






May I come in? - ?

Sorry for being late. - .

May I join the class / group? - / ?

May I open / close the window? - / ?

May I go out, please? - ?

What do we have to do now? - ?

Do we have to hand in this exercise? - ?

Do we have to write this down? - ?

I don't understand. Could you repeat that, please? - . ?

Can you explain it once more, please? - , .

I'm ready. Shall I begin? - . ?

What does "..." mean in Russian? - "..." -?

How do you say "..." in English? - "..." -?

How do you spell that word? - ?

How is this word pronounced? - ?

Could you help me, please? - , .

I don't have a.... Can I borrow one? - .... ?

What page are we on? - ?

I was absent on the last lesson. - .

I could not do my homework because.... - , ...



I would like .. for breakfast (lunch)

beef [bi:f] -

berry ['berɪ] -

biscuit ['bɪskɪt] -

bread [bred] -

butter ['bʌtə] -

cake [keɪk] - , ,

candy ['kændɪ] - ,

cheese [tʃi:z] -

chicken ['tʃɪkən] -

chicken [ʹtʃıkın] -

chocolate ['tʃɒklɪt] -

coffee ['kɔ:fɪ] -

duck [dʌk] -

egg [eg] -

fish [fɪʃ] -

ham [hæm] -

honey ['hʌnɪ] -

ice cream ['aɪskri:m] -

jam [dʒæm] - ,

juice [dʒu:s] -

kebab [kıʹbæb] -

kefir ['kefə] -

ketchup ['ketʃəp] -

macaroni, pasta, spaghetti [mækə'rəʋnɪ], ['pæstə],[spə'getɪ] -

meat [mi:t] -

milk [mɪlk] -

mushroom ['mʌʃru:m] -

mustard ['mʌstərd] -

mutton [ˊmʌtn] -

nut [nʌt] -

oil [ɔɪl] -

pancakes ['pænkeɪks] -

pepper ['pepər] -

pizza ['pi:tsə] -

pork [ʹpɔ:k] -

porridge (cereal) ['sɪrɪəl] -

poultry [ˊpəυltrɪ] - ,

rice [raɪs] -

salad ['sæləd] -

salt [sɔ:lt] -

sandwich ['sændwɪtʃ] -

sausage ['sɔ:sɪdʒ] -

soup [su:p] -

sugar ['ʃʋgər] -

sweets [swi:t] -

tea [ti -

turkey [ʹtɜ:kı] -

veal [vi:l] -

water ['wɒtə] -

yoghurt ['jɒgərt]




My favourite animal is a..

cat [kæt] -

dog [dɔg] -

cow [kau] -

horse [hɔːs] -

goat [gəut] -

pig [pɪg] -

sheep [ʃiːp] -

cock [kɔk] -

chicken ['ʧɪkɪn]-

duck [dʌk] -

parrot ['pærət] -

hamster ['hæmstə] -

lion ['laɪən] -

elephant ['elɪfənt] -

crocodile ['krɔkədaɪl] -

camel ['kæm(ə)l] -

giraffe [ʤɪ'rɑːf] -

kangaroo [ˌkæŋg(ə)'ruː] -

snake [sneɪk] -

monkey ['mʌŋkɪ] -

deer [dɪə] -

bear [bɛə] -

wolf [wulf] -

fox [fɔks] -

seagull ['siːgʌl] -

swallow ['swɔləu] -

ostrich ['ɔstrɪʧ] -

peacock ['piːkɔk] -

eagle ['iːgl] -

crow [krəu] -

woodpecker ['wudˌpekə] -

cuckoo ['kukuː] -

pigeon ['pɪʤən]



Excuse me, could you help me, please? , ?

May I ask you a question? ?

What time is it? ?

What do you call this thing in English? -?

Thank you. I really appreciate your help. . .

You are welcome. .

Do you have any vacancies? I need a single room/a double room/a suite for a week. ? / / .

I have a reservation for a single room. I'd like to check in. . .

What is the daily rate for a single room? ?

Is there European electrical outlet/socket in the room? - ?

Is there a restaurant in the hotel? ?

When is breakfast served? ?

. , .

Where can I find a map? ?

Could you tell me how do I get to the museum, please? , , ?

How long will it take to get there? ?

Where is the bus stop, please? - ?

Where does this bus go? - ?

, , :

Id like to buy a weekly metropass/metrocard. .

, , .

When does the museum open/close? / ?

How much does one adult ticket cost? ?

Could you tell me, where is the exit, please? , ?

Could you tell me where is the nearest supermarket /grocery store, please? , / ?

How much is it? / How much does it cost? ?

Where are the dressing rooms? Where can I try it on? ? ?

May I pay by a credit/debit card? Or should I pay in cash? - / ? ?

Where can I change money? ?

When does the bank open/close? / ?

Where is the nearest cash machine? ?

ould you give me some change, please? ?


, , .

Id like orange juice, ham sandwich, French fries and salad. , , .

Could you tell me where the restrooms are? , ?

May I have the bill/check, please? - , ?



1. I'm sorry to bother you - ,

2. Nice to meet you! -

3. How much is this? -

4. My name is..., what's yours? I'm from Russia, and you? - .. ? ,

5. Does anybody here speak Russian? -- -?

6. I'm Russian, I don't speak English very well - , -

7. I'm lost, can you help me? - , ?

8. Where can I buy a newspaper? - ?

9. Where can I find a toilet? - ?

10. Where can I buy the tickets? - ?

11. Where is the booking office? - ?

12. How far is it? - ?

13. That's (too) expensive. - ()

14. I'll take one / it / this. -

15. I like this. -

16. I don't like that -

17. Can I pay by credit-card? - ?

18. Can I exchange this? -

19. That's all, thanks - ,

20. Please say that again - ,

21. Could you speak more slowly, please? - ?

22. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi? - , ?

time is breakfast? - ?

does the bus to Boston leave? - ?

25. Keep the change -

26. Could I have the bill? - ?

27. The hange is not correct -

28. Do you have a table by the window? - ?


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