







, . , . , . O (n 1.25), O (n 1.5). . [1998] [Knuth].

. 2.2(a) . 1, 3 5 , 1. , . , 2. 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 .

. 2.2(b) . , 2. 3 1: 2, 3 1 2, 2. 5 2: 2, 5, 2. .. 2, 1, .. . 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 . , , 1, .

. 2-2.


. , , . 1. , . , . [Knuth] h N:

h 1 = 1, h s+1 = 3 h s + 1,... h t, h t+2 >= N.


h1 = 1
h2 = (3 x 1) + 1 = 4
h3 = (3 x 4) + 1 = 13
h4 = (3 x 13) + 1 = 40
h5 = (3 x 40) + 1 = 121

100, s, h s >= 100. , s = 5. . , : 13-4-1. , , : h

h s-1 = [ h s / 3].

typedef T compGT , , . - h.



typedef int T; /* , */

typedef int tblIndex; /* */


#define compGT(a,b) (a > b)


void shellSort(T *a, tblIndex lb, tblIndex ub) {

tblIndex n, h, i, j;

T t;


* a[lb..ub] *


/* */

n = ub - lb + 1;

h = 1;

if (n < 14)

h = 1;

else if (sizeof(tblIndex) == 2 && n > 29524)

h = 3280;

else {

while (h < n) h = 3*h + 1;

h /= 3;

h /= 3;


while (h > 0) {

/* h */

for (i = lb + h; i <= ub; i++) {

t = a[i];

for (j = i-h; j >= lb && compGT(a[j], t); j -= h)

a[j+h] = a[j];

a[j+h] = t;


/* */

h /= 3;




, . - , .. , - QuickSort -.

O (n lg n) O (n 2) . , , . . , , .. . [1990] [Cormen].

, . Partition (. 2.3) . , , , , - .


int function Partition (Array A, int Lb, int Ub); begin A [ Lb ]... A [ Ub ]; A [ Lb ]... A [ Ub ] : <= >= ; end; procedure QuickSort (Array A, int Lb, int Ub); begin if Lb < Ub then M = Partition (A, Lb, Ub); QuickSort (A, Lb, M - 1); QuickSort (A, M + 1, Ub); end;


. 2.3.


. 2.4(a) (pivot) 3. . i , , j , . - . . 2.4(b). QuickSort , , . 2.4(c).


2-4. Quicksort


. , , .. . , . , Partition n , O (n lg n).

Partition (A [ Lb ]). , . , , , . , . Partition : , , Ub - Lb . , QuickSort 1. n , O (n 2). - . .

typedef T compGT , , .


typedef int T; /* , */

typedef int tblIndex; /* */


#define ompGT(a,b) (a > b)


tblIndex partition(T *a, tblIndex lb, tblIndex ub) {

T t, pivot;

tblIndex i, j, p;



* a[lb..ub] *



/* */

p = lb + ((ub - lb)>>1);

pivot = a[p];

a[p] = a[lb];


/* lb+1..ub */

i = lb+1;

j = ub;

while (1) {

while (i < j && compGT(pivot, a[i])) i++;

while (j >= i && compGT(a[j], pivot)) j--;

if (i >= j) break;

t = a[i];

a[i] = a[j];

a[j] = t;

j--; i++;



/* a[j] */

a[lb] = a[j];

a[j] = pivot;


return j;



void quickSort(T *a, tblIndex lb, tblIndex ub) {

tblIndex m;



* a[lb..ub] *



while (lb < ub) {


/* */

if (ub - lb <= 12) {

insertSort(a, lb, ub);




/* */

m = partition (a, lb, ub);


/* */

/* */

if (m - lb <= ub - m) {

quickSort(a, lb, m - 1);

lb = m + 1;

} else {

quickSort(a, m + 1, ub);

ub = m - 1;





partition , . , . , partition .

insertSort. - " " . , 12 , . - .

, . - . QuickSort . 2.3.

. , .

qsort QuickSort. .



