






, . 3

4. Your experiment (not to give) good results until you (to change) the speed of the reaction. Your experiment will not give good results until you shall to change the speed of the reaction. , .

5. Any square (to have) four right angles. Any square have four right angles. .

19. , :

) some same.

1. These elements have different colours but their chemical properties are the same. Some of them are very important. 1. , - . .

2. There is some gas in these tubes. We use the same gas in both tubes. 2. . .

3. The engineers of the research laboratory developed some new methods of work. The same methods are of great importance for our plant. 3. - . .

) for.

for ; ; ;

1. The unusual phenomenon occupied the scientists thoughts for some weeks. 1. .

2. For a few years Albert Einstein lived in Prague. 2. .

3. Einstein s work was a great surprise for scientists all over the world. .

4. In 1921 Einstein got his Nobel Prize not for the theory of relativity but for a logic explanation of photoelectric effect. 4. 1921 , .

5. Einstein always answered all students questions, for there were no foolish or simple questions for him.

5. , .

*20. , , :

1. XX . 1. Albert Einstein was the great physicist of the 20th century

2. . It possessed extraordinary ability to mathematics and physics.

3. . For several years Einstein lived in Prague and taught physics at university.

4. 1905 . In 1905 it made some discoveries.

5. . His idea to surprise all the scientists.

6. 1921 . In 1921 Einstein got the Nobel Prize.

7. . Today any student of technical institute understands the relativity theory.

8. , , . Study Einstein's biography and you will see that he gave the life to science.

to get the Nobel Prize; to make some discoveries; any technical college student; to I a great physicist of the 20th century; to study Einsteins biography; to give his life to; a few years; to teach physics; to have an unusual ability in; to surprise all the scientists.

21. , . .

Einstein was a great thinker.    
  Solve this equation in two ways.

1. Einsteinwas bornin Germany.

2. Hewas a famousphysicist.

3. Hehadtwo sons.

4. In 1905Albert Einsteinmaderevolutionarydiscoveriesin science.

5. Hepresented his papers to a physicaljournal.

6. My friend does not likephysics.

7. This diagramwill help to solveyour problem.

8. Changethe temperaturein the experimental tube.

9. Mr. Hallteachesphysicsat a technical college.

22. :


Mstislav Keldysh, a well-known Russian scientist, was born in Riga January 28, 1911. He was a very capable boy and finished school at the age of 16. He wanted to become a building engineer like his father,
ht one could enter an engineering institute only at 17. The boy decided enter Moscow University to study mathematics and physics.
After his graduation from the University at the age of 20, he began his research work at the Central Airo-Hydrodynamical Institute the centre of aviation science at that time. The young scientist worked with enthusiasm and soon published a number of important scientific papers. When Keldysh was 27, he became Doctor of Sciences.

The scientist did his research in the field of mathematics and airo-hydrodynamics. Later he solved a number of problems in aviation, atomic and cosmic techniques.

At the same time as a professor of Moscow University he gave much of his abilities to the teaching of students.

For his fruitful research M. Keldysh got two State Prizes and the government awarded him the title of Hero of Socialist Labour three times. At the age of 30 M. Keldysh became an academician and on May
19, 1961 he became President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

23. :

1. What did Keldysh want to become?
a) a mathematician; b) a chemist; c) a building engineer.

2. Where did he get his higher education?

a) at Moscow University;

b) at the Central Airo-Hydrodynamical Institute;

c) at an engineering institute.

3. What field of science did he do his research in?

a) in the field of solid state physics;

b) in the field of atomic and cosmic techniques;

c) in the field of electromagnetic waves.

24. () :

) 1. at the age of - ; 2. a well-known scientist - ; 3. was born - ; 4. Like his father - ; 5. to enter an institute - ; 6. to graduate from an institute - o ; 7. To do ones research - ; 8. to solve a number of problems - ; 9. three times - ();



1. :

not, job, clock, box, bottle, bronze, office, possible, commoi, constant, copper, doctor, solve, problem, re'volve, gc'ometi, force, form, short, bom, order, orbit, border, porous, formul, ordinary, in'form, re'port, sup'port, e'normous, ore, more, pore, shore, be'fore, door, floor, four, your, pour, cours, ought, thought, brought, fought, no, so, note, stone, close, over, oval, solar, moment, total, local, com'pose, re'mote, de'vote, load, coal, road, coat, show, grofl, low, own, slow, follow, window, narrow, be'low, cold, gold, round, pound, ground, sound, outer, thousand, wi'thoa, mountain, a'bout, a'mount, a'round, ac'count, now, browi, down, al'low, our, hour, sour, flower, tower, power, shower, some, front, month, other, ton, comfort, wonder, a'mon, be'come, dis'cover, a'nother, a'bove, con'front, country, rough
tough, e'nough, moon, tool, soon, cool, choose, wooden, lose, move, im'prove, group, soup, book, look, took, shook, should, would, could, boil, point, noise, joint, boy, poison, loyal, ap'point, exploit, work, word, world, worst, worth, worm, worker

