






pending the coming into force of the agreement -


1. Agreement among the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the United States of America Concerning Co-operation on the Civil International Space Station - , - , ,

2. Agreement Between the United States and Cuba for the Lease of Lands for Coaling and Naval Stations - - -

3. agreement on priorities and appropriate investment strategies -

4. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights TRIPS Agreement -

5. Agreement on Transparency in Government Procurement -

6. annulment of a collective agreement -

7. areas of agreement - ,

8. conclude effective agreement -

9. repatriation agreement -

10. the meeting reached an agreement -

Consular agreement -

12. conventional arms agreement -

13. debt rescheduling agreement with Russia -

14. draw up effective agreement -

15. express agreement with previous speaker -

16. fuel swap agreement -

17 we'll continue to propose agreement on a total nuclear weapons test ban -

18. Government Procurement Agreement -

19. Information Technology Agreement - 㳿

20. intergovernment commission session on economic and technical agreement -

21. interim Israeli-Palestinian agreement on the Gaza Strip - -

22. agreement on better law-making

23. military-political agreement - -

pending the coming into force of the agreement -

25. permanent agreement -





1. abandon the agreement -

2. abide by the agreement -

3. aborted agreement -

4. agreement on forces -

5. applaud the agreement -

6. arms-control agreement -

7. arms-reduction agreement -

8. arrange the agreement -

9. austerity agreement - 쳿

10. bring about the agreement -

11. buttress the agreement -

12. champion of the agreement -

13. clarify the agreement - '

14. cobble the agreement - ( )

15. come up with the agreement -

16. wreck an agreement -

17. deadlock over the agreement

18. debt-relief agreement -

19. easy agreement -

20. edge toward the agreement -

21. enter the agreement -

22. execute the agreement -

23. expired agreement - , 䳿

24. explore the agreement -

25. wide area of ​​agreement

26. finalize the agreement -

27. follow through the agreement -

28. forgo the agreement -

29. genesis of the agreement -

30. imminent agreement -

31. implement the agreement -

32. inch toward the agreement -

33. infringe the agreement -

34. initial the agreement -

35. ink the agreement -

36. kill the agreement -

37. live up to the agreement -

38. nuclear-freeze agreement -

39. obscure the agreement -

40. offense-reduction agreement -

41. offset agreement -

42. pass up the agreement -

43. pave the way for the agreement -

44. pending agreement -

45. plethora of the agreement -

46. power-sharing agreement -

47. press for the agreement -

48. proceed with the agreement -

49. push aside the agreement -

50. quick agreement -

51. rebuttal of the agreement -

52. reluctant agreement -

53. signatory to the agreement - ,

54. stall the agreement -

55. stumbling block to agreement -

56. tangible agreement -

57. the agreement becomes the law -

58. the agreement comes into effect -

59. the agreement endures -

60. the agreement falls through -

61. the agreement hangs up -

62. the agreement holds -

63. the agreement is at hand -

64. the agreement is in sight -

65. the agreement lapses - 䳿

66. the agreement lays down that - ,

67. the agreement meets cold reception -

68. umbrella agreement -

69. unattainable agreement -

70. unorthodox agreement -

71. uphold the agreement -

72. verification of the agreement -

73. watershed agreement -

74. watertight agreement - ( )

75. weaken the agreement -

76. widespread agreement -

77. wording of the agreement -

78. wrap up the agreement -




1. viability of an agreement - 䳺 ,

2. abide by an agreement -

3. abide by an agreement -

4. abrogate an agreement -

5. accede to an agreement -

6. acceptable agreement - ,

7. well-balanced agreement -

8. adhere to an agreement -

9. adherence to an agreement -

10. agreement acceptable to all ,

11. agreement and arrangement -

12. agreement establishing an arbitration mechanism for settling commercial disputes -

13. agreement of opinion ,

14. welcome an agreement -

15. agreement on debt cancellation, moratorium, rescheduling, or interest subsidization - , ,

16. agreement on deep sea-bed mining -

17. agreement on measures to reduce the risk of the outbreak of nuclear war -

18. agreement on participation and procedure -

19. agreement on reciprocal travels of citizens -

20. war in violation of international treaties agreements and obligations - , '

21. war in violation of international treaties, agreements and assurances or obligations - , '

22. agreement on the prevention of nuclear war -

23. agreement providing for a modus vivendi - ,

24. agreement to curb the strategic arms race -

25. agreement without the requirement of ratification - ,

26. agreements by exchange of notes or letters - , ,

27. the agreement was bogged down -

28. airline agreement -

29. all such agreements are void and unenforceable -

30. amend an agreement - ,

31. text of the agreement reached -

32. application of the agreement -

33. apply agreements -

34. apply international agreements -

35. arbitration agreement -

36. arbitration agreement -

37. arbitration agreement -

38 various agreements -

39. area of ​​agreement - ,

40. the agreement expires - 䳿

41. article of agreement -

42. avoid an agreement -

43. avoidance of an agreement -

44. avoidance of an agreement -

45. axe out of an agreement -

46. axe out of an agreement -

47. barter agreement -

48. be competent to enter into an agreement -

49. be covered by an agreement -

50. be in agreement with -

51. the agreement on this is still pending -

52. be in agreement -

53. behaviourism agreement -

54. binding and effective international agreement - '