#include <limits.h>

#define MAXSTACK (sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT)


static void exchange(void *a, void *b, size_t size) {

size_t i;



* a,b *



for (i = sizeof(int); i <= size; i += sizeof(int)) {

int t = *((int *)a);

*(((int *)a)++) = *((int *)b);

*(((int *)b)++) = t;


for (i = i - sizeof(int) + 1; i <= size; i++) {

char t = *((char *)a);

*(((char *)a)++) = *((char *)b);

*(((char *)b)++) = t;




void qsort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,

int (*compar)(const void *, const void *)) {

void *lbStack[MAXSTACK], *ubStack[MAXSTACK];

int sp;

unsigned int offset;


lbStack[0] = (char *)base;

ubStack[0] = (char *)base + (nmemb-1)*size;

for (sp = 0; sp >= 0; sp--) {

char *lb, *ub, *m;

char *P, *i, *j;


lb = lbStack[sp];

ub = ubStack[sp];


while (lb < ub) {


/* 1- */

offset = (ub - lb) >> 1;

P = lb + offset - offset % size;

exchange (lb, P, size);


/* */

i = lb + size;

j = ub;

while (1) {

while (i < j && compar(lb, i) > 0) i += size;

while (j >= i && compar(j, lb) > 0) j -= size;

if (i >= j) break;

exchange (i, j, size);

j -= size;

i += size;



/* A[j] */

exchange (lb, j, size);

m = j;


/* , */


if (m - lb <= ub - m) {

if (m + size < ub) {

lbStack[sp] = m + size;

ubStack[sp++] = ub;


ub = m - size;

} else {

if (m - size > lb) {

lbStack[sp] = lb;

ubStack[sp++] = m - size;


lb = m + size;







2.1 , .




- (s)
4,096 34,183 20,016 1,908  
65,536 658,003 460,737 2,436  


<DIV ALIGN=right></DIV>

: , . , :

. , . - , .

. . . . , , .

. , , (. 1.1). 2.2 . , , 2.3.

. , , 2.2. .





- .  
    O (n 2) O (n 2)
    O (n 1.25) O (n 1.5)
    O (n lg n) O (n 2)





- quicksort
  39 s 45 s 51 s
  4,969 s 1,230 s 911 s
4,096 1.315 sec .033 sec .020 sec
65,536 416.437 sec 1.254 sec .461 sec


<DIV ALIGN=right></DIV>

. Pascal. , .


" " .. 1959 . 8 .

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

4-: 44 55 12 42 94 18 06 67


1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

: 44 18 06 42 94 55 12 67


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1-: 06 18 12 42 44 55 94 67


: 06 12 18 42 44 55 67 94

, . 4-. . , , . 2-. 1-. , , , , . , . , , , i- , 2i-. , , 1, . , , . , . t h[1],h[2],...,h[t] :

h[t] = 1 h[i+1] < h[i]

h- , , , . , h- , . A[0], h[1] , , :

A: array [-h[1].. n] of item;

, ShellSort t=4.

procedure ShellSort;

const t=4;

var i,j,k,s: index; x: item; m: 1..t;

h: array[1..t] of integer;

begin h[1]:=9; h[2]:= 5; h[3]:=3; h[4]:=1;

for m:=1 to t do

begin k:=h[m]; s:=-k; { }

for i:= k+1 to n do

begin x:=A[i]; j:=i-k;

if s=0 then s:=-k; s:=s+1; A[s]:=x;

while (x.key < A[j].key) do

begin A[j+k]:=A[j]; j:=j-k;







. , i - , , . : x1:x2,x3:x4,,xn-1:xn, (.., ) .. n=8 :



55 94

55 42 94 67

44 55 12 42 94 18 06 67


, n-1 ; , ( ) : , . , -¥ .


procedure turnir_sort;

Const MAX_VALUE=-32767;


index1 = 1.. 2*n-1;

item1 = record

key: integer; { }

adres: index; { }


var i,j,j1:index1;

B:array [index1] of item1;


for i:=n to 2*n-1 do






repeat { }

if B[i].key>B[i-1].key then j:=i else j:=i-1;

B[j div 2].key:=B[j].key;

B[j div 2].adres:=B[j].adres;





repeat { }

if ((B[1].adres mod 2)=0) then i:=B[1].adres+1

else i:=B[1].adres;



if B[i].key>B[i-1].key then j:=i else j:=i-1;

B[j div 2].key:=B[j].key;

B[j div 2].adres:=B[j].adres;

i:=i div 2;

if ((i mod 2)=0) then i:=i+1;







, . - h, h h-1 ; , h .(. .)



