








. 213. ( , , ):

1 - Middle lobe of right lung; 2 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 3 - Right lung; 4 - Lobar and segmental bronchi; 5 - Right pulmonary veins; 6 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe; 7 - Right pulmonary artery; 8 - Right main bronchus; 9 - Tracheal bifurcation; 10 - Vocal fold; 11 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 12 - Vestibular fold; 13 - Hyo-epiglottic ligament; 14 - Oropharynx; 15 - Soft palate; 16 - Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube; 17 - Sphenoidal sinus; 18 - Middle nasal concha; 19 - Superior nasal concha; 20 - Inferior nasal concha; 21 - Superior nasal meatus; 22 - Hard palate; 23 - Frontal sinus; 24 - Middle nasal meatus; 25 - Inferior nasal meatus; 26 - Maxilla; 27 - Oral cavity proper; 28 - Upper lip; 29 - Tongue; 30 - Lower lip; 31 - Mandible; 32 - Epiglottis; 33 - Body of hyoid bone; 34 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 35 - Thyroid cartilage; 36 - Laryngeal ventricle; 37 - Laryngeal cavity; 38 - Trachea; 39 - Left lung; 40 - Left pulmonary artery; 41 - Left

main bronchus; 42 - Left pulmonary veins

. 214. ( - , - , , - ):

1 - Septal nasal cartilage; 2 - Accessory nasal cartilages; 3 - Lateral process; 4 - Nasal bone; 5 - Major alar cartilage, lateral cms; 6 - Major alar cartilage, medial crus; 7 - Nares; Nostrils; 8 - Ala of nose; 9 - Minor alar cartilages; 10 - Maxilla, frontal process; 11 - Frontomaxillary

suture; 12 - Frontonasal suture; 13 - Nasomaxillary suture

. 215. ( ):

1 - Transverse palatine suture; 2 - Pterygoid hamulus; 3 - Pterygoid fossa; 4 - Vomer; 5 - Sphenoidal sinus; 6 - Cribriform plate; Cribriform foramina; 7 - Frontal sinus; 8 - Ethmoid; Ethmoidal bone, perpendicular plate; 9 - Septal nasal cartilage; 10 - Posterior process; Sphenoid process; 11 - Major alar cartilage, medial crus; 12 - Anterior nasal spine; 13 - Incisive fossa; Incisive canals; 14 - Maxilla, palatine process

. 216. :

1 - Inferior nasal meatus; 2 - Salpingopharyngeal fold; 3 - Pharyngeal tonsil; 4 - Middle nasal concha; 5 - Superior nasal concha; 6 - Sphenoidal sinus; 7 - Spheno-ethmoidal recess; 8 - Superior nasal meatus; 9 - Middle nasal meatus; 10 - Inferior nasal concha;

11 - Limen nasi; 12 - Nasal vestibule

. 217. ()

. 218. , ():

1 - Inferior nasal meatus; 2 - Nasal glands; 3 - Inferior nasal concha; 4 - Cavernous plexus of concha; 5 - Middle nasal concha; 6 - Ethmoid; Ethmoidal bone, perpendicular plate; 7 - Septal nasal cartilage; 8 - Vomer; 9 - Maxilla, palatine process, nasal crest

. 219. , , ( ):

1 - Corniculate cartilage; 2 - Laryngeal inlet; 3 - Greater horn; 4 - Root of tongue; 5 - Stylohyoid; 6 - Stylopharyngeus; 7 - Medial pterygoid; 8 - Uvula; 9 - Lateral pterygoid; 10 - Palatopharyngeus; 11 - Levator veli palatini; 12 - Pterygoid canal; 13 - Facial nerve [VII]; 14 - Internal carotid artery; 15 - Internal jugular vein; 16 - Occipital condyle; 17 - Vertebral artery; 18 - Condylar emissary vein; 19 - My-

elencephalon; Medulla oblongata; Bulb; 20 - Cerebellum

. 220. ()

. , , , . . , (. . 226), . , .


. 221.

. 222.

