






In The Dead Toreador light strikes the figure head on

a) ̸ .

b) ̸ .

c) ̸ .

d) ̸ . .

2. This idea was carried even further by artists such as Claude Monet, who painted Sunflowers.

a) , , .

b) , , .

c) , , .

d) , , .

3. The picture was greeted with public derision, the like of which had never been experienced in Paris.

a) , .

b) , .

c) ; .

d) ; .

4. Today observers have hardly any difficulty in recognising a sailboat and a rowboat in the foreground, masts and equipment, haze and smoke, all reflected in the rippled surface of the water.

a) - , , , , .

b) , , , , .

c) , , , .

d) , , , , , , .

5. This revolutionary painting aimed to reproduce the image the eye sees in an instantaneous glimpse of the port of Le Havre at sunrise.

a) , .

b) , .

c) .

d) , .


VIII. Translate into English.

, . 19 , , .

, , , . : . (Parisian) , . . , . , : , - , , . , .


IX. Give comprehensive answers to the following questions:

1. What was the traditional way of rendering a form? 2. What is Édouard Manet known to introduce? 3. Who were the Impressionists? 4. What was so revolutionary about the technique used by the Impressionists? 5. What did the technique aim to convey? 6. Do you remember the artists who were anticipated the impressionists about a century before? 7. How can you describe the style called pointillism? 8. What art was inspiration for Edgar Degas? 9. What was Edgar Degas particularly interested in as a painter? 10. What is characteristic of Pierre-Auguste Renoirs style?


X. Work in groups. The class splits into two teams to advocate the contrary viewpoints as to the following statements. Each sensible argument wins a point. The team with the most points is the winner. Make use of the phrases for discussing the topics (p. 88).

1. The artists of the other half of XIX century felt it was time to come out with a revolutionary method of painting because the traditional ones had grown too stale to arouse the public interest. 2. Never before the Impressionists had any artist succeeded in conveying the transient effects of direct and reflected sunlight. 3. Impressionism seems to be more in keeping with the essence of Art, as it directly appeals to the heart and involves the viewers into the creative process. 4. Impressionism helps to capture the elusive images we live among; it makes us admire the fleeting moments of our life inaccessible for Realism. 5. The painting Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grande Jatte was intended to demonstrate the innovative technique; as for its artistic value, it is rather dubious. 6. But for the Oriental art, the European painting would not have been infused with new life.


XI. Speak on the following points:

1. The traditional European painting and the Impressionism compared.

2. An impressionist painting of your choice: describe what is depicted in the picture and what impression it produces on you.




bstract ['æbstrækt] n ,


~ impressionism expressionism

abstractionism [æb'stræktʃənɪzm] ,

abstractionist [æb'stræk∫ənɪst]

bsurd [əb's:d] a

absurdist [əb's:dɪst]

academic [ˌækə'demɪk] , ,

academic painting [ˌækə'demɪk 'peɪntɪŋ]

academy [ə'kædəmɪ]

the Academy of Arts ( )

the Royal Academy of Arts

( )

accidentals [ˌæksɪ'dentəlz]

accidentalism [ˌæksɪ'dentəlɪz(ə)m] .

accord [ə'kɔ:d] n (); v (with smth)

Action Painting ['æk∫n 'peɪntɪŋ]

( )

art [ɑ:t] ; ~s and crafts ;

applied / decorative ~ [ə'plaɪd / 'dekərətɪv]


fine / elegant ~s [faɪn] / ['elɪgənt]

popular / folk ~ ['pɒpjʊlə] / [fəʊk] ;

work of ~ ;

artisan [ˌɑ:tɪ'zæn] , ;

artist ['ɑ:tɪst] .

Art Nouveau ['ɑ:r nə'vəʊ] ( 19-20.).

rtware ['ɑ:tweə]

rtwork ['ɑ:tw:k] (.)

Ash-can school ['æʃkæn 'sku:l] (.)

(- .20)

Avant-garde (art / painting, etc.) [ˌævɑ:ŋ'gɑ:d] ()

Baroque [bə'rɒk] n ; ,

eaux-arts [ˌbəʊ'zɑ:] (.)

