






Approximate answers to the questions


1) Where do you study? - I study at South Ural State Medical University.

2) Is SUSMU an educational or medical institution? It is an educational institution.

3) When was SUSMU founded? SUSMU was founded in 1944 (nineteen forty four).

4) How many faculties are there in the university? What are they? There are 7 faculties. They are: medical faculty, pediatric faculty, the faculty of Disease Prevention, dentistry faculty, Pharmaceutical faculty, Social Work faculty, Clinical psychology faculty.

5) Who was the first rector of our university? The first rector was professor A.N. Fyodorovsky.

6) Who is the rector of SUSMU and the dean of your faculty nowadays? - Nowadays the rector is professor I.A. Volchegorsky, the dean of our faculty is professor V.A. Shumakov.

7) What subjects do students learn? - Junior students learn general subjects like psychology, pedagogy, sociology and so on

[saɪˈkɒləʤi], [ ˈpɛdəgɒʤi], [ ˌsəʊsɪˈɒləʤi]

[ˈ], [ ˈ], [ ˌˈ]

Senior students learn clinical subjects like neurology, psychiatry, psychopharmacology.

[njʊəˈrɒləʤi], [ saɪˈkaɪətri] [ˌˈˈ]

[ˈ], [ˈ], [ˈsaɪkəʊfɑːməˈkɒləʤi]

8) When do the students take tests and exams? We take tests and exams at the end of the term, in January and in June.

9) Where can graduates work after the University? They can work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers.

10) Do you think it is difficult to get medical education? Clinical psychology is not a medical education. But I think its difficult.


1) What do psychologists do? Psychologists conduct research, work as consultants, diagnose and treat people. They test intelligence and personality.

2) Where can psychologists work? They can work in laboratories, hospitals, schools, universities. They can work with businessmen, lawyers, athletes, victims of disasters.

3) What do clinical psychologists do? They diagnose and treat mental, emotional disorders.

4) What specific groups of patients do clinical psychologists work with? They can work with young people, ethnic minority groups, elderly people.

5) What do counseling psychologists do? They help people to resolve work and career problems.

6) What specialists deal with teaching and learning problems? Educational psychologists do.

7) Where do industrial psychologists work? They often work as human resource specialists.

8) What is the role of rehabilitation psychologists? They work with stroke and accident victims, people with mental retardation.


9) What can a school psychologist do at work? They counsel students, consult with parents and school stuff.

10) Why do you want to become a psychologist?

Because I want to understand human behavior.

Because it is a well-paid and a respectful job.

Because I am very sociable and I think I can help people with psychological problems.



1) How many kinds of memory are there? - There are three main kinds of memory: sensory, short-term and long-term.

2) What information does sensory memory contain? Sensory memory contains information that strikes our sense organs.

3) What do sensory memory materials resemble? - Materials held by sensory memory resemble afterimages.

4) Where are these materials transferred to? - They are transferred to a second memory system, short-term memory (STM).

5) How do you transfer sensory data to the short-term store? You have to attend to the material for a moment.

6) For how much time can we keep information in STM? - We can keep information in SM system for about fifteen minutes.

7) What is the name of a permanent memory system? It is called the long-term memory (LTM).

8) What should we do to transfer information from STM to LTM? To move the information into the long-term store, you have to process it. During this deep processing people pay close attention, think about meanings, etc.

9) What are 2 ways to remember something well? - We can process the information or we can repeat it.

10) What kind of memory do you need to memorize the answers to these questions? We need to memorize them in our LTM system, because well need them during the examination, some months after the lesson.




1) What Is Attention? - Attention is a directed perception of objects, phenomena, and actions.

2) What types of attention do you know? - Attention is divided into involuntary, voluntary, and post-voluntary attention.

3) What type of attention is activated without a persons will? Involuntary or passive attention is activated without a person's will.

4) Can you describe voluntary attention? - This type of attention is active and targeted. It is connected with an objective.

5) What does post-voluntary attention mean? - If a person focuses his attention on some important activity, he gets interested. He will be able to continue it without effort after a while.

6) What attention characteristics are there? - Basic characteristics of attention are attention span, concentration, stability, ability to switch, distribution, and selectivity.

7) What are the limits or attention span? - According to the tests, attention span is generally limited to 6-7 elements.

8) If you drive a car, talk to your friend, and eat a pie at the same time, what characteristic of attention do you use? In this situation I use attention distribution (divided attention, or multi-tasking). It is the ability to focus your attention on several objects at the same time.