. 223. ( - , - )

. 224. ( ) ( ) ( - , - , , - , - ):

1 - Frontal sinus; 2 - Ethmoidal labyrinth; 3 - Maxillary sinus; 4 - Sphenoidal sinus

. 225. :

1 - Nasopalatine nerve; 2 - Hard palate; 3 - Soft palate; 4 - Pharyngeal tonsil; 5 - Sphenoidal sinus; 6 - Posterior ethmoidal cells; 7 - Frontal sinus; 8 - Frontal bone; 9 - Superior nasal concha; 10 - Middle nasal concha; 11 - Nasal bone; 12 - Lateral process; 13 - Limen nasi; 14 - Major alar cartilage, lateral crus; 15 - Nasal vestibule; 16 - Inferior nasal concha; 17 - Maxilla

. 226. ( - , , - , () ()

) ():

1 - Frontal sinus; 2 - Ethmoidal cells; 3 - Sphenoidal sinus; 4 - Choana; Posterior nasal aperture; 5 - Nasopharynx; 6 - Maxillary sinus; 7 - Orifice; 8 - Maxillary sinus, medial wall; 9 - Frontal sinus, posterior wall; 10 - Ethmoidal infundibulum


() (), . . . , . , . , (). .


. 227. , :

1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - , ; 11 - ; 12 - , ; 13 - ; 14 - ; 15 - , ; 16 - ; 17 - ; 18 - ; 19 - ; 20 - ; 21 - ( .. )

. 228. , :

1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ( .. )

. 229. . ( ):

1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ( .. )

. 230. ():

1 - Thyroid cartilage; 2 - Hyoid bone; 3 - Atlas [CI]; 4 - Axis [CII]; 5 - Cricoid cartilage

. 231. :

1 - Cricoid cartilage; 2 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 3 - Inferior constrictor; 4 - Thyroid cartilage; 5 - Transverse arytenoid; 6 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 7 - Middle constrictor; 8 - Hyoid bone; 9 - Epiglottis; 10 - Superior constrictor; 11 - Hyo-epiglottic ligament; 12 - Pharyngeal tonsil; 13 - Soft palate; 14 - Maxilla; 15 - Incisor tooth [I]; 16 - Orbicularis oris, labial part; 17 - Genioglossus; 18 - Geniohyoid; 19 - Mylohyoid; 20 - Tracheal cartilages; 21 - Thyroid gland; 22 - Cervical fascia, investing layer; superficial layer


. 232. ( - , - , - ):

1 - Stalk of epiglottis; 2 - Epiglottic cartilage

. 233. ( - , - , - ):

1 - Inferior thyroid notch; 2 - Inferior horn; 3 - Inferior thyroid tubercle; 4 - Right lamina; 5 - Laryngeal prominence; 6 - Superior thyroid notch; 7 - Superior horn; 8 - Superior thyroid tubercle; 9 - Left lamina; 10 - Thyroid articular surface; 11 - Oblique line

. 234. , ( - , - , - ):

1 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 2 - Thyroid articular surface; 3 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 4 - Cricoid cartilage; 5 - Vocal process; 6 - Muscular process; 7 - Oblong fovea; 8 - Triangular fovea; 9 - Arytenoid cartilage; 10 - Corniculate cartilage; 11 - Colliculus; 12 - Apex of arytenoid cartilage; 13 - Arcuate crest; 14 - Articular surface; 15 - Base ofarytenoid cartilage; 16 - Arytenoid articular surface;

17 - Posterior surface; 18 - Anterolateral surface

. 235. , :

1 - Arytenoid articular surface; 2 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 3 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 4 - Superior thyroid tubercle; 5 - Superior

thyroid notch; 6 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 7 - Superior horn

. 236. , ( - , - , - ):

1 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 2 - Muscular process; 3 - Oblong fovea; 4 - Arcuate crest; 5 - Triangular fovea; 6 - Colliculus; 7 - Corniculate cartilage; 8 - Arytenoid cartilage; 9 - Muscular process; 10 - Vocal process; Vocal ligament; 11 - Thyroid articular surface; 12 - Cricoarytenoid ligament; 13 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 14 - Arytenoid cartilage; Crico-arytenoid joint




. 237. ( - , - ):

1 - Cricotracheal ligament; 2 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 3 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 4 - Superior thyroid notch; 5 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 6 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 7 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 8 - Lateral thyrohyoid ligament; 9 - Hyoid bone, lesser horn; 10 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 11 - Epiglottic cartilage; 12 - Triticeal cartilage; 13 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 14 - Thyroid cartilage, inferior horn; 15 - Capsule of cricothyroidjoint; 16 - Tracheal cartilages; 17 - Crico-arytenoid ligament; 18 - Arytenoid cartilage; 19 - Thyroid cartilage, left lamina; 20 - Stalk of epiglottis; 21 - Pre-epiglottic fat body; 22 - Corniculate cartilage; 23 - Cricopharyngeal

ligament; 24 - Anular ligaments

. 238. ( - , - , ):