Byzantine [bɪ'zæntaɪn] ;

~ style / architecture / -

arving ['kɑ:vɪŋ]

casket ['kɑ:skɪt] ,

eramics [sɪ'ræmɪks] (syn. earthenware, pottery, stoneware) ,

cerography [sɪ'rɒgrəfɪ] ,

chase [tʃeɪs] (syn. emboss, engrave)

china ['tʃaɪnə]

chinoiserie [ʃi:n'wɑ:zərɪ] (, ..);

( , . 18 )

cinquecento art ['tʃɪŋkwɪ'tʃentəʊ 'ɑ:t] XVI

commercial art [kə'mə:∫əl 'ɑ:t] ()

(, , )

Dada ['dɑ:də] ( 20 )

decadent ['dekəd(ə)nt]

decorate ['dek(ə)reɪt]

decorator ['dekəreɪtə] -

interior ~

earthenware [':θ(ə)nweə] (syn. ceramics, pottery, stoneware)


emboss [ɪm'bɒs]

embossment [em'bɒsmənt]

embroidery [ɪm'brɔɪd(ə)rɪ] (syn. needlework, sewing) ,

Empire ['empaɪə ˌɑ:ŋ'pɪə] ()

enamel [ɪ'næməl] (syn. glaze) , ;

enamelling [ɪ'næməlɪŋ] ( )

encrust (incrust) [ɪn'krʌst]

engrave [ɪn'greɪv] , ( , , )

(en)graver [ɪn'greɪvə]

epic ['epɪk] ;

etch [etʃ] , , ,

( , )

etching ['etʃɪŋ] , / ()

exhibit [ɪg'zɪbɪt] n ; v (syn. show, display)

exhibition [ˌeksɪ'bɪ∫ən] ; one-man ~

Expressionism [ɪks'preʃnɪzəm]

( 19- )

fake [feɪk] (syn. counterfeit, false, forgery, imitation) , ,

Fauvism [fə'vɪzm] ( 19- )

field [fi:ld] (sphere, realm) ,

fin de siecle ['fæŋdə'sjekl] (.) XIX ,

Flemish school ['flemɪ∫ 'sku:l]

Georgian ['dʒɔ:dʒjən]

gallery ['gælərɪ] ()

glass [glɑ:s] ; lace ~

glass painting ['glɑ:s 'peɪntɪŋ] ,

glassware ['glɑ:sweə] ,

glaze [gleɪz] (syn. enamel) ,

gobelin ['gəʊbəlɪn]

goldsmith ['gəʊldsmɪθ]

Gothic ['gɒθɪk] ;

graffito [grə'fi:təʊ]

(, )

graphic ['græfɪk] ,

~ art

handicraft ['hændɪkrɑ:ft] ; ()

handicraftsman ['hændɪˌkrɑ:ftsmən]

hatch [hæt∫] n ( ); v ,

Hellenic [he'li:nɪk / he'lenɪk] ,

icon painting ['aɪkn 'peɪntɪŋ]

image ['ɪmɪdʒ] ; ;

Impressionism [ɪm'pre∫(ə)nɪzm]

incise [ɪn'saɪz] , ,

inlay ['ɪnleɪ] n , ;

[ɪn'leɪ] v ,

ivory ['aɪvərɪ] ;

jewellery ['dʒu:əlrɪ] ()

lithography [lɪ'θɒgrəfɪ] ,

marqueterie, marquetry ['mɑ:kɪtrɪ] ,

master ['mɑ:stə] , ; ;

The Old Masters ( XIII XVII .)

masterpiece ['mɑ:stəpi:s]

miniature ['mɪnjət∫ə]

modernism ['mɒdənɪzm] ( )

mosaic [mə'zəɪɪk] (syn. tessellation)

movement ['mu:vmənt] (syn. current, trend) ,

( )

museum [mjʊ'zɪəm]

~ piece

ormolu ['ɒməlu:] ;

plate [pleɪt] ; (syn. engraving, print) ,

porcelain ['pɔ:slɪn] (syn. china)

post-impressionism ['pəʊstɪm'pre∫(ə)nɪzm]

pottery ['pɒterɪ] , ,

pre-Raphaelite ['pri:'ræfəlaɪt] ( XIX ., ( )

print [prɪnt] (syn. plate, engraving; etching ( ))

, ;

quattrocento ['kwɑ:trəʊ't∫entəʊ]

( XV )

realism ['rɪəlɪzm]

Renaissance [rə'neɪs(ə)ns] ,

Revival [rɪ'vaɪv(ə)l] ( )

rococo [rə'kəʊkəʊ] ()

silversmith ['sɪlvəsmɪθ]

surrealism [sə'rɪəlɪzm]

tapestry ['tæpɪstrɪ] ,

technique [tek'ni:k] ()

tessellation [ˌtesɪ'leɪ∫(ə)n] (syn. mosaic)

textile ['tekstaɪl] (syn. cloth, fabric) ;

artist for ~

trend [trend] (syn. current, movement) ( )


academy-figure [ə'kædəmɪ,fɪgə] ( )

ackground ['bækgraʊnd] , ;

