






i ii Ajax

AJAX Asynchronous JavaScript And XML ( JavaScript XML)


XML Extensible Markup Language ( )

HTML HyperText Markup Language ( )

JSON JavaScript Object Notation (' JavaScript)

CSV Comma-Separated Values

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol ( )

DOM Document Object Model (' )

DHTML Dynamic HyperText Markup Language

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (ó )


URL Uniform Resource Locator ( )

XMLHttpRequest API- -볺 () - HTTP , JavaScript, JScript, VBScript




Web - , Web- . Web-, , , , . , , , , . Ajax. 㳿 Web-. 볺 , 볺 Web- . , JavaScript, Ajax-, .

Ajax-, 볺 JavaScript- Java-. 䳿 JavaScript Java , . Java , , . JavaScript ᒺ , , .


Web- Ajax.



- 㳺 Ajax;

- Web-;

- Web-.

- Web-.

- .





i ii Ajax

Ajax Web-, Web- 䳺, Web-. Web- .

Ajax , . Ajax : 㳿 䳿 JavaScript ᒺ XMLHttpRequest 񳺿 䳿

볺 XML JSON. web- web-, web-, web- . ³ , . ³ HTML .

web-, 㳿 Ajax, 볺. 䳿 web- . , 䳿. HTML 볺 web-, .

src JavaScript, . src , 䳿 JavaScript, , .

, 㳿 Ajax . Macromedia Flash ( 4 ) XML CSV . web- .

ϳ Microsoft ᒺ XMLHttpRequest Internet Explorer 5, Ajax.


1.2 㳿 Ajax

- -;

- . , , . , . , . , , , , ϳ , . . Ajax , - . Ajax , , . , .

- ;

䳿 볺-, , ᒺ- , , . , , . , HTTP , web- JavaScript, .

- -;

. . . , ᒺ -, , 䳿 .

, , . , , . ϳ , , , , , . , 25 , .

- -;

㳿 AJAX, . , . , , , 񳺿 . .


1.3 㳿 Ajax

³ , , Ajax .


JavaScript DOM, .

JavaScript ECMAScript. Web-, ' .

JavaScript Java. . JavaScript Sun Microsystems ( Java) JavaScript Netscape Netscape Communications.

JavaScript Trident (Internet Explorer), Presto (Opera), Gecko (Firefox, Mozilla, Netscape) KHTML/WebKit (Konqueror, Safari).

JavaScript '- , ' . JavaScript , , .

JavaScript , :

- ',

- '





, , AJAX.

㳿 DHTML JavaScript HTML- , . JavaScript <script></script> ' HTML 4.01 type="text/javascript", JavaScript.

Web- JavaScript . , JavaScript ( ᒺ ), .

JavaScript . ECMAScript , , .

JavaScipt ( Gecko , Trident).


1.4 Web Ajax

璺 JavaScript-ᒺ XMLHttpRequest. , .




( ) JavaScript-ᒺ XMLHttpRequest . DHTML. 䳿, Ajax . 䳿 , .

XML, JSON . 񳺿 ( ), . 볺, .

, JavaScript, DHTML.

, Web-, 볺, web- .


- JavaScript, web-.

- , Ajax, JavaScript.

- , Ajax, .


- JavaScript Java . JavaScript ( , , , ) JavaScript Java JavaScript HTML .

- , , , , (JavaScript, Java, Flash ..). HTML-.

- , , , . ( ), Web-, .


1.5 Ajax-

, , , . Ajax . Ajax , Ajax .

㳿 Ajax Wikipedia. JAX (A synchronous J avaScript A nd X ML) -, -, , . AJAX DHTML.

AJAX 2005- (Jesse James Garrett) -. AJAX . Ajax .



- XMLHttpRequest , ;

- JavaScript <SCRIPT> DOM, JSON);

- .

- , . AJAX , , . web- ( , 璺 ). AJAX , Google , Gmail, Google Maps Google Suggest. .


- :

- - - ;

- ;

- - . .;

- 񳺿 , , .


- - - .

- .

- , .


1.6 - AJAX-㳿

Ajax Google, Wikipedia, yahoo, meta. 㳿 Ajax. , Ajax .

- Google suggest Google Maps , Ajax;

- Protopage Ajax ( );

- eyeOS online - Ajax;

- BIM online- Ajax;

- Wikipedia.org Wikipedia.org ajax.

