment (Williams, 2007). An audiotape enables students to listen to questions as they read them. Students can rewind and listen multiple times. So many of our students have personal music players, and a recording of an assessment can easily be downloaded for students to listen to throughout the test. Williams, who taught in a school with many international students, found that students scores increased and anxiety levels lessened when students were able to listen to an assessment while completing it.

During the listening activity itself, students monitor their comprehension and make decisions about strategy use. Students need to evaluate continually what they are comprehending and check:

1. consistency with their predictions, and

2. internal consistency; i.e., the ongoing interpretation of the oral text or interaction.

Teacher intervention during this phase is virtually impossible because of the ephemeral nature of listening. Periodic practice in decision-making skills and strategy use can sharpen inferencing skills and help students to monitor more effectively.

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Reading is a psycho-physiological process. Its an active process of receiving information.

In methodology its an independent type of speech activity. Now reading is considered as a process of active receiving and processing of information.

Reading in foreign language means to carry out complex verbal ability to obtain new information contained in the graphic representing its source, called the text.

Reading is a cognitive process. It implies the work of cognitive mechanisms:

* Thinking

* Memory

* Perception

* Inner speech

* Anticipation (, )

Techniques of reading:

1. To establish graphemic-phonemic associations

2. To teach student an alphabet

3. To minimize recognition pauses, to reduce movements of the eyes backwards, to increase speed of reading

4. Eye span

5. To maximize the possibilities of comprehension

Requirements to reading materials:

* Authentic material

* Interesting for pupils

* Not too long or too short

* Many types: narration, description, dialogue, monologue, poems, fairy tales

There are a lot reading strategies:


Speed reading process where searching for a meaning of the context is done rather than reading the entire paragraph or a page.


Technique usually used to look up a word in some book. Searching words or ideas. As in most of the cases, one knows what is required and looking for what key word, so high priority will be on finding the word required.


For reading a longer text, sequencing is a good strategy to employ. On reading through the text, one looks for a sequence or order.

Deducing meaning in a context Look at the two sentences:

She had her ears pierced yesterday.

The quiet night was pierced by a shrill scream.

The same word 'pierced' is used in the sentences in two different contexts. In the first sentence, pierce means bore, whereas, in the second sentence it means broken.

With regular practice these reading skills can make reading easier and more pleasurable.

Types of reading:

Prepared and unprepared

Analytical and synthetical

Intensive and extensive

Reading aloud and silent reading

Types of R:

R. aloud, silent R., class and home R., control R., analytical, synthetical R., prepared and unprepared R., intensive (short texts) and extensive (long texts) R., narrow R. (one and the same author), Jigsow R. Acc. to 4 functional types of R.: Searching (scanning)- , skimming- , critical, R. with thorough comprehension.

Rebecca L. Oxford (1990) suggests a number of practical ideas for helping students to create self-esteem and self-confidence by using effective strategies: skimming, scanning, writing key words and sentences from the text, summarizing paragraphs, writing glossary, guessing the meaning of new words from the context, using the illustrations to guess the forthcoming text, analyzing the text. Among the strategies used in reading the following ones are often mentioned: keeping meaning is mind, skipping unknown words and guessing from the context; using the title and the illustration; using context clues, etc.

Types of exercises for TR according to : 1) graphemic- phonemic which help pupils to assimilate graphemic-phonemic correspondence in the English language (which letter makes word different, name the letter and find the word with it, which letter is mute, read the list of words and group them acc. to the rules of reading of letter in different positions); 2) structural-informational which help pupils to carry out lexical and grammar analyses to find the logical subject and predicate in the sentences following the structural elements (make up sentences in the Present Simple into the Past); 3) semantic-communicative which help pupils to get information from text (read the text and give it a title, answer the questions).


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