






Development of the mechanism of the transition of cattle peasant farms to organic farming system

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(., e-mail): . 8-343-371-33-63, [email protected]


(., e-mail): 8-343-221-40-30, [email protected]

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. - 33980-2016 . , , . : , , : , , , , - , , , , . , . - . , 2,5 , - ( ), , , .

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Olga G. Loretts, Doctor of Biological Sciences, associate professor

Contact information (tel., e-mail): 8-343-371-33-63, [email protected]

Veronika T. Turchanova, post-graduate student of the department "Technology of production and processing of agricultural products "

Contact information (tel., e-mail): 8-343-221-40-30, [email protected]

Ural State Agrarian University (Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Abstract. In this article, the goal of research is to develop a mechanism for the transition of peasant farms or individual entrepreneurs in the Sverdlovsk region to organic farming in accordance with the current state standard 33980-2016 "Organic production: rules of production, processing, marking and realization". To realize this goal, the following tasks perform: to study the potential of the development of organic farming in the Sverdlovsk region, to develop a general mechanism for the transition of livestock farms to organic farms, to analyze the indicators for compliance with the requirements of the standard for the production of organic dairy products (ration of cattle feeding, conditions of keeping animals, used veterinary drugs for the treatment of animals and disease prevention, pasture areas, nutrient of pasture, used disinfection means for livestock premises and milking equipment, plant protection products and mineral fertilizers used in the cultivation of forage crops) and to develop measures to eliminate inconsistencies. The results of the research showed that the Sverdlovsk region has the potential for developing of production of organic dairy products. Potential producers of organic products are peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs. In accordance with the developed mechanism, it was revealed that 2.5 years after its introduction, dairy products produced by the peasant farms or individual entrepreneurs can be recognized as an organic ones. For this, it is necessary to analyze the indicators of the farm, conduct a complex of step-by-step measures for the transition to organic farming system and pass the certification procedure.

Key words: organic farming, peasant farm, animal breeding, cattle, dairy cattle breeding.

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116631,1 73242,6 23,1 62,8
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5057,7 3437,1 1,2 68,0
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