, ( ..); ,

(ant.) foreground ['fɔ:graʊnd]

attlepiece ['bætlpi:s] ,

blend [blend] v (); ;

; (. blend in)

n / / ;

blot [blɒt] n , ; v , ; ,

~ out v ,

blotting paper ['blɒtɪŋ 'peɪpə]

blottesque [blɒ'tesk] ;

( )

blur [bl:] n ; ; ,

v , ;

board [bɔ:d]

ard~ , fibre~ (-)

hard~ , ; paste~ ()

press~ ; wooden ~

brush [brʌʃ] ; (.)

flat ~ ; camel hair ~

round ~ ; priming ~ ,

brushstroke ['brʌ∫strəʊk] , ;

brush-work ['brʌ∫wə:k] ;

canvas ['kænvəs] , ;

~ stretcher ( wedged stretcher)

caricature ['kærɪkət∫jʊə]

artoon [kɑ:'tu:n] ; ; (.) ;

(animated) ~ ()

chalk [tʃɔ:k] (),

brown ~ ; red ~ ,

charcoal ['tʃɑ:kəʊl] () ;

~ pencil ,

hroma ['krəʊmə]

coat [kəʊt] (); (-.)

coating ['kəʊtɪŋ] ()

colour ['kʌlə] , , ; ; ;

lasting ~ ,

colouring ['kʌlərɪŋ] , (); ;

colour scheme ['kʌlə 'ski:m] , , ;


colour score ['kʌlə 'skɔ:]

composition [ˌkɒmpə'zɪ∫ən]

conception [kən'sep∫ən]

rayon ['kreɪən] /

dab [dæb] ; v ()

dabber ['dæbə] ,

daub [dɔ:b] ,

dauber ['dɔ:bə] ,

depict [dɪ'pɪkt]

dissolvent [dɪ'zɒlvənt]

draft [drɑ:ft] ,

draftsman ['drɑ:ftsmən]

drapery ['dreɪpərɪ]

draw [drɔ:]

drawing ['drɔ:ɪŋ]

wash ~

dye [daɪ] , v ,

easel ['i:zl] ( drawing ~)

folding ~

en face [ɒŋ'fɑ:s] ; a portrait ~

erase [ɪ'reɪz]

eraser [ɪ'reɪzə] ,

fade [feɪd] , , ( , )

foreground ['fɔ:graʊnd]

figure ['fɪgə] , ,

seated ~

frame [freɪm] (); v

fresco ['freskəʊ] (syn. mural)

genre ['ʒɒŋrə] , ; , (.) ~ painting

genre-piece ['ʒɒŋrə 'pi:s] (syn. genre painting (picture))

glazing ['gleɪzɪŋ] ( )

gouache [gʊ'ɑ:∫ / 'gwɑ:∫]

ground [graʊnd] (syn. priming, prime coating) ,

hue [hju:] (syn. shade, tone, tinge, tint) , ,

range in ~ from to ()

impasto [ɪm'pæstəʊ] ,

ink [ɪŋk] Indian ~

japan [dʒə'pæn] (syn. glaze, lacquer, varnish)

juxtapose [ˌdʒʌkstə'pəʊz] ,

~ colours ,

landscape ['lænskeɪp]

park-like ~

lay [leɪ] ()

layer ['leɪə] ( ..)

lay figure ['leɪ 'fɪgə]

life [laɪf] ; (.) true to ~ (~ -like)

manikin (mannequin) ['mænɪkɪn] (syn. dummy, figure)

mano sinistra ['mɑ:nəʊ sɪ'nɪsrə] (.)

( )

marine [mə'ri:n] (syn. sea-scape (-picture)) ,

mellow ['meləʊ] (syn. rich, full) , ( )

monochrome ['mɒnəˌkrəʊm] ;

(ant.) polychrome ;

motif [məʊ'ti:f] (syn. subject, subject-matter, theme) ,

mount [maʊnt] n ; v

( )

nude (model) [nju:d] (syn. naked, unclothed) ()

ochre ['əʊkə]

oil [ɔil]

opaque [əʊ'peɪk] (syn. lusterless, dull, matt) ( )

outline ['aʊtlaɪn] , , ; ; v ,

outlook ['aʊtlʊk] (syn. perspective, vista)

pad [pæd] ;

paint [peɪnt] , v

painting ['peɪntɪŋ] ;

mural ~ ; narrative ~

~ table

palette ['pælɪt] ;

~ knife ; ~ dipper

pastel [pæs'tel / 'pæstl]

