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Sociometry in Relation to other Social Sciences.

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The group method and group psychotherapy. Sociometry Monograph, No. 5. Beacon (N.Y.): Beacon House.


Psychodrama and the psychopathology of interpersonal relations.

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The future of man's world. Sociometry 8, 535 542.

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Sociometry and marxism. Sociometry 12, No. 13.


Sociometry and Experimental Sociology. Sociometry 17, No. 4.


Fondements de la sociometrie. Paris: Presses Universitaires de


Die Grundlagen der Soziometrie. Koln-Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag.

Sociometry and experimental sociology. Sociometry 17, 358 363.


Philosophy of the third psychiatric revolution, with special emphasis on group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama. Progr. Psychotherapy 1, 24.


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Sociometria. Moskau 1958.

Psychodrama, Vol. II. In collaboration with Zerka T. Moreno.

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Gruppenpsychotherapie und Psychodrama. Stuttgart: Thieme.


Hrsg.: The Sociometry Reader. Glencoe (III.): Free Press.

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The role concept, a bridge between psychiatry and sociology.

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Code of ethics for group psychotherapy and psychodrama; it's relationship to the Hippocratic Oath. Beacon (N.Y.): Beacon House.


Role theory and the emergence of the self. Group Psychotherapy


Psychiatric Encounter in Soviet Russia. Int. J. Sociometry Sociatry 2, No. 2.


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. 330

146, 257-259, 343



. 333

. 333

. 333

. . 9-10

. 333

. 72

. 333

.. 19, 343

. 14, 50, 57, 78-79, 101, 145, 189, 343

. 71

. 258-259, 343

.. 333

. 197, 343

. 71

. 71, 159, 166, 343


. 72, 343

. 71

. 105, 346

. 252, 346

. 71, 330

. 27, 335, 346

. 242, 346


.-. 167-168, 177-178, 344


... 57, 344

67-68, 70, 344

. 229

ø .-. 154-155, 258, 284, 342, 344


. 333

... 258, 344

. 119, 344

. 28, 335, 344

. 49, 100, 344


. 104, 343

. 237, 343

. 167, 343

.. 242, 344

. 71

. 49, 78, 343

. 258, 342-343

.. 910



. 331

. 30

X. 330


106-107, 224

. 331

, 27, 346


. 71

. 70, 344


. 250, 344

. 71

. 197, 343

. 333

. 117-125, 127-129,344

. 71, 107, 276, 344


. 330

. 23, 344

- . 92, 344.

. 333

. 19, 237-238, 344

121 122,149,344

. 333

. 48, 344

. 72


. 334

. 44

. 333, 344

. X. 48, 81,93, 100, 344

X. 119, 344


. 30, 345

. 67, 345

. 100, 333, 345


.. 71

. 333

. 18, 145, 338, 345

. 8


75, 344


75, 345


. 68, 70,345

. 86

.. 250, 344

.. 25, 345


. 7, 335


. 107, 333

. 276, 345

X. 105, 107, 346

. . 9


139, 343

. 215, 346

.. 167, 343

. 259, 343

3. 7-8,50-51,78,112,126,162- 163,175,231,251,258,343

.. 333

. 331, 337, 342


. 216, 237, 344

. 122, 344

. . 9


. 333


.. 9


. 80-81, 258, 345

. 21, 68, 103, 345

. 292, 345

. 19, 71

.. 232


. 9

. 105, 343

. 164, 336-337, 343

. 330

. 89

.. 7, 14,51, 103, 112,231, 253, 294, 344


. 103, 344

. 104, 344


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