






Intercourse and Immunities

1.The General Assembly of the United Nations, by resolution 1450 (XIV) of 7 December 1959, decided to convene an international conference of plenipotentiaries to consider the question of diplomatic intercourse and immunities and to embody the results of its work in an international convention, together with such ancillary instruments as might be necessary. [... ]

2.The United Nations Conference on Diplomatic Intercourse and Immunities met at the Neue Hofburg in Vienna, Austria, from 2 March to 14 April 1961.

3.The Governments of the following eighty-one States were represented at the Conference:

4.At the invitation of the General Assembly, the following specialized agencies were represented by observers at the Conference:

International Labour Organization;

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

5.At the invitation of the General Assembly, the International
Atomic Energy Agency and the following intergovernmental organizations were also represented by observers at the Conference:

League of Arab States;

Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee.

6.The Conference elected Mr. A. (Austria) as President.

7.The Conference elected as Vice-Presidents the representatives of the following participating States:

8.The following committees were set up by the Conference:..

9.The Committee of the Whole set up the following subcommittees:

10. The Secretary-General of the United Nations was represented by Mr. C, the Legal Counsel.

11. The General Assembly, by its resolution 1450 (XIV) convening the Conference, referred to the Report of the International Law Commission covering the Work of its Tenth Session as the basis for its consideration of the question of diplomatic intercourse and immunities [...].

12. The Conference also had before it observations submitted by Governments on the drafts prepared by the International Law Commission during successive stages of its work, preparatory documentation prepared by the Secretariat of the United Nations. []

13.On the basis of the deliberations, as recorded in the records

and report of the Committee of the Whole and in the records of (lie plenary meeting, the Conference prepared the following Convention and Protocols:

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations;

Optional Protocol concerning Acquisition of Nationality;

Optional Protocol concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. [... ]

14.In addition the Conference adopted the following resolutions which are annexed to this Final Act:

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the representatives have signed this Final Act.

DONE at Vienna this eighteenth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-one, in a single copy in the Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic. By unanimous decision of the Conference the original of this Final Act shall be deposited in the archives of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria.





I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What are the final instruments of intergovernmental negotiations and visits?

2. Which final instrument gives a detailed description of the course of negotiations? 3. What is the role of final instruments in contemporary international relations?

4. What are the main differences between communiqués, statements and declarations? What is a final act? 5. Which of them is the most binding instrument? 6. What style is characteristic of final instruments? 7. How are they usually elaborated?


II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text.


1. Meetings between heads of government or state to discuss policies or problems of mutual interest to their countries have become.... 2. Very often, the participants confine themselves to.... 3. The final documents of intergovernmental negotiations or visits come to life only if.... 4. They now embrace a variety of.... 5. The nature, content and tone of a final document are determined primarily by.... 6. The first task a communiqué (joint statement or declaration) is called upon to fulfil is....

7. The chief merit of communiqués (joint statements or declarations) lies in....


III. Suggest the Russian for:

1) the burning issues of the day; 2) the contradictory tendencies in international development; 3) elevation of style; 4) a general appraisal of the international situation; 5) international and bilateral relations; 6) the public at large; 7) a weighty and binding document; 8) in terms of their subject matter; 9) to attract world-wide attention; 10) to avoid embarrassment or inaccuracy; 11) to issue a joint statement; 12) to reflect the outcome of the negotiations or exchange of views.


IV. Study the texts in exhibits 38 to 46, point out words and phrases
pertaining to the formal style.

V. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.


1) to affirm one's intention to cooperate; 2) to agree on the major points; 3) to continue regular discussions; 4) to ensure control over the effective observance of; 5) to exert every effort towards; 6) to express satisfaction at; 7) to grant privileges and immunities to; 8) to identify mutual priorities; 9) to lodge a complaint; 10) to make an urgent appeal to; 11) to provide all necessary guarantees against; 12) to pursue a policy of; 13) to reaffirm the importance of adherence to; 14) to reaffirm one's determination to act.


VI. Decipher the following Latin abbreviations consulting Appendix 1 if

et al.; etc.; ib.; ibid.; id; i. q.; p. p. s.; p. s..


VII. Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
Russian equivalents.


customs ~; a joint ~; a political -; a solemn ~; a ~ for (against) smth; a ~ of independence; a~of policy; a~ofthepoll; a~of rights; a~ofwar; the D. on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples; the UN D. on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination; the Universal D. of Human Rights; to make a ~; to sign a ~.



a foreign-policy ~; a formal (official) ~; a joint ~; an unfounded ~; a verbal ~; a written ~; a ~ of the defense; a ~ of the prosecution; to come out with n public -; to issue (publish) a ~; to make a ~; to make a ~ for the press.

VIII.Suggest the English for:

1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5) ;

6) ; 7) ; 8) ; 9) ; 10) .


IX.Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.


1.The Council decided that the Commission might make a thorough study of the situation and report, with recommendations thereon, to the Council.2.In connection therewith, the advice, participation and cooperation of (he appropriate aeronautical authorities should be sought. 3. This information has been incorporated into the notes for the information of participants, copies of which are enclosed herewith. 4. The Parties to the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the Philippines to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (hereinafter referred to as "the Declaration" and "the General Agreement," respectively), agree that.... 5. The Sides express their desire that the above Convention should continue to regulate the matters contained therein between the two countries. 6. The Agreement, the Protocol and the letters annexed thereto, shall enter into force on the date of the exchange of diplomatic notes. 7. For the purpose of the present Convention, the following expressions shall have the meaning hereunder assigned to them.


X. Fill in each blank with the appropriate word or phrase expressing aim.

1. Mention must be made of a set of studies on social and human problems... to contribute to the promotion of human rights, (, ) 2...., two complementary sets of activities have been carried out. () .n effort has been made to transcend disciplinary barriers... to establish a constructive dialogue, (, ) 4. They should take all necessary steps... making up for the existing shortfall. () 5. Five delegates favoured an interdisciplinary approach...global or integrated education, () 6. They will take all appropriate measures... the teaching of human rights should become a fundamental part of professional training, (, ) 7. They should secure... the implementation of the programme, the active assistance of non-governmental organizations, ()

XI Render the following text in English making use of the suggested words and phrases.

(joint) (to be determined) : , (rapprochement), (outlined) . ( very important indicator) , (the entire tone) ( , ), (the selection of words), (imparting) - , (hopeful) , , (restrained). , (the tone) (content).

(drafting) ( , ) (to be strictly limited). (to be adopted) (by the time) .


XII. Translate into Russian.



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