2. , ng :

strong, long, hang, ring, thing, morning, according, flaming
English, angle, triangle, single, language
sink, rink, think, drink

4. , :

a) late later (the) latest
long Longer (the) longest
big Bigger (the) biggest
6) important more important the most important
Slowly more slowly most slowly
) much Many  
More (the) most
Little   Less (the) least
well   Better (the) best  
Badly   Worse (the) worst


5. , :

1. This classroom is larger and lighter than other classrooms. It is the largest and the lightest room here. 1. , . .

2. The red line on this drawing is shorter than other lines. It is the shortest line. , . - .

3. Mathematics is more important for technical students than many other subjects. It is one of the most important subjects at any technical institute. 3. , . .

4. The results of his last experiment were worse than before. He got the worst results this time. , . .

6. , -:

) 1. This solid is denser than that one. 2. The right hand is usually stronger than the left one. 3. These boxes are very small. We want to get bigger ones.

1. . 2. . 3. . .

) 1. This is a new measuring instrument; its accuracy is much higher than that of the old one. 2. The freezing point of water on the Centigrade scale is 0 and that on the Fahrenheit scale is +32. 3 The density of the liquid air is only a little less than that of water.

1. - , , . 2. - 0 ' + 32 '. 3. - .


) 1. Your advice is more important for us than hers. 2. The instruments at our laboratory are not so modern as those at yours. 3. Their office is farther away from the Institute than ours. 4. Mercury revolves round the Sun at a higher speed than other planets. Its speed is much higher than theirs.

1. 2. . 3. - . 4. . - .

7. :

a) It is late. It is four oclock.

It is one kilometre from our office to the Institute.

a) . .

b) It is necessary to say...

It was necessary that...

It will be necessary to do it.

It is important that...

It was important to measure...

It will be simple to define...

) ...

B) It is said that...

It was known that...

It will be shown that...

It seems that...

) ...


International Words

8. a) He , ,
. ( 144):

Atomic -
bomb -
centre -
diameter -

Equivalent -
illumination -
kilometre -
method -

Million -
period -

planet -
reaction -
satellite -
second -
universal -
utilize -

) ,
. , .

Effective - , a regular -


, 150 ?
- , - 5,500 , - 20 . - 109 , 330,000 .
, 10 - , , : .
. 365 , .
- . , - . , , . , .
, . , .
- , , .
, .
. , , , .
, - - .

1. What is the Sun? The Sun is a mass of flaming matter.

2. What is the temperature at the Suns surface? The temperature at its surface is above 5,500 degrees Centigrade.

3. Which is the brightest star of the northern hemisphere? Sirius, the brightest star of the northern hemisphere.

4. Is the Sun bigger than Sirius? The illumination of the Earth by the Sun is 10 billion times stronger than that by Sirius, the brightest star of the northern hemisphere. But this does not mean that the Sun is bigger than Sirius: it is simply nearer the Earth.

5. How many planets revolve round the Sun?

6. How long does it take the Earth to revolve round the Sun? It takes our Earth a little more than 365 days to revolve round the Sun.

7. What is the light of the Moon? Light of the Moon is only the reflected sunlight.

8. What does the Sun give us? The Sun gives us heat without which no life can exist on the Earth.

9. What reaction proceeds continuously on the Sun? The Sun is a giant natural hydrogen bomb, equivalent to millions of man-made ones where the thermonuclear reaction proceeds continuously.
10. When did man begin to use solar energy? Man has tried to use solar energy since the earliest times. Methods of using the light and heat energy from the Sun are not new, but they are not very efficient as yet.



10. . :

-ful: help, wonder, use, power: , , ,

helpful, wonderful, useful, powerful: , , ,

-less: use, help, power, motion, weight: , , , ,

useless, helpless, powerless, motionless, weightless: , , , ,

-Ic: period, metr(e), atmosphere), bas(e): , , ,

periodic, metric, atmospheric, basic: , , ,

-al: physic(s), natur(e), experiment, mathematic(s): , , ,

physical, natural, experimental, mathematical: , , ,

-able: valu(e), change, measure), compar(e): , , ,

valuable, changeable, measurable, comparable: , , ,

-ant: import, resist: ,

important, resistant: ,
-ent: differ, insist: ,

different, insistent: ,
-ive: effect, act: ,

effective, active: ,

11. -ly :

simply, normally, usually, completely, largely, nearly, greatly, highly, hardly

12. , , :

a valuable theory -
an important discovery -
an effective device -
a productive method -
equal volumes -
big supplies of energy -

a highly valuable theory -

a greatly important discovery -

a largely effective device -

a highly productive method -

nearly equal volumes -

immensely big supplies of energy -

simple devices -

efficient research -

equally simple devices -

highly efficient research -

13. , :

the surface temperature, the ocean surface, the light speed, energy supply, heat energy, a ball diameter, mercury pressure, gravitation force, the Moons surface, the Earths magnetism, solid properties.

