






The Present Indefinite Tense

(e)s 3-

s, -z, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x
-s [s] -s [z] -es [iz]
He looks He talks He wonders He rides He passes He teaches

: to go he goes [gouz]

to do he does [dÙz]

to say he says [sez]

. 2. 3- . :

He/She pursues, chooses, helps, develops, works, feels, contributes, decides, relates, nurses, instructs, expands, obtains, takes, teaches, passes, catches.


1) to study I study he studies (y/i + es [iz] ) : to play I play he plays [z] ( ) to teach I teach he teaches [iz] ( , )


. 3. 3- :

Do, go, be, have, teach, see, instruct, pursue, relate, expand, answer, study, stay (), manage ().

. 4. :


to decide [disaid] v to relate [rileit] v ; , related to [rileitid] 1) ; 2) option [Ép∫(ə)n] n 1) , ; 2) a number of [nΛmbə] , available [əveiləbl] a , , education [edju(:)kei∫(ə)n] , family development course [kÉ:s] n (, , ..) three-year course course of training to nurse [nə:s] v / nurse [nə:s] n 1) ; ; ; 2) nursing [nə:siη] n counselor [kaunsələ] n ; psychologist [(p)saikÉlədʒist] n psychiatrist [saikaiətrist] n pediatrician [pi:diətri∫ən] n , pediatric nurse [pi:diætrik] psychiatric nurse [saikiætrik] , social worker [`sou∫əl `wə:kə] disturbance [distə:bəns] n . ; ill a illness [ilnis] instruct [instrΛkt] v kindergarten [kindəga:tn] n . elementary school [elimentəri sku:l] secondary school [sekəndəri] to expand [ikspænd] v , income [inkəm] n , considerably [kənsidərəbli] adv to obtain [əbtein] v ; , degree [digri:] n , to take/to obtain a degree the degree of bachelor (of master, of doctor) (, ) graduate [grædjuit] n 1) . ; 2) . advanced [ədva:nst] a


. 5. :

1. I (choose/chooses) a career of a counsellor. 2. She (want/wants) to help children. 3. They (develop/develops) into physically mature individuals. 4. Many adults (work/works) with children professionally. 5. I (feel/feels) a sense of pride in my abilities. 6. We (contribute/contributes) to the next generation of human beings. 7. So you (decide/decides) to choose the career of a pediatrician. 9. Psychiatrists (see/sees) children with problems. 10. This young teacher (instruct/instructs) children in our kindergarten. 11. If you (obtain/obtains) a graduate degree you (expand/expands) your opportunity considerably.


. 6. :

1. She knows English well. 2. I get up early. 3. Her mother teaches at school. 4. We find our flat cozy. 5. She tells the truth. 6. They make an awful noise. 7. They dance every day. 8. She keeps company with these students. 9. He drinks red wine. 10. We spend our days in reading.


. 7. :

1. You buy many books. 2. He hates shopping. 3. We ask many questions. 4. You live in Pushkin Street. 5. You pay much money for the room. 6. Your mother lives with you. 7. Your friends like to sing. 8. We know these young people.

s (es)

-s -es : walls, classes
3- Present Indefinite: he goes, he reads
: a students book, students books, Mikes flat


. 8. s (-es) . :

1. I changed places with Mrs. Clark. 2. He places his books on the shelf. 3. She always books tickets in advance (). 4. There are two national parks in this country. 5. Sometimes he parks his car near the house. 6. I went to my friends two weeks ago. 7. The results of the game were unpredictable. 8. He got good marks in French. 9. The teacher marks our homework twice a week. 10. He is Toms son.

. 9. :

Career [kəriə], college [kÉlidʒ], university [ju:nivə:siti], professor [prəfesə], course [kÉ:s], education [edjukei∫ən], clinical [klinikəl], psychologist [saikÉlədʒist], psychiatrist [saikaiətrist], pediatric [pi:diætrik], pediatrician [pi:diətri∫ən], psychiatric [saikiætrik], social [sou∫əl], problem [′prÉbləm], instruct [instrΛkt], elementary [elimentəri], absolutely [æbsəlutli].

. 10. , :


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