







TProgressBar . TSrollBar TTrackBar, , . ,




property Max: Integer; Position
property Mm: Integer; Position
property Position: Integer;
property Step: Integer; Position StepIt





procedure StepBy (Delta: Integer); Position Delta
procedure StepIt; Position , step


6 TStatusBar

TStatusBar , (), ,



TStatusBar OnCreate Form1 ( TSatusBar)


prcedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);

var Panel: TSttusPanel; k: Integer;


with SttusBar1 do

for k:= 0 to 2 do bgin

Panel:= Panels.Add;

Panl.Text:= Frmat(' %d', [k]);

Panl.Width:= Frm1.Width div 3




TStatusPanels, . TStatusPanel .



property Alignment: TAlignment, taLeft Justify , taCenter , taRight Justify
property Bevel. TStatusPanelBevel; pbNone , pbLowered , pbRaised
property Style TStatusPanelStyle; psText , psOwnerDraw
property Text: String;
property Width: Integer;




property Canvas: TCanvas;
property Panels: TStatusPanels; - TStatusPanels Items [Index: Integer] TstatusPanel
property SimplePanel: Boolean; / True,
property SimpleText: String; SimplePanel=True
property SizeGrip: Boolean; / , Align<>alBottom




TDrawPanelEvent = procedure (StatusBar: TStatusBar; Panel: TStatusPanel; const Rect: TRect) of object; property OnDrawPanel: TDrawPanelEvent; Panel, style psOwnerDraw; Rect
Property OnResize: TNotifyEvent;



TUpDown . , . TUpDown TEdit ( ), . .



TUDAlignButton = (udLeft, udRight); property AlignButton: TUDAlignButton; : udLeft ; udRight
property ArrowKeys: Boolean; / <↓> <↑> . , Associate
property Associate: TWinControl; ().
property Increment: SmallInt; /
property Max: SmallInt;
property Min: SmallInt;
TUDOrientation = (udHorizontal, udVertical); property Orientation: TUDOrientation; : udHorizontal ; udVertical
property Position: SmallInt;
property Thousands: Boolean; True,
property Wrap: Boolean; / Position ... Mm (True )




type TUDChangingEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject;

var AllowChange: Boolean) of object;


property OnChanging: TUDChanginEvent;


. AllowChange , .


type TUDBtnType = (btNext, btPrev);

type TUDClickEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType};

property OnClick: TUDClickEvent;


. Button : btPrev ; btNext .


: 1, .54-67.



1. TProgressBar?

2. Max TProgressBar?

3. Min TProgressBar?

4. Position TProgressBar?

5. Step TProgressBar?

6. TTabControl?

7. DisplayRect TTabControl?

8. HotTrack TTabControl?

9. MultiLine TTabControl?

10. ScrollOpposite TTabControl?


: 2016-11-24; !; : 628 |



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