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. V. Turilova

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Russian Dialectal Lexemes in the Lexical-Semantic Field Madness, Insanity:

A View of the Insanity as an Evidence of a Person (I)


The paper observes Russian dialectal words and word combinations belonging to the lexical-semantic field Madness, Insanity. The last one regards as an open structure. We single out types of primary motivation in accordance with which the lexemes develop their meanings. The paper suggests the models according to which insanity characterizes the qualities of a person as a whole.

The productivity and actuality of Russian dialectal motivational models are analyzed, the conclusions can refine Russian dialectal linguistic picture of the world. Some of the motivational models reflect very old ideas of madness. Thus, the motivational structure investigation of the Russian dialectal area of the lexical-semantic field of Insanity, Madness allows to reconstruct an important part of the world picture, connected with perceptions of human nature.


Key-words: Russian dialects, linguistic picture of the world, motivational model, etymological word family, etymological reconstruction, lexical-semantic field Madness, Insanity



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