






V. Orthodoxy. Catholicism.

1. Outline of the lecture

1. Split of the churches.

The political aspect of the split dates back to the Emperor Constantine who in 324 declared Christianity as a state religion of the Roman Empire. After his death in 337 the Roman Empire was divided between his two sons, one of whom ruled over the western part of empire from Rome and the other- the eastern part from Constantinople.

In 1054 the Christian church split into West (Roman Catholic) and East (Greek Orthodox).

The reason of the split

2. Orthodoxy

Orthodoxy emerged in IV-V centuries in Byzantium where it was state religion. It spread to East Europe, Russia, Near East, Balkans.

**Doctrine includes:

*** Belief:






**** Religious practices:

3. Roman Catholicism

St. Peter is considered the first pope.




Divinity of Christ

Inspiration of the Bible

Special authority of the Pope

The ability of the saints to intercede on behalf of believers





Veneration of saints (Virgin Mary)

Use of crucifix

Use of rosary beads in prayer

Catholic priests take vows of celibacy.


Catholic church has a lot of political institutions, parties, trade unions, youth organizations.

Since 1965- modernization of the Catholic church: native language for service, national music, chorus.


2. Questions for test

1. Political and religious aspects of the churches split.

2. Doctrine and beliefs of Orthodoxy

3. Beliefs and practice of Catholicism

4. Compare belief and practices of Orthodoxy and Catholicism


3. Glossary

Byzantium- - Theology , -
Reconciliation- - Ecumenical Council-
Communion- - Salvation- -
To cross- - Inspiration- -
To intercede- - Purgatory- -
Crucifix- - Rosary -
Veneration- - Vow of celibacy-

Innocent conception-

4. Task for office hours- Christmas

5. Task for IWS- Main difference between Orthodoxy and Catholicism


6. Reference

.. , . 157-148

A History of the World Religions, charter: Christianity


History of Protestantism

Protestantism originated in the 16-th century during Reformation. Protestant denominations differ in degree in which they reject Catholic belief and practice.

Common with Catholic and Orthodox Christians: Protestants adhere to the authority of the Bible and the doctrines of the early creeds.

1 out every 4 Christians in the world is a Protestant.




The number of adherents- 82, 6 mln people.

At first, this term Protestant used politically for the states in Germany that resisted to the Edict of Worms. Over time, this term came to be used for the religious movements that opposed the Roman Catholic tradition in the 16-th century.

*Doctrine- 1) Sola Scriptura (Scripture Alone)-







Sinners cannot do anything to satisfy Gods justice. Every human thought and deed is coloured by sin and sinful motives. God has intervened in this world because he loves sinners and does not want them to be damned to Hell and by his grace alone a person is forgiven, adopted as a child of God and given eternal salvation.

At death, Protestants are immediately taken into the presence of God in Heaven, where they await the resurrection of the body at the second coming of Christ.


Great emphasis on worship service: music, hymns, childrens choirs.

Pastors usually teach in the common language of the parish. They can marry.



Calvinism marks the second stage of the Protestant Reformation. It was originally a Lutheran movement. But in Swiss it developed in a direction independent on Lutheranism. One of the outstanding reformer in Swiss was John Calvin.


Central idea- total dependence of God. Every good thing is there because of Gods unmerited grace and salvation especially is dependent on grace.



Calvinism has been called worm theology- humans are but miserable sinners

(worms). How a person ought to live: all his life is the outworking of the plan of God- absolute dependence on God.

People in their natural state do not have the ability to turn to God. It is the grace and will of God through the Spirit to reborn dead through the Word. (The Bible:

But a natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he cannot understand them)




The Anglican church is both Catholic (stressing its continuity with the ancient church) and Reformed / Protestant (noting that the Church does not accept the universal authority of the Pope.)

Now Archbishop of Canterbury, leader of the worldwide Anglican communion, is appointed by the crown of the UK.


  1. Questions for test.
  1. Causes of Protestant movements.
  2. Main trends in Protestantism
  3. Main characteristics of Lutheranism.
  4. Calvinism.
  5. Origin of Anglicanism


  1. Glossary



Grace- ,




Task for IWS.

Sects in Protestantism (1), . 224-240


Task for office hours

Anglican church (1), . 221-223



.. , . 211- 240


1. History of Islam


Islam is a monotheistic religion. Islam in Arabic means submission(to God). The Arabic word Muslim means vassal of god.

