















: , , , , , , , , , , ()


I. . . , , . - - , , , . : , , . . : Oh, I m glad (+), Oh, I m sorry (-). . ! (-). : ! ! Wow, Holy - moley!

, . - - , , , : duck, honey - , stone - deaf - . . , , : terrific, fantastic, fabulous (+), horrendous (-).

, , :

fierce - dog, competition - ,

hatred, desire, anger - ,

effort - ,

colour (fierce black, red hair) - - , -

stark - - stark naked -

stark contrast - .

: thrill, trouble, nuisance, frustration. . , Frustration - , , , .: English spelling is frustrating for non - native speakers - . Nixon inherited a society rent by frustration - , .

II. , , - : to rumble , to stalk - . The train panted into the station - .

: to roar one s way up - , to creak one s way down - . , : We shivered out of the house - , .

: , , . in, out of, down, up, away, , . . , to dance , , . .: He danced her into a quiet corridor - , . She banged out of the room - , . He could laugh everything off - .

: to cry oneself to sleep , ;, to shrug into a shirt ; to jolly somebody out of fright - , . .

, , , : She backstroked to her victory - . , , .. , .

III. - , : to declare, to state, to announce, to indicate. : , , , , . , journey, trip, tour, voyage, cruise , ; cloak raincoat , : cloak XIX , , raincoat , ; ill sick ; loch lake . , . C:

Dan was a special little boy - . , - pain (in the chest, in the knee) - , ; ache - toothache, headache, backache - . : I have a sore eye (throat) - ()- .

: . , . .. , : takeover, merger, consolidation, absorption. Takeover - ; merger , ; consolidation , , : absorption , . : obligation, liability, responsibility, commitment. , .

. , .

.. 9 , :

1. - to surprise - to astonish - to astound

2. - to glow - to flash

3. - alone - single - lonely

4. well-known - famous - notorious

5. - to sparkle (from happiness) - to glitter - (from anger or hatred)

6. - to stroll - to stride - to stumble

7. - to peep (through a slit, newspaper) - to peer in darkness, through fog

8. - pretty - handsome - beautiful

9. - bats (sl.) - mad - insane, fab - fabulous.

: new and different social order, dominant and domineering Mrs. Thatcher, to rant and to rave. , : , . , . . : , , , , to crystallize:


1. Our aspirations and strivings are embodied in specific decisions.

2. Everything we hope for has crystallized in specific decisions.

, , , .. , : just and equitable , by force and violence , terms and conditions , by fits and starts , null and void .

The proposal was rejected and repudiated .

- , , : nuclear umbrella - , ; developing countries - , business class, tourist class (in planes); rough sleepers - . .

80- , , . , , , , . , black Negro , - Afro - American, African American. Ms, : flight attendant - , chairperson - . , .


IV. . , , , . , , . , . - : to catch - a catch, to mother, to fish. , , . , , , . , : She was dry - towelling the glass dish - . The weather is changing, I ll have to rain check - , . Let s give the detergent a test drive - .

- er (N - er). , : c (N-er) - gardener, (V-er) - sleeper, (Adj-er) - foreigner, (Num-er) - fiver, (WC-er) - do - gooder. , , , : sleeper - , . , , , , , . - , , : questioner - , - questioners at the press conference - . He is a procrastinator - .

-er : American military draft - evaders - , . c non -: He is a non - abstainer - . Non-members are not allowed - . Its a no-brainer (sl.) - .

- able /- ible. : washable paper - , intolerable pain - . : an unutterable phrase - , . - able : irresistible attraction .

, , , phone, movie, exam, ad. - , : - KGB, NATO - , , : AIDS - acquired immune deficit syndrome - .

V. , . , . :

Power: 1. , : Great powers ; 2. , : - They have enough military power to win back the territory; 3. , : The balance of power in Europe has been shattered; 4. ( . ) - Separation of powers means that President and Congress are elected separately; 5. . : The Minister of Power spoke to the press. Electric power can be transferred over long distances. 6. in , .

