






I get by with a little help from my friends 6

Homo procediente... the man proceeds... Why does he call him the man, rather than his name?

He was writing in Latin to be secret, I said, impatient to hear what came next. If Cameron saw his name in the book, hed be curious, I expect. What happened?

The man goes outoutdoors, does he mean, or only out of his chamber?outdoors, it must be... goes out, and I follow. He walks steadily, quickly... Why should he not? Oh, hereI am puzzled. I givehave giventhe man twelve grains of laudanum...

Twelve grains? Are you sure thats what he says? I leaned over Jamies arm, peering, but sure enoughhe pointed to the entry, inscribed in clear black and white. But thats enough laudanum to fell a horse!

Aye, twelve grains of laudanum to assist sleep, he says. No wonder the doctor was puzzled, then, to see Cameron scampering about the lawn in the middle of the night.

I nudged him with an elbow.

Get on!

Mmphm. Well, he says he went to the necessary houseno doubt thinking to find Cameronbut no one was there, and there wasna any smell of... er... he didna think anyone had been there recently.

You neednt be delicate on my account, I said.

I know, he said, grinning. But my own sensibilities are no quite coarsened yet, in spite of my long association with you, Sassenach. Ow! He jerked away, rubbing his arm where I had pinched him. I lowered my brows and gave him a stare, though inwardly pleased to have lightened the mood for both of us.

Less about your sensibilities, if you please, I said, tapping my foot. Besides, you havent got any in the first place, or youd never have married me. Where was Cameron, then?

He scanned the page, lips silently forming words.

He doesna ken. He prowled about the place until the butler popped out of his wee hole, thinking him a marauder of some sort, and threatened him wi a bottle of whisky.

A formidable weapon, that, I observed, smiling at the thought of a nightcapped Ulysses, brandishing his implement of destruction. How do you say bottle of whisky in Latin?

Jamie gave the page a glance.

He says aqua vitae, which is doubtless as close as he could manage. It must have been whisky, though; he says the butler gave him a dram to cure the shock.

So he never found Cameron?

Aye, he did, after he left Ulysses. Tucked up in his wee white bed, snoring. Next morning, he asked, but Cameron didna recall getting up in the night. He flipped the page over with one finger and glanced at me. Would the laudanum keep him from remembering?

It could do, I said, frowning. Easily. But its simply incredible that anyone with that much laudanum in him could have been up marching round in the first place... unless... I cocked a brow at him, recalling Jocastas remarks during our discussion at River Run. Any chance your Uncle Hector was an opium-eater or the like? Someone who took a great deal of laudanum by habit would have a tolerance for it, and might not be really affected by Rawlings dose.

Never one to be shocked by any intimation of depravity among his relatives, Jamie considered the suggestion, but finally shook his head.

If so, Ive heard naught of it. But then, he added logically, theres no reason anyone would tell me so.

That was true enough. If Hector Cameron had had the means to indulge in imported narcoticsand he certainly had, River Run being one of the most prosperous plantations in the areathen it would have been no ones business save his own. Still, I did think someone might have mentioned it.

Jamies mind was running on other lines.

Why would a man leave his house in dead of night to piss, Sassenach? he asked. I know Hector Cameron had a chamber pot; Ive used it myself. It had his name and the Cameron badge painted on the bottom.

Excellent question. I stared down at the page of cryptic scratchings. If Hector Cameron was having great pain or difficultypassing a kidney stone, for exampleI suppose he might have gone out, to avoid waking the house.

I havena heard my uncle was an opium-eater, but I havena heard he was ower-mindful of his wife or servants convenience, either, Jamie observed, rather cynically. From all accounts, Hector Cameron was a bit of a bastard.

I laughed.

No doubt thats why your aunt finds Duncan so congenial.

Adso wandered in, the remains of the dragonfly in his mouth, and sat down at my feet so I could admire his prize.

Fine, I told him, with a cursory pat. Dont spoil your appetite, though; there are a lot of cockroaches in the pantry that I want you to deal with.

Ecce homo, Jamie murmured thoughtfully, tapping a finger on the casebook. A French homo, do you think?