~ rayon

pastoral ['pɑ:stərl]

( )

patch [pætʃ]

pen [pen] , ; ~ drawing

pencil [pensl] ; ~ drawing ;


penumbra [pɪ'nʌmbrə]

perspective [pə'spektɪv] ;

out of ~

plein air / plain air / [ˌpleɪn 'eə]

platform ['plætfɔ:m] ,

portrait ['pɔ:trɪt]

a family-group ~ ; ceremonial ~

equestrian ~ [ɪ'kwestrɪən] ;

a full-length ~ ['fʊl'leŋθ] ;

a half-length ['hɑ:f`'leŋθ] ~ ;

a self ~ ; shoulder-length ~

portraitist ['pɔ:trətɪst] (syn. portrait-painter, portrayer, portrayist)

ortraiture ['pɔ:trɪtʃə]

portray [pɔ:'treɪ] /

portrayal [pɔ:'treɪ(ə)l] (syn. portrait) ;

pose [pəʊz] (syn. posture) n ; v

prime ['praɪmə] (syn. undercoat) n ; v ()

priming ['praɪmɪŋ] (syn. (under)coating)

profile ['prəʊfaɪl] (syn. side-view) ,

scene [si:n] , ; ,

scenery ['si:n(ə)rɪ] , ;

rural ~ ['ru(ə)r(ə)l]

scheme [ski:m] , , ; colour ~ ()

scumble ['skʌmbl] n ;

v ,

seascape (syn. marine) ['si:skeɪp]

sepia ['si:pjə] (- , )

setting ['setɪŋ] ,

sfumato [sfʊ'mɑ:təʊ] ( ), , )

shade [∫eɪd] ,

shading ['ʃeɪdɪŋ]

shadow ['ʃædəʊ]

shape [ʃeɪp] n , ; v

sit (for ones portrait) [sɪt] (syn. pose (for ones portrait)) ( )

sitter ['sɪtə] (syn. model, subject)

sitting ['sɪtɪŋ] ()

sgraffito [sgrə'fi:təʊ]

sketch [sket∫] n , , ; v

~ pad

solvent ['sɒlv(ə)nt] (syn. vehicle)

spatula ['spætjʊlə] ,

sponge [spʌndʒ]

moistening ~

stain [steɪn] (syn. blot, spot)

still life ['stɪllaɪf]

~ group

stroke [strəʊk] (syn. dab) ,

study ['stʌdɪ] , ,

~ in oil

stump [stʌmp] ,

superimpose [ˌsju:p(ə)rɪm'pəʊz] ;

to ~ colours

tableau (pl. aux) ['tæbləʊ] ,

tempera ['temp(ə)rə] ()

thinner ['θɪnə]

touch (syn. stroke) [tʌt∫] n , v ,

a finishing ~

town-scape ['taʊnskeɪp]

tube [tju:b]

~ of oil paint

watercolour ['wɔ:təˌkʌlə] ,

varnish ['vɑ:nɪʃ] (syn. japan, glaze, lacquer)

ormolu ~ ['ɔ:məlu:]



bas-relief ['bæsrɪˌli:f]

bust [bʌst]

cast [kɑ:st] n , v (syn. found, mould)

~ (into) bronze

arve [kɑ:v] , ( , );

carver ['kɑ:və] ; ; ( )

wood ~

chisel ['tʃɪzl] , , , ; , ,

claw ~ ['klɔ:] (toothed ~, tooth ~)

flat ~ ['flæt] ,

hollow ~ ['hɒləʊ] ( gourge)

spoon ~ ['spu:n]

clay [kleɪ]

~ figure

a roll of ~

dummy ['dʌmɪ] ,

effigy ['efɪdʒɪ] , ( / )

figure ['fɪgə] , ,

found [faund] (syn. cast, mould) , ( )

framework ['freɪmwə:k]

gouge [gaʊdʒ]

V-shaped ~ V-

gypsum ['dʒɪpsəm] (syn. alabaster, gesso, plaster of Paris)

hammer ['hæmə]

iron-headed [ˌaɪən'hedɪd] ~ ,

hew [hju:] (syn. chop, cut) , ( )

malachite ['mæləkaɪt]

mallet ['mælɪt] ,

marble ['mɑ:bl]

green ~

model ['mɒd(ə)l] n , ,

v , ,

model(l)ing ['mɒd(ə)lɪŋ]

~ substance

model(l)er ['mɒd(ə)lə]

monument ['mɒnjʊmənt] (syn. memorial, statue) ,

mould [məʊld] n , ; v , ,

plaque [plɑ:k] ,

plaster (of Paris) ['plɑ:stə (◡rəv 'pæris)]

