






GraphErrorMsg (errcode:integer) -. , errcode, GraphResult

, , :

ClearDevice - . .

SetViewPort (xl,yl,x2,Y2:intgr;clip:boolean) -. (1,1) (2,2), . clip , .

ClearViewPort - . , .

SetVisualPage (p:word) - . (, EGA, VGA, Hercules) . SetVisualPage , .

SetActivePage (p:word) - . , .

GetMaxX - . .

GetMaxY - . Y .


PutPixel (x,y:integer;col:word) -. (,) , col.

GetPixel (x,y:integer) - . (,).

GetX - . .

GetY - . Y .


Line (xl,yl,x2,y2:integer) - . (1,1) (2,2). SetLineStyle. .

LineTo (,: integer) - . (,). (,).

LineRel (dx,dy:integer) - . (,), (+dx, y+dy).

MoveTo (x,y:integer) - . (,).

MoveRel (dx,dy:integer) - . (,) (x+dx,y+dy).

SetLineStyle (stil,muster,w:word) - . (Line, LineTo, Arc, Circle, DrawPoly, Rectangle). stil Graph :


solidln = 0; { }

dotteln = 1; { }

centerln = 2; { }

dasheln = 3; { }

userbitln = 4; { }

muster stil = userbitln. w :


normwidth = 1; { }

thickwidth = 3; { )

, , :

Arc (x,y:integer;w1, w2, r:word) -. (,) wl w2. .

Circle (x,y:integer;r:word) - . r (,).

Rectangle (xl,yl,x2,y2:integer) - . (1,1) (2,2).

Bar (xl,yl,x2,y2:integer) - . (xl,yl) (2,2), , SetFillStyle SetFillPattern.

Bar3d (xl,yl,x2,y2:integer;t:word;top:boolean) - . (1,1) (2,2). t . , SetFillStyle SetFillPattern. top , .

DrawPoly (an:word;var p) - . an . , , [1..n] of pointtype,

type pointtype = record

,: word;


FillPoly (an:word;var p) - . an . graph pointtype. ( , ), , SetFUlStyle SetFUlPattern.

SetFUlStyle (muster,f:word) - . . muster :


emptyfill = 0; { )

solidfill = 1; { }

linefill=2; {}

Ltslashfill=3; {\\\\}

slashfill = 4; {\\\\, }

bkslashfill = 5; {////, }

Ltbkslashfill=6; {////}

hatehfill = 7; { }

xhatchfill = 8; { , } interleavefill = 9; { }

widedofill =10; { } closedotfill =11; { }

f .

SetFiIlPattern (mustcr:fillpatterntype;f:word) - . FillPoly, FloodFiIl, Bar, Bar3d, Pieslice. Graph


fillpatterntype = rr[1..8] of byte;

(). . . f .

FloodFill (x,y,rand:word) - . (x,y) rand , , SetFillStyle SetFillPattern.

Pieslice (x,y:integer;wl,w2,r:word) -. (,) wl w2. . "" SetFillStyle SetFillPattern .

Ellipse (x,y:integer;al,a2,rX,rY:word) - . , rY 1 2, (,) .


SetBkColor (f:word) - . f .

SetCoIor (f:word) - . f .



OutText (str: string) - . str. . SctTextJustify, SetTextStyle, SetUserCharSize.


: 2016-09-03; !; : 461 |



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