







. 247.

. 248. :

I - ; II - ; III - ; IV - ; V - ; VI - ; VII - ; VIII - ; IX - , ; X - ; XI - ; XII - , ; 1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 -

. 249. :

1 - Pectoralis major; 2 - Deltoid; 3 - Subdeltoid bursa; 4 - Subacromial bursa; 5 - Acromion; 6 - Subcutaneous acromial bursa; 7 - Coracoid process; 8 - Clavicle; 9 - Subtendinous bursa of subscapularis; 10 - Subscapularis; 11 - Rib

. 250. :

1 - Biceps brachii; 2 - Medial intermuscular septum of arm; 3 - Triceps brachii; 4 - Humerus; 5 - Lateral intermuscular septum of arm; 6 - Brachialis; 7 - Fascia of individual muscle; Muscle sheath; 8 - Brachial fascia; 9 - Skin

. 251. - :

1 - Medial femoral intermuscular septum; 2 - Femur; Thigh bone; 3 - Fascia lata; 4 - Lateral femoral intermuscular septum; 5 - Sciatic nerve; 6 - Femoral artery and vein

Stratum fibrosum

252. ( - , - )

. 253. , :

1 - Lateral intermuscular septum of arm; 2 - Humerus; 3 - Brachial fascia; 4 - Brachial fascia, superficial part; 5 - Subcutaneous tissue; 6 - Skin; 7 - Biceps brachii; 8 - Brachialis; 9 - Medial intermuscular septum of arm; 10 - Triceps brachii

. 254. :

I - ; II - ; III - ; - ; - ; -

. 255. :

1 - Lesser supraclavicular fossa; 2 - Omoclavicular triangle; Subclavian triangle; 3 - Lateral cervical region; Posterior triangle; 4 - Sternocleidomastoid region; 5 - Posterior cervical region; 6 - Occipital region; 7 - Parietal region; 8 - Temporal region; 9 - Frontal region; 10 - Orbital region; 11 - Nasal region; 12 - Infra-orbital region; 13 - Zygomatic region; 14 - Oral region; 15 - Mental region; 16 - Buccal region; 17 - Parotid region; 18 - Submental triangle; 19 - Submandibular triangle; 20 - Carotid triangle; 21 - Muscular triangle; Omotracheal triangle; 22 - Anterior cervical region; Anterior triangle; 23 - Infraclavicular fossa

. 256. , :

1 - Depressor labii inferioris; 2 - Platysma; 3 - Depressor anguli oris; 4 - Risorius; 5 - Levator anguli oris; 6 - Zygomaticus major; 7 - Zygomaticus minor; 8 - Levator labii superioris; 9 - Nasalis; 10 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 11 - Procerus; 12 - Epicranial aponeurosis; 13 - Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly; 14 - Corrugator supercilii; 15 - Orbicularis oculi; 16 - Buccinator; 17 - Masseter;

18 - Orbicularis oris; 19 - Mentalis

. 257. , :

1 - Platysma; 2 - Risorius; 3 - Depressor anguli oris; 4 - Mentalis; 5 - Depressor labii inferioris; 6 - Zygomaticus major; 7 - Orbicularis oris; 8 - Zygomaticus minor; 9 - Levator labii superioris; 10 - Nasalis; 11 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 12 - Orbicularis oculi; 13 - Auricularis anterior; 14 - Temporoparietalis; 15 - Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly; 16 - Epicranial aponeurosis; 17 - Auricularis superior; 18 - Occipitofrontalis, occipital belly; 19 - Auricularis posterior


. 258. , . :

I - Inferior constrictor; 2 - Common carotid artery; 3 - Hypoglossal nerve [XII]; 4 - Vagus nerve [X]; 5 - Internal jugular vein; 6 - Digastric, posterior belly; 7 - Masseter, deep part; 8 - Sternocleidomastoid; 9 - Superficial temporal artery; 10 - Styloid process;