1 - Tracheal cartilages; 2 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 3 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 4 - Conus elasticus; Cricovocal membrane; 5 - Vocal ligament; 6 - Thyroid cartilage; 7 - Thyro-epiglottic ligament; 8 - Stalk of epiglottis; 9 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 10 - Epiglottic cartilage; 11 - Hyoid bone; 12 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 13 - Cricopharyngeal ligament; 14 - Arytenoid cartilage; 15 - Vocal process; 16 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 17 - Thyroid articular surface; 18 - Anular ligaments; 19 - Vestibular ligament; 20 - Pre-epiglottic fat body; 21 - Hyo-epiglottic ligament; 22 - Infrahyoid bursa; 23 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 24 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 25 - Crico-arytenoid ligament; 26 - Pharynx, mucosa, mucous membrane; 27 - Trachea, membranous wall


. 239. , :

I - Tracheal cartilages; 2 - Cricoid cartilage, lamina of cricoid cartilage; 3 - Posterior crico-arytenoid; 4 - Oblique arytenoid; 5 - Transverse arytenoid; 6 - Laryngeal ventricle; 7 - Epiglottic tubercle; 8 - Cuneiform tubercle; 9 - Triticeal cartilage; 10 - Hyoid bone, lesser horn;

II - Epiglottis; 12 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 13 - Cuneiform cartilage; 14 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 15 - Vestibular fold;

16 - Corniculate cartilage; 17 - Arytenoid cartilage; 18 - Vocal fold; 19 - Vocalis; 20 - Cricothyroid; 21 - Lateral crico-arytenoid

. 240. :

1 - Posterior crico-arytenoid ligament; 2 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 3 - Corniculate cartilage; 4 - Cricoid cartilage; 5 - Conus elasticus; Cricovocal membrane; 6 - Vocal ligament; 7 - Thyroid cartilage; 8 - Superior thyroid notch; 9 - Rima glottidis, intermembranous part; 10 - Rima glottidis, intercartilaginous part; 11 - Vocal process; 12 - Arytenoid cartilage

. 241. ( )

. 242. ( - , - ):

I - Tracheal cartilages; 2 - Inferior thyroid tubercle; 3 - Thyroid cartilage, inferior horn; 4 - Oblique line; 5 - Superior thyroid tubercle; 6 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 7 - Triticeal cartilage; 8 - Lateral thyrohyoid ligament; 9 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 10 - Epiglottis;

II - Hyoid bone, lesser horn; 12 - Body of hyoid bone; 13 - Hyo-epiglottic ligament; 14 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 15 - Laryngeal prominence; 16 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 17 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 18 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 19 - Cricotracheal ligament; 20 - Anular ligaments; 21 - Thyroid articular surface; 22 - Vocal process; 23 - Crico-arytenoid joint; 24 - Muscular process; 25 - Arytenoid cartilage; 26 - Corniculate cartilage; 27 - Ary-epiglottic fold; 28 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 29 - Fibro-elastic membrane of larynx, quadrangular membrane; 30 - Thyroid cartilage; 31 - Vestibular ligament; 32 - Vocal ligament; 33 - Fibro-elastic membrane


of larynx, conus elasticus, cricovocal membrane; 34 - Cricoid cartilage

. 243. ( - : 1 - , 11 - , , - , - , - ):

1 - Piriform fossa; Piriform recess; 2 - Arytenoid cartilage; Corniculate cartilage; 3 - Vocal fold; 4 - Epiglottis; 5 - Rima glottidis; 6 - Vestibular fold; 7 - Interarytenoid notch; 8 - Ary-epiglottic fold; 9 - Laryngeal ventricle; 10 - Rima glottidis, intercartilaginous part;

11 - Rima glottidis, intermembranous part

. 244. , :

1 - Thyroid gland, left lobe; 2 - Cricothyroid; 3 - Rima glottidis; 4 - Vocalis; 5 - Laryngeal ventricle; 6 - Rima vestibuli; 7 - Thyroid cartilage; 8 - Laryngeal vestibule; 9 - Epiglottis; 10 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 11 - Epiglottic tubercle; 12 - Vestibular fold; 13 - Vocal fold; 14 - Thyro-arytenoid; 15 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 16 - Infraglottic cavity; 17 - Trachea

. 245. , :

