






Main Trends in Style Study. Functional Stylistics and Functional Styles.

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................................................................................................................................ 4

PRELIMINARY REMARKS.................................................................................................... 5


LEVEL........................................................................................................................................... 10

Sound Instrumenting. Craphon. Graphical Means................................................................. 10

Morphemic Repetition. Extension of Morphemic Valency.... 18

CHAPTER II. LEXICAL LEVEL............................................................................... 22

Word and its Semantic Structure. Connotational Meanings of a Word.

The Role of the Context in the Actualization of Meaning.... 22

stylistic Differentiation of the Vocabulary............................................................ 25

Literary Stratum of Words. Colloquial Words........................................................................ 25

Lexical Stylistic Devices....................................................................................... 37

Metaphor. Metonymy. Synecdoche. Play on Words. Irony. Epithet.

Hyperbole. Understatement. Oxymoron........................................................................ 37

CHAPTER III. SYNTACTICAL LEVEL............................................................................... 66

Main Characteristics of the Sentence. Syntactical SDs. Sentence Length. One-Word Sentences. Sentence Structure. Punctuation. Arrangement of Sentence Members. Rhetorical Question. Types of Repetition. Parallel

Constructions. Chiasmus. Inversion. Suspense. Detachment. Com-pleteness of Sentence Structure. Ellipsis. One-Member Sentences. Apokoinu Constructions. Break. Types of Connection. Polysyndeton.

Asyndeton. Attachment................................................................................. 66

Lexico-Syntactical Stylistic Devices............................................................................. 84

Antithesis. Climax. Anticlimax. Simile. Litotes. Periphrasis... 84

CHAPTER IV. TYPES OF NARRATION.......................................................... 100

Author's Narrative. Dialogue. Interior Speech. Represented Speech.

Compositional Forms.................................................................................. 100

CHAPTER V. FUNCTIONAL STYLES...................................................................... 108

Colloquial vs. Literary Type of Communication. Oral vs. Written Form

of Communication.............................................................................................. 108

Supplement 1. Samples of Stylistic Analysis................................................................. 120

Supplement 2. Extracts for Comprehensive Stylistic Analysis.... 124

List of Authors Whose Texts Were Used in Exercises......................................... 140

Subject Index........................................................................................................... 141

Suggestions for Further Reading..................................................................... 144

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Main Trends in Style Study. Functional Stylistics and Functional Styles.


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