






Define the main idea of the text

Make 10-20 questions to the text.

Make a summary of the given text.


The British Isles

Around 500 BC they were inhabited by the Celts. We don't know much about them, but we know that they never called themselves by that name. It was given to them by the Greeks. Celts saw themselves as a number of independent tribes that even didn't speak the shared language. They left almost no written materials, though they occasionally borrowed other peoples' alphabets, but they wrote only about trade and never wrote about their tra­ditions or way of life or beliefs. But other peoples did. Many Celtic myths survived to be written centuries later in both Ireland and Wales.

From what we know, the Celts were a very religious society. Like most primitive cul­tures, they worshipped deities who were the personifications of the sky and the rivers, they believed them to bring good fortune and held some seasonal religious festivals, that often involved animal and human sacrifices. Celts were very brave in battles and many of their myths glorified heroes to set an example to the others.

When Romans invaded Britain, mythologies mixed and merged, many gods became identical with Roman deities and took on their attributes. The Romans left Britain in around 410 AD. By the time they left, Britain was mainly christianised. These Britons, the Romanised Celts, were overrun by Saxons, Angles and Jutes — pagans from northern Europe. Britons were driven west into Cornwall and Wales. However they managed to bring their new religion to the Anglo-Saxons, backed by the Pope. By 460 AD one of the British monks. St Patrick, had introduced Christianity to Ireland.

Text 10

1. Read and translate the text:

Compose the continuation of the story.


North America

When you study their mythology you can see the simi­larities between the native Americans and the Mongolians and Siberians of the northeast Asia, who crossed to Alaska over the Bering Strait when there was still a land bridge there. This migration may have started as long ago as 60,000 years. The next big wave of immigrants came in the 13th century AD when several nomadic tribes arrived from the northeast of Asia, escaping from Genghis Khan and his Mongol Herds. These tribes became Apache and Navaho peoples.

The closest similarity between the people…


A plan for rendering

1. The title of the article. 1. a) The article is headlined.... b) The headline of the article I have read is
2. The author of the article; where and when the article was published. 2. a) The author of the article is... b) The article is written by... c) It is (was) published in... d) it is (was) printed in...
3. The main idea of the article. 3. a) The main idea of the article is... b) The article is about... c) The article is devoted to... d) The article deals with... e) The article touches upon... f) The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on... g) The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some facts/material/data on...
4. The contents of the article. Some facts, names, figures. 4. a) The author starts by telling (the reader) (about, that...) b) The author writes (states, stresses upon, thinks, points out) that... c) The article describes... d) According to the text... e) Further the author reports (says) that... f) The article goes on to say that... g) In conclusion... h) The author comes to the conclusion that
5. Your opinion of/on the article. 5. a) I find/found the article topical=urgent (interesting, important, dull, of no value, too hard to understand...) because.... b) In my opinion the article is worth reading because....

Conclusion / Заключение


В первой части данных методических указаний представлены отдельные уроки, содержащие тексты общеобразовательной направленности, упражнения к ним, направленные на активизацию и закрепление терминологической лексики. Для закрепления навыков устной речи по общеобразовательным темам снабжены системой различных упражнений, разработанных авторами с учетом специфики курса, задания подобраны для различных уровней владения иностранным языком.

Вторая часть указаний рекомендована для самостоятельного обучения. Тексты для дополнительного чтения (Additional Reading) в третьей части служат для закрепления навыков перевода, расширения общенаучного кругозора студентов, а также носят воспитательный характер.

абота с пособием предполагает аудиторные групповые занятия под руководством преподавателя, обязательную самостоятельную работу студента, выполняемую во внеаудиторное время, индивидуальную самостоятельную работу студента под руководством преподавателя.

Используемая литература:

1. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь.

2. Самаркина Н. Г. Охрана окружающей среды (на английском языке): Метод. разработка разговорной речи для студ. I-II курсов всех спец. — Астрахань: АГТУ, 1999. — 11 с.

3. Тажетдинова Н.С. Методическая разработка "The Astrakhan region". — Астрахань: АГТУ, 1999.

4. Филюшкина Л.Т., Фролова М.П. Сборник упражнений к учебнику английского языка авторов Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Котий, Л.Г.Лукьяновой: Учебное пособие. – М.: Междунар. отношения. 1995. – 160 с.

5. Цветкова И. В., Клепальчецко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для школьников и ПОСТУПАЮЩИХ В ВУЗЫУСТНЫЙ ЭКЗАМЕН ИЗДАНИЕ ПЯТОЕ Авторы и составители: Цветкова И. В., Клепальчецко И.А., Мыльцева Н.А. МОСКВА ГЛОССА-ПЕСС 2004

6. Vince M. Macmillan English Grammar in Context. With CD ROM. Macmillan Publishers Limited. Oxford. 2012.

7. http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/australian-story/natural-disasters

8. http://www.newzealand.com/int/feature/new-zealand-geography-and-geology/



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