1 - Interarytenoid notch; 2 - Corniculate tubercle; 3 - Cuneiform tubercle; 4 - Vocal fold; 5 - Vestibular fold; 6 - Ary-epiglottic fold; 7 - Lateral glosso-epiglottic fold; 8 - Epiglottic vallecula; 9 - Root of tongue; 10 - Median glosso-epiglottic fold; 11 - Epiglottis; 12 - Epiglottic tubercle; 13 - Rima glottidis, intermembranous part; 14 - Piriform fossa; Piriform recess; 15 - Rima glottidis, intercartilaginous part;

16 - Pharynx

. 246. ( - , - )

( ):

1 - Inferior constrictor; 2 - Pharyngeal plexus; 3 - Thyroid foramen; 4 - Thyrohyoid; 5 - Omohyoid; 6 - Sternohyoid; 7 - Thyroid gland, pyramidal lobe; 8 - Thyroid cartilage; 9 - Laryngeal saccule; 10 - Vestibular fold, laryngeal glands; 11 - Vocal fold, rima glottidis; 12 - Arytenoid cartilage; 13 - Piriform fossa; Piriform recess; 14 - Transverse arytenoid; 15 - Oblique arytenoid; 16 - Laryngopharynx; Hypopharynx; 17 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 18 - Conus elasticus; Cricovocal membrane; 19 - Rima glottidis, intercartilaginous part; 20 - Superior laryngeal artery; 21 - Superior laryngeal nerve, internal branch; 22 - Vocal process; 23 - Thyro-arytenoid; 24 - Rima glottidis; 25 - Vocalis; 26 - Vocal ligament; 27 - Arytenoid cartilage, muscular process; 28 - Thyroid gland, right lobe; 29 - Crico-arytenoid joint;


30 - Posterior crico-arytenoid

. 247. , :

1 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 2 - Thyroid cartilage, inferior horn; 3 - Posterior crico-arytenoid; 4 - Transverse arytenoid; 5 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn; 6 - Lateral glosso-epiglottic fold; 7 - Root of tongue; 8 - Uvula; 9 - Palatopharyngeal arch; Posterior pillar of fauces; 10 - Palatine tonsil; 11 - Epiglottis; 12 - Laryngeal inlet; 13 - Oblique arytenoid, ary-epiglottic part; 14 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina;

15 - Cricothyroid; 16 - Oblique arytenoid; 17 - Trachea, membranous wall

. 248. ( - , - , ):

I - Lateral crico-arytenoid; 2 - Thyroid articular surface; 3 - Hyoid bone, lesser horn; 4 - Oblique arytenoid; 5 - Posterior crico-arytenoid; 6 - Corniculate cartilage; 7 - Arytenoid cartilage, muscular process; 8 - Cuneiform cartilage; 9 - Epiglottis; 10 - Thyroid cartilage, superior horn;

II - Thyrohyoid membrane; 12 - Triticeal cartilage; 13 - Lateral thyrohyoid ligament; 14 - Hyoid bone, greater horn; 15 - Hyo-epiglottic ligament; 16 - Body of hyoid bone; 17 - Pre-epiglottic fat body; 18 - Median thyrohyoid ligament; 19 - Quadrangular membrane; 20 - Thyro-arytenoid; 21 - Thyroid cartilage; 22 - Thyro-arytenoid; 23 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 24 - Cricoid cartilage; 25 - Cricotracheal ligament; 26 - Anular ligaments; 27 - Tracheal cartilages; 28 - Cricothyroid; 29 - Vocal ligament; 30 - Vestibular ligament;

31 - Thyro-epiglottic ligament; 32 - Arytenoid cartilage; 33 - Posterior crico-arytenoid ligament; 34 - Vocal process; 35 - Tracheal glands

. 249. ( - , , - , , , - , , ):


1 - Oblique part; 2 - Straight part; 3 = 1 + 2 - Cricothyroid; 4 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 5 - Lateral crico-arytenoid; 6 - Conus elasticus; Cricovocal membrane; 7 - Vocalis; 8 - Arytenoid cartilage, vocal process; 9 - Arytenoid cartilage, muscular process; 10 - Posterior crico-arytenoid; 11 - Cricoid cartilage, articular surface; 12 - Thyro-arytenoid; 13 - Thyro-arytenoid, thyro-epiglottic part; 14 - Ary-epiglottic fold; 15 - Cuneiform tubercle; 16 - Corniculate tubercle

. 250. ():

1 - Inferior horn; 2 - Thyro-epiglottic ligament; 3 - Superior horn; 4 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 5 - Greater horn; 6 - Lesser horn; 7 - Epiglottic cartilage; 8 - Corniculate cartilage; 9 - Crico-arytenoid ligament; 10 - Cricothyroid joint

. 251. , ( - , - (),

) ():