, , , , , , , , , ,


) :


Mercury is the (small) small planet in our solar system; it is the (close) -closer one to the Sun. Apart from the Sun itself the sunny side of Mercury is the (hot)- hot place in the solar system. But the dark side of Mercury is
probably even (cold) - colder than the (far) - far planet, Pluto. It is strange to find the (hot) hottest and the (cold) coldest parts of the solar system on the same planet. The (good) best time to see Mercury is spring.

- , - . - . , , , , . . , .

15. :

Found, left, lay, meant, thought, sent, began, put, fell, gave, read, rose, said

To found, to left, to lay, to meant, to thought, to sent, to began, to put, fell, to gave, to read, to rose, to said

16. , as... as:

)1. Venus is nearly as big as the Earth.

2. He answered all the questions as well as his friends did.

3. No planet is as hot as the Sun.
4. The speed at which the Earth revolves round the Sun is nearly as high as that of Venus.

5. When Mars is at its greatest distance from the earth it is nearly as bright as the Polar Star.

1. .

2. , .

3. .

4. , , .

5. , .

) 1. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is as great as 150 million kilometres. 2. The speed of our first sputniks was as big as 8 kilometres per second. 3. The temperature in the Suns centre is as high as 20 million degrees Centigrade. 4. The Moon is as far as 384 thousand kilometres from the Earth.

1. 150 . 2. 8 . 3. 20 . 4. 384 .

) 1. The mass of the Sun is 11 times as dense as lead. 2. Every square mile on the sunny side of Mercury receives seven times as much heat as a square mile on the Earth. 3. The year on Mars is nearly twice long as that on the Earth.

1. 11 , . 2. , . 3. .

) 1. Mars as well as Venus is a planet where no life exists. 2. A solid has length as well as width. It has thickness as well. 3. The ocean air as well as the ocean of water is material. 4. Metals as well as minerals are of great importance in industry. 5. The English system of weights was used in England as well as in a number of other countries.

1. - , . 2. . . 3. . 4. . 5. .

17. , :

1. The nearer the Earth, the denser the atmosphere. 1. , .

2. The bigger the mass, the bigger the weight of the body. , .

3. The nearer the centre of the Sun, the higher the temperature. ,

4. The more the scientist studied the problem, the better he understood its importance for man. , .

5. The stronger the magnet, the greater the distance through which it acts. , , .

18. , U:

1. It is easy to discuss this question. It is very simple. . .

2. It was important to solve this problem. It occupied all thoughts for hours. . .

3. It is necessary to boil water for our experiment. Then it will be pure. . .

4. It was not easy to define the properties of this solid. It took much time. . .

5. It is said that the lecture on physics was very interesting today. The professor illustrated it with many experiments. , . .

6. It will be possible to provide the laboratory with new measuring' instruments. '

7. It takes Jupiter about 12 years to revolve round the Sun. 12 , .

8. It will take scientists much time to find effective methods of utilizing solar energy. , .

9. It took radio signals a little more than 11 minutes to cover the |distance from the Earth to Mars and back. 11 , .

* 19. ) -, ;

) :

1. The day on Mars is a little longer than the day on the Earth. The day on Mars is a little longer than that on the Earth. , .

2. The atmosphere of Jupiter is completely different from our atmosphere. The atmosphere of Jupiter is completely different from ours. .

3. The new hydroelectric station is much more powerful than the first hydroelectric station. The new hydroelectric station is much more powerful than the first one. , .

4. Most countries use units of the metric system and not the units of the imperial system. Most countries use units of the metric system and not that of the imperial system. , a .

5. There are many technical journals in our study. The most interesting journals are on that shelf. There are many technical journals in our study. The most interesting those are on that shelf. . .

6. The planet Mars is much less massive than the Earth but its density is greater than the density of the Earth. The planet Mars is much less massive than the Earth but its density is greater than of the Earth. , , , .

-: one; ones; that; those; ours.

20. , ( 10):

  Albert Einstein Water lived delivered freezes lectures in Prague, at the university, if the tempera- ture is below zero.

1. Einsteinpresented his theory of relativity in 1905.

2. On the Sun the thermonuclea r reactionproceedscontinuously.


: 2016-10-06; !; : 1799 |



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