






. 1. .

a) Verbs:

to design [dizain] 1) ; 2) ; 3) , ; to produce [prədju:s] ; , ; to produce knowledge [nÉlidʒ] ; to revise [rivaiz] , ; to miscarry [miskæri] . , ; to die [dai] ; to die from poverty [pÉvəti] ; to prove [pru:v] , ; to wound [wu:nd] ; to commit suicide [kəmit sju:isaid] , ; to arrest for smth [ərest] , -; to drop out of smth -; to loose (lost) jobs [lu:z] ; to abuse [əbju:z] 1) , ; 2) , , ; to urge [ə:dʒ] 1) ; 2) , ; 3) ; to declare rights [diklεə raits] ; to protect smb from smth [prətekt] , , - -; to obligate [Ébligeit] ; to undertake [Λndəteik] (.); to prevail [priveil] , ; to take into account [əkaunt] ; to engage in [ingeidʒ] -; to enjoy [indʒÉi] , ; to enjoy rights [raits] ; to deprive [dipraiv] ; , ; to be deprived of family support [səpÉ:t] ; to provide smb with smth [prəvaid] - -; ; provision [prəviʒ(ə)n] , ; to ensure [in∫uə] ; to foster [fÉstə] ; to foster respect for smth [rispekt] -; to achieve [ət∫i:v] , ; to point out [pÉint] , ; to encourage [inkΛridʒ] , ; to propose [prəpouz] , ; proposal [prəpouzəl] n , ; to house , ; to augment [É:gment] ; to range (fromto) [rein(d)ʒ] ; to mount [maunt] , ; to affect smth [əfekt] () -, ; to deserve [dizə:v] ; to promote smth [prəmout] , , , ; to benefit [benifit] , ; to benefit childrens welfare ; to upgrade [Λpgreid] ;

b) Nouns:

trend n ; ; a current trend [kΛrənt] (, ) ; teenager [ti:n,eidʒə] , ; birth [bə:θ] 1) , 2) ; to give birth to , ; birth weight [bə:θweit] ; poverty [pÉvəti] , ; gun [gΛn] , ; suicide [sju:isaid] ; drug [drΛg] 1) , 2) , ; drug abuse [əbju:s] ; jail [dʒeil] , ; wedlock [wedlÉk] , ; convention [kənven∫(ə)n] , , ; a number of [nΛmbə] ; sampling [sa:mpliŋ] , ; neglect [niglekt] , , ; neglect of the child by the parents ; treatment [tri:tmənt] 1) , ; 2) , ; decision [disiʒ(ə)n] ; legal decision [li:gəl] ; opinion [əpinjən] , , ; labour [leibə] ; threat [θret] ; minority [m(a)inÉriti] ; ; background [bækgraund] ; support [səpÉ:t] , ; care [kεə] , ; alternative care [É:ltə:nətiv] ; preventive health care ; production [prədΛk∫(ə)n] ; distribution [distribju:∫ən] , ; dignity [digniti] , ; respect (for smth) [rispekt] (); value [vælju:] , ; exception [iksep∫n] ; handicapped children [hændikæpt] ; self-relience [selfrilaiəns] , ; health services [helθ sə:visiz] ; access to smth [ækses] .-.; expectant mother [ikspektənt] , ; infant [infənt] , , ( 7 ); mortality [mÉ:tæliti] ; leisure [leʒə] ; recreation [,rekriei∫(ə)n] , , ; participation [pa:,tisipei∫(ə)n] ; responsibility [ris,pÉnsibiliti] ; to meet (to take, to accept) responsibility ; defence [difens] , ; advocate [ædvəkit] , ; attention [əten∫ən] ; to call attention to smth [kÉ:l] - ; bottom [bÉtəm] , ; parenting [pεərəntiŋ] , ; nurturing [nə:t∫əriŋ] , ; policy [pÉlisi] , , , ; day care [kεə] () ; law [lÉ:] ; hub [hΛb] , , , ; network [netwə:k] ; family child-care provider [prəvaidə] , () ; staff [sta:f] , ; issue [isju:] () , ; era [iərə] , ; concern [kənsə:n] , , ; work force [wə:kfÉ:s] ; poll [poul] ; public-opinion poll ; tax [tæks] ; a nonprofit organization [nÉnprÉfit] ; disadvantage [,disədva:ntidʒ] 1) ; 2) , ; child developmentalist , ; opinion [Épinjən] , , ; to develop opinion ; ; bill ; legislation [ledʒislei∫(ə)n] ; legislator [ledʒisleitə] , ; fund [fΛnd] 1) , 2) ;