55. break an agreement -

56. broad-based agreement -

57. by custom or agreement -

58. by mutual agreement -

59. ceasefire agreement -

60. certified copy of an international agreement -

61. chancellery agreement - ( )

62. the agreement will be tacitly extended -

63. circumvent an agreement -

64. circumvent an agreement -

65. circumvent reduction agreement -

66. circumvent reduction agreement -

67. circumvention of the agreement -

68. civil air transport agreement -

69. close the door upon an agreement -

70. collaborating agreement -

71. collusive agreement - , (., )

72. come to an agreement -

73. commodity agreement -

74. commodity stabilization agreement -

75. complementary agreements -

76. compromise agreement -

77. concerted agreement -

78. conditions set forth in the agreement - , \

79 welfarism agreement -

80. confer upon the agreement its true international validity -

81. conference agreement - \ \

82. under the terms and conditions of the agreement -


84. consensus agreement - , \

85. this agreement may be modified at any time by mutual agreement of the parties - -

86. denounce an agreement -

87. disengagement agreement -

88. disengagement agreement - '

89. draft the text of an agreement -

90. draw up the text of an agreement -

91. durable agreement -

92. duration of an agreement - 䳿

93. economical co-operation agreement -

94. effective agreement -

95. endorse an agreement -

96. endorse an agreement -

97. enslaving agreement - ()

98. entry of agreement into force -

99. equitable agreement -

100. European Monetary Agreement -

101. executive agreement - ( )

102. expiration of the agreement - 䳿

103. express agreement with the speaker -

104. extend an agreement -

105. failing any such provision or agreement - \

106. this agreement runs for five years - '

107. finalize the text of an agreement -

108. first phase agreement -

109. first stage of an agreement project -

110. foreign investment agreement -

111. general agreement limiting naval armaments -

112. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe -

113. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - ()

114. give legal sanction to the agreement -

115. grounds for avoidance of an agreement -

116. guard against circumvention of an agreement -

117. halt at the agreement - ,

118. verbal agreement -

119. halt the terms of the agreement -

120. honourable agreement -

121. trilateral agreement - ,

122. implement an agreement -

123. implementation of an agreement -

124. in complete agreement with smth. -

125. in compliance with existing international trade agreements -

126. in pursuance and further development of the agreement - '

127. increase assurance of compliance with the agreement -

128. indemnification agreement -

129. infringement of an agreement -

130. inheritance agreement -

131. interdepartmental agreement -

132. international air transport agreement -

133. international commodity agreements -

134. international trade agreement -

135. invalidate an agreement -

136. invalidate an agreement -

137. Lend-Lease agreement - -

138. life of an agreement - 䳿

139. loner agreement -

140. measure of agreement -

141. military agreement -

142. model for a safeguards agreement -

143. model status of forces agreement -

144. modify an agreement -

145. monetary agreement -

146. multilateral consular agreement -

147. multipartite agreement -

148. Munich agreement - (1938 .; , , ͳ 볺; ' 2- )

149. national agreement -

150. negotiate an agreement -

151. non-compliance with agreements -

152. object of an agreement -

153. on agreement -

154. onerous agreement -

155. open agreement -

156. original text of the agreement -

157. overall agreement quotas -

158. partial agreement -

159. Partnership and Cooperation Agreement -

160. payment agreement -

161. peace agreement mediator -

162.. verification of an agreement - ,

163. pre-independence agreement - ,

164. prolongation of an agreement -

165. promote the development of the agreement -

166. provide for verification of the implementation of an agreement -

167. push into an agreement -

168. push into an agreement -

169. quadripartite agreement - \

170 verifiable agreement - ,

171. ratification of an agreement -

172. ratify an agreement -

173. reach an agreement -

174. reduction agreement - ()

175. repudiate an agreement -

176. repudiate an agreement -

177. repudiation of an agreement -

178. restrictive application of the provision agreement - \

179. trade agreement - ,

180. revoke an agreement -

181. right to terminate an agreement -

182. safeguards agreement in force -

183. salient features of an agreement -

184. SALT agreements -

185. salvage agreement -

186. secret agreement -

187. seek the agreement

188. separate agreement -

189. set of agreements -

190. sign an agreement provisionally -

191. special agreement -

192. standstill agreement - -

193. status of forces agreement -

194. strategic arms limitation agreement -

195. subject to an agreement -

196. submit a draft agreement -

197. substantive agreement - ,

198. the odds are against an agreement -

199. talk into agreement -

200. temporary trade agreement -

201. tentative agreement -

202. text of an agreement -

203. tri-quadri-, etc. partite agreement - . .


: 2016-03-26; !; : 346 |



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