






II. . -.

1. .

: Do you like going out? Where to?

PI, P2:1 like going to the cinema, to a concert, etc.

. : You need to know a lot to make arrangements. Let's study the useful

vocabulary which will help you to get information about a concert or a


Open your Student's Books at p. 45 and read a conversation between two girls,

Ashley and Melody (ex. 1). They are talking about the forthcoming Sting

concert. What do the girls think they will see?


2. .

: In the conversation, find the sentences with the future actions, match them with the rule and translate them. , Well done.

3. .

T: Read the questions in the box on p. 46 and say:

which of them Ashley and Melody could ask each other about the forthcoming concert;

which questions they could ask the box office assistant;

which questions the box office assistant could ask them.
. : Thank you.

4. ,
: Read the questions after me. Mind the melody (T - CI).


Are there any tickets / seats available this week?

What concert are you going to next week?

Would you like the seats near the stage or would you prefer to sit further back?


5, .

T: Match the answers to the questions from the box. Work in pairs. Read out the



6. ,

T: Imagine that Melody has come to a box office to find out the time, place and

ticket prices to Sting concert. She is talking to a box office assistant. Work in

pairs. Make up a conversation and beready to act it out,

.*T: Great

. .


: At home I want you to prepare a conversation accorting to the following situation. You are discussing a concert of pop / rock music. Pu pil card 1. You are a Russian pupil who is going to see a concert of pop / rock music. You are talking to your foreign friend about the forthcoming performance of a popular singer or group. Discuss the performer(s), the songs you want to listen to, the time the performance begins and the price of the tickets,

Pupil card 2. You are a British pupil talking to your Russian friend about the forthcoming concert. You know that such performances usually begin at 7 at your town and the price of the tickets is not high (£20-40). Discuss the

performer(s), the songs you want to listen to, the time the performance begins and the price of the tickets.

2. .

3. .

4. .

"Spotlight-5" .. , . , .. , . . Module 2, Lesson l, p. 36. : That's me! ; Im from...


; :




. :


. :

, , , ;

. :

: , can / can't. : .

: , .

I. .

II. .

. : Now when you know the names of countries and nationalities let's sing

a song "I'm from...".

. : Great. You sing quite well.


. .

1. .

A. : Now I want you to introduce yourselves as in the example: Hello. My
name's Natasha. I'm from Russia (PI, P2 - T).

B. ; Say what language you can speak, for example, I can speak English. And

C. : Say what language you can't speak, for example, I can't speak German.

2. .

A. : Imagine you are at summer English school. You are from different
countries. Speak to your partner. Introduce youself and say what languages you
can and can't speak (PI - P2).

B, : Look at the board. Here are the famous cartoon characters. Answer the
questions about each character. Let's read them (T - CI).

What is his / her name?

Where is he / she from?

What can he / she do?

What can't he / she do?

What kind of person is he / she?

T: Look at the oards.There is a list of words. Let's read them and see what they mean: climb walls, jump high, run fast, kind, strong, clener, funny, etc, (T - CI). T: These words will help you to answer the questions. Look at the first cartoon character (PI, P2, etc.). Answer the questions about him. . : Well done. Thank you.

3. . : Imagine that all the cartoon characters are at the party. Play a role of your favourite cartoon character and introduce yourself. Use the example. Let's read it all together.

Example: Hello! I'm Asterix. I'm from France. I can speak French but I can't speak English. I can run fast and jump high. I'm funny. T: I give you two minutes to prepare. (PI, P2 - CI), . : Goog job. Thank you. . .


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