







, , . ,

In[4]:= exprod[n_]:= Expand[Product[x+i, {i, 1, n}]]

In[5]:= cex[n_, i_]:= (t = exprod[n]; Coefficient[t, x^i])

x t . Mathematica.

In[6]:= exprod[5]

Out[6]= 120 + 274 x + 225 x2 + 85 x3 + 15 x4 + x5

In[7]:= cex[5, 3]

Out[7]= 85

In[8]:= t t -

Out[8]= 120 + 274 x + 225 x2 + 85 x3 + 15 x4 + x5

In[9]:= x=a; x -

In[10]:= exprond[3]

Out[10]= 6 + 11 a + 6 a2 + a3

Module[{a,b,c,...}, procedure],

a, b, c,... . ncex u.

In[11]:= ncex[n_, i_]:= Module[{u}, u = exprod[n]; Coefficient[u, x^i]] u -

In[12]:= ncex[5, 3]

Out[12]= 85

In[13]:= u

Out[13]= u


Mathematica , .

Goto[tag] - tag.

Label[tag] - tag.

If[conditioon, t, f] - If t, condition=true f, condition=false.

Do[expr, {i, imax}] - Do expr imax - . i 1 imax 1.

Do[expr, {i, imin, imax, di] - i, imin imax di.

Table[expr, {i, imax}] - (list) , expr. imax.

Table[expr, {i, imax},{j, jmax]] - , imax jmax .

While[condition, body] - .



Mathematica , . :

In[1]:= Factorial[n_]:= If[n==0, 1, n*Factorial[n-1]]

In[2]:= Factorial[4]

Out[2]= 24



. . . (Package) ASCII m. PACKAGES Mathematica.


BeginPackage["NonLSys`AffinS`"] - NonLSys`AffinS`, AffinS.m.

f::usage="Text" - f, . , . "Text" , f. ?< > "Text"

Begin["`Private`"] - . .

f[arg]:= < > - .

End[ ] - .

EndPackage[ ] - .





(* *)


GradF::usage="GradF[h, x] returns the gradient dh={dh/dx1...

dh/dxn} of function h. x={x1... xn} is array of state space



Jacobi::usage="Jacoby[f, x] returns the Jacobi matrix J=df/dx

of vector f. f={{f1(x)},{f2(x)},...} is vector colums"




GradF[hh_, xx_]:=Module[{i}, Table[D[hh, xx[[i]] ], {i, Length[xx]}]]


Jacobi[ff_, xx_]:= Module[{i, j},

Table[D[ff[[i, 1]], xx[[j]]], {i, Length[ff]}, {j, Length[xx]}]]


End[ ]


EndPackage[ ] (* NonLSys`AffinS2` *)


. .

In[1]:= <<NonLSys`AffinS2`



Mathematica , , . (, , ..).




Plot[f[x], {x, xmin, xmax}],

f[x] , x , xmin x, xmax x.


In[1]:= Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2*Pi}]


Out[1] = Graphics


, Frame, GridLines, GridLines.


In[2]:= Plot[Sin[x^2], {x, 0, 3}, Frame -> True, GridLines -> Automatic,

AxesLabel -> {"x", "Sin[x]"}]


Out[2] = Graphics



PlotRange .


In[3]:= Plot[Sin[x^2], {x, 0, 3}, PlotRange -> {0, 1.2}]

Out[3] = Graphics


Show , .


In[4]:= Show[Out[2], Out[3]]

Out[4] = Graphics



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