A what? I stared at him.

Does it not occur to ye, Sassenach, that perhaps it wasna Cameron that the doctor followed outside?

Not til this minute, no. I leaned forward and peered at the page. Why ought it to be anyone else, though, let alone a Frenchman?

Jamie pointed to the edge of the page, where there were a few small drawings; doodles, Id thought. The one under his finger was a fleur-de-lis.

Ecce homo, he said again, tapping it. The doctor wasna easy in his mind about the man he followedthats why he didna call him by name. If Cameron were drugged, then it was someone else who left the house that nightyet he doesna speak of anyone else who was present.

But he might not mention it, unless hed examined whoever it was, I argued. He does put in personal notes, but most of this is strictly his case histories; his observations of his patients and the treatments he was administering. But still... I frowned at the page. A fleur-de-lis scribbled in the margin doesnt necessarily mean anything at all, let alone that there was a Frenchman there. Save Fergus, Frenchmen were not at all common in North Carolina. There were some French settlements south of Savannah, I knewbut that was hundreds of miles away.

The fleur-de-lis could be nothing more than a random doodleand yet, Rawlings hadnt made such scribbles anywhere else in his book that I recalled. When he added drawings, they were careful and to the point, intended as a reminder to himself, or as a guide to any physician who should come after him.

Above the fleur-de-lis was a figure that looked rather like a triangle with a small circle at the apex and a curved base; below it was a sequence of letters. Au et Aq.

A... u, I said slowly, looking at that. Aurum.

Gold? Jamie glanced up at me, surprised. I nodded.

Its the scientific abbreviation for gold, yes. Aurum et aqua. Gold and waterI suppose he means goldwasser, bits of gold flake suspended in an aqueous solution. Its a remedy for arthritisoddly enough, it often works, though no one knows why.

Expensive, Jamie observed. Though I suppose Cameron could afford itperhaps he saved an ounce or two of his gold bars, eh?

He did say Cameron suffered from arthritis. I frowned at the page and its cryptic marginalia. Maybe he meant to advise the use of goldwasser for the condition. But I dont know about the fleur-de-lis or that other thing I pointed at it. Its not the symbol for any medical treatment I know of.

To my surprise, Jamie laughed.

I shouldna think so, Sassenach. Its a Freemasons compass.

It is? I blinked at it, then glanced at Jamie. Was Cameron a Mason?

He shrugged, running a hand through his hair. Jamie never spoke of his own association with the Freemasons. He had been made, as the saying went, in Ardsmuir, and beyond any secrecy imposed by membership in the society, he seldom spoke of anything that had happened between those dank stone walls.

Rawlings must have been one as well, he said, clearly reluctant to talk about Freemasonry, but unable to keep from making logical connections. Else hed not have kent what that is. One long finger tapped the sign of the compass.

I didnt know quite what to say next, but was saved from indecision by Adso, who spit out a pair of amber wings, and sprang up onto the desk in search of more hors doeuvres. Jamie made a grab for the inkwell with one hand, and seized his new quill protectively in the other. Deprived of prey, Adso strolled to the edge of the desk and sat on the stack of Jamies letters, tail waving gently as he pretended to admire the view.

Jamies eyes narrowed at this insolence.

Take your furry wee arse off of my correspondence, beast, he said, poking at Adso with the sharp end of his quill. Adsos big green eyes widened as they fixed on the tip of the moving feather, and his shoulder blades tensed in anticipation. Jamie twiddled the quill tantalizingly, and Adso made an abortive swipe at it with one paw.

I seized the cat hastily before mayhem could ensue, lifting him off the papers with a surprised and indignant mirp! of protest.

No, thats his toy, I said to the cat, and gave Jamie a reproving look. Come along now; there are cockroaches to attend to.

I reached for the casebook with my free hand, but to my surprise, Jamie stopped me.

Let me keep it a bit longer, Sassenach, he said. Theres something verra odd about the notion of a French Freemason wandering River Run by night. I should like to see what else Dr. Rawlings might have to say when hes speaking Latin.

All right. I hoisted Adso, who had begun to purr loudly in anticipation of cockroaches, to my shoulder, and glanced out the window. The sun had set to a burning glow beyond the chestnut trees, and I could hear the noise of women and children in the kitchen; Mrs. Bug was starting to lay the supper, helped by Brianna and Marsali.

Dinner soon, I said, and bent to kiss the top of Jamies head, where the last of the light touched his crown with fire. He smiled and touched his fingers to his lips and then to me, but he had already gone back to a perusal of the close-written pages by the time I reached the door. The single sheet with its three black words lay at the edge of the desk, forgottenfor the moment.



I CAUGHT A FLASH OF BROWN outside the door, and Adso shot off the counter as though someone had shouted Fish! The next best thing, evidently; it was Lizzie, on her way back from the dairy shed, a bowl of clotted cream in one hand, a butter dish in the other, and a large jug of milk pressed to her bosom, precariously held in place by her crossed wrists. Adso was twining round her ankles like a furry rope, in obvious hopes of tripping her up and making her drop the booty.

Think again, cat, I told him, reaching to rescue the milk jug.

Oh, thank ye, maam. Lizzie relaxed, easing her shoulders with a little sigh. Its only as I didna want to be making two trips. She sniffed and tried to wipe her nose with a forearm, imperiling the butter.

I snatched a handkerchief from my pocket and applied it, repressing the maternal impulse to say, Now, blow.

Thank ye, maam, she repeated, bobbing.

Are you quite well, Lizzie? Without waiting for an answer, I took her by the arm and towed her into my surgery, where the large windows gave me light enough to see by.

Im well enough, maam. Truly, Im fine! she protested, clutching the cream and butter to her as though for protection.

She was palebut Lizzie was always pale, looking as though she had not a corpuscle to spare. There was an odd pallid look to her skin, though, that gave me an uneasy feeling. It had been nearly a year since her last attack of malarial fever, and she did seem generally well, but...

Come here, I said, drawing her toward a pair of high stools. Have a seat, just for a moment.

Clearly unwilling, but not daring to protest, she sat down, balancing the dishes on her knees. I took them from her andafter a glance at Adsos unblinkingly predatory green gazeput them in the cupboard for safekeeping.

Pulse normalnormal for Lizzie, that is; she tended always to be a trifle fast and shallow. Breathing... all right, no catch or wheezing. The lymph glands under the jaw were palpable, but that was not unusual; the malaria had left them permanently enlarged, like the curve of a quails egg under the tender skin. Those in the neck were enlarged now, too, thoughand those I generally could not feel.

I thumbed an eyelid up, peering closely at the pale gray orb that looked anxiously back. Superficially fine, though slightly bloodshot. Again, thoughthere was something not quite... right... about her eyes, though I couldnt put my finger on what that something might be. Could there possibly be a tinge of yellow to the white? I frowned, turning her head to the side with a hand under her unresisting chin.

Hullo, there. Everything all right? Roger paused in the doorway, a very large, very dead bird held nonchalantly in one hand.

A turkey! I exclaimed, summoning a warm note of admiration. I liked turkeys, all right, but Jamie and Bree had killed five of the enormous birds the week before, introducing a certain note of monotony into dinner of late. Three of the things were hanging in the smoking shed at the moment. On the other hand, wild turkeys were wily and difficult to kill, and so far as I knew, Roger had never managed to bag one before.

Did you shoot it yourself? I asked, coming dutifully to admire the thing. He held it by the feet, and the big cupped wings flapped halfway open, the breast-feathers catching sunlight in iridescent patterns of blackish green.

No. Rogers face was flushed, from sun, excitement or both, a warm hue spreading under the tanned skin. I ran it down, he said proudly. Hit it in the wing with a stone, then chased it and broke its neck.

Wonderful, I said, with somewhat more genuine enthusiasm. We wouldnt have to pick buckshot out of the flesh while cleaning it, or risk breaking a tooth in the eating.

Its a lovely bird, Mr. Mac. Lizzie had slid off her stool and come to admire it, too. Such a fat one as it is! Will I take it and clean it for ye, then?

