








- :

http://spbu.ru/candidate/, http://www.abiturient.spbu.ru/.

1 2012 . 1 ( , ).




1. :

- /History of Linguistics and Methods of Linguistic Research;

- /Semiotics;

- /Philosophy of Language;

- /Preparation of Master's Thesis;

- /Philological Analysis and Typological Interpretation of Text;

- /History of Literary German

- /German;

- : / /yntactic Theories in German Germanic Studies: Traditions and Development Dynamics / Current Problems of German Lexicology;

- / / /ntercultural Communication in the Aspect of Language Stylistics of Literary Text/Current Problems of Historical Grammar of German;

- /hilological Analysis and Typological Interpretation of Text;

- /Preparation of Master's Thesis;

- /German Dialectology;

- /German Philosophy in German Cultural Context;

- / /Semantics and Pragmatics of Utterances/ Modern Theories of Style;

- / / /Simple Sentence Components in the History of Germanic Studies in Germany/ Language Game and Its Means/ Rituals and Speech Etiquette in the History of German;

- /Philological Analysis and Typological Interpretation of Text;

- /Teaching Practice;

- /German;

- /Seminar on Master's Thesis;

- / /Aspects of Verbal Content / Modern Theories of Style;

- : / / Simple Sentence Components in Modern German: The Grammar of Structural Parts/Language Game and Its Means/ Rituals and Speech Etiquette in the History of German;

- / / Fundamentals of Functional Grammar /The Old and the New in German Lexicology/ Formation and Development of Text Types in the History of German

- - /Research Practice.


2. : :

- /History of Linguistics and Methods of Linguistic Research;

- /Semiotics;

- /Philosophy of Language;

- /Preparation of Master's Thesis;

- German;

- /Consecutive Interpreting

- / Current Issues in Translation Theory/Current Issues in Translation Studies;

- / / Translation/Russian to German Translation / German to Russian Translation;

- / - Literary Translation/ Translation of Scientific and Technical Texts;

- /Listening Comprehension and Mass Media Translation;

- /Preparation of Master's Thesis;

- German;

- /German Philosophy in German Cultural Context;

- /Consecutive Interpreting;

- / / Translation/Russian to German Translation / German to Russian Translation;

- -/ /Theory and Practice of Conference Interpreting/ Public speaking and Translation of Public Speeches;

- /Stylistics of Original and Translated Text;

- /Listening Comprehension and Mass Media Translation;

- /Translation Practice;

- /Consecutive Interpreting;

- /Seminar on Masters Thesis Preparation;

- / / Translation/Russian to German Translation / German to Russian Translation;

- / Simultaneous Interpreting/Liaison Interpreting;

- - /Research Practice;

- / Simultaneous Interpreting/Liaison Interpreting.

3. Interlinguale Kommunikation als Kulturdialog ( :

- Interkulturelle Kommunikation I ( I) Linguistic Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication I

- Streifzug durch die deutsche Kulturgeschichte I ( I) History of German Culture I;

- Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Oberstufe II ( ) /German;

- Sprachkontakte Russisch - Deutsch: Lexik ( : ) /Comparative Typology of German and Russian: Lexis;

- Stil der Direktive in Theorie und Praxis / Kreatives Schreiben im DaF-Unterricht I ( : - / I) Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Functional Stylistics: Official Style / Creative Writing in Theory and Practice of Teaching German as a Foreign Language I;

- Interkulturelle Kommunikation II ( II)/ Linguistic Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication II

- Streifzug durch die deutsche Kulturgeschichte II ( II) /History of German Culture II;

- Deutsche Philosophie im Spiegel der deutschen Kulturgeschichte ( ) /German Philosophy in German Cultural Context;

- Sprachkontakte Russisch - Deutsch: Grammatik ( : )/ Comparative Typology of German and Russian: Grammar;

- Stil der Wissenschaft in Theorie und Praxis / Kreatives Schreiben im DaF-Unterricht II ( : / II) Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Functional Stylistics: Scientific Style / Creative Writing in Theory and Practice of Teaching German as a Foreign Language II;

- Interkulturelle Kommunikation III ( III) Linguistic Fundamentals of Intercultural Communication III;

- Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Oberstufe III ( )/ German

- Seminar für Prüfungskandidaten im Magisterstudium ( ) /Seminar on Master's Thesis;

- Deutsche Geschichte im Spiegel der deutschen Literaturgeschichte / Deutsche Theater- und Filmgeschichte im Überblick ( / ) /German History in German Literature / Introduction to History of German Theatre and Cinema;

- Stil der Presse und Publizistik in Theorie und Praxis / Translation in der interkulturellen Kommunikation ( : - / ) Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Functional Stylistics: Style of Opinion Journalism / Translation Problems in Cross-Linguistic Communication;

- Deutsche und russische Phraseologie in der interkulturellen Kommunikation / Deutsche und russische Idiomatik im Kulturvergleich ( / ) German and Russian Phraseology in Intercultural Communication / German and Russian Idioms in Dialogue of Cultures.

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