






X. ,

b clim b, com b, de b t, dou b t, dum b, lim b, num b, plum b er,

thum b, tom b

c ( )

as c ent, mus c le, s c ene, s c ent (French), s c hedule, s c ientist,

s c issors


bit e, recit e, rat e, scor e, wav e

, li e, pi e, ti e, ey e.

g ei g ht, wei g ht, wei g h, si g h

h h onour, h our

i fru i t, ju i ce, pursu i t, su i t

k k nife, k night, k nock, k now

l fo l k, ta l k, wa l k, ca l m, pa l m

p p neumonia, p sychology, recei p t

t of t en

u g u errilla, g u ess, g u est, g u ide

w w rap, w rong


The plumber is in debt, but Ive no doubt hell pay, if his creditors keep calm and dont talk.


XI. . , have give .. , . , .



When the English tongue we speak, ea Why is break not rhymed with weak? [breik] [wi:k] Will you tell me why its true ew We say sew but also few? [sou] [fju:]
When we want to make a verse, or We cant rhyme a horse with worse. [hÉ:s] [w:s] Beard is different from heard, ear Lord is not pronounced like word. [biəd] [hə:d]
Cow is cow, but low is low; ow o Do is never rhymed with go. [kau] [lou] [du:] [gou] We have year and hear and pear, ear Come and home and are and care. [j:] [hiə] [pεə] ome are [kΛm] [houm] [a:] [kεə]
So, why done, but gone and stone? one Is there any reason known? [dΛn] [gÉn] [stoun] And, in short, it seems to me, Sounds and letters disagree.


XII. :

a: cake, game, name, table, hat, bag, dad, hand, car, park, mark, hare, Clare, care, Kate, make a cake.

Sam has a black cat. Mark, it is dark in the park. Mary, take care of the hare. Jane has a cat, a car a hare. Jane, Sam, Mark and Mary are in the park. Mark and Mary take the hare to the park. Take it easy. , .


e: bee, he, meet, Pete, see, pen, ten, bed, Ted, test, her, here.

Pete, meet Ted, please. Tell Ben to help Ted. Bert is a German person. Here you are. Pete sees a bee in a green tree. Tea? Yes, please. Tea for me, please. Cheese? Yes, please. Her perfume is here. Eager beaver ,


i: nine, five, nice, hi, pig, wig, Miss, milk, girl, sir, bird, fire.

Mike and Ida like white rice. Nick, sit still. Stir the tea, girls. Fire on the wire. Tim and Mike like milk, chips, pies and nice fine gifts. These girls like white shirts and skirts. Mike, Tim and Chris like to sit by the fire with their girls and to drink wine with pies and eat fish and chips. In the chips , . Zip your lip .


o: rose, no, hello, pot, Tom, dog, port, morning, sport, score, more.

Rose, go home and phone Tony. Stop the clock, Tom. A cock, a fox, a frog are on the clock. Big frog in a small pond , . For a song . .


u: tube, blue, cup, bus, mug, turtle, turn, purple, surname, turkey, cure, pure, sure.

Sue is on duty. Gus runs in the sun with nut buns. It is such a fun to run. Ursula, return the purse to the nurse. Sue and Gus cut tulips in June. Sue and Gus like music, tulips, nuts, buns and pure plum juice.


y: by, my, type, myth, system, Byrd, tyre, yes, yesterday, yellow, young, you.

c: [s] e, i, y; [t∫] ch, tch; [k] .

Cecil and Cyril are in the city in the circus. Clare can cook cakes for coffee. A cup of coffee, Carol? Choose a peach, Richard. Nick has a stick. Richard, Cecil, Carol and Cyril took a camera and went to the circus. They saw clever cats, crocodiles, camels, cocks and chicks there. After circus they had lunch with a chicken and chips, a cup of cocoa and coffee on the bench under a cherry tree in the orchard. Proverbs: Choose an author as you choose a friend. Cut your coat according to your cloth. .

g: [dʒ] e, i, y; [g], [-]

George, turn the page. Greg has a good grey dog. Dont laugh at night. George, Roger, Gloria and Gregory took sausage, goose, porridge and oranges from the fridge, put them into a picnic bag and went to meet granny and grandpa in the garden near the bridge. It was night when they got home. Proverb: He laughs best who laughs last! , . All that glitters is not gold. , .





  - - - -
1. s [z] a boy a dog a hand boys dogs hands
2.   s [s] a book a cat books cats
3. , : s [s], ss [s], x [ks], ch [tò], tch [tò], sh [ò] es [iz] a bus a box a brush a match buses boxes brushes matches


Man () men

Woman () women [wimin]

Foot () feet

Child () children

Fish () fish

Hair () hair

Fruit () fruit


. 1. , :

Books, pens, pencils, bags, windows, pages, boxes, pictures, walls, desks, tables, girls, boys, teachers, cities, towns, rivers, glasses, rooms, dresses, processes, inches, maps, names, pupils, students, studies.