II - Ramus of mandible; 12 - Epicranius; Occipitofrontalis, occipital belly; 13 - Cartilage of acoustic meatus; 14 - Temporomandibular joint; Joint capsule; Articular capsule; Lateral ligament; 15 - Epicranial aponeurosis; 16 - Zygomatic arch; 17 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 18 - Pericranium; 19 - Epicranius; Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly; 20 - Corrugator supercilii; 21 - Depressor supercilii; 22 - Orbicularis oculi; 23 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 24 - Levator labii superioris; 25 - Nasalis; 26 - Infra-orbital nerve; 27 - Levator anguli oris; 28 - Orbicularis oris; 29 - Parotid duct; 30 - Mentalis; 31 - Depressor labii inferioris; 32 - Depressor anguli oris;

33 - Buccinator; 34 - Digastric, anterior belly; 35 - Masseter, superficial part; 36 - Hyoid bone; 37 - Stylohyoid

. 259. , :

1 - Anterior belly; 2 - Posterior belly; 3 = 1 + 2 - Digastric; 4 - Superficial part; 5 - Deep part; 6 = 4 +5 - Masseter; 7 - Antitragicus; 8 - Auricularis posterior; 9 - Occipitofrontalis, occipital belly; 10 - Tragicus; 11 - Helicic major; 12 - Auricularis superior; 13 - Deep layer; 14 - Superficial layer; 15 = 13 + 14 - Temporal fascia; 16 - Epicranial aponeurosis; 17 - Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly; 18 - Orbital part; 19 - Palpebral part; 20 = 18 + 19 - Orbicularis oculi; 21 - Levator labii superioris; 22 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 23 - Depressor septi nasi; 24 - Levator anguli oris; 25 - Parotid duct; 26 - Modiolus; 27 - Orbicularis oris; 28 - Mentalis; 29 - Buccinator; 30 - Platysma


. 260. , :

1 - Palatoglossus; 2 - Medial pterygoid; 3 - Buccinator; 4 - Pterygomandibular raphe; 5 - Superior constrictor, buccopharyngeal part; 6 - Musculus uvulae; 7 - Soft palate; 8 - Hard palate; 9 - Papilla of parotid duct; 10 - Labial part; 11 - Marginal part; 12 = 10 + 11 - Orbicularis oris; 13 - Modiolus; 14 - Mylohyoid

. 261. , , :

1 - Mentalis; 2 - Platysma; 3 - Orbicularis oris, labial part; 4 - Orbicularis oris, labial part; 5 - Levator anguli oris; 6 - Zygomaticus major; 7 - Zygomaticus minor; 8 - Levator labii superioris; 9 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 10 - Depressor septi nasi; 11 - Orbicularis oris; 12 - Buccinator; 13 - Risorius; 14 - Depressor labii inferioris; 15 - Depressor anguli oris; 16 - Transversus menti

. 262. , , ( - , - ):

1 - Levator labi i superioris alaeque nasi; 2 - Corrugator supercilii; 3 - Orbicularis oculi, palpebral part; 4 - Nasalis; 5 - Orbicularis oculi, orbital part; 6 - Orbicularis oculi, lacrimal part; 7 - Posterior lacrimal crest; 8 - Anterior lacrimal crest

. 263. , ( - , - , ,

- , ):

1 - Depressor labii inferioris; 2 - Depressor anguli oris; 3 - Platysma; 4 - Risorius; 5 - Zygomaticus major; 6 - Zygomaticus minor; 7 - Levator labii superioris; 8 - Levator anguli oris; 9 - Buccinator; 10 - Orbicularis oris; 11 - Mentalis

. 264. , ( ):

1 - Masseter, superficial part; 2 - Masseter, deep part; 3 - Temporal fascia, superficial layer


. 265. , :