What? Oh, thanks, Lizzie, noIll, um, take care of it. The color rose a little higher under his skin, and I suppressed a smile. He meant he wanted to show off his catch to Brianna, in all its glory. He shifted the bird to his left hand, and held out the right to me, wrapped in a bloodstained cloth.

I had a bit of an accident, wrestling the bird. Do you think perhaps...?

I unwrapped the cloth, pursing my lips at what lay underneath. The turkey, fighting for its life, had ripped three jagged gashes across the back of his hand with its claws. The blood had mostly clotted, but fresh drops welled up from the deepest puncture, rolling down his finger to drip on the floor.

Oh, just a bit, I said, glancing up at him with eyebrows raised. Yes, I do think perhaps. Come over here and sit down. Ill clean it, andLizzie! Wait a moment!

Lizzie, seizing the distraction as an opportunity to escape, was sidling toward the door. She stopped as though shot in the back.

Really, maam, Im quite all right, she pleaded. Nothings wrong, really there isnt.

In fact, I had stopped her only to remind her to retrieve the butter and cream from the cupboard. Too late for the milk; Adso stood on his hind legs, head and shoulders stuck completely into the mouth of the jug, from which came small lapping noises. The sound of it echoed the small splat of Rogers blood dripping on the floor, though, and gave me a sudden thought.

Ive had an idea, I said. Sit down again, LizzieI want just a tiny bit of your blood.

Lizzie looked like a field mouse that has suddenly looked up from its crumb to discover itself in the midst of a meeting of barn owls, but she wasnt the sort to defy an order from anyone. Very reluctantly, she climbed back onto the stool beside Roger, who had laid his turkey on the floor beside him.

Why do you want blood? he asked, interested. You can have all ye want of mine, for free. Grinning, he lifted the injured hand.

A generous offer, I said, laying out a linen cloth and a handful of clean glass rectangles. But you havent had malaria, have you? I plucked Adso out of the milk jug by the scruff of the neck and dropped him on the floor, before reaching into the cupboard above.

Not so far as I know. Roger was watching my preparations, deeply interested.

Lizzie gave a small, forlorn sound of mirth.

Yed ken it well enough if ye had, sir.

I suppose I would. He gave her a look of sympathy. Very nasty, from all I hear.

It is that. Your bones ache so ye think theyve all broken inside ye, and your eyes flame like a demons. Then the sweat pours off your skin in rivers, and the chills come on, fit to crack your teeth with the chatterin... She hunched into herself, shuddering at the memory. I did think it was gone, though, she said, glancing uneasily at the lancet I was sterilizing in the flame of my alcohol lamp.

I hope it is, I said, frowning at the tiny blade. I picked up a small cloth and the blue glass bottle that held my distilled alcohol, and thoroughly cleaned the tip of her middle finger. Some people never have another attack after the first, and I do hope youre one of them, Lizzie. But for most people, it does come back now and then. Im trying to find out whether yours might be coming back. Ready?

Without waiting for her nod, I jabbed the lancet swiftly through the skin, then set it down and snatched up a glass slide. I squeezed the fingertip, dotting generous blood drops on each of three slides, then wrapped the cloth round her finger and let go.

Working swiftly, I took up a clean slide and laid it over a blood-drop, then drew it quickly away, smearing the blood thinly across the original slide. Again, and a third, and I laid them down to dry.

Thats all, then, Lizzie, I told her with a smile. It will take a bit of preparation before these are ready to look at. When they are, Ill call you, shall I?

Oh... no, thats quite all right, maam, she murmured, sliding off the high stool with a fearful look at the blood-smeared slides. I dinna need to see. She set down the discarded cloth, brushed at her apron, and scampered out of the roomforgetting the butter and cream, after all.

Sorry to keep you waiting, I apologized to Roger. I just thought... I reached into the cupboard, withdrew three small earthenware pots, and uncorked them.

Not a problem, he assured me. He watched with fascination as I checked each slide to be sure the blood-smear was dry, then slid a bit of glass into each of the pots.