9) What characteristics of attention will you need to get prepared for an exam? I will need concentration and stability. They allow to stay focused on the object and to understand it better.

10) Can you explain, what is attention selectivity? It is the ability to pick certain objects out of a wide object range. It is an ability to sort objects, turn some of them into figures and the others into background.


1) What is a family life cycle? - The emotional and intellectual stages you pass through from childhood to your retirement years are called the family life cycle.

2) What allows you to gain new skills in each stage? - In each stage, you face challenges in your family life that allow you to gain new skills.

3) What can affect a family life? - Situations such as severe illness, financial problems, or the death of a loved one can have an effect on how well you pass through the stages.

4) If you miss skills in one stage, what you can do? - You can learn them in later stages.

5) What are the stages of the family life cycle? They are: independence, marriage, parenting, launching adult children, retirement.

6) What skills do we learn at marriage stage? We get to know each other, we learn to act as a team, to make decisions together.

7) How can you describe parental years? - They start when children enter the family and last until children leave it.

8) How is home without children called? It is called empty nest.

9) Which new freedoms can the couple enjoy after the children leave the family? They can enjoy hobbies, volunteer activities.

10) How is the final stage of family development called? These are retirement years.


1) What do many doctors say about sleep? - Many doctors say today that sleep can change our health.

2) Why do we need sleep? - People who do not sleep enough can suffer from depression and illnesses such as heart disease.

3) How many people in the U.S.A. suffer from sleep problems? - Studies in U.S.A. have found that 60 percent of adults have sleep problems.

4) Whom must people consult in case of sleeping problems? You should go to a doctor in case of sleep problem.

5) Will you give the things that affect sleep? There is noise, sleep surface, temperature and altitude.

6) Do women or man notice noise more? - Women usually notice noise more than men

7) What is the best position for falling asleep? - We need to be horizontal and we need to have enough space.

8) What is comfortable temperature of sleep? It is between 18 and 29 degrees Celsius.

9) How can altitude change our sleep? At an altitude over 4000 meters you dont have enough oxygen and thats why its difficult to fall asleep.

10) What is the main advice for sleeping well? - Do not do exercise before you go to bed. Do not drink alcohol or coffee. Try to relax.


1) How is deviance defined? (What is deviance?) - Deviance is any violation of societys norms.

2) What is the most obvious and familiar type of deviance? - The most obvious and familiar type of deviance is crime.

3) What is juvenile delinquency? Give a definition. - Juvenile delinquency is the violation of legal standards by children or adolescents.

4) What are the other types of nonconformity? - They may be left-handedness, Mohawk hairstyles, as well as pacifism and mental illness.

5) May physical traits be the basis of deviance? Give examples. Yes, they may. For example, women with any tattoo, men with many tattoos, very tall or short people, too fat or too thin people.

6) How does society attempt to bring deviant people back into line? Society attempts to bring deviant people back into line by means of social control.

7) What is socialization? - Socialization is a process of social control in which family, peer groups, and the mass media try to influence our attitudes and behaviour.

8) What is a formal type of negative social control? - A formal type of negative social control is the criminal justice system.

9) What institutions can exercise it? - Such institution as police and courts can exercise it.

10) What's your attitude to nonconformity? Do you view nonconformity as deviance? - I dont think that nonconformity is a deviance. Everybody cannot be equal (the same, identical).

- I think that nonconformity is a deviance. I always try not to be different from the others.

- I think.


1) Who wrote the book The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals? - Charles Darwin wrote in 1872 his book, The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.

2) What idea did he have about facial expressions of emotions? He thought that facial expressions of emotion are universal, not learned differently in each culture.

3) Who is the author of the key research of facial expressions of emotions? - The author of the key research of facial expressions of emotions is Paul Ekman.

4) How many universal emotions did Paul Ekman determine? What were they? He determined six main emotions, which he called universal emotions. They are: Joy; Surprise; Sadness; Anger; Disgust; Fear.

5) What model of emotions did Robert Plutchik suggest? He developed his own model, called the "wheel of emotions".

6) How can you describe a microexpression? - Microexpressions are very quick involuntary facial expressions.

7) People of what professions should be able to recognize microexpressions? Poker players, detectives, psychologists should be able to recognize microexpressions.

8) How are microexpressions captured and analyzed? - They can be captured and analyzed by high speed cameras.

9) Give some examples of positive and negative emotions. Positive emotions, for example: happiness, relief, pride. Negative emotions, for example: anger, sadness, shame.

10) What emotions do you feel while going shopping in a big supermarket? I feel relaxation, amusement, interest.



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