) Adjectives:

current [kΛrənt] , , ; wise [waiz] ; effective [ifektiv] , ( ); , ; adequate [ædikwit] , , ; prenatal [pri:neitl] ; prenatal care ; ; preventive [priventiv] 1) , 2) ; legal [li:gəl] , , ; illegal [ili:gəl] , , ; ethnic [eθnik] ; alternative [É:ltə:nətiv] ; own [oun] 1) , 2) ; free education ; compulsory [kəmpΛlsəri] ; artistic [a:tistik] ; artistic activities - ; tireless [taiəlis] ; be instrumental [,instrumentl] -; troubling [trΛbliŋ] ; public school [pΛblik] () ; available [əveiləbl] 1) , 2) ; comprehensive [,kÉmpri`hensiv] 1) , 2) , ; disadvantaged children [,disədva:ntidʒd] ;


d) Names:

1. UNICEF [ju:nisef] United Nations Childrens Fund ; 2. The Childrens Defense Fund ; 3. Project Head Start ( 1965 .).


. 2. . , . :

National [`næ∫ənəl] , , policy [pÉlisi], abortion [əbÉ:∫(ə)n], sexual exploitation, sexually active [seksjuəli æktiv], syphilis [sifilis], gonorrhea [gÉnəri:ə], to arrest [ərest], preventive program [priventiv prougrəm], legal [li:gəl], administrative [ədministrətiv], economic exploitation [,i:kə`nÉmik,eksplÉitei∫(ə)n], ethnic [eθnik], culture [kΛlt∫ə], cultural [kΛlt∫ərəl], religion [rilidʒ(ə)n], special [spe∫əl], alternative [əltə:nətiv], production [prədΛk∫ən] , discipline [disiplin], personality [,pə:sənæliti], talent [tælənt], prostitution [,prÉstitju:∫(ə)n], pornography [pÉ:nÉgrəfi], discrimination [diskriminei∫(ə)n], adequate [ædikwit], standard [stændəd], president [prezidənt], presidential [,preziden∫(ə)l], indicator [,indikeitə], industrialized nations [indΛstriəlaizd nei∫ənz], function [fΛnk∫n], politician [,pÉliti∫(ə)n], federal [fedərəl], respondent [rispÉndənt], committee [kəmiti], business [biznis], leaders [li:dəz], educational officials [,edjukei∫ənəl Éfi∫əlz], information [,infəmei∫ən].


. 3. 1. :

Treatment program, child development research, United Nations convention, the Childrens Defense Fund, a home visitation program for new parents, parent education, traditional child-care services, children from ethnic minority backgrounds, family support, drug abuse, school discipline, health services, preventive early childhood education programs health care, health education, child labor, child mortality, family values, public school, public concern, public opinion, before-school and after-school programs, family day-care providers, child-care staff, federal child-care policy, the work force, childrens health issues, a non-profit organization of business leaders and higher education officials, child developmentalist, comprehensive child welfare legislation.


. 4. , , 1. :

good better the best; to fund better early childhood education programs; the best interests of children; high higher the highest; the right to the highest standard of health; much/many more the most; important more important the most important; our societys most important function; seriously more seriously the most seriously; positive more positive; to help develop more positive public opinion.


. 5. (V+ing), : to read reading ( - ), to develop developing ( - ). . , , ( to be, to become), , ( of) ( ).


To drink drinking; to drive driving; to arrest for drinking or drunken driving; to make decision effective decision making; to engage engaging; to protect children from engaging in work that is a threat to their health; to live living; standard of living; to train training; the special care and training; to parent - parenting; to nurture nurturing; parenting and nurturing the next generation of children is our societys most important function; to fund funding; to urge funding of the project; to upgrade upgrading; upgrading of the quality and status of child-care providers; to help helping; child developmentalist can play an important role by helping () develop more positive public opinion, by contributing to and promoting research.


. 6. : to be+V3 (to be done, to be taken). - (Passive Voice) 2 . :

1. Every day 30 children are wounded by guns. 2. 211 children are arrested for drug abuse. 3. 437 children are arrested for drinking or drunken driving. 4. 1,849 children are abused or neglected. 5. Its course of action is designed to influence the welfare of its citizens. 6. A number of childrens rights were declared. 7. The government is obligated to undertake preventive programs. 8. The government should () be obligated to provide free and compulsory education. 9. Several child-care bills have been proposed in Congress but have not yet been made law. 10. These programs will be housed in available classrooms.


: 2016-10-27; !; : 332 |



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