Case: 1. , , , : as the case stands ; addressing myself to the Governor, I made my case - , .; 2. , , ( - \ - ); 3. : the case will be tried next week; 4. . , , - The first cases of the epidemic were immediately sent to hospital; 5. , ()The child is a difficult case . : in case ; it is not the case , ; as was the case - ; just in case , in any case .

Record: 1, , : to bear record to , the best figure on record ; 2. () , , - records of the discussion ; off the record , ; 3. , to have good \ bad record - \ ; record of service , ; 4. , ; 5. , , 6. .

Pattern: 1. , : She is a pattern of good behavior and obedience; 2. : The elections broke up the old pattern and opened new prospects; 3. : Turkeys pattern of development; 4. , : In this country the pattern repeated itself ; 5. , , , 6. .

Office: 1. , : an office under Government - . an honorable office - , to run for office ;, 2. , , : I t is my office to register the mail ; 3. ; 4. , , : to be in the office: , ; 5. , : Foreign Office ( ); 6. : in office - . In some countries President can stay in office for two terms only. He was offered the office of Prime-Minister - .

Facilities: 1. , : They complain of lack of facilities to do their work properly. . Bank facilities - . The Government promised to raise standards of living and provide adequate social and cultural facilities. 2. , : transport facilities , sport facilities , modernization of port facilities ; 3. , ; 4. : facilities for studies.

Consumer goods facilities should be paid more attention - , .

Community: 1. ; 2. : interests of the community - ;; 3. , : Black \ White community \ ; 4. : financial \ business community - \ ; 5. , : European Economic Community ; 6. : technological community ; 7. : community of interests - , community of goods - ; community centre -: . ; community theatre: () .

Public (n): 1. - the British public; 2. , - to appeal to the public, in public , .

Public (adj) , , , , , , : public figure \ ; public image , ; public service - , ; public facilities - ; public officer - , , ; public servant - , ; public career - ; public relations (PR) , , , , , .

- , . , , , . , . .

As . :

1. , , : As he was listening to her, he was getting more and more irritated , .

2. : As he was a foreigner, he could not appreciate the joke.- , .

3. , : some animals as tiger

4. ( ): He works as an engineer.

5. , : Clever as he is, he won't deceive me. , .

: as far as I know

As far back as 1990 1990 It started as far back as 1990.

As for to -

As much as you like

As good as the work is as good as done

As if \ though

As it were ,

As it happens , : They are relatives as it hap

Pens. - , .

As a matter of fact , , .

As a whole- .


But , , , . :

1. , : Everybody is here but John.- , .

2. , , , : He has many interests but music is the greatest.- , .

3. : B ut for her we would have failed - , .

4. , : H e is but 15. 15 .

5. , , : He all but died of his wound .

6. : Fire is useful but it is very dangerous , .


I cannot but agree with you .

What could he do but confess? , ?

The last but one

Anything but , , , - He is anything but a coward \ .

But me no buts , !

For . :

1. , ( ) - He came here for my sake.- .

2. , , ( ): medicine for a headache

3. - , , , : for joy, for fear, for many reasons. He stumbled for it was dark.

4. , , - : He is going to stay here for a couple of days.

5. , : for the first time , the lecture was arranged for 2 oclock.


For the time being , -

For all I know

For all that

For my part, as for me -,

I for one - ,

A Roland for an Oliver ,

For ever, for good -

Not for the world

For that matter , , , , . He is not as rich as looks, for that matter , , .


Once , , . :

1. , , : once again , once a day -

2. -, : Once upon a time; I was once fond of him. - .

3. ( ) Once you hesitate you are lost. , .

4. , : at once strict and kind


Once and for all

Once in a while , ,

All at once ,

Once bit, twice shy , ; .

Since , . Since you are busy, lets talk another time ( - ). Great changes have occurred here since last summer (c - ). We met last year and I havent seen him since (c - ).


1. : I haven ' t seen him since.

2. : he died many years since .

3. , , