






Ex. 4. Get ready to speak on the problems modernization in Russia may face


Vocabulary Study

Ex. 5. Match the synonyms:


1) to deteriorate 2) to work 3) to decline 4) to rush 5) to accomplish 6) to reproduce 7) to create a) to hasten b) to labor c) to carry out d) to generate e) to replicate f) to decrease g) to worsen

Ex. 6. Match the words to form collocations found in the text:

1) high 2) geopolitical 3) crumbling 4) fully a) infrastructure b) fledged c) race d) rate

Ex. 7. Write a noun or a verb in the space provided:

Verb Noun
to survive  
to decide  
to fulfill  
to reveal  
to renew  
to deteriorate  

Ex. 8. Give the definitions of the following words using an English-English dictionary:

1) a leap

2) a slogan

3) an array of

4) liberal

5) a bribe

6) subsequently

7) a boundary

8) vital

9) geopolitical

10) infrastructure


Ex. 9. Match the sentence halves to make appropriate sentences:

1) I am responsible and plan my finances and live 2) American citizens represent a vast array 3) Japanese voters show discontent 4) They carried out 5) The law applies to all commercial and residential buildings within 6) When we first met, neither of us wanted a) the city boundaries. b) market research in different ways. c) to rush things.   d) with the ruling party. e) of ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and cultural identifications. f) according to my means.







Households, cities, countries, and nations have enjoyed great happiness when a single individual has taken heed of the Good and Beautiful. Such people not only liberate themselves; they fill those they meet with a free mind

Philo (ancient Greek Philosopher, 15 BC-50)



Active Vocabulary




to acknowledge


to adopt


to assume









to circumvent

to coin






to compel




to cope with




to devise

to eliminate


to embrace

to emerge




to evolve


to facilitate

to gauge









to live up to


to mislead





On behalf of


to pertain




to reciprocate

to sever

Side effect


to single out

Sum total





Text I


Before skimming the text answer the following questions:

1) Explain what Gross National Product (GNP) means.

2) What do you know about the kingdom of Bhutan? Find it on the map.

Ex. 1. Skim the following text and match each part of the text with its summary:

a) The traditional concept of GNP does not measure the quality of peoples life correctly, and the model of economic growth of the society based on this model can be misleading.

b) GNP cannot measure peoples happiness for three main reasons.

c) Trying to achieve ever higher GNP is one of the reasons why people cannot succeed in solving ecological problems.

d) New indicators of human well-being should be developed.

e) The concept of GNH defines actual well-being of the population.

f) Bhutan has achieved a lot due to the introduction of the GNH model.


Gross National Happiness

1. The tin Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is emerging as a global leader in the promotion of 'Gross National Happiness', a concept it first embraced three decades ago and which is now being fleshed out by a wide range of professionals and agencies across the world.

The term Gross National Happiness (GNH) was coined by Bhutan's King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 1972. Today, this concept resonates with a wide range of initiatives, across the world, to define prosperity in more holistic terms and to measure actual well-being rather than consumption. By contrast the conventional concept of Gross National Product (GNP) measures only the sum total of material production and exchange in any country.

The evolving concept of GNH could well be the most significant advancement in economic theory over the last 150 years, according to Frank Dixon, Managing Director of Research at Innovest Strategic Value Advisors.

2. At present individual companies and entire countries are compelled to keep growing indefinitely. Today it is widely acknowledged that the human economy cannot keep growing at the cost of its habitat. Yet even after two decades of expanding environmental regulation we are still losing the race to save the planet. This is partly because production systems and consumption patterns are out of sync with the carrying capacity of the planet. The pressure for ever higher GNP is merely one manifestation of this.

3. Basic happiness can be measured since it pertains to quality of nutrition, housing, education, health care and community life. Three major factors seem to be responsible for the expanding credibility of GNH. One, there is wider awareness that GNP is a one-dimensional and thus misleading measure. Two, a wide range of indices have been devised which offer a more realistic assessment of even material prosperity. Three, there is growing pressure for an infusion of moral and cultural values into the core of economic policy.

4. The GNP was never intended to be a measure of actual wellbeing. It is the artifact of a time when it was assumed that if there are more goods in circulation, general welfare is ensured. But this is not always the case. Moreover, attention has also been drawn to dire side effects of the GNP-driven model of economic growth in many societies, including the USA with its multiple social crises and rising sales of anti-depressants. The GNP also grows because of the sales of rifles and knives and television programmes which glorify violence.

