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Ludmila S. Latyshova,

Moscow, Russian Federation

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy

and Public Administration

Head of the Department of Marketing,

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


Alexander P. Tsivlin

Moscow, Russian Federation

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Marketing Chair Postgraduate


mployee the key element of marketing mix

Abstract: The high degree of uncertainty of today's business environment, the movement of the global economy in the direction of innovation, the importance of the growth of services led to the fact that managers are forced to look for sources of competitive advantage within their companies, realizing that strategic resource for innovation today are employees, their customer orientation. The concept of "customer focus", as well as the concept of "internal customer orientation" still do not have a single interpretation, making it difficult to estimate. The purpose of this article - to show the author's understanding of customer focus, as well as the importance and methods of analysis of customer focus and employee engagement as the most important factors of the company's customer-oriented competitiveness. In addition, the author examines the practical application of methodology for assessing the involvement on the basis of the methodology of AON Hewitt and provides recommendations to improve employee engagement.

Keywords: customer-oriented, customer-centric, internal customer orientation, employee engagement, engagement assessment methodology

JEL : M31 Marketing


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[3] AON Hewitt Employee Research Database 375 ,

[4] AON Hewitt: 2015 Trends in global employee engagement report [ ]. : http://www.aon.com/germany/downloads/aonhewitt/aon_2015_trends_in_global_employee_engagement_report.pdf ( 28.05.16)


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