1 - Lateral ligament; 2 - Styloid process; 3 - Joint capsule; Articular capsule; 4 - Mastoid process; 5 - External acoustic meatus; 6 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 7 - Parietal bone; 8 - Frontal bone; 9 - Zygomatic arch; 10 - Masseter, superficial part; 11 - Masseter, deep


. 266. , , , :

1 - Coronoid process; 2 - Masseter; 3 - Lateral pterygoid; 4 - Lateral ligament; 5 - Joint capsule; Articular capsule; 6 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 7 - Zygomatic arch

. 267. , , :

1 - Cerebral cortex; 2 - Squamous part; 3 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 4 - Interfascial space; 5 - Temporal fascia, deep layer; 6 - Orbit; 7 - Eyeball; 8 - Temporal fascia, superficial layer

. 268. :

- - ; - , , : ; - ; - , , - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - , , ; - , , ; - , , ; -


. 269. , ( ):

1 - Coronoid process; 2 - Masseter; 3 - Lateral pterygoid; 4 - Temporomandibular joint; 5 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle

. 270. , ( , ):

1 - Medial pterygoid; 2 - Lateral pterygoid, lower head; inferior head; 3 - Lateral pterygoid, upper head; superior head; 4 - Articular disc; 5 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 6 - Temporal muscle tendon

. 271. , :

1 - Head of mandible; Articular surface; 2 - Articular disc; 3 - Lateral pterygoid, upper head; superior head; 4 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 5 - Lateral pterygoid, lower head; inferior head; 6 - Masseter, deep part; 7 - Masseter, superficial part; 8 - Medial pterygoid

. 272. , :

1 - Digastric, anterior belly; 2 - Geniohyoid; 3 - Genioglossus; 4 - Masseter; 5 - Articular disc; 6 - Lateral pterygoid; 7 - Angle of mandible; 8 - Medial pterygoid; 9 - Mylohyoid

. 273. , ( - , - ):

1 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 2 - Lateral pterygoid; 3 - Medial pterygoid; 4 - Masseter; 5 - Lateral pterygoid, upper head; superior head; 6 - Articular disc; 7 - Lateral pterygoid, lower head; inferior head; 8 - Lateral plate, pterygoid process

. 274. , :

1 - Lateral pterygoid; 2 - Articular disc; 3 - Articular tubercle; 4 - Joint capsule; Articular capsule; 5 - Mandibular fossa; 6 - Articular



. 275. ( - , - , - ):

1 - Medial pterygoid; 2 - Lateral pterygoid

. 276. , :

1 - Geniohyoid; 2 - Platysma; 3 - Submandibular gland; 4 - Mandible; 5 - Tongue; 6 - Oropharynx; 7 - Parotid gland; 8 - Nasopharynx; 9 - Sphenoidal sinus; 10 - Temporal lobe; 11 - Ethmoidal cells; 12 - Frontal lobe; 13 - Superior sagittal sinus; 14 - Falx cerebri; Cerebral falx; 15 - Dura mater; 16 - Optic nerve [II]; 17 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 18 - Lateral pterygoid, upper head; superior head; 19 - Masseter, deep part; 20 - Masseter, superficial part; 21 - Lateral pterygoid, lower head; inferior head; 22 - Medial pterygoid; 23 - My-

lohyoid; 24 - Digastric, anterior belly

. 277. :

1 - Vertebral artery; 2 - Internal jugular vein; 3 - Maxillary vein; 4 - Facial nerve [VII]; 5 - Maxillary artery; 6 - Inferior alveolar artery; 7 - Lingual nerve; 8 - Inferior alveolar nerve; 9 - Masseteric nerve; 10 - Ramus of mandible; 11 - Facial artery; 12 - Facial vein; 13 - Maxillary sinus; 14 - Nasal cavity; 15 - Major alar cartilage; 16 - Nasal septum; 17 - Orbicularis oculi; 18 - Zygomaticus major; 19 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 20 - Masseter, deep part; 21 - Masseter, superficial part; 22 - Lateral pterygoid, lower head; inferior head; 23 - Lateral pterygoid, upper head; superior head; 24 - Medial pterygoid; 25 - Parotid gland; 26 - Styloid process; 27 - Vagus

nerve [X]; 28 - Internal carotid artery

. 278. , , :