1 - Cuneiform tubercle; 2 - Vestibular fold; 3 - Vocal fold; 4 - Epiglottic tubercle; 5 - Epiglottis; 6 - Thyro-arytenoid; 7 - Corniculate tubercle; 8 - Lateral crico-arytenoid; 9 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 10 - Transverse arytenoid; 11 - Arytenoid cartilage; 12 - Posterior


. 252. ():

1 - Cricothyroid; 2 - Oblique arytenoid; Transverse arytenoid; 3 - Lateral crico-arytenoid; 4 - Posterior crico-arytenoid

. 253. ():

1 - Posterior crico-arytenoid; 2 - Thyro-arytenoid; 3 - Vocalis; 4 - Cricothyroid; 5 - Lateral crico-arytenoid; 6 - Transverse arytenoid

. 254. , :

1 - Lateral basal segmental bronchus [BIX]; 2 - Anterior basal segmental bronchus [BVIII]; 3 - Right inferior lobar bronchus; 4 - Medial segmental bronchus [BV]; 5 - Lateral segmental bronchus [BIV]; 6 - Middle lobar bronchus; 7 - Superior segmental bronchus [BVI]; 8 - Bronchial cartilages; 9 - Posterior segmental bronchus [BII]; 10 - Anterior segmental bronchus [BIII]; 11 - Right superior lobar bronchus; 12 - Apical segmental bronchus [BI]; 13 - Right main bronchus; 14 - Tracheal bifurcation; 15 - Anular ligaments; 16 - Tracheal cartilages; 17 - Arch of cricoid cartilage; 18 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 19 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 20 - Left main bronchus; 21 - Anterior segmental bronchus [BIII]; 22 - Apicoposterior segmental bronchus [BI + II]; 23 - Left superior lobar bronchus; 24 - Superior lingular bronchus [BIV]; 25 - Inferior lingular bronchus [BV]; 26 - Left inferior lobar bronchus; 27 - Superior segmental bronchus [BVI]; 28 - Anterior basal segmental bronchus [BVIII]; 29 - Medial basal segmental bronchus [BVII]; 30 - Lateral basal segmental bronchus [BIX]; 31 - Posterior basal segmental bronchus [BX]; 32 - Medial basal segmental bronchus [BVII]; 33 - Posterior basal segmental bronchus [BX]


. 255. , ( ):

I - Posterior basal segmental bronchus [BX]; 2 - Lateral basal segmental bronchus [BIX]; 3 - Medial basal segmental bronchus [BVII]; 4 - Anterior basal segmental bronchus [BVIII]; 5 - Superior segmental bronchus [BVI]; 6 - Inferior lingular bronchus [BV]; 7 - Superior lingular bronchus [BIV]; 8 - Left inferior lobar bronchus; 9 - Anterior segmental bronchus [BIII]; 10 - Left superior lobar bronchus;

II - Apicoposterior segmental bronchus [BI + II]; 12 - Left main bronchus; 13 - Tracheal bifurcation; 14 - Anular ligaments; 15 - Tracheal cartilages; 16 - Thyroid cartilage, right lamina; 17 - Corniculate cartilage; 18 - Arytenoid cartilage; 19 - Lamina of cricoid cartilage; 20 - Membranous wall; 21 - Tracheal glands; 22 - Trachealis; 23 - Right main bronchus; 24 - Right inferior lobar bronchus; 25 - Right superior lobar bronchus; 26 - Apical segmental bronchus [BI]; 27 - Anterior segmental bronchus [BIII]; 28 - Posterior segmental bronchus [BII]; 29 - Superior segmental bronchus [BVI]; 30 - Middle lobar bronchus; 31 - Lateral segmental bronchus [BIV]; 32 - Medial segmental bronchus [BV]; 33 - Anterior basal segmental bronchus [BVIII]; 34 - Medial basal segmental bronchus [BVII]; 35 - Lateral basal

segmental bronchus [BIX]; 36 - Posterior basal segmental bronchus [BX]

. 266. ( - , - , , - , , - , ):

1 - Membranous wall; 2 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane; 3 - Epithelium anterius; 4 - Tracheal cartilages; 5 - Adventitia; 6 - Tracheal glands; 7 - Trachealis; 8 - Carina of trachea; 9 - Fibrocartilaginous layer; 10 - Longitudinal folds; 11 - Anular ligaments; 12 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane, epithelium; 13 - Proper lamina of mucosa; 14 - Tracheal cartilage; 15 - Anular ligament


. 267. ( ):