Since Islam, like Judaism and Christianity, claims descent from the biblical patriarch Abraham, it sees itself as an Abrahamic religion. Muslims hold that it is the same belief as all messengers are sent to by god to mankind.

*Islam emerged in the Near East in the VII century o n the territory________________

It was the time of the states formation and internecine wars between Arabic tribes. The Arabs needed strong state and this was done by the religious-political movement of Islam. Founder of Islam- Muhammad (570-632). The year of 622, when Muhammad resettled to Medina, is date of Islam foundation. In 630 Mecca adopted Islam and became the center of Islam and Arabic Caliphate. Spreading of Islam was accompanied by wars under the slogan of jihad. Muhammad took part in 18 battles.


2. Doctrine of Islam


Muhammad brought a message of radical monotheism. Allah was the one and only true god, to worship any other was a grave sin. Allah was almighty, righteous in judgment, terrible in his wrath (), merciful and loving to his followers

Compare with Buddha and God in Christianity


Islam, however, believed itself to be the final revelation.

No such thing as incarnation (god becoming human) is possible in Islam.

There are 6 basic beliefs in Islam:









The scriptures recognized in Islam are:

i. The Koran (Quran, Quran)

ii. The Torah- the first five books of Moses

iii. The Injil- the gospel message of Jesus in the New Testament

iv. The Psalms- the sacred writings given to David









3. The Five Pillars of Islam. Sharia




The Five Pillars of Islam is the term given to the most fundamental aspects of Islam. These are 5 duties that every Muslim is obliged to perform

Shahada- the Testimony that there is none worthy of worship except God and that Muhammad is his messenger

Salat- establishing of 5 daily prayers. Muslims prefer to perform Salat with others as this demonstrates the unity of all Muslims.

Sawm (Uraza)- fasting from dawn to dusk in the month of Ramadhaan, the 9-th Muslim month.

Zakat- charity

Hajj- pilgrimage



Sharia (Shariah) is the code of social norms for Islam. The Koran and the Sunnah contains narrations of the Prophet sayings) is the source of Islamic jurisprudence. Sharia covers not only religious rituals but many aspects of day-to-day life.

Dietary laws


Dress code





Feast of Breaking the Fast

The Big Feast



Submission- testimony- -

Internecine- fast- ,

Almighty- - құ

Revelation- -

Gospel- -


Task for IWS- Islam and modernity

Task for office hours- Women in Islam



.. . .240-282

. . . 1996

A History of the World Religions. Chapter Islam

http:// www.carm.org/islam/faith_imam.htm


1. Islam and politics

Most religions influence the political beliefs of their followers and Islam is no exception. Any actual practice of Islam as a faith requires acts that could be seen as political activities.

Islam and politics

Last decades Islam activated in socio-political processes and international relations- it is expressed in intensification of Islam role in political life.

Causes of political activization of Islam in the XX century:

1.socio- economic


2.reaction to racism, colonialism, imperialism



3.reaction to westernization


4.deep and broad influence of Islam in the East.



2. History of Islam as a political movement

The roots of Islam as a political movement go back to the medieval times when secret societies

(tarika) emerged.

Some scholars consider that the tarika developed into the modern militant Islamic movements in reaction to these factors:

a. Before WWI German Kiser Wilhelm II proclaimed Germany and himself as historically European defender of Islam as a faith. He even prayed in the mosques of Syria under the name of Muhammad William.


England guaranteed that no intervention would take place in Arab countries that were under the Ottoman Empire power. France had an agreement with the British that the Arabs would have self-rule.

**After the WWI



b. After the WWII the Arab resistance was drastically magnified when Israel was created- the promise made to Arabs had been broken, while that to Jews had been kept. Islamism was a response to Zionism. More mullahs were involved in politics.


c. Cold war exploitation



d. Political situation of the 70-s: peace of Egypt and Israel, the Iranian revolution,

the Soviet invasion to Afghanistan- had wide- ranging effects on Islam becoming a political phenomenon.

e. USA invasion in Iraq


In 80-90-s most Muslims believe that Islam is a universal solution to a political problems.

Some Muslims blame for all flaws in Muslim societies on the influx of foreign ideas., including capitalism, communism, feminism, a return to the principles of Islam is seen the natural cure.