1 - Depressor anguli oris; 2 - Orbicularis oris; 3 - Mentalis; 4 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 5 - Depressor septi nasi; 6 - Nasalis, alar part; 7 - Nasalis, transverse part; 8 - Levator anguli oris; 9 - Corrugator supercilii; 10 - Orbicularis oculi, orbital part; 11 - Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; 12 - Orbicularis oculi, lacrimal part; 13 - Zygomaticus minor; 14 - Zygomaticus major; 15 - Sternocleidomastoid; 16 - Occipitofrontalis, occipital belly; 17 - Trapezius; 18 - Semispinalis capitis; 19 - Obliquus capitis superior; 20 - Rectus capitis posterior minor; 21 - Rectus capitis posterior major; 22 - Splenius capitis; 23 - Longissimus capitis; 24 - Masseter; 25 - Buccinator; 26 - Platysma; 27 - Depressor labii inferioris; 28 - Lateral pterygoid; 29 - Medial pterygoid


. 279. :

1 - Geniohyoid; 2 - Mylohyoid; 3 - Medial pterygoid; 4 - Lateral pterygoid; 5 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 6 - Buccinator; 7 - Genioglossus; 8 - Digastric, anterior


. 280. , . :

1 - Rectus capitis posterior minor; 2 - Semispinalis; 3 - Rectus capitis posterior major; 4 - Obliquus capitis superior; 5 - Splenius; 6 - Longissimus capitis; 7 - Digastric, anterior belly; 8 - Stylohyoid; 9 - Styloglossus; 10 - Temporalis; Temporal muscle; 11 - Lateral pterygoid; 12 - Masseter; 13 - Medial pterygoid; 14 - Longus capitis; 15 - Tensor veli palatini; 16 - Levator veli palatini; 17 - Stylopharyngeus; 18 - Rectus capitis lateralis; 19 - Rectus capitis anterior; 20 - Sternocleidomastoid; 21 - Trapezius

. 281. , :

1 - Sternocleidomastoid; 2 - Sternohyoid; 3 - Omohyoid, superior belly; 4 - Hyoid bone; 5 - Mylohyoid; 6 - Platysma; 7 - Digastric, anterior belly; 8 - Submandibular gland; 9 - Masseter; 10 - Stylohyoid; 11 - Digastric, posterior belly; 12 - Cervical fascia

. 282. , :

1 - Platysma; 2 - Depressor anguli oris; 3 - Sternocleidomastoid; 4 - Trapezius

. 283. , . -- :

I - Trachea; 2 - Sternothyroid; 3 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; Scalenus medius; Middle scalene; Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 4 - Sternohyoid; 5 - Omohyoid; 6 - Hyoid bone; 7 - Digastric, posterior belly; 8 - Stylohyoid; 9 - Masseter; 10 - Mandible;

II - Digastric, anterior belly; 12 - Mylohyoid; 13 - Sternocleidomastoid; 14 - Omohyoid, superior belly; 15 - Clavicle; 16 - Omohyoid,


inferior belly; 17 - Thyroid gland

. 284. -- , , :

I - Omohyoid, inferior belly; 2 - Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 3 - Scalenus medius; Middle scalene; 4 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; 5 - Levator scapulae; 6 - Splenius capitis; 7 - Sternocleidomastoid; 8 - Hyoglossus; 9 - Parotid gland; 10 - Stylohyoid;

II - Digastric, posterior belly; 12 - Mylohyoid; 13 - Digastric, anterior belly; 14 - Hyoid bone; 15 - Thyrohyoid; 16 - Omohyoid, superior

belly; 17 - Sternohyoid

. 285. (, ), :

