






Current Canadian project management



: 1. .

2. .

: Current Canadian Project Management Experience in Russia.

1. :

- m a nagement, ad a pt, pl a nning, g a s, C a nada, a pplication, c a n, f a ct, h a ve, p a ttern, pr a ctical, a s, a ctual

- c u rrent, s o me, R u ssian, m u st, g o vernment, c ou ntry, c o mpany, res u lt, s u ch, prod u ctive, overc o me, instr u ction, c u stomer, enc ou rage

- p ar t, p ar tner, st ar t, imp ar t, gr a sp, p a st, m ar ket, r a ther

- rel a te, situ a tion, explor a tion, oper a tion, applic a tion, m a king, regul a tion, cre a te, r a te, educ a tion, specializ a tion, st a ble, innov a tive, occ a sionally

- re q uirement, ac q uire, q uickly, q uite, e q ually, q uestion

- te ch ni que, specifi c ally, en c ourage, s ch ooling, me ch anism

- conf u sion, u se, exec u tion, prod u ce, f u ture, purs ue

- det er mine, w or k, transf er

2. , :

requirement [ ], appropriately [ ], environment [ ], alternatively [ ], personnel [ ], experience [ ], facilities [ ], inconsistency [ ], emphasis [ ], initiative [ ].


3. :

current -

transition -

uncertainty - ; ;


requirement -

execution -

management -

desire -

utilize -

technique - ,

appropriately -

venture - ,

joint venture -

relate - ;

involve -

issue -


improve - ,

facilities -

benefit -

to keep in mind - ,

successful -

purpose -

profit - ; ;

reason -

in turn -

major - ;

majority -

however -

pursue - , ;

key -

concern - , ,

environment -

apply -

application -

regulation - ,

vary - ; ,

consistent ,

inconsistency - ; ;

relatively -

rule - ; ,

equally -

reasonably - ;

determine -

evenly - ; ;

frustrate - ;

occasionally - ;

improvement -

investment - ,

obtain -

convince -

reward -

alternatively -

strength -

virtually -

participant -

complimentary - ,

literacy rate -

approach -

view -

emphasis - ,

sound - ;

rather - ; rather than -

predict -

achieve -

without question -

perceive - ,

appropriate -

tool -

ahead -

creative - ,

overcome -

strict -

boundary -

curtail -

mean -

solution -

pattern - ,

goal -

provide -

encourage -

allow -

reach -

transfer -

experience -

attune -

customer - ; ;

although -

viable -

impart - ,

agree -

ability -

grasp - ,

enhance - ,

coach -

assist -

skill -

external -

beyond - , ,

blend - ,

acquire -

gain -

error -


4. :

1) a centrally controlled economy 2) a market economy 3) transition period 4) broad base 5) joint venture 6) production issue 7) government regulations 8) a stable mechanism 9) to move ahead 10) management tools 11) theoretical approach   1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11)

5. :

centrally controlled economy, market economy, transition period, project management techniques, planning system, historic methods, Russian situation, billions of dollars, broad base, energy business, oil and gas industry, actual production or exploration issues, oil wells, to make money, to pursue activities, government regulations, throughout Russia, in any part, Russian partners, high risks, social sciences, based on theory, to move ahead, within those boundaries, on a day-to-day basis, management skills, past errors.

6. :

all sectors of the economy, centrally controlled planning system, broad base, Canadian contact, Canadian companies, to produce that product, specific case, major operations, great potential, Russia and the regions, stable mechanism, the fact that, academic approach, this problem will be overcome, detailed instructions, necessary component, practical knowledge, theoretical and traditional ways.


7. , , :

manage - manager - management - managerial - manageability - manageress: execute - execution - executive - executor; exist - existence - existing - existential; relate - relation -relationship - relatively; produce - production - productive -productivity; improve - improvement - improvable - improved; success - successful - successfully - unsuccessful; apply - application - appliance - applied; environment environmental -environmentalist; create - creation - creative - creativity - creatively - creature; structure - structural - structurally - restructure.

8. :


1) , , ( ):

Knowing English well, my brother was able to translate the article without any difficulty. - , .

2) , , :

The student knowing English well, the examination did not last long. - , .

, , (, , , , ) ( , , ) ( ):

The sun having risen, they continued their way.

, , .

The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.

, .

Russia is supplying China with equipment and materials, China delivering to Russia raw materials and other goods.

, .

I :

Active Passive

Indefinite changing being changed

Perfect having changed having been changed

Participle I Indefinite , , , a Participle I Perfect , , .


1. There has been a broad base of Canadian contact with Russia, quite a few Canadian companies venturing into the Russian market. 2. The project having been finished, I submitted it to the Commission. 3. There being a great deal of people in the hall, we could not enter. 4. Our petrol being exhausted, we could go no further.
5. We are not giving you any details, the enclosed letter containing the necessary information.


9. , :

1. The negotiations between the American and British representatives were conducted behind closed doors, measures having been taken that no correspondent should receive any information. 2. The letter having been delayed, the news reached us too late. 3. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. 4. Agriculture is Costa Ricas chief activity, mining and manufacturing being little developed.
5. Retail prices in Argentina are becoming more inflated than ever, the increase in the means of payment having exceeded the increase in the supply of goods. 8. The contract quantity was 5,000 tons, the sellers having an option to deliver 2 per cent more or less. 7. Peter being away, Alexander had to do his work. 8. All this having been settled, he went home. 9. Nobody being there, I went away. 10. My brother having taken the key, I could not enter the house.



: 2015-11-05; !; : 415 |



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