






Excel ,

1. :

1.1. VBA Excel.

1.2. VBA Excel.

2. :

2.1. .

2.2. IBM PC/XT.

2.3. MS Excel.

2.4. Visual Basic for Application.

3. :

3.1. ( ).

3.2. 1. , . Excel.

3.2.1. Excel, . VBA. 1.

1 .

3.2.2. Excel (), (. 2).

2 Excel .

3.2.3. .

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim a, b, c As Double

a = CDbl(TextBox1.Text)

b = CDbl(TextBox2.Text)

c = CDbl(TextBox3.Text)

With ActiveSheet

Range(b3).Value = a

Range(b4).Value = b

Range(b5).Value = c

Range(b6).FormulaLocal = =b3*b7^3+b4*sin(b7)

Range(b6).GoalSeek Goal:=c, changingCell:=Range(b7)

TextBox4.Text = CStr(.Range(b7).Value)

TextBox4.Text = FormatNumber(TextBox4.Text, 2)

End With

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()


End Sub

3.2.4. .

3.2.5. , , (. ). .

3.3. 2. , . Excel, .

3.3.1. Excel, . VBA. 3.

3 .

3.3.2. Excel (), (. 4).

4 Excel.

3.3.3. .

Const strNomer = 3

Dim strName1 As String '

Dim strName2 As String

Dim nomer As Long '

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs ( . xls)

nomer = 1 End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()

strName1 = Trim(Str(strNomer + nomer))

With ActiveSheet '

Range("A" + strName1).Value = nomer

Range("B" + strName1).Value = TextBox1.Text

Range("C" + strName1).Value = TextBox2.Text

Range("D" + strName1).Value = TextBox3.Text


strName2 = Trim(Str(strNomer + nomer + 1))

Set range1 =.Range("A" + strName1 +":D" + strName1)

Set range2 =.Range("A" + strName1 +":D" + strName2)

range1.AutoFill Destination:=range2

Range("A" + strName2 +":D" + strName2).Clear

End With


TextBox1.Text = ""

TextBox2.Text = ""

TextBox3.Text = ""


nomer = nomer + 1

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() '


With ActiveSheet

strName2 = Trim(Str(strNomer + nomer + 2))

Range("A" + strName2).Value =

Range("D" + strName2).Value = TextBox4.Text

End With

End Sub

3.3.4. .

3.4. 3. , . Excel, (. 5-6). .

5 Excel.

6 .

3.5. . .

3.6. .

4. :

4.1. .

4.2. .

4.3. .

4.4. .

4.5. .

4.6. .

5. :

5.1. Excel? ? .

5.2. Range?

5.3. Range Cells?

5.4. Range.

5.5. Range.

5.6. Range, Excel?

5.7. VBA Excel?

5.8. VBA?

5.9. ?

5.10. Word?

Range Selection

Excel Application. Application () Excel Excel. 120 40 . Excel. Excel Workbook ( ) Application . XLS ( ), XLA ( ). . Range, VBA Excel ( Range . 1, 2).

Excel Range () worksheet. Range VBA. selection () VBA Select, selection. . Selection Range, Range. Range Selection , . Range , Excel .


, Range , . , Range (: ) , , , Range(2:2) . Rows () columns (), . , columns (1), Rows (2).

Range Cells

, , Range . Cells () . , 2 Range (A2) Cells (l, 2). , cells, Range, , , Range(2:ǻ) Range(Cells(1,2), Cells(3,3)) .

1 Range

Value . x 1: x = Range('C1').Value a1:b2 1: Range('A1:B2').Value = 1
Name . a1:b2 "": Range("A1:B2").Name = ""
Count . x , a1:b2: x = Range("A1:B2").Rows.Count
CurrentRegion . , . , , a1: y = Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
ColumnWidth, RowHeight
WrapText . True False. b2 " ", : With Range("B2").Value = " ".WrapText = True End With
EntireColumn, EntireRow . : ActiveCell.EntireRow.Clear ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Select
Comment comment (), . comment comments. AddComment, , . Comment Text, , . : Text(Text,Start,Overwrite) Text - , ; Start - . , ; overwrite - : True ( ) False ( ). comment visible, ,
VerticalAlignment . : xlBottom ( ); xlCenter ( ); xlJustify ( ); xlTop ( )
Orientation . -90 90
ShrinkToFit : True ( , ) False ( )
Font Font (). Font : Name - , , "Arial Cyr"; FontStyle - , Regular (), Bold (), Italic (), Bold Italic ( ); Size - ; Strikethrough - : True ( , ) False ( ); Superscript - : True ( ) False ( ); Subscript - : True ( ) False ( ); Underline - xlNone ( ) xlSingle ( )
Horizontal Alignment . : xlGeneral ( , ); xlCenter ( ); xlRight ( ); xlLeft ( ); xlJustify ( ); xlCenterAcrossSelection ( ); xlFill ( ).