All right, then. Now I could turn my attention to cleaning and dressing his handa straightforward-enough process. Not so bad as I thought, I murmured, wiping caked blood off his knuckles. It bled quite a bit, which is good.

Aye, if you say so. He didnt flinch at all, but carefully kept his face turned away from what I was doing, his attention focused out the window.

Washes out the wounds, I explained, dabbing with alcohol. I neednt swab so deeply to clean them.

He drew in his breath with a sharp hiss, then, to distract himself, nodded at the pots where the slides were soaking.

Speaking of blood, what are you doing with Mistress Mousies?

Trying something. I dont know whether it will work or not, but Ive made up some experimental stains, using extracts from some of the dyeing-plants. If any of them work on blood, Ill be able to see the red cells clearly under the microscopeand whats in them. I spoke with a mixture of hope and tentative excitement.

Trying to duplicate cellular stains with the materials I had at hand was a long shotbut not totally unfeasible. I had the ordinary solventsalcohol, water, turpentine and its distillatesand I had a great range of plant pigments to try, from indigo to rosehips, along with a good working knowledge of their dyeing properties.

I hadnt any crystal violet or carbofuchsin, but I had been able to produce a reddish stain that made epithelial cells highly visible, if only temporarily. It remained to be seen whether the same stain would work on red blood cells and their inclusions, or whether I should need to try differential staining.

What is in them? Roger turned to look at me, interested.

Plasmodium vivax, I said. The protozoan that causes malaria.

You can see it? I thought germs were much too small to see, even under a microscope!

Youre as bad as Jamie, I said tolerantly. Though I do love to hear a Scotsman say gerrrms. Such a sinister word, spoken in a deep voice with that rolling r, you know.

Roger laughed. The hanging had destroyed much of the power of his voice, but the lower, harsher registers remained.

Nearly as good as murrrrderr, he said, rumbling like a cement mixer.

Oh, nothings as good as murrrderr to a Scot, I assured him. Bloody-minded blokes that you all are.

What, all of us? He grinned, plainly not minding this gross generalization in the least.

To a man, I assured him. Mild enough to look at, but insult a Scot or trouble his family, and its up wi the bonnets of bonnie Dundee. All the blue bonnets are over the border, and next thing you know, its lances and swords all over the Haughs of Cromdale.

Remarkable, he murmured, eyeing me. And youve been married to one for...

Quite long enough. I finished my sponging and rinsing and blotted the back of his hand, small red patches soaking into the fresh gauze. Speaking of bloody men, I added casually, do you happen to know your own blood type?

One dark brow went up at that. Well, I didnt mean to slip it by him, after all; Id only wanted a way to broach the question.

Yes, he said slowly, I do. Its O-positive.

The dark green eyes were fixed on mine, steady with interest.

Very interesting, I said. I replaced the gauze square with a fresh one, and started winding a bandage around it.

Just how interesting is it? he asked. I glanced at him, and met his eyes.

Moderately. I drew out the slides, dripping pink and blue dyes. One slide I propped against the milk jug to dry, the other two I exchanged, putting the pink slide into the blue stain, and vice-versa.

There are three main blood groups, I said, blowing gently on the propped-up slide. More really, but those three are the ones everyone knows about. Its called the ABO grouping, and everyone is said to have type A, type B, or type O blood. The thing is, like all your other traits, its determined genetically, andhuman beings being heterosexual, generally speakingyou have one half your genes for any trait from one parent, the other half from the other.

I dimly recall that bit from school, Roger said dryly. All those bloody chartsexcuse meabout hemophilia in the Royal Family, and the like. I assume it has a certain amount of personal significance now, though?

I dont know, I said. It might have. The pink slide looked dry; I laid it gently on the stage of the microscope and bent to adjust the mirror.

The thing is, I said, squinting through the eyepiece as I twiddled the focusing knob, those blood groups are to do with antibodieslittle odd-shaped things on the surfaces of blood cells. That is, people who are type A have one sort of antibody on their cells, people with type B have a different sort, and people with type O dont have any at all.