I - Subclavian artery; 2 - Recurrent laryngeal nerve; 3 - Brachiocephalic trunk; 4 - Superior vena cava; 5 - Sympathetic trunk, superior cervical ganglion; 6 - Common carotid artery; 7 - Cervical nerve [CIV]; 8 - Brachial plexus; 9 - Vagus nerve [X]; 10 - Internal jugular vein;

II - External carotid artery; 12 - Internal carotid artery; 13 - Digastric, anterior belly; 14 - Mylohyoid; 15 - Digastric, posterior belly; 16 - Submandibular gland; 17 - Hyoid bone, lesser horn; 18 - Facial artery; 19 - Hypoglossal nerve [XII]; 20 - Accessory nerve [XI]

. 268. ( - , - )


. 269. ()

. 270. ,

( .. )

. 271. , :

1 - Costodiaphragmatic recess; 2 - Parietal pleura, diaphragmatic part; 3 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 4 - Middle lobe of right lung; 5 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe; 6 = 3 + 4 + 5 - Right lung; 7 - Right lung, anterior border; 8 - Parietal pleura, costal part; 9 - Second [II] rib; 10 - Apex of lung; 11 - Subclavius; 12 - Clavicle; 13 - Scalenus anterior; Anterior scalene; 14 - Phrenic nerve; 15 - Jugular venous arch; 16 - Inferior thyroid vein; 17 - Thyroid gland, lobe; 18 - Cricothyroid; 19 - Sternothyroid; 20 - Pyramidal lobe; 21 - Sternohyoid; 22 - Thyrohyoid; 23 - Thyroid cartilage; 24 - Omohyoid, superior belly; 25 - Superior thyroid artery; 26 - Superior thyroid vein; 27 - Cervical fascia, investing layer; superficial layer; 28 - Sternocleidomastoid; 29 - Common carotid artery; 30 - Common carotid plexus; 31 - Internal jugular vein; 32 - Brachiocephalic vein; 33 - Internal thoracic veins; 34 - Thymus; 35 - Pectoralis major; 36 - Left lung; 37 - Anterior border; 38 - Pericardium; 39 - Cardiac notch of left lung; 40 - Lingula of left lung; 41 - Inferior border; 42 - External oblique; 43 - Transversus thoracis; 44 - Costomediastinal recess; 45 - Sternal part; 46 - Rectus abdominis; 47 - Internal thoracic veins; 48 - Internal thoracic artery


. 272. , :

I - Right costodiaphragmatic recess; 2 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part; 3 - Xiphoid process; 4 - Costal cartilage [VII]; 5 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 6 - Costomediastinal recess; 7 - Right lung, middle lobe; 8 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe; 9 - Thymus; 10 - Right brachiocephalic vein;

II - Right subclavian artery; 12 - Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula; 13 - Right common carotid artery; 14 - Cricoid cartilage; 15 - Thyroid cartilage; 16 - Thyrohyoid membrane; 17 - Hyoid bone; 18 - Median thyrohyoid ligament;19 - Median cricothyroid ligament; 20 - Trachea; 21 - Left common carotid artery; 22 - Left subclavian artery; 23 - Rib [I]; 24 - Left brachiocephalic vein; 25 - Endothoracic fascia; Parietal fascia of thorax; 26 - Heart; 27 - Cardiac notch of left lung; 28 - Lingula of left lung; 29 - Pleura,

costal part

. 273. , :

1 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part; 2 - Xiphoid process; 3 - Costal cartilage [VII]; 4 - Right lung; 5 - Endothoracic fascia; Parietal fascia of thorax; 6 - Superior vena cava; 7 - Pleura, mediastinal part; 8 - Brachiocephalic trunk; 9 - Right subclavian artery; 10 - Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula; 11 - Trachea; 12 - Right common carotid artery; 13 - Hyoid bone; 14 - Thyroid cartilage; 15 - Cricoid cartilage; 16 - Left common carotid artery; 17 - Right subclavian artery; 18 - Rib [I]; 19 - Arch of aorta; Aortic arch; 20 - Pulmonary trunk; 21 - Visceral pleura; Pulmonary pleura, mediastinal part; 22 - Left lung; 23 - Pericardium; 24 - Apex of heart; 25 - Lingula of left

lung; 26 - Pleura, costal part

. 274. :


1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 - ; 11 - - ; 12 - - ; 13 - ; 14 - ; 15 -

( .. )

. 275. :

1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - - ; 9 - - ; 10 -

( .. )

. 276. (), :

1 - ; 2 - ; 3 - ; 4 - ; 5 - ; 6 - ; 7 - ; 8 - ; 9 - ; 10 -

; 11 - ( .. .)