~model ; ~cast

point [pɔɪnt] (syn. punch) ,

rasper ['rɑ:spə] ,

sandpaper ['sæn(d)ˌpeɪpə]

sculpture ['skʌlptʃə] ; v ,

statuary ['stætjʊ(ə)rɪ] (.) , ;


statue ['stætju:] ; equestrian ~ [i'kwestriən]

statuette [ˌstætjʊ'et] (syn. figurine)

stone [stəʊn]

a block of ~ (~block)

tool [tu:l]

torso ['tɔ:səʊ] , ;

wax [wæks]

wood [wʊd] , ; beating ~



azure ['æʒə] , .

azurine ['æʒəraɪn] -, -

bay [beɪ] ,

black [blæk] ; jet ~

blue [blu:] ,

Cambridge ~ ['keɪmbrɪdʒ] - ;

Indian ~ ['ɪndjən] ; navy-~ ['neɪvɪ] -;

new ~ ['nju:] ;

Oxford ~ ['ɒksfəd] - ;

Paris ~ ['pærɪs] , -;

Royal ~ ['rɔɪəl] - ;

Saxon ~ ['sæksn] -;

sky ~ ['skaɪ] -

body-colour ['bɒdɪ'kʌlə] (syn. flesh-colour, carnation)


brazen ['breɪzn] ,

bronze [brɒnz] , , -

brown [braʊn] nut-~ ['nʌt] -

cardinal ['kɑ:dɪnl] -,

carmine ['kɑ:maɪn] ,

carnation [ˌkɑ:'neɪ∫ən] (.) ; -

carnelian [kə'ni:ljən] -,

cherry ['tʃerɪ]

chestnut ['tʃesnət]

chryso- ['krɪsə] ( : , , )

chrysamine ['krɪsəmaɪn] ( )

ciel (blue) [sjel] -

cinereous [sɪ'nɪərɪəs]

copper ['kɒpə]

coral ['kɒrəl]

daffodil ['dæfədɪl] -,

damask ['dæməsk] ,

damson ['dæmzən] -,

electric blue [ɪ'lektrɪk 'blu:]

fawn [fɔ:n] - ( )

fox [fɒks] ,

golden ['gəʊldən]

green [gri:n]

Nile ~ ['naɪl] , -

meadow ~ ['medəʊ] - ;

olive ~ ['ɒlɪv] -;

Paris ~ ['pærɪs] , -

grey (Am. gray) [greɪ]

iron ~ ['aɪən] -

hazel ['heɪzl] , - (-)

Indigo ['ɪndɪgəʊ] , -

-ish [ɪʃ] (-) ( -)

. grayish ['greɪɪ∫]

jade [dʒeɪd] , -

jet [dʒet] ,

khaki ['kɑ:kɪ]

lilac ['laɪlək]

livid ['lɪvɪd] -, -

maroon [mə'ru:n] -

mauve [məʊv] -

mazarine [ˌmæzə'ri:n] -

nankeen, nankin [ˌnæŋ'ki:n / ˌnæn'kɪn] (-)

ochre / ochreous / ['əʊkə / 'əʊkrɪəs] -

olive ['ɒlɪv]

opaline ['əʊpəlaɪn] ,

orange ['ɒrɪndʒ] ~ tawny ['tɔ:nɪ] -

pink [pɪŋk]

plumbeous ['plʌmbɪəs]

prune [pru:n] -

purple ['p:pl]

light ~ ['laɪt] , dark ~ ['dɑ:k] ,

deep ~ ['di:p]

red [red] ; rose-~ ['rəʊz]

rosy ['rəʊzɪ] (syn. pink, rose-colored)

roseate ['rəʊzɪɪt]

ruby ['ru:bɪ] , -

rusty ['rʌstɪ]

salmon-coloured ['sæmən'kʌləd] - ,

scarlet ['skɑ:lɪt] , -

slate [sleɪt] -, ,

smaragdine [smə'rægdaɪn] , -,

sulphur ['sʌlfə] , -

tawny ['tɔ:nɪ] -

Titian ['tɪʃɪən] , - ( )

turquoise(e) ['t:kwɑ:z] ,

ultramarine [ˌʌltrəmə'ri:n]

violet ['vaɪəlɪt] (syn. pansy)

white [waɪt]

ivory ~ ['aɪvərɪ] ; lily-~ ['lɪlɪ] ;

off-~ ; snow-~

yellow ['jeləʊ]

king's ~ ['kɪŋz] ;

lemon ~ ['lemən] - ; oxide ~ -



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