. 2. :

, 5 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .


a . a book an an apple - , , .

. 3. :

end, apple, bed, aim, small table, nice bag, old flat, easy lesson.


. 4. , ) -; ) . :

Stamp, book, petrol, tree, air, money, pound, music, job, work, apple, soup, plane, problem, information, flower, wine, rice, water, car, blood, sugar, meat, camera.

the[ðə] . the book the[ði:] . the apple , , .

1) , , -, - - ; He is ready for his entrance exams. This woman is Henrys mother. Open your books at page 10 and do exercise 11.
2) - , ; They are bus-drives. Moreover, they are friends.
3) -, - ; Would you like meat or fish?   (But: The meat was well-done.)
4) ; Good morning, Professor. Porter, take the key, please.
5) father, mother, uncle, aunt ; Is Aunt at home? Father is out.
6) , -, ; Spring comes in March. Sunday is my day off. (But: The Spring of 1995 was cold.)
7) break-fast, lunch, dinner, supper; What do you usually have for dinner? I have breakfast at 7 oclock.
8) , -, , , ; Mary; Holland; London; Oxford Street   (But: The Hague; The Netherlands)
9) ; ; Physics, History, Geography, Linguistics; English; French (But: The English language)
10) . in time, for example, at home, by bus, at work, by heart, for instance, by name, by mistake etc.


. 5. , :

A: 1. This is tree. tree is green. 2. I can see three boys. boys are playing. 3. I have bicycle. bicycle is black. My friend has no bicycle. 4. Our room is large. 5. We wrote dictation yesterday. dictation was long. 6. She has two daughters and one son. Her son is pupil. 7. My brothers friend has no dog. 8. This pencil is broken. Give me that pencil, please. 9. She has ball. ball is big. 10. I got letter from my friend yesterday. letter was interesting.

B: 1. This is pen. pen is red. 2. These are pencils. pencils are black. 3. This is soup. soup is tasty. 4. In the morning I eat sandwich and drink tea. 5. She gave me coffee and cake. coffee was hot. cake was tasty. 6. Do you like ice-cream? 7. I see book in your hand. Is book interesting? 8. She bought meat, butter and potatoes yesterday. She also bought cake. cake was very tasty. We ate cake with tea. 9. This is my table. On table I have book, two pencils, pen and paper. 10. This is bag. bag is brown. It is my sisters bag. And this is my bag. It is yellow.

. I know the students name. . What is your babys name? ? The mans name is Ivanov. . () -s . - + + s
. I know these students names. . I know your babies habits. . I know the mens names. . I know the childrens names. . ) - . , -s, -es, () ) -, . , () -s.

: 1)

, , , , : a weeks holiday, a three

weeks holiday; ten minutes walk, a miles distance, yesterdays newspaper.

2) , ,

, : Britains industry, Moscows underground, a ships crew

( ).

3) , (, ,

), . ,

at the bakers shop at the bakers , at the

brothers - (. . ), at the hairdressers -

. .

. 7. :

Diana and Marys answer, the childs mother, childrens voices, womens rights, the students works, at the doctors, in Decembers morning, at my grandmothers, the teachers flowers, to my friends.


. 8. :

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

of +

( )

the streets of Vitebsk

the students of our Institute

the father of Anns mother

: , of, , , the.

. 9. :

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

. 10. :


career [kəriə] = job [dʒÉb] . , ; ● to reward [riwÉ:d] , ( .-.); ● rewarding [riwÉ:diη] 1) , ; 2) ; ● vocation [voukei∫ən] n ; ● vocational [vo(u)kei∫ənl] a ; ● opportunity [Épətju:niti] n , ; ● to pursue [pəsju:] v .-., ; ● to develop [diveləp] v (); ● development [diveləpmənt] n ; ● individual [individjuəl] n , ; a , ; ; ● mature [mətjuə] a ; ● cognitive [kÉgnitiv] a ; ● social [sou∫əl] a ; ; ● socially mature [sou∫əli] / ; ● adult [ædΛlt] n ; ; ● invariable [invεəriəbl] a , ; ● invariably [invεəriəbli] adv , ; ● pride [praid] n ; ● sense n ; ● to feel a sense of pride in smth .-.; ● ability [əbiliti] n , ; ● to contribute to [kəntribju:t] v 1) ( ..); 2) ; , , ; ● generation [dʒenirei∫ən] n ; ● way [wei] n ; ; ; ● to mean [mi:n] v , ; ● meaningful [mi:niηful] a , /; ● a human being [hju:mən bi:iη]


.   I ( ) II (. )
1. 2.   3.   I you he she it me , you , him , her , it , my , your his her its , mine yours his hers its ,
1. 2. 3. we you they us , you , them , our - , your , their - ours yours theirs

. 11. :

Model: a boy he

My sister, her brother, his career, our opportunity, an individual, an adult, a sense of pride, human beings, you and me, adult generation, my ability.

