






Topic: Identifying the different components of a lesson plan.

Vinnitsa Pedagogical College

Faculty of Foreign Languages


Identifying the different components of a lesson plan


Myroslava Yurchenko

Every teacher teachers three lessons:

the one we plan to teach

the one we actually teaches

the one we wish we had toughed.

Date October 13 Location of Workshop Room 26 Time and Length of Workshop- 40 minutes Level of Class- Upper Intermediate

Topic: Identifying the different components of a lesson plan.


Main aim:

Ø To learn how to choose and identify the standard components of a lesson plan.

Subsidiary aim:

Ø To provide practice in completing tasks in which the components of a lesson is the testing focus;

Ø To provide an opportunity for participants to consider factors influencing the choice of aims in lessons.

Personal aim:

Ø To create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom.

Timetable Fit: systematization and consolidation of knowledge on the topic.

Assumptions: students will be interested in the topic as it is relevant to them.

Anticipated Problems and their Solutions: pace of the lesson might be very high. I'll try to vary it.

Aids: worksheets with tasks, projector, board.

Methodological context of the lesson:

Stages/Timing Stage Aims Procedure Interaction Pattern Aids
1.Lead in 1 minute to create interest in the topic Teacher greets the students and guests. And informs the topic of a lesson.     W/C  
2. Warm-up discussion 3 minutes to elicit the target language     Teacher describes the importance of planning lesson plans. W/C B
3. Pre-teach vocabulary 5 minutes to help students understand and review TKT vocabulary   Elicit the TKT vocabulary. Students do matching task. W/C W/S
4.Revising components of a lesson plan 5 minutes to provide practice of vocabulary, lesson plan components. Individual drill. Students have to choose words and to say whether we use these components or not while planning the lessons. S W/C B
5. Feedback 2 minutes   to allow students to share views   Report back and class discussion of which components should be on the   front page and which on the procedure.   W/C    
6.Lead-in to reviewing the front page of Celta lesson plan 5 minutes   to provide practice in reviewing the front page of Celta lesson plan   Teacher shows the front page of the lesson plan. Explains its structure and review aims.   W/C   B
7.Mind map 5 minutes to check students knowledge of lesson aims   Students write aims that are used in lesson plans on the white boars.   W/C B
8. Drilling 5 minutes to provide practice in distinguishing   between aims and procedures.   Hand out worksheet. Students get worksheets and have to   decide whether the following statements are (A) aims or (D) merely a description of activities.   SS=S W/S
9. Reviewing assumptions on a lesson plan   5 minutes to provide practice in reviewing assumptions on a lesson plan. On the screen students see some possible assumptions on a lesson plan. They find useful ones. S W/C B
10. Reviewing anticipate problems and solutions on a lesson plan 2 minutes To focus students' attention on anticipate problems and solutions on a lesson plan. Teacher tells students about ways how to distinguish anticipate problems and solutions on a lesson plan. W/C  
11. Feedback 1 minute     to allow students to share views Round up to summarize points covered. Report back and class discussion of work   W/C  
12. Conclusion. 1 minute   To review the whole lesson and to give the teacher feedback Students and teacher discuss what they have learned W/C  

Key to symbols:

Int = interaction pattern SS=S = students work in groups B = board
W/C = whole class S = students work individually CD = compact disc
S=S = student to student W/S = worksheet



Lead in

Teacher: Good-afternoon, my favorite group-students! Glad to see you! I hope you are OK. Todays lesson is rather unusual because we have some highly respected guests here that is why Id like you to be more attentive, more confident and more active. I hope the workshop will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it.

Warm-up discussion

Teacher: Today we will be looking at lesson planning and speak about aims and the front page. First question is a good one and so why should we plan at all?

If you don't plan - you dont know where you are going. So, thats the reason to have a plan. If you know where you start, and you know where you go, then it's easier to get to the point. And to plan what problems you may have along the way. But I think it's really important to keep in mind that it is a plan it's not set in stone. It is possible to change it.

Jim Scrivener says that you should prepare thoroughly, and I completely agree with him but teach the learners, not the plan. It's important to bear in mind. You should prepare very well.

Pre-teach vocabulary

Teacher: To prepare a good plan we should make sure that we are familiar with all the words and phrases which are used in English language teaching. You as future teachers are also expected to be familiar with the Cambridge English: Preliminary (PET) Vocabulary List.

The words and phrases included in the TKT learning are not intended to provide a full or complete list of English language teaching terminology. This vocabulary includes words and phrases for teaching knowledge connected to language, language use and the background to and practice of language teaching and learning as assessed in TKT.

So, let's revise our knowledge of TKT vocabulary. Your task is to match TKT vocabulary, we have already learned with the explanations.


Aids Anticipate problems Collocation Accuracy   Assessment Procedure Lead-in Pace   A. the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures, flashcards.     B. a set of actions that describes the way to do something. Teachers write lesson plans and provide details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson C. to discover, judge, or form an opinion on learners ability, achievement, proficiency or progress either formally or informally. D. when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their learners might find difficult about the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson. E. the activity or activities used to prepare learners to work on a text, topic or task. F. words which are regularly used together. G. The ability to do something without making mistakes. It is the use of correct forms of grammar, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. H. the speed of the lesson.


Revising components of a lesson plan

Teacher: So, next question then is what's in a plan?

Let's do one more task. In this box I have papers with different components of a lesson plan. Also you may find here some words which are not used as components of a lesson plan. You have to choose one and to say whether we use these components or not while planning our lessons.


Interaction Pattern




Anticipated Problems







Teacher: And now tell me please which of these components should be on the front page and which on the procedure?


Lead-in to reviewing the front page of Celta lesson plan

Teacher: Dear students look at the screen, please. You can see the front page of Celta lesson plan. Some of the components are familiar to you, some of them are not.


As you can see obligatory components are as follows (the teacher reads the components from the screen):





Teacher: So, the first things, of course, are the name of a class, date, week, level of a class, length of a lesson and type of lesson. They clearly are important, this is admin stuff.

The next really important item is lesson aims. The aim is probably one of the most important parts of a lesson. It is where you think you are going. Well, sometimes aims are expressed as aims in terms of what I'm teaching and sometimes they are expressed as outcomes (what the students will learn).


(what I am teaching)



(what the students will learn)

Mind map

Teacher: Now, let us do a mind map. On the white board you can see a word "AIMS". I want you to write down what aims do we have and what do they mean.



Teacher: Sometimes it can be difficult to write aims in the procedure of the plan. You need to be sure you are stating an aim and not just describing what the

students are going to do.

You will get worksheets and you have to decide whether the following statements are (A) aims or (D) merely a description of activities. Put A or D in the column on the right.


Statements A or D?
a)To check learners understanding of the activity.    
b)To identify and highlight irregular simple past forms.    
c)To complete the second task.    
d)To discuss the answers in pairs.    
e)To provide oral fluency practice    
f)To underline examples of the present perfect in the text    
g)To plan the essay before the first draft    
h)To provide controlled oral practice of   the target language    
i)To complete the gaps in the sentences    
j)To brainstorm and share ideas for the first draft.  



Reviewing assumptions on a lesson plan

Teacher: The next stage of the lesson front page is assumptions. We have already learned this term and I hope you remember its meaning.


Assumptions noun

When teachers think about what they believe their learners will or will not know or how they will behave in a particular lesson. For example, a teacher plans to teach the present simple using the context of jobs and daily routines. The teacher may make the assumption that learners will know basic job vocabulary (because he/she has already taught it) and so knows he/she will not need to spend time in the lesson presenting these words.

Teacher: On the screen you can see some possible assumptions on a lesson plan. You have to find useful ones.


v The students must know most of this already.

v The students are familiar with the form of the present perfect and regular past participles.

v The students have practiced the target language in controlled practice (drill) already so should be relatively accurate in freer practice (role play).

v Students know the present simple, present perfect simple and continuous, modal auxiliaries, vocabulary connected with crime, vocabulary connected with personality, how to write business letters, how to interrupt politely.







Reviewing anticipate problems and solutions on a lesson plan.

Teacher: Our last stage of the lesson front page is anticipated problems and solutions. Do you remember its meaning?


Anticipate problems phrase

When teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their learners might find difficult about the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain


points in the lesson. For example, a teacher preparing to teach the word vegetable thinks that learners will have difficulty pronouncing the word so he/she plans some

ways of helping learners to say the word. Teachers also think about how learners previous learning experience may affect their learning in a specific lesson.


Teacher: This is one of the most important components of a lesson. While planning the lesson teachers have to think what their learners might find difficult about the lesson. So, it's really vital to look at the road ahead and seeing what's going to be difficult and planning what you are going to do about these things.




Teacher: Round up to summarize points covered.

Dear students tell me please:

What is the TKT syllabus area for this lesson?

What do you find difficult about this syllabus area?

Tell one thing that you find easy about lesson planning and preparation and one thing you find difficult about lesson planning. You have to walk



around the room sharing the things you like and the things you find difficult with other participants.

So, let's share some of the ideas together. These need to be on your lesson plan too!


Teacher: Dear guests and students! It is time to finish our workshop. Today weve tried to summarize our knowledge on the topic Identifying the different components of a lesson plan and to find out some ways how to make our lessons well prepared. Id like you to remember one saying. Teachers, who love teaching, teach children to love learning" and I wish you to be such a teacher.


Recourses used:

1. David Albery. The TKT Course KAL Module. University of ambridge ESOL Examinations, 2012.

2. TKT Handbook for Teachers - University of ambridge ESOL Examinations, 2015.

3. TKT Glossary University of ambridge ESOL Examinations, 2015.

4. http://www.finchpark.com/courses/tkt/unit20.html

5. http://www.cambridge.org/kr/cambridgeenglish/resources?content=teacher

6. http://www.philseflsupport.com/lessonplanaims.htm

7. https://sandymillin.wordpress.com/2010/12/12/delta-type-lesson-aims/



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