






. Message


қ ң ө, ө ә RFC 2822 ү ө. RFC 2822 ө қ.

, ә ө ө (ққ):


Message қ - email ө ү .


құ қ ғ ә ү ү ұғ .


Ө ұ , ASCII- , қ .


RFC 2822 .


ғ ә ү ү

. Message

Message email-ң қ қғ. қ қ (header) ә (payload) ұ ұ ү ә қ. қ өң ә қ ү (қ ү ғ, ә ) ө ә . Ө ә ә , ң қ. қ ө қғ ұғ ( , ұ ү ә ..) қ ү ә қғ.

, ө ұ, ң - ғ.

Message ң ө қ ә , ү:

>>> import email

>>> input_file = open("pr1.eml")

>>> msg = email.message_from_file(input_file)

ұ pr1.eml ғ қ ү email.message_from_file() қ. email.message_from_string() қ ғ . . қ ө қ :

>>> print msg['from']

"felton olive" <[email protected]>

>>> msg.get_all('received')

['from mail.onego.ru\n\tby localhost with POP3 (fetchmail-6.2.5

polling mail.onego.ru account spam)\n\tfor spam@localhost

(single-drop); Wed, 01 Sep 2004 15:46:33 +0400 (MSD)',

'from thecanadianteacher.com ([])\n\tby mail.onego.ru

(8.12.11/8.12.11) with SMTP id i817UtUN026093;\n\tWed, 1 Sep 2004

11:30:58 +0400']

, received ө ү (ұ ).

ң ә ү ғ , , ұ ү, :

>>> msg.get_content_type()


>>> print msg.get_main_type(), msg.get_subtype()

text plain

>>> print msg.get_charset()


>>> print msg.get_params()

[('text/plain', ''), ('charset', 'us-ascii')]

>>> msg.is_multipart()


ө :

>>> print msg.keys()

['Received', 'Received', 'Message-ID', 'Date', 'From', 'User-Agent',

'MIME-Version', 'To', 'Subject', 'Content-Type',

'Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'Spam', 'X-Spam']

ө ұғқ, ң ү ғ .

>>> print msg.get_payload()

sorgeloosheid hullw ifesh nozama decompresssequenceframes

Believe it or not, I have tried several sites to b"_"uy presription

medication. I should say that currently you are still be the best amony


ө ө ұ қғ. ұ ққ. ө ұ: HTML-ә ә cpl ң ғ. ң ө қ ү ң қ ө ө walk () ә қ. - ө ұ ү, Content-Type ( ct_fields) ө ә (filenames-):

import email

parts = [ ]

ct_fields = [ ]

filenames = [ ]

f = open("virus.eml")

msg = email.message_from_file(f)

for submsg in msg.walk():


ct_fields.append(submsg.get('Content-Type', ''))


if submsg.get_filename():

print " ұғ:", len(submsg.get_payload())


print parts

print ct_fields

print filenames




ұғ: 31173

['multipart/mixed', 'text/html', 'application/octet-stream']

['multipart/mixed;\n boundary="--------hidejpxkblmvuwfplzue"',

'text/html; charset="us-ascii"',

'application/octet-stream; name="price.cpl"']

[None, None, 'price.cpl']


ө multipart/mixed ү parts ө , ң ө - text/html ә application/octet-stream ә. ңғ ө (price.cpl) . get_payload() ә қ ә ң ұғ ғ.

қ, қ ө ғ ғ, get_payload() ң ғ (ғ Message ң ).



: 2017-01-28; !; : 580 |



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