2 Range

Clear, ClearComments, ClearContents, ClearFormats, ClearNotes clear . A1:G37. Range("A1:G37").Clear ClearComments, ClearContents, ClearFormats ClearNotes , ,
Insert . 1: Worksheets("1").Rows(4).Insert
Copy . : Copy(destination) destination , . destination , . a1:d4 e5 2: Worksheets("1").Range("A1:D4").Copy destination:= Worksheets("2").Range("E5")
AddComment . : AddComment(Text) Text - ,
Address . : Address(rowAbsolute, columnAbsolute, referenceStyle, external, relativeTo). : rowAbsolute - True False, True , ; columnAbsolute - True False, True , ; referenceStyle - xllA1 xlRld, xlAl , A1; external - True False, False , . : MsgBox Cells(1,1).Address - $A$1. MsgBox Cells(1,1).Address(rowAbsolute:=False) - $A1. MsgBox Cells(1,1).Address(referenceStyle:=xlR1C1) - R1C1
Cut . : Cut(destination). destination , . destination ,
Columns, Rows , . i j , : i = Selection.Columns.Count j= Selection.Rows.Count

Range, Excel

Excel : , , , , .

AutoFill. AutoFill () . AutoFill DataSeries , , . ( , ) , .

: . AutoFill(, ).

: , : xlFillDefault, xlFillSeries, xlFillCopy, xlFillFormats, xlFillValues,xlFillDays, xlFillWeekdays, xlFillMonths, xlFillYears, xlLinearTrend, xlGrowthTrend. xlFillDefault

AutoFilter. AutoFilter () . AutoFilter , . , , . : (All), ( 10), (Custom), , (Blanks) (NonBlanks). , , (Data, Filter, AutoFilter). AutoFilter .

1: . AutoFilter

AutoFilter , , (Data, Filter, AutoFilter), , .

2: . AutoFilter (field, criteria1, operator, criteria2)

AutoFilter , , (Data, Filter, AutoFilter) , .

: field , , ; Criteria1 criteria2 . , 101, >, <,>=, <=, =, <>; operator : X1And ( ); X1or ( ); showAllData FilterMode AutoFilterMode.

ShowAllData. . C FilterMode : True ( ), False ( ). AutoFilterMode : True ( AutoFilter), False ( )

GoalSeek. GoalSeek ( ) ( ), . , : , , . GoalSeek , (Tools, Goal Seek). GoalSeek , , , , . .

: . GoalSeek(Goal, ChangingCell)

: , , . ( ) , ChangingCell; Goal , ; ChangingCell , ( ). , Goalseek, .

, , , Maxchange Maxiterations Application. , 0,0001 1000 :

With Application

Maxiterations = 1000

MaxChange = 0.0001

End With

(Calculation) (Options), , (Tools, Options).

Sort. . sort , , . , (Data, Sort).

: . Sort(key1, order1, key2, order2, key3, order3, header, orderCustom, matchCase, orientaticn)

: , ; Key1 ; Order1 . : xlAscending ( ); xlDescending ( ); key2 ; order2 . : xlAscending ( ); xlDescending ( ); header : xlYes ( , ); xlNo ( , ); xlGuess (Excel , ); orderCustom . Normal; matchCase : True ( ) False ( ); orientation : xlTopToBottom ( , . . ); xlLeftToRight ( , . . )

, 1:20 1 , , :

Worksheets().Range(A1: C20).Sort _

key1:=Worksheets(Sheet1).Range(A1), _

key2:=Worksheets (Sheet1).Range (B1)

. , . VBA , .




X= round(2.505, 2)

2,5, 2,51.





sng=Format(Sng, #, 0.00)



Sng= FormatNumber(sbg, 2)

Format, , , .

. , , string, single, double, decimal, currency variant, integer long.

. VBA , CDBL. : CDbl()

. , , : = Cdbl(textBoxN.text)

. Excel Range: range(A5).value = a

, CDbl, CStr , . TextBoxN.text = CStr(.Range(A8).value) .

Trim () , , .


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