1 - Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 2 - Omohyoid, inferior belly; 3 - Levator scapulae; 4 - Longus colli; 5 - Longus capitis; 6 - Semispinalis capitis; 7 - Longissimus capitis; 8 - Splenius capitis; 9 - Sternocleidomastoid; 10 - Digastric, anterior belly; 11 - Stylohyoid; 12 - Masseter; 13 - Inferior constrictor; 14 - Hyoglossus; 15 - Mylohyoid; 16 - Thyrohyoid; 17 - Hyoid bone; 18 - Sternohyoid; 19 - Omohyoid, superior belly; 20 - Sternothyroid; 21 - Thyroid gland; 22 - Tendinous intersection; 23 - Oesophagus; 24 - Trachea; 25 - Clavicle; 26 - First rib [I]; 27 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; 28 - Scalenus medius; Middle scalene

. 286. -- - , ( - , , - -- ):

1 - Sternum; 2 - Clavicle; 3 - Acromion; 4 - Hyoid bone; 5 - Sternocleidomastoid; 6 - Omohyoid; 7 - Head of clavicle; 8 - Head of

sternum; 9 - Sternalis; 10 - Clavicular head

. 287. - , ( - , , - ):


1 - Scapula; 2 - Superior border; 3 - Intermediate tendon; 4 - Hyoid bone

. 288. , :

1 - Thyrohyoid; 2 - Inferior constrictor; 3 - Stylopharyngeus; 4 - Digastric, posterior belly; 5 - Stylohyoid; 6 - Middle constrictor; 7 - Superior constrictor; 8 - Geniohyoid; 9 - Digastric, anterior belly; 10 - Mylohyoid; 11 - Omohyoid; 12 - Sternohyoid; 13 - Sternothyroid; 14 - Anular ligaments; 15 - Oesophagus

. 289. - ( - , - ):

1 - Omohyoid, superior belly, inferior belly; 2 - Sternothyroid; 3 - Thyrohyoid; 4 - Digastric, posterior belly; 5 - Stylohyoid; 6 - Digastric, anterior belly; 7 - Mylohyoid; 8 - Sternohyoid; 9 - Omohyoid; Tendon; 10 - Thyroid cartilage; 11 - Hyoid bone; 12 - Mylohyoid branch

. 290. - - , :

1 - Ramus of mandible; 2 - Mandibular foramen; 3 - Head of mandible; 4 - Coronoid process; 5 - Geniohyoid; 6 - Mylohyoid line;

7 - Mylohyoid; 8 - Hyoid bone

. 291. ( - , - ^1 ):

1 - Geniohyoid; 2 - Stylohyoid; 3 - Digastric; 4 - Mylohyoid; 5 - Omohyoid; 6 - Sternohyoid; 7 - Thyrohyoid; 8 - Sternothyroid

. 292. , ( - , - ):

1 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 2 - Body of hyoid bone; 3 - Hyoglossus; 4 - Geniohyoid; 5 - Genioglossus; 6 - Inferior longitudinal muscle; 7 - Mandible; 8 - Apex of tongue; Tip of tongue; 9 - Mucous membrane of tongue; 10 - Body of tongue; 11 - Dorsum of tongue; 12 - Foliate papillae; 13 - Vallate papillae; 14 - Root of tongue; 15 - Styloglossus; 16 - Palatoglossus; 17 - Stylopharyngeus; 18 - Middle constrictor; 19 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 20 - Thyrohyoid; 21 - Hyoid bone, lesser horn; 22 - Chondroglossus; 23 - Superior constrictor, glossopharyngeal part; 24 - Middle constrictor, ceratopharyngeal part; 25 - Middle constrictor, chondropharyngeal part


. 293. ( ), :

