






a, an, the


, . , : Who is this? ? What is this? ?


, . , . : man, a boy, an uncle (, , ) , a woman, a girl, an aunt (, , ). , . : a chair, water, a window (, , ).


: the Volga, the Caucasus, London (, , ). : Peter, John Smith.

: a boy, a country, a house, a river (, , , ).

: 1) 2) .

, . , : a book , books ; friend , friends ; tree ; trees .

, . .


: blood , coffee , tea , milk , oil , water .

, , : bread , butter , china , coal , fish , fruit , spagetti , glass , ice , iron , meat , beaf -, pork -, soap .

: air , oxygen , pollution , smoke , steam .

: Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Italian.

: baseball, football, golf, chess.

: cancer , flu , mumps , measles .

: darkness , fog , gravity , hail -, heat , lightning , rain , snow , sunshine , weather , wind (: the rains ).

: advice , anger , behavior , courage , damage , dirt , education , health , information , knowlegde , luck , music , news , peace , progress , traffic , travel , truth -, work .

: hair , furniture , jewellery , luggage , rubbish .


, , : -


1. s, [z] [s] :

hand hand s [hændz]

machine machine s [mə'ʃiːnz]

shoe shoe s [ʃuːz]

year year s [jəːz]

map map s [mæps]

cat cat s [kæts]



2. , s, ss, x, sh, ch, .. , es . es [ız]:


class class es ['klɑːsız]

box box es ['bɔksız]

dish dish es ['dɪʃız]

inch inch es ['ɪnʧız]


4. [ız] , s, c, z, g, .. :

horse hors es ['hɔːsız]

place plac es ['pleɪsız]

prize priz es ['praɪzız]

judge judg es ['ʤʌʤız]


5. , y c , es, y i:


cit y cit ies

arm y arm ies

factor y factor ies


y , s. y i:


d ay da ys

b oy bo ys

t oy to ys

k ey ke ys



6. , o, es:


carg o cargo es

her o hero es

tomat o tomato es




pian o piano s

phot o photo s


7. , f, fe, f v es:


lea f lea ves

wol f wol ves

kni fe kni ves

wi fe wi ves


chie f chie fs

handkerchie f handkerchie fs

roo f roo fs

sa fe sa fes


8. s, :


man [mæn] men [men]

woman ['wumən] women ['wɪmɪn]

foot [fut] feet [fiːt]

tooth [tuːθ] teeth [tiːθ]

goose [guːs] geese [giːs]

mouse [maus] mice [maɪs]


9. ox [ɔks] en: oxen ['ɔks(ə)n]. child [ʧaɪld] children ['ʧɪldr(ə)n].


a, an, the

a , / -, , .

a [ə]
an [ən]


the / , / , / , . the [ðə], - [ðɪ].

, a(an). , the.

This is a book. The book is interesting. . .


: - http://azenglish.ru/; - http://englishextra.github.io/; .. , .. , . . .


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