Google Suggest (. suggest ) . Google . 㳿 AJAX.


, Ajax Protopage. rss , .

eyeOS - ' . PHP, XML, JavaScript. - eyeOS Toolkit. 67 . -. eyeOS eyeOS Toolkit . eyeSoft, Portage, eyeOS . , AJAX XML . eyeOS XML . XML . 㳿 Ajax.


- . . Ajax. - .


- Ajax , . - . Wikipedia 㳿 Ajax.

㳿 . 䳿 AJAX. .


2 Web -

Web- , , , , -- (MVC). , (frameworks). PHP , Zend Framework, Symfony, Cake PHP, CodeIgniter . , Zend Framework Symfony, 3 , ; , . .

1. ᑺ- Web-, , .

2. MVC, 䳿 (model), (view), (-) (controller), .

3. , .

4. , HTML- , .

5. , .

6. , HTML-.

7. Web- .

8. Cookie-, , .

9. , Web-.


2.1 CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter (www.codeigniter.com) , , , , , , , , .


CodeIgniter index.php, , CodeIgniter . HTTP-, : HTTP, URL- . CodeIgniter, ( Web-). : , . ϳ URL . , , ( , ), , , , HTML-, . ( 2.1), , , CodeIgniter.

2.1- Codeigniter

Codeigniter ᒺ . Application. System ( 2.2).


2.2- Codeigniter


ndex.php - . HTTP- HTTP- ( 2.1) CodeIgniter


CodeIgniter ᑺ . Application. System ( 2.2).

Web- 璺 URL CodeIgniter.

2.2 , php, , database.php, URL routes.php . Web-, , Web-. , 2.2 , . :

- (controllers), ;

- (models), ( , , );

- (views), Web-, HTML-.

, , URL- . URL- ( 2.3):


2.3- URL-, CodeIgniter


URL- , 2.3. , , , , .


- http://example.com/portfolio/latest/5 - portfolio, latest, 5 .

- http://example.com/blog/created - blog, created, .

, 2.3 index.php. , index.php Web-. , Web- Apache (. .2.2) .htaccess :

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond $1!^(index\.php|images|robots\.txt)

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

mod_rewrite Web- ( CodeIgniter). : RewriteCond , (index.php, images, robots.txt), RewriteRule , - , RewriteCond index.php. , CodeIgniter URL.

ᑺ 䳿 (, ) . PHP ( 2.4) /application/models. , . , (CI_Model), __ constructor(), . :

$this->load->model('Testmodel'); Testmodel .

˳ 2.1 -


class Testmodel extends CI_Model {




// Call the Model constructor



function get_data($id)


$sql = "SELECT fieldl FROM tablel WHERE id =?"; $q = $this->db->query($sql, array(id));

$row = $q->row();

return $row->field1;





$this->Testmodel->get_data(10);, ᑺ CodeIgniter. /application/config/autoload.php :

$autoload['model'] = array(testmodel‟);

CodeIgniter HTML- (: , , , ). . , PHP-: , (echo, print ). , PHP (for, foreach ) , , .

, .


2.2 Ajax

Ajax ( Javascript) Web-, Web- Web- , Web-. , , . JavaScript. . 볺 Ajax ᑺ Javascript XMLHttpRequest. ᑺ , . ᑺ . , , - , ᑺ. JQuery. Web- XPath CSS, , . Ajax JQuery :

1. (, ).

2. Javascript.

3. JSON, ᑺ Javascript.

4. ³ .

5. , .

6. HTML- .

3 CodeIgniter

3.1 CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter , htdocs Web- Apache, . 2.2. controllers views controllers.php welcome.php . ֳ . . http://localhost/index.php/, , 3.1.

3.1- -

. Web-, , index.php, htdocs. URL index.php, , routes.php:

$route['default_controller'] = 'welcome';

, Welcome application/controllers/welcome.php ( , ). welcome.php 3.1:

˳ 3.1 - - welcome.php

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Welcome extends CI_Controller {





function index()






welcome.php Welcome, CI_Controller . index(), , URL , /index.php. :


- , (view) welcome_message.php HTML. , HTML PHP: (echo, print ), (for, foreach ). ᑺ HTML , 䳿 , .

3.2 CodeIgniter

, . .

1. ϳ : , , .

2. .

3. / .

4. .



ϳ ( create database userdb), ( use userdb), users id, uname upwd), ( insert into). 3.2.