1 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 2 - Body of hyoid bone; 3 - Digastric; 4 - Posterior belly; 5 - Anterior belly; 6 - Mylohyoid branch; 7 - Mental protuberance; 8 - Dental alveolus; 9 - Mental foramen; 10 - Mental tubercle; 11 - Stylohyoid ligament; 12 - Stylohyoid;

13 - Digastric; Intermediate tendon

. 294. ( ), :

1 - Body of hyoid bone; 2 - Greater horn; 3 - Lesser horn; 4 - Mylohyoid; 5 - Genioglossus; 6 - Superior mental spine; Superior genial spine; 7 - Geniohyoid; 8 - Mandibular foramen; 9 - Ramus of mandible

. 295. ( ):

1 - Cervical fascia, investing layer; superficial layer; 2 - Digastric, anterior belly; 3 - Mylohyoid; 4 - Geniohyoid; 5 - Genioglossus; 6 - Buccinator; 7 - Depressor labii inferioris; 8 - Platysma

. 296. , ( - , - ):

1 - Second rib [II]; 2 - First rib [I]; 3 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; 4 - Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 5 - Scalenus medius; Middle scalene; 6 - Longus colli; 7 - Atlas [CI]; 8 - Rectus capitis anterior; 9 - Rectus capitis lateralis; 10 - Longus capitis; 11 - Scalene

tubercle; 12 - Groove for subclavian artery

. 297. , :

1 - First rib [I]; 2 - Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 3 - Scalenus medius; Middle scalene; 4 - Longissimus cervicis; 5 - Levator scapulae; 6 - Splenius cervicis; 7 - Semispinalis capitis; 8 - Longissimus capitis; 9 - Splenius capitis; 10 - Ligamentum nuchae; Nuchal ligament; 11 - Trapezius; 12 - Vertebra prominens [CVII], spinous process; 13 - Iliocostalis cervicis; 14 - Semispinalis thoracis; 15 - Second rib [II]


. 298. , :

1 - Pectoralis major, sternocostal head; 2 - Omohyoid, inferior belly; 3 - Clavicle; 4 - Sternocleidomastoid; 5 - Thyroid gland, lobe; 6 - Inferior constrictor; 7 - Thyrohyoid; 8 - Sternohyoid; 9 - Omohyoid, superior belly; 10 - Hyoid bone; 11 - Mylohyoid; 12 - Digastric, anterior belly; 13 - Mandible; 14 - Masseter; 15 - Stylohyoid; 16 - Parotid gland; 17 - Stylohyoid ligament; Stylopharyngeus; 18 - Digastric, posterior belly; 19 - Semispinalis capitis; 20 - Splenius capitis; 21 - Levator scapulae; 22 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; 23 - Scalenus medius; Middle scalene; 24 - Scalenus posterior; Posterior scalene; 25 - Trapezius; 26 - Acromion; 27 - Deltoid

. 299. , :

1 - Sternohyoid; 2 - Investing layer; 3 - Parotid gland; 4 - Mandible; 5 - Sternocleidomastoid; 6 - Carotid sheath; 7 - Trapezius;

8 - Prevertebral layer; 9 - Clavicle

. 300. , :

I - Sternocleidomastoid; 2 - Clavipectoral triangle; Deltopectoral triangle; 3 - Pectoral fascia; 4 - Nuchal fascia; 5 - Cervical fascia, investing layer; superficial layer; 6 - Submandibular gland; 7 - Platysma; 8 - Hyoid bone; 9 - Internal jugular vein; 10 - External carotid artery;

II - Carotid sheath; 12 - Laryngeal prominence; 13 - Omohyoid; 14 - Cervical fascia, pretracheal layer; 15 - Cervical fascia, prevertebral


. 301. , . -- :

1 - Cervical fascia; 2 - Trapezius; 3 - Pretracheal layer; 4 - Sternocleidomastoid; 5 - Masseteric fascia; 6 - Platysma; 7 - Submandibular gland; 8 - Investing layer; Superficial layer; 9 - Suprasternal space; 10 - Clavipectoral fascia


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