Islamist movements:

* International- Al- Qaida

* Afghanistan-Taliban

* Algeria-Islamic Front of Salvation

* Egypt- Gamaat Islamiya

* Lebanon- Hezbollah

* South Asia- Jamaat-e- Islami (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan)

* West Bank and Gaza Strip Hamas

Common- __________________________________




2. Questions for test

1. Historical roots of Islam transformation into political movement

2. Causes of upsurge of political Islam

3. Main Islamist movements and their role in world terrorism




Task for IWS: Islam in Central Asia

Task for office hours: Wahhabism



.. , . 134-156

.. ..78-89



1. Judaism religious views.



Judaism originated in Israel around 4000 years ago. It is the oldest and the smallest religion, with only 12 mln followers.

Judaism does not easily fit into common Western categories such as religion, race, ethnicity, or culture. Jews have been in contact and have been influenced by ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Persian and other cultures and Jewishness is not only national, not

Genealogical, not religious, but all of these. According to religious Jews, the Biblical patriarch Abraham was the first Jew. He proclaimed the folly (, ) of idolatry. As a result, God promised he would have a child who would carry on his work and inherit the land of Israel (Canaan). According to the Bible, God gave Isaacs son Jacob the name Israel (he who struggles)

God sent Jacob and his children to Egypt, after they became enslaved, God sent Moses to save them from slavery.

Judaism is a way of life with a system of beliefs. It does not have set doctrines, it is a religion that follows Torah..

*Jews live in covenant with God not for their own sake, but for the sake of the whole


The fundamental beliefs of Judaism are:





  • God is all powerful (omnipotent) as well as all knowing (omniscient). The different names of God reflect different aspects of Gods presence in the world













*The symbol of Judaism?

2. Religious traditions of Judaism


The Jewish place of worship is called a Synagogue. The religious leader of a Jewish community is called a Rabbi.

Daily prayer

There are 3 daily prayers. On the Sabbath and Holidays a fourth prayer is added.





2. Questions for test

1. Origin of Judaism

2. History of Israel and Judaism

3. Main beliefs in Judaism

4. Main traditions in Judaism


Covenant -

Omnipotent-- құ

Omniscient- - ө


Tasks for IWS- Historical roots of Judaism


Task for office hours- Judaism in the contemporary world



.. ..2004.. 57-72

http:// www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Judaism



1 History and elements of Hinduism







Hinduism is very different from religious like Christianity, Islam or Judaism. It is the name given to a family of religions and cultures that began and still flourish in India. The word

Hindu comes from the name of the river Indus. Originally the name referred to people

living in a particular region of the world.


Origin of Hinduism.

Relatively little is known about the origins of Hinduism,as its history dates back to prehistoric times. It emerged during Harappans civilization in the 3-2 millennium B.C. Its origin is from Brakhmanism and Jainism.

Hindus do not separate religion from other aspects of life. It does not have central creed. For Hindus in India Hinduism is a part of their existence, a complete approach to life that involves social position, earning a living, family, diet,, politics,etc.

Hinduism includes a very wide range of beliefs and practice- so there arent many things that are common to all Hindu groups.

Hinduism has no founder, its concept of the Good life is not based on instructions from God.

Hindus believe in supreme God (called Brahman) that is present in everything.

It is very difficult to separate the religious elements of Hinduism from the political, racial, social, and other elements which also make up the Hindu culture. But that is not surprising, as Hindus believe that God is in everything, it would not make sense to separate religious things from everything else.

  • The Gods_______________________________________________________________

The things that are common to all Hindus in belief:









Holy Books

*Vedas (Veda Dharma)-




The Upanishads

The Bhagavad-Gita



2. Practice of Hinduism


For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of belief. It is more what you do than what you believe.

Behind Hindu practice is the belief that every soul is trapped in a cycle of birth and then death and the rebirth. Every Hindus wants to escape from this cycle. (This liberation is called Moksha)

Hindus aim to live in away that will cause each of their lives to be better than the life before. Living or acting in aright way is known as dharma, so the Indian name for their religion is sanatana dharma (everlasting dharma)

Cycles of lives:

Brahmacharya (grazing in Brahma)- to learn lifes secrets under a Guru, building up body and mind

Grihastka- householders stage (samsara) in which one marries and satisfies kama, time of professional carrier

Vanaprastha- gradual detachment from the material world, making holy pilgrimages

Sayasa- seclusion



There are 4 legitimate goals of life





3 Jainism

Jainism was founded in the 6 century B.C., it is one of the forms of Hinduism. In the 1 century B.C. many religious schools in India rejected Vedas. Jainism adopted many sides of Brahmanist tradition (incarnation, nirvana).

