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. (Heller, 1996) , . , 60- . (Harlow & Harlow, 1962); Head-Start-, (Zigler, Taussig & Black, 1992).



. , . . , . , , , (. , , , Hany, 1988).

( ) , , . (Rossi & Freeman, 1993) (Mittag & Jerusalem, 1997) , (. . 21.2).

, . (Walter & Schwarz, 1997) : , , ( , . ), . , , . .

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, . . 21.2 ( Mittag & Jerusalem, 1997; . Walter & Schwarz, 1997).


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, (. Patry, 1982), . , , , (Wottawa & Thierau, 1990). . (Rossi & Freeman, 1993) , , (, Ischi & Perrez, 1988). . .

. . , ( ) . (., , Teld, Miller, Killen & Cooke, 1990).

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, , , , (Dembo, Sweitzer & Lauritzen, 1985). ()- , (Cambell & Stanley, 1966) - - (). (non-treatment) , (, Minsel & Quast, 1988). - (Pedro-Carroll & Cowen, 1985) 10 . 40 - 32 , , .

(Schinke, Schilling & Snow, 1987): 278 , 11,75 , . 50- 2 . - . ʸ ʸ (Köhle & Köhle, 1988), .

, , - . . (Cronbach, Ambron & Dornbusch, 1980), , . , . (Cook & Matt, 1990) , .

(, , . .). , , , (multi-method-measurement) (. . 21.5).


21.5. Houston Parent-Child Development Center Program (Johnson, 1988)

Houston Parent-Child Development Center Program (cp. Johnson, 1988), , - ; 2- .

- . ; (-, -, 1- 2- ) . . 100 . .

- . , , - (Andrews et al., 1982). 1- ( 4 7 ) , 2- ( 5 8 ) .

(, ). 1- , , (less emotionalle sensitive , S. 48), , . 2- acting out [Acting out (.) . . . ] ; , , .

, , . , , . , , (. Johnson, 1988).



(Johnson, 1988) Ypsilanti- (Schweinhart & Weikart, 1988) 3- 4- . Houston Parent-Child Development Center Program. , 19 , .

, , , 6 , . . , 5000 , 28 000 , , , (. Schweinhart & Weikart, 1988).

Task Force on Promotion, Prevention and Intervention Alternatives in Psychology APA (Price, Cowen, Lorion & Ramos-McKay, 1988), , , . (Rosenberg & Reppucci, 1985): , , .



, . , , . , , , , . , , - , , , .

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