. 277. , ( - , - ):

1 - Right lung, inferior lobe; lower lobe; 2 - Costal surface; 3 - Oblique fissure; 4 - Right lung, superior lobe; upper lobe; 5 - Apex of lung; 6 - Anterior border; 7 - Horizontal fissure of right lung; 8 - Middle lobe of right lung; Costal surface; 9 - Inferior border; 10 - Lingula of

left lung; 11 - Cardiac notch of left lung

. 278. , , ( - , - ):

1 - Inferior border; 2 - Oblique fissure; 3 - Right lung, middle lobe; 4 - Horizontal fissure of right lung; 5 - Cardiac impression; 6 - Right superior pulmonary vein; 7 - Anterior border; 8 - Right pulmonary artery; 9 - Right lung, superior lobe; 10 - Apex of lung; 11 - Right superior lobar bronchus; 12 - Right main bronchus; 13 - Middle lobar bronchus; Right inferior lobar bronchus; 14 - Inferior tracheobronchial nodes; 15 - Parietal pleura, mediastinal part; 16 - Right lung, inferior lobe; 17 - Pulmonary ligament; 18 - Diaphragmatic surface; Base of lung; 19 - Costal surface; 20 - Left inferior pulmonary vein; 21 - Left main bronchus; 22 - Left superior pulmonary vein; 23 - Left pulmonary artery; 24 - Tracheobronchial nodes; 25 - Cardiac notch of left lung; 26 - Lingula of left lung


. 279. , , ( ):

1 - Oblique fissure; 2 - Lobar bronchus; 3 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 4 - Posterior border; 5 - Base of lung; 6 - Costal surface; 7 - Apex

of lung; 8 - Trachea; 9 - Left main bronchus; 10 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe

. 280. ( - , - , - , - ):

1 - Anterior basal segment [SVIII]; 2 - Medial segment [SV]; 3 - Lateral segment [SIV]; 4 - Anterior segment [SIII]; 5 - Apical segment [SI]; 6 - Lateral basal segment [SIX]; 7 - Posterior basal segment [SX]; 8 - Superior segment [SVI]; 9 - Posterior segment [SII]

. 281. ( - , , - , , - ):

1 - Posterior basal segment [SX]; 2 - Lateral basal segment [SIX]; 3 - Anterior basal segment [SVIII]; 4 - Medial basal segment [SVII]; 5 - Medial segment [SV]; 6 - Superior segment [SVI]; 7 - Anterior segment [SIII]; 8 - Apical segment [SI]; 9 - Posterior segment [SII];

10 - Lateral segment [SIV]

. 282. :

1 - Alveoli; 2 - Mucosa; Mucous membrane

. 283.

. 284.

. 285. ( - , - ( ),

) ()

( .. , . )

. 286. ()

( .. , . )

. 287.

. 288. ():

1 - Alveolar saccules; 2 - Respiratory bronchiole (3-th order); 3 - Respiratory bronchiole (1-th order); 4 - Terminal bronchiole; 5 - Respiratory bronchiole (2-th order); 6 - Alveoli; 7 - Alveolar duct


. 289. ( - , - ):

1 - Alveolar saccule; 2 - Respiratory bronchiole; 3 - Terminal bronchiole; 4 - Segmental bronchus; 5 - Cartilaginous plate; 6 - Intrasegmental bronchi; 7 - Bronchiole; 8 - Respiratory bronchioles; 9 - Elastice fibres; 10 - Pulmonary alveoli; 11 - Interalveolar septa;

12 - Alveolar foramen; 13 = 3 + 10 + 11 + 12 - Pulmonary acinus

. 290. ():

1 - Pulmonary alveolus; 2 - Respiratory bronchiolus; 3 - Pulmonary artery, branch; 4 - Thoracic aorta, bronchial branch; 5 - Pulmonary

vein, branch

. 291. ():

1 - Lumen of alveoli; 2 - Osmiophylic corpuscles; 3 - Big alveolocytus; 4 - Respiratory alveolocytus; 5 - Blood capillary; 6 - Endothelial

cells; 7 - Alveolar macrophagocytus; 8 - Elastic fibres

. 292. ,

( .. , . )

. 293. , :