GNP also ignores the household and volunteer economy as well as the extent to which the whole population shares in increasing material abundance. Money spent on preventing crime and repairing damage caused by it, on coping with environmental degradation should be counted as a 'loss'.


5. This is why Bhutan's insistence on the primacy of GNH over GNP inspires people far beyond its borders. Their commitment to GNH has meant that moral and ethical values are placed at the core of their economic strategies for ensuring better food, housing and health for their population. It has allowed them to both expand their network of roads and increase their forest cover. In most other developing countries the arrival of roads is inevitably followed by deforestation. This is not to suggest that all is well in the Kingdom of Bhutan or that they are able to fully live up to their GNH commitment. Yet their achievements are remarkable.

6. The declaration adopted by participants at the Thimphu conference said that the facilitation of GNH should be accompanied by "the development of indicators that address human physical and emotional wellbeing. They must be capable of use for self-evaluation, so that individuals and groups, may gauge their progress in the attainment of happiness. In addition, indicators should facilitate full accountability, good governance, and socially constructive business practices, both in day-to-day life and in long-range policies and activities."


Ex. 2. Read the article again and find the answers to the following questions:

1) Who was the term Gross National Happiness coined by? What does it mean?

2) What does the conventional concept of GNP measure?

3) What does Frank Dixon say about the concept of GNH?

4) Why are we losing the race to save the planet?

5) Can basic happiness be measured? Why (not)?

6) What three major factors are responsible for the expanding credibility of GNH?

7) What are the dire side-effects of the GNP-driven model of economic growth?

8) What is the impact of the Bhutan peoples commitment to GNH? What has this small country achieved?

Vocabulary Study


Ex. 3. Match the following words with their meanings:


1) habitat a) health and happiness of people
2) volunteer b) thinking about the whole of something, not just particular aspects
3) artifact c) food considered as something that keeps you healthy
4) nutrition d) qualities that make people believe or trust somebody or something
5) welfare e) someone who is not paid for the work that they do
6) holistic g) the type of place where an animal usually lives or a plant grows
7) credibility f) an object made a long time ago and historically important


Ex. 4. Match the verbs with their synonyms:

1) emerge a) develop gradually
2) coin b)be related to
3) evolve c) to make easier
4) compel d) terrible
5) devise e) use a new word
6) gauge f) appear
7) pertain g) invent
8) facilitate h) force
9) dire i) measure


Ex. 5. Form the abstract nouns of the following verbs and adjectives:

1) commit

2) govern

3) accountable

4) attain

5) manifest

6) advance

7) prosper

8) abundant



Ex. 6. Replace the italicized expressions with one of these:

at the core; to be out of sync with; flesh out; live up to.

1) The new film didnt justify our expectations.

2) Cutting down trees goes at different speeds with growing new ones.

3) The concept is new and it is necessary to add more details to as so as to make it easier to understand.

4) Ecological and moral values should be placed in the centre of any economic activity.


Ex. 7. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions:

1) I doubt that Pete will be able to cope () this task.

2) Well-being should be defined () more holistic terms.

3) Our economy cant keep growing () the cost of our environment.

4) Id like to draw your attention () the ecological problems of our area.

5) The whole population should share () the material abundance of the society.

6) The pressure () an infusion () moral and cultural values () the core of economic policy is growing.


Ex. 8. Choose the correct word:

1) It is widely () that global warming is one of the major ecological dangers of the 21st century.

a) accounted; b) acknowledged; c) adopted; d) announced

2) This presentation could () win the first prize.

a) good; b) mostly; c) very; d) well

3) Our marketing people should study the consumption () of the population.

a) samples; b) patterns; c) examples; d) models

4) The resolution was () at the conference.

a) adopted; b) adapted; c) taken; d) promoted

5) The consumption of natural resources () growing all over the world.

a) comes; b) goes; c) keeps; d) makes


Ex. 9. Give collocations from the text:

1) lose a) damage
2) consumption b) cover
3) community c) the race
4) side d) life
5) repair e) patterns
6) forest f) effects


Text II


Ex. 1. Skim the article below and summarize the basic rules of business gift-giving in China:



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