. 12. :

Is this my your his her our their dress paper coat mother ball teacher ?
dog room picture bag umbrella glass cat mine yours his hers ours theirs ?

. 13. :

Their flat, a friend of mine, your table, our classroom, his name and mine, my room and yours, your book and hers, their house and ours, his car and yours, our teacher and theirs, your letter and his, her mother, their newspaper, your ability and hers, their pride and ours, his children and yours, our social development and theirs, your opportunity and his.


. 14. :

, , , , , , , , , , .


1. . .8, 13 14.

2. LESSON 1.

3. (. 10).




to be

Present Indefinite Past Indefinite Future Indefinite
I am You are He She is It We are You are They are I was You were He She was It We were You were They were I shall be You will be He She will be It We shall be You will be They will be
Am I? Are you? he? Is she? it? Are we? Are you? Are they? Was I? Were you? he? Was she? it? Were we? Were you? Were they? Shall I be? Will you be? he be? Will she be? it be? Shall we be? Will you be? Will they be?
I am not You are not He She is not It We are not You are not They are not I was not You were not He She was not It We were not You were not They were not I shall not be You will not be He She will not be It We shall not be You will not be They will not be


. 1. :

1. He is not at home. 2. Im from Vitebsk. 3. We were ill. 4. Im cold. 5. She is 25. 6. We are first-year students. 7. They are happy. 8. We shall be at the Institute. 9. He was in Polotsk. 10. They will be here tomorrow. 11. His vocational opportunity is good. 12. They are not socially mature. 13. Your career will be rewarding. 14. You are not a child, you are an adult.


. 2. :

1. They are workers. 2. He is 25 years old. 3. Her parents flat is small. 4. Petes sister is a teacher. 5. I am here. 6. You are my friend. 7. These are your books. 8. This house is new. 9. She is a popular actress. 10. You are young.


. 3. , to be:

to be ready for -.
to be afraid of -., -.
to be proud of -., -.
to be late for -., -.
to be good at -.
to be fond of -
to be sure of -.
to be glad of -.
to be tired (of) ( -.)
to be sorry (for) ; ; -.
to be over
to be on ( , )
to be married (to) (), ()


. 4. , to be, :

1. You will be proud of me. 2. Why are you late? 3. He is fond of music. 4. Im glad to see you. 5. We were tired. 6. The lesson is over. 7. What is on at the cinema Belarus? 8. We are not afraid of you. 9. She is good at nothing. 10. I was sure of it. 11. Why are you so tired? 12. You will be sorry for this one day.


. 5. to be :

1. My grandmother young at that time. 2. I glad to see you tomorrow. 3. you ready for the lesson today? 4. I not sure of it. 5. You married next year. 6. The film over at 3 oclock. 7. I tired in the evening. 8. When I small, I wanted to become a doctor. 9. Yesterday they together. 10. We friends at school. 11. you fond of music? 12. She good at languages.

to have

Present Past Future
I have You have He She has It We have You have They have I You He She had It We You They I shall You will He will She will have It will We shall You will They will

: have, has have got, has got ( ve got s got) : Weve got a nice flat. .

. 6. to have:

1. My mother two sisters. 2. We many plans for the future. 3. I no time yesterday. 4. They a new flat next year. 5. The farmer many cows. 6. How many pages the book? 7. Last year I three problem pupils in my class. 8. We a good career in the future. 9. The classroom three windows.


. 7. :

1. . 2. , ! 3. . 4. . 5. , . 6. . 7. . 8. . 9. . 10. .


) the Infinitive ( ?): to go, to play, to help.

) () Past Indefinite (Past Simple) (V-ed, V2 ): went, played, helped.

) Participle II (V-ed, V3 ): gone, played, helped.

) Participle I (V-ing): going, playing, helping.

, Past Indefinite Participle II. : to play, to help , to be, to have, to go . .


Indefinite (Simple) Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous -
  to V   to be V-ing   to have V3     to have been V-ing  
P R E S E N T V, V-s   I wait () am is V-ing are   I am waiting () have V3 has   I have waited (, , ) have been has V-ing   I have been waiting ( ; )
    P A S T V ed, V2   I waited (; )   was were V-ing   I was waiting ( ; ; ) had V3     I had waited ( ; , ) had been V-ing     I had been waiting ( , )
F U T U R E shall/will V   I shall/will (Ill) wait , () shall/will be V-ing   I shall/will (Ill) be waiting ( 3 ) shall/will have V3   I shall/will (Ill) have waited ( 3 ; , ) shall/will have been V-ing I shall/will (Ill) have been waiting ( 3 , )

: V - ; V-s - 3- .; V-ed - Past Indefinite ; V2 - Past Indefinite ; V3 - Participle II , ; V-ing - Participle I.

. 8. , :

1. am V-ing 7. had V-ed a)
2. V-s 8. was V-ing )
3. V 9. will V )
4. have V-ed (V3) 10. has V-ed  
5. V-ed 11. had been V-ing  
6. will have V-ed (V3) 12. has been V-ing  



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