The difference- a common person can not reach nirvana, only ascetics.

Jainism did not differ material and spiritual. Soul is in every plant, in every thing.

They do not agree with hunting, fishery, land cultivation, animal husbandry.

Main principle- ahisma- do not harm to living beings.


2. Questions for test

1. Origin if Hinduism

2. Peculiarity of Hinduism as religion

3. Main beliefs

4. Jainism





Task for IWS- Hinduism and Buddhism

Task for office hours- Hinduism in India



.. . . 2004. . 72-89

, , . . . 1999. . 5-45


1. History of Confucianism


In 1982 156,070,100 adherents of Confucianism.

Confucius (551-479 B.C.)

His Chinese name was Kung, his disciples called him Kung, the master (Kung Fu-tse). He was born in aristocratic family who had lost their wealth and position. Confucius grew up in poverty but received a good education.

In his twenties he set up himself as a teacher. He taught traditional 6 disciplines: history, poetry, government, propriety (ethics), music and divination. He had supreme confidence in his ability to reorder society.

Confucius taught that man is the centre of the universe. The ultimate aim of a man is individual happiness.

Confucius discouraged his students from worrying about the afterlife. Instead, he encouraged them to live in harmony and to help other people though government service, teaching, or just being a good family member. He thought that there was great joy to be found in everyday family life, participating in communal activities, enjoying music, spending time with friends.



Confucius laid great stress on the cultivation of character, purity of heart and conduct. He called a good character the first virtue, a priceless jewel and the best of all virtues.

The nature of man is fundamentally good inclined towards goodness.

In the Great Learning Confucius revealed the process of self-development; how someone can serve the state:











His teaching was largely concerned with the problem of good government. He said hat the Ruler should be just, honest and dutiful, he should be like a Pole-star which, by keeping its place, makes all other stars to evolve around it.

*Society was made up of 5 relationships: 1)





A country would be well- governed when all the parties performed their parts right in these relationships. There was Tao (a way of righteousness) only when fathers were fathers, when sons were sons, when Rulers were rulers and when ministers were ministers.



2. Teaching

A good person has ren or jen (humaneness)- it stresses the importance of showing loyalty to other people. This is social virtue. All those virtues which help to maintain social harmony and peace(charity, sincerity, respectfulness, altruism, kindness, goodness) are included in Jen.

His Golden rule is: What you do not want done to yourself, do not do unto others , The injuries done to you by an enemy should be returned with a combination of love and justice

This yi or li (righteousness) means being obedient to ones ruler and ones parents.

Obedience is not blind, however.-We must encourage our superiors to act ethically if the ruler persists in unethical behavior.

5 basic ideas about behavior are:


The reason why Confucianism was dominant:

It conformed to the needs of the ruling classes. Confucianism thinks that ruler be a father to his people and look after their basic needs. It encouraged officials to be loyal to their rulers and refuse to serve the corrupt; advocated absolute authority of a king over his subject, a husband over his wife, a father over his son.

Confucianism was an andocentric in which women has no dignity and human rights.

Women had to obey absolutely their fathers and then their husbands. Morality, proper speech, modest manner and diligent work were the basic virtues they ought have. In case women were jealous, heavily sick, or in adultery and theft they would be divorced.


2. Questions for test

1. History of founder of Confucianism

2. Spread of Confucianism

3. Main ideas of Confucianism teaching

4. Confucianism as philosophy




Propriety -


Task for IWS- Taoism and Confucianism


Task for office hours- biography of Confucius



., ., . 2004. . 95-100

.. . 1996, . 34-45

1. Essence of Taoism (Dao)

It includes both a religious tradition and a philosophical tradition.

The main concept- one can harmonize with the natural flow of life (Tao) by being receptive and quiet.

The Tao-te Ching

The way that can be followed is not he eternal way

The name that can be named is not the eternal name

There was something containing all,

Before heaven and earth it exists.





2. Religious Taoism-

An interesting aspect of religious Taoism is the practice of spiritual alchemy. This practice is based on the belief that within the body there exist a spiritual macro- universe of 3 elements necessary for life. By practice one can combine these three to form the Immortal fetus which can leave the body. Then one can draw the element of the universe into the body, unifying and harmonizing the inner and outer worlds.

The Yin Yang symbol


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