67 18


44 55 12 06


, : i- 2 i 2 i +1. , , , :

I: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


xi: 94 67 18 44 55 12 06 42


, , , , . n- , n-1 . , , , :


x1 xi

For i:=n downto 2 do



, ? . , ; , . , RESTORE(j,k) xj,xj+1,,xk , , :

procedure RESTORE(j,k)

xm xj


if xj ¹ then xm xj

if xm>xj then


, .


procedure RESTORE(var f,l:index);

var j,m:index; x:item;



while(j<=(l div 2)) do


if (2*j<l) and (A[2*j].key<A[2*j+1].key) then m:=2*j+1 else m:=2*j;

if (A[m].key>A[j].key) then


x:=A[m]; A[m]:=A[j]; A[j]:=x;



else j:=l;



, () (xi, i =ë0.5nû+1,,n) RESTORE(i,n) i =ë0.5nû, ë0.5nû-1,,1 . , , . for ; for .

procedure piramid_sort;

var i,nn,o,o1:index; x:item;


nn:=n; o:=1;

for i:=(nn div 2) downto 1 do RESTORE(i,nn);

for i:=nn downto 2 do










. , . . , . , n , . , n/2 , . , , , .

: - ( ), , , A[i] > , , A[i]<. " ", - . : , - . (. ). > < , - < >. .


procedure partition;

var w,x: item;

begin i:=1; j:=n;

" ;"


while (A[i].key < x.key) do i:=i+1;

while (x.key < A[j].key) do j:=j-1;

if (i<=j) then

begin w:=A[i]; A[i]:=A[j]; A[j]:=w;

i:=i+1; j:=j-1;


until (i>j);



, , , 42, 44 55 12 |42| 94 06 18 67 , , ,


18 06 12 |42| 94 55 44 67

i=5 j=3. A[1],...,A[i-1] =42, A[j+1],...,A[n] . , :

A[k].key <= x.key k=1,..., i-1,

A[k].key >= x.key k=j+1,..., n


A[k].key = x.key k=j+1,..., i-1

. , n , n/2 . , ,

while (A[i].key < x.key) do i:=i+1;

while (x.key < A[j].key) do j:=j-1;

, , . , , , . , .

, , . : , , .., . .


procedure QuickSort;

procedure sort (l,r: index);

var i,j: index; w,x: item;

begin i:=l; j:=r;

x:= A[(l+r) div 2];


while (A[i].key < x.key) do i:=i+1;

while (x.key < A[j].key) do j:=j-1;

if (i<=j) then

begin w:=A[i]; A[i]:=A[j]; A[j]:= w;

i:=i+1; j:=j-1;


until (i>j);

if (l<j) then sort(l,j);

if (i<r) then sort(i,r)


begin sort(1,n);

end; { QuickSort }

sort . - . . . , , .

- , . , , . , , . , ; . , , . , - , stack, s, . m .


procedure QuickSort1;

const m = 12;

var i,j,l,r: index;

x,w: item;

s: 0..m;

stack: array[1..m] of

record l,r: index end;

begin s:= 1; stack[1].l:=1; stack[1].r:=n;

repeat { }

l:=stack[s].l; r:=stack[s].r; s:=s-1;

repeat { A[l]... A[r] }

i:=l; j:=r; x:=A[(l+r) div2];


while (A[i].key < x.key) do i:=i+1;

while (x.key < A[j].key) do j:=j-1;

if (i<=j) then

begin w:=A[i]; A[i]:=A[j]; A[j]:=w;

i:= i+1; j:=j-1;


until (i>j);

if (i<r) then

begin { }

s:=s+1; stack[s].l:=i; stack[s].r:=r;



until (l>=r);

until (s=0);

end; { QuickSort1 }


- , , . - -. , - , ; , [1, N ], N - ( -). - . , . , (skip lists) - .