The red blood cells showed up suddenly, faintly stained, like round pink ghosts. Here and there a blotch of darker pink indicated what might be a bit of cellular debris, or perhaps one of the larger white blood cells. Not much else, though.

So, I went on, lifting the other two slides from their baths, if one of his parents gave a child the gene for type O blood, and the other gave him one for type A, the childs blood will show up as type A, because its the antibodies that are tested for. The child does still have the gene for type O, though.

I waved one of the slides gently in the air, drying it.

My blood type is A. Now, I happen to know that my fathers blood was type O. In order to show up with type O blood, that means that both his genes must have been for O. So whichever of those genes he gave me, it has to have been for O. The A gene therefore came from my mother.

Seeing a familiar glaze come over his features, I sighed and set the slide down. Bree had been drawing pictures of penicillin spores for me, and had left her pad and graphite pencil by the microscope. I took it and flipped to a fresh page.

Look, I said, and drew a quick chart.


Do you see? I pointed with the stick of graphite. I dont know my mothers type for sure, but it doesnt matter; for me to have type A blood, she must have given me her gene for it, because my father hadnt one.

The next slide was nearly dry; I laid down the pencil, put the slide in place, and bent to look through the eyepiece.

Can you see blood typesthese antibodiesthrough a microscope? Roger was quite close behind me.

No, I said, not looking up. The resolutions nowhere near good enough. But you can see other thingsI hope. I moved the knob a fraction of an inch, and the cells sprang into focus. I let out the breath I had been holding, and a small thrill went through me. There they were; the disc-shaped pinkish blobs of the red blood cellsand here and there, inside a few of the cells, a darkish blob, some rounded, some looking like miniature nine-pins. My heart thumped with excitement, and I made a small exclamation of delight.

Come look, I said, and stood aside. Roger bent, looking quizzical.

What am I looking at? he asked, squinting.

Plasmodium vivax, I said proudly. Malaria. The small dark blobs inside the cells. The rounded blobs were the protozoans, the single-celled creatures transferred to the blood in a mosquitos bite. The few that looked like bowling pinsthose were protozoa in the act of budding, getting ready to reproduce themselves.

When they bud, I explained, bending for another look myself, they multiply until they burst the blood cell, and then they move into new blood cells, multiply, and burst those, toothats when the patient suffers a malarial attack, with the fever and chills. When the Plasmodium are dormantnot multiplyingthe patient is all right.

And what makes them multiply? Roger was fascinated.

No one knows, exactly. I drew a deep breath, and corked up my bottles of stain again. But you can check, to see whats happening, if they are multiplying. No one can live on quinine, or even take it for a long periodJesuit bark is too expensive, and I dont know what the long-term effects on the body might be. And you cant touch most protozoans with penicillin, unfortunately.

But Ill check Lizzies blood every few days; if I see the Plasmodium increasing sharply, then Ill start giving her the quinine at once. With luck, that might prevent an outbreak. Worth a try, certainly.

He nodded, looking at the microscope and the pink-and-blue-splotched slide.

Well worth it, he said quietly.

He watched me move about, tidying up the small debris of my operations. As I bent to retrieve the bloody cloth in which hed wrapped his hand, he asked, And you know Brees blood type, of course?

Type B, I said, eyes on the box of bandages. Quite rare, particularly for a white person. You see it mostly in small, rather isolated populationssome Indian tribes in the American Southwest, certain black populations; probably they came from a specific area of Africa, but of course by the time blood groups were discovered, that connection had been long lost.

Small, isolated populations. Scottish Highlanders, perhaps?

I lifted my eyes.


He nodded silently, clearly thinking to himself. Then he picked up the pencil, and slowly drew a small chart of his own on the pad.


Thats right, I said, nodding as he looked up at me in question. Exactly right.

He gave me a small, wry smile in response, then dropped his eyes, studying the charts.

Can you tell, then? he asked finally, not looking up. For sure?

No, I said, and dropped the cloth into the laundry basket with a small sigh. Or ratherI cant tell for sure whether Jemmy is yours. I might be able to tell for sure if hes not.

The flush had faded from his skin.

Hows that?


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