1 - Lumbar part, right crus; 2 - Medial arcuate ligament; 3 - Lateral arcuate ligament; 4 - Right costodiaphragmatic recess; 5 - Aortic hiatus; 6 - Oblique fissure; 7 - Right lung, inferior lobe; 8 - Middle lobe of right lung; 9 - Oesophageal hiatus, loop; 10 - Horizontal fissure of right lung; 11 - Right lung, superior lobe; 12 - Manubriosternal synchondrosis; 13 - Costomediastinal recess; 14 - Left lung, superior lobe;15 - Cardiac notch of left lung; 16 - Apex of heart; 17 - Left lung, inferior lobe; 18 - Inferior lingular segment [SV]; 19 - Inferior border; 20 - Left costodiaphragmatic recess; 21 - Costal part; 22 - Oesophageal hiatus; 23 - Lumbar part, left crus

. 294. , :


1 - Lumbocostal triangle; 2 - Medial arcuate ligament; 3 - Lateral arcuate ligament; 4 - Oblique fissure; 5 - Pleura, posterior border, vertebromediastinal recess; 6 - Apex of lung; 7 - Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula; 8 - Parietal pleura, diaphragmatic part;

9 - Lung, inferior part; 10 - Pleura, inferior part

. 295. ( ):

I - Azygos vein; 2 - Hemi-azygos vein; Inferior hemi-azygos vein; 3 - Thoracic aorta; 4 - Oesophagus; 5 - Pulmonary ligament; 6 - Pleura, mediastinal part; 7 - Pericardium; 8 - Internal thoracic artery and vein; 9 - Costomediastinal recess; 10 - Costodiaphragmatic recess;

II - Pericardium, diaphragmatic part; 12 - Phrenic nerve; 13 - Inferior vena cava; 14 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part; 15 - Vertebromediastinal

recess; 16 - Sympathetic trunk

. 296. ( ):

1 - Azygos vein; Impression; 2 - Right subclavian artery; Impression; 3 - Right subclavian vein; Impression; 4 - Superior vena cava; Impression; 5 - Oesophagus; 6 - Pleura, mediastinal part; 7 - Sternum; 8 - Internal thoracic artery; Internal thoracic veins; 9 - Pleura, costal part; 10 - Trachea; 11 - Left subclavian vein; Impression; 12 - Left subclavian artery; Impression; 13 - Thoracic nerve [TI]; Impression;

14 - Arch of aorta; Impression; 15 - Pleura, vertebral part

. 297. , :

1 - Thoracic vertebra [TXII]; 2 - Pleura, inferior border; 3 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 4 - Right lung, inferior border; 5 - Middle lobe of right lung; 6 - Pleura, anterior border; 7 - Parasternal line; 8 - Sternal line; 9 - Anterior median line; 10 - Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula; 11 - Apex of lung; 12 - Midclavicular line; Mammillary line; Nipple line; 13 - Pleura, superior border; 14 - Heart; 15 - Cardiac notch of left lung; 16 - Xiphoid process; 17 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part


. 298. , :

1 - Pleura, inferior border; 2 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 3 - Oblique fissure; 4 - Cervical pleura; Dome of pleura; Pleural cupula; 5 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe; 6 - Apex of lung; 7 - Posterior median line; 8 - Paravertebral line; 9 - Scapular line; 10 - Pleura, posterior

border; 11 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part; 12 - Pleura, costal part

. 299. , :

1 - Apex of lung; 2 - Midaxillary line; 3 - Superior lobe; Upper lobe; 4 - Horizontal fissure of right lung; 5 - Middle lobe of right lung; 6 - Oblique fissure; 7 - Inferior lobe; Lower lobe; 8 - Pleura, diaphragmatic part; 9 - Pleura, inferior border; 10 - Pleura, costal part

. 300. ( , - ; , - ):

1 - Vertebra [XII]; 2 - Body of sternum; 3 - Manubrium of sternum; 4 - Rib [I]

. 15.


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(, ), ( ) . ( ) . ( ), .

(. . 301-, ). .

(, ), . . , , , , . , .

, . , .

. 301. ( - , - , , - () ()):

1 - Diaphragm; 2 - Costal margin; Costal arch; 3 - Body of sternum; 4 - Manubrium of sternum; 5 - Rib [I]; 6 - Superior thoracic aperture; Thoracic inlet

(. 302, 303).

(. 302, 303-)


, . , ( ). , - , , . . - .

(. 303-)

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. 302. () ():

1 - Pleural cavity; 2 - Right lung; 3 - Diaphragm; 4 - Costodiaphragmatic recess

. 303. ( - , - )

. 304. ( - , - , - ())

. . .

. . ( ) . , . . . . , - ,


( ).

. ( ). , , , . - . . , . .


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