- -. O (1), - O (n). [1990] [Cormen] [1998] [Knuth]. , . , [Aho]. , [Aho] [Knuth], . , ?

- - , -. , . 3.1 hashTable - 8 . , . - 8 . 0 7 hashTable 0 7, .


. 3.1. -


, . , . . , 11, 11 8 3. , 11 , hashTable[3]. , . , , .

- , , -. . , -, ; .

- , . - . , , - . , -. . , unsigned char 8 , unsigned short int - 16, unsigned long int - 32.

( hashTableSize - ). . hashValue, 0 (hashTableSize - 1), -. :

typedef int HashIndexType;

HashIndexType Hash(int Key) {

return Key % HashTableSize;


hashTableSize. , , hashTableSize , - , - . , - , . , , hashTableSize, , Key . , hashTableSize , .

( hashTableSize 2 n). key , . (sqrt (5) - 1)/2 = 0.6180339887499. , , . 28, 158. 8- 158, 16- . 25 5 , . :

/* 8-bit index */

typedef unsigned char HashIndexType;

static const HashIndexType K = 158;

/* 16-bit index */

typedef unsigned short int HashIndexType;

static const HashIndexType K = 40503;

/* 32-bit index */

typedef unsigned long int HashIndexType;

static const HashIndexType K = 2654435769;

/* w=bitwidth(HashIndexType), size of table=2**m */

static const int S = w - m;

HashIndexType HashValue = (HashIndexType)(K * Key) S;

, , hashTableSize 1024 (210). 16- S 16 - 10 = 6. :

typedef unsigned short int HashIndexType;

HashIndexType Hash(int Key) {

static const HashIndexType K = 40503;

static const int S = 6;

return (HashIndexType)(K * Key) S;


( 256). 256. hashValue 0 255.

typedef unsigned char HashIndexType;

HashIndexType Hash(char *str) {

HashIndexType h = 0;

while (*str) h += *str++;

return h;


( 256). , ( XY YX). , , , " ". , .

typedef unsigned char HashIndexType;

unsigned char Rand8[256];

HashIndexType Hash(char *str) {

unsigned char h = 0;

while (*str) h = Rand8[h ^ *str++];

return h;


Rand8 - 256 . . ; (Pearson [1990]).

( <= 65536). , - 65536. , 1. 8- 16-.

typedef unsigned short int HashIndexType;

unsigned char Rand8[256];

HashIndexType Hash(char *str) {

HashIndexType h;

unsigned char h1, h2;

if (*str == 0) return 0;

h1 = *str; h2 = *str + 1;


while (*str) {

h1 = Rand8[h1 ^ *str];

h2 = Rand8[h2 ^ *str];



/* h is in range 0..65535 */

h = ((HashIndexType)h1 << 8)|(HashIndexType)h2;

/* use division method to scale */

Return h % HashTableSize


- , . 3.1, , . - . , , , , . n. 1, n. 2 , n /100 . , . 3.1, .


3.1. (s) hashTableSize. 4096 .



typedef T compGT , , . hashTableSize hashTable. - hash . insertNode . deleteNode , . findNode .


