






Enumerate those prosodic features which enable people to distinguish between different phonetic styles.

Seminar 1


1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Roach P. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, 1990.

3. Lectures

Topics for individual reports:

1. Language as a system. Phonetics: segmental and suprasegmental levels. Interrelationships with lexicology and grammar. pp.5-6, 12-13 (1), lectures

2. Areas of phonetics. pp.13-16 (1), lectures

3. Phonology. p.14 (1), pp.35-36 (2), lectures

4. The speech mechanism. pp.8-10 (2), lectures

5. The production of speech sounds. pp.8-10 (2), lectures

6. Principles of classification of speech sounds. Vowels and consonants. pp.17-18 (1), pp.10-12 (2), lectures

7. The cardinal vowel system. pp.12-14 (2), lectures

8. The system of English vowels, their classification. p.19-21 (1), pp.10-22 (2), lectures


Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. What are the main branches of phonetics depending on which sound phenomenon is studied?

2. What are segmental and suprasegmental levels of phonetics, what are their units?

3. What does the speech production mechanism consist of? How are sounds produced?

4. What are four important states of glottis? Which sounds are produced in these positions?

5. What is articulation? Which 2 groups of articulators do you know? Enumerate them.

6. What is phonology? What does it study?

7. What is phonetics? What does it study?

8. What is the difference between phonetics and phonology?

9. What are the main questions to be answered about English vowels? How many vowels are there in English?

10. What is the cardinal vowel system? What is a cardinal vowel? Enumerate 8 primary reference vowels (draw the picture of the cardinal vowel system)

11. What are the main principles of classification of vowels? H

12. What groups can the English vowels be subdivided into according to their length and stability of articulation?

13. What groups of diphthongs do you know? How many diphthongs are there in English? Name them.

Seminar 2


1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Roach P. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, 1990.

3. Lectures


Topics for individual reports:


1. The system of English consonants, their classification. p.22-23 (1), pp.23-32 (2), lectures

2. The phoneme and its functions. p.28-30 (1), pp.32-35 (2), lectures

3. The allophone. p.28-29 (1), lectures

4. The phonological analysis. Methods of the phonological analysis. p.34-35 (1), lectures

5. Problem 1 of the phonological analysis: the establishment of the inventory of English consonantal phonemes. Lectures

6. Problem 2 of the phonological analysis: the establishment of the phonologically relevant features. p.37-40 (1), lectures

7. Problem 3 of the phonological analysis: the interrelations among the phonemes of a language. Neutralization. p.40-42 (1), lectures

8. The phonemic status of diphthongs, triphthongs, and affricates. p.35-36 (1)

Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. What are the main questions to be answered about English consonants?

2. What is a phoneme?

3. What are the functions of the phoneme?

4. What is an allophone?

5. What do such notions as free variation and complementary distribution mean?

6. Enumerate the variations an allophone displays in connected speech.

7. What are idiolectal variations? Give examples.

8. What are diaphonic variations? Give examples.

9. What are allophonic variations? Give examples.

10. What are the main problems of the phonological analysis?

11. What is the inventory of phonemes of a language?

12. What is the semantic method in establishing phonemes in a language based on?

13. What is a minimal pair? Give examples.

14. What is a minimal set?

15. What is phonological and zero opposition? Give examples.

16. What is the formal method in establishing phonemes in a language based on?

17. What are phonologically relevant features?

18. What are phonologically irrelevant features?

19. What is neutralization of phonological opposition? Give at least one example.

20. Enumerate the rules which help to prove that diphthongs and affricates are monophonemic.

21. Prove that English diphthongs are monophonemic.

22. Prove that English affricates are monophonemic.

23. Prove that English triphthongs are biphonemic.

Seminar 3




1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Roach P. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, 1990.

3. Sokolova M.A. and others. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. M., 2004

4. Lectures.


Topics for individual reports:


1. Aspects of connected speech. Modifications of phonemes (consonants). Assimilation. pp. 32 -33(1), lectures

2. Elision. pp. 108 -111 (2), lectures

3. Linking. pp. 108 -111 (2), lectures

4. The syllable as a phonetic and phonological unit. Types of syllables. Syllable patterns. p.47-48, 51-52 (1), p.112,115 (3), lectures

5. The structure of the English syllable. Phonotactics. pp.68-73 (2), lectures

6. Theories of syllable formation. p.48-51 (1), pp.112-115 (3)

7. Syllable division in English. p.52-54 (1), pp.116-118,120 (3)

8. Word stress. Types of word stress. Lectures, p.59-62 (1)

Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. What is assimilation? Give examples of its main types.

2. What is elision? Give examples.

3. What is linking? Give examples of the most common linking sounds.

4. What are the two approaches to defining a syllable?

5. What is the formula of a syllable?

6. What are the major types of a syllable?

7. How many syllable patterns are there? What is the most common one?

8.What is phonotactics? Give examples.

9.What are the main theories of syllable formation? Name at least three.

10. What are the constituent parts of a syllable? What is the syllabic structure of the word FLAP?

11. What are the main rules of the syllable division?

12. What is a word stress?

13. What are the main types of word stress?

Seminar 4




1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Roach P. English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge, 1990.

