








- , (, Anastasi, 1989;Millsap&Everson, 1993; Sackett&Wilk, 1994). . , , (Schmidt & Hunter, 1981).

, , , , , , . , , (, Ford, Kraiger & Schechtman, 1986), , , .

. , , , (Neisser et al., 1990); , . , , , , . , , , .

, , , , . , ( ). , , .

, . , ; , . , , . , . ; , , , , .


, , , . ( ) ( , ).

; . , , ; , , .


1. , , .

2. , ?

3. , . , . .

4. , , .

5. - ?



(validity generalization)

/ (measurement/measurement error)

(construct validity)

(criterion validity)





(screening test)

(content validity)




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