// -

typedef int T; /* type of item to be sorted */

#define compEQ(a,b) (a == b)


typedef struct Node_ {

struct Node_ *next; /* next node */

T data; /* data stored in node */

} Node;


typedef int hashTableIndex;


Node **hashTable;

int hashTableSize;


hashTableIndex hash(T data) {



* hash function applied to data *



return (data % hashTableSize);



Node *insertNode(T data) {

Node *p, *p0;

hashTableIndex bucket;



* allocate node for data and insert in table *



/* insert node at beginning of list */

bucket = hash(data);

if ((p = malloc(sizeof(Node))) == 0) {

fprintf (stderr, "out of memory (insertNode)\n");



p0 = hashTable[bucket];

hashTable[bucket] = p;

p->next = p0;

p->data = data;

return p;



void deleteNode(T data) {

Node *p0, *p;

hashTableIndex bucket;



* delete node containing data from table *



/* find node */

p0 = 0;

bucket = hash(data);

p = hashTable[bucket];

while (p &&!compEQ(p->data, data)) {

p0 = p;

p = p->next;


if (!p) return;


/* p designates node to delete, remove it from list */

if (p0)

/* not first node, p0 points to previous node */

p0->next = p->next;


/* first node on chain */

hashTable[bucket] = p->next;


free (p);



Node *findNode (T data) {

Node *p;



* find node containing data *



p = hashTable[hash(data)];

while (p &&!compEQ(p->data, data))

p = p->next;

return p;



1 . , , . , , . - "" . O (lg n). - . - O (n). [1990] [Cormen].

- , . . 3.2. , k , , , : , , , k, , , - . , , , . . 3.2 20, - 4, 16, 37 43. - . 2.


. 3.2.


- , . , 16, , 16 < 20, . , 16 > 7, . - , 16.

. . , , . . 3.3 , . , , , , , .

. 3.3.

, , . 18 . 3.2 . 16, . 18 16, 18 16 (. 3.4).

, . , . . : "" , .

- . , . 3.4 20, 37. , . 3.5. . 20, . , , 20. , ( 38), ( 37); , , .


. 3.4. 18



. 3.5. 20


typedef T compGT , , . Node left, right , parent . data. , root, , , NULL. insertNode , .. . deleteNode, , (.. ), , . findNode , .



typedef int T; /* type of item to be sorted */

#define compLT(a,b) (a < b)

#define compEQ(a,b) (a == b)


typedef struct Node_ {

struct Node_ *left; /* left child */

struct Node_ *right; /* right child */

struct Node_ *parent; /* parent */

T data; /* data stored in node */

} Node;


Node *root = NULL; /* root of binary tree */


Node *insertNode(T data) {

Node *x, *current, *parent;



* allocate node for data and insert in tree *



/* find x's parent */

current = root;

parent = 0;

while (current) {

if (compEQ(data, current->data)) return (current);

parent = current;

current = compLT(data, current->data)?

current->left: current->right;



/* setup new node */

if ((x = malloc (sizeof(*x))) == 0) {

fprintf (stderr, "insufficient memory (insertNode)\n");



x->data = data;

x->parent = parent;

x->left = NULL;

x->right = NULL;


/* insert x in tree */


if(compLT(x->data, parent->data))

parent->left = x;


parent->right = x;


root = x;





void deleteNode(Node *z) {

Node *x, *y;



* delete node z from tree *



/* y will be removed from the parent chain */

if (!z || z == NULL) return;


/* find tree successor */

if (z->left == NULL || z->right == NULL)

y = z;

else {

y = z->right;

while (y->left!= NULL) y = y->left;



/* x is y's only child */

if (y->left!= NULL)

x = y->left;


x = y->right;


/* remove y from the parent chain */

if (x) x->parent = y->parent;

if (y->parent)

if (y == y->parent->left)

y->parent->left = x;


y->parent->right = x;


root = x;


/* y is the node we're removing */

/* z is the data we're removing */

/* if z and y are not the same, replace z with y. */

if (y!= z) {

y->left = z->left;

if (y->left) y->left->parent = y;

y->right = z->right;

if (y->right) y->right->parent = y;

y->parent = z->parent;

if (z->parent)

if (z == z->parent->left)

z->parent->left = y;


z->parent->right = y;


root = y;

free (z);

} else {

free (y);




Node *findNode(T data) {



* find node containing data *



Node *current = root;

while(current!= NULL)

if(compEQ(data, current->data))

return (current);


current = compLT(data, current->data)?

current->left: current->right;



<DIV ALIGN=right></DIV>


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