3. Sokolova M.A. and others. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. M., 2004

4. Lectures.


Topics for individual reports:


1. Linguistically relevant degrees of word stress. p. 62-63 (1), pp.121-125 (3), lectures

2. The stress pattern of English words. The recessive tendency. p. 58-59, 63-65(1), pp.126-127 (3), lectures

3. The stress pattern of English words. The rhythmic and retentive tendencies. p. 58-59, 63-65(1), pp.126-127 (3), lectures

4. Word stress rules. p.88-91 (2), lectures

5. Prosodic units. p. 71-75(1)

6. Prosodic subsystems. Pitch. p. 75-79(1)

7. Prosodic subsystems. Rhythm. p. 82-85(1)

8. Prosodic subsystems. Utterance stress. p.79-82 (1)


Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. What are the two views on the problem of the linguistically relevant degrees of word stress?

2. What are the linguistically relevant degrees of word stress according to the 1st approach? Give examples.

3. What are the linguistically relevant degrees of word stress according to the 2nd approach? Give examples.

4. Give the definition of the stress pattern the word.

5. Enumerate the main tendencies which determine the placement of the stress in English words.

6. Whats the main idea of the recessive tendency?

7. Whats the main idea of the rhythmic tendency?

8. Whats the main idea of the retentive tendency?

9. Give the definition of intonation.

10. Enumerate the main prosodic units.

11. What is the pitch component of intonation?

12. What is a pitch level?

13. What is a pitch range?

14. What is rhythm? What are its main types?

15. What is utterance stress?




Seminar 5



1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Sokolova M.A. and others. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. M., 2004


Topics for individual reports:

1. Prosodic subsystems. Tempo. p.85-86 (1)

2. Prosodic subsystems. Pauses. p.86-87 (1)

3. Meanings and functions of prosody. main points p.89 92 (1)

3. Notation systems. main points p.99-108 (1)

4. The orthoepic norm. p.110-112 (1)

5. Pronunciation varieties of English. p.112-116 (1 - main points), p.252-253 (2)

6. Dialects and accents. (in general, enumerate the main ones) p.109 (1), lectures

7. Differences between accents (phonetic and phonological). lectures


Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. What is the tempo of speech?

2. What is the tempo of speech determined by?

3. Enumerate the basic types of tempo.

4. What are the 3 main types of pauses?

5. Enumerate the main functions of prosody.

6. Enumerate the main notation systems.

7. Whats the difference between narrow/broad notation systems? Give examples.

8. What is the orthoepic norm?

9. Give examples of changes in the orthoepic norm.

10. In which three groups can English speakers be divided according to the type of pronunciation they use?

11. Give the definition of a dialect.

12. What are the main characteristic features of a dialect?

13. Enumerate the most well-known dialects (at least 3).

14. Whats the difference between dialects and accents?

15. What do we call distributional/lexical/realizational/systemic differences? Give examples.


Seminar 6



1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Sokolova M.A. and others. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. M., 2004

Topics for individual reports:

1. Sociolinguistic issues of the British Isles. Social and regional variation. Social dialects - lectures

2. Cockney. lectures, internet

3. Geordie. lectures, internet

4. Scouse. lectures, internet

5. RP as the Standard English accent. p.112-113 (1), p.254-255 (2), lectures

6. Current changes in RP. p.113-114 (1), p.255-262 (2), lectures

7. Regional varieties of British English. The Northern accent. p.114-115 (1), p.268-269 (2)

8. Regional varieties of British English. The Scottish accent. p.115-116(1), p.271-274 (2)


Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1.What are the main regional types of English pronunciation?

2.What are the main characteristics of Cockney?

3. What is RP?

4. Which 3 groups can be distinguished within RP?

5. Enumerate the main changes which take place in RP (at least 3). Give examples.

6. What are the main differences of the Scottish type of English pronunciation as opposed to RP (at least 5)?

7. What are the main differences of the Northern type of English pronunciation as opposed to RP (at least 4)?



Seminar 7


1. Borisova L.V., Metlyuk. Theoretical Phonetics. Minsk, 1980.

2. Sokolova M.A. and others. English Phonetics. A Theoretical Course. M., 2004



Topics for individual reports:

1. Estuary English. Lectures

2. World dialects. Pidgins and creoles. Lectures

3. American English pronunciation. p.116-121 (1), p.276-283 (3)

4. Types of transcription. p.42-44 (1)

5. Phonetic styles and their classification. p.122-125 (1), p.184-232 (2 - main points)

6. Phonetic style-forming means. p.126-128 (1), p.184-232 (2 - main points)

7. Bilingualism and prosodic interference. p.93-94 (1)

8. Features of Russian-English and Belarusian-English interference. p.95-97 (1)


Questions to be answered by all the students (these or similar questions can be used at seminar tests):

1. Which variety of the English language is becoming very popular nowadays and why?

2. What is Estuary English?

3. What are the main features of Estuary English pronunciation (at least 4)?

4. What is a Pidgin (English) and what are its main peculiarities (at least 3)?

5. When do Pidgins become Creole languages?

6. What are the main differences of the American type of English pronunciation as opposed to RP (at least 6)?

7. Enumerate the main extralinguistic factors which cause phonetic modifications in speech (at least 3).

8. What is a phonetic style?

Enumerate those prosodic features which enable people to distinguish between different phonetic styles.

10. What is transcription?

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