˳ 3.2 -

C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysql -u root -p Enter password: ********

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with; or \g.

Vour MySQL connection id is 2

Server version: 5.0.51b-community-log MySQL Community Edition (GPL)

Type 'help;' or \h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> create database userdb;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> use userdb;

Database changed

mysql> create table users (id integer auto_increment, uname varchar(20), upwd ua rchar(20), primary key (id));

Query OK, O rows affected (0.01 sec)

mysql>insert into users(uname,upwd) values ('userl', pwd1');

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> select * from users;

| id | uname | upwd |

| 1 | userl | pwd1 |

1 row in set (0.0O sec)


, . : , . 3.4. : index() login_result(). login . : ᑺ 䳿 ᑺ usermodel. ϳ ᑺ login, . , $data afterloginOK. $data .

˳ 3.3 - User

<? php if (!defined(BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed)

class User extends CI_Controller {



parent:: construct();


function index()




function login_result()




if ($this->usernodel->login($this->input->post("name"), $this->input->post("pwd")))







$data['unane']=$this->input->post("nane"); $data['dt']=date('H:i:s');

$this->load->view ('afterloginBAD',$data);




, . , CodeIgniter 䑺 ᑺ database, (. 3.4).

˳ 3.4 -


class Usernodel extends CI_Model {



// Call the Model constructor parent::construct();


function login($unane, $upud)


$sql - "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM users WHERE unane -? AND upwd -? ";

$q - $this->db->query($sql, array($unane, $upud));

$row - $q->row();

return ($row->cnt > 0);



, CodeIgniter ᑺ- , , , ᑺ ( : $row->cnt), , select.

3 : , . HTML- PHP. 3.2-3.4.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">




p{nargin:5px 0 0 0}





<forn action="/index.php/user/login_result" method="post">

<p> ': </p><p> <input type="text" name="name" value=""> </p>

<p> :</p><p> <input type="password" name="pud" value=""> </p>

<p><input type="submit" value=""/>





3.2 - HTML-

<!DOCTVPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<titl> </titl>


*{font-family: Arial}

p{margin:5px 0 0 0}




<h3>Գ </h3>

<p> : <?=$uname?> </p>




3.3 - HTML- ( afterloginOK.php)

3.3 PHP <?=$uname?>, , $uname, ($data[uname‟]).

<!DOCTVPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="utf-8">

<titl> </titl>


*{font-family: Arial}

p{margin:5px 0 0 0}




<h3>Գ </h3>

<>: <?=$uname?> </>

<>/ : <?=$dt?> </>




3.4 - HTML- ( afterloginBAD.php)

afterloginOK.php 3.8 HTML- PHP , .

3.3 CodeIgniter Ajax

CodeIgniter HTML. ( 3.5). :

1. HTML- (hint.html).

2. Javascript CodeIgniter (hint.js).

3. , (hint.txt).

3.5. HTML-


HTML- , ( 3.5):

˳ 3.5 - HTML-

<C!DOCTVPE html>



<script type^'text/jauascript" src="jquery;.js"></script>

<script type="text/jauascript" src="hint.js"></script>

<meta charset=utf-8 />

<title> Jquery Ajax</title>

<style type="text/css">

#hint {border: 1px solid black; margin:0}

#hint>diu:houer {background: ttccc}

#hint {display:none; margin-left:4px>






<input type^'text" autoconplete="off" id="city"/>

<diu id="hint"></diu>





3.5 , CodeIgniter, hint.js, -. , ( <style>), HTML city div id=hint .

hint.js ( 3.6). CodeIgniter ( ) (.get()).

˳ 3.5 - Javascript

// id="city"







function cl(euent)






function show_hint(euent)




// s -

s = euent.target

if ($(s).ual()=="") return;

// , Math.random() - $.get ("hint.txt?,a+Math.random(), function (data) {

if (data==,,,,) return

var a = data.split('\n')

for (uar in a) {

// ,

if ([].indexOf($("#city").ual())>-1)

$("hint").append ("<diu>"+a[]+a"</diu>")


// onclick

$("#hint>diu").click(function(event){ $("#city").ual($(euent.target).text());cl(null)})



// ,






. ready() , cl() , (, ), show_hint() . , HTML CSS, #hint>div div id=hint.

hint.txt, (c 3.6):

3.6 - hint.txt,

. - , Web-, , , CodeIgniter. , ( Ajax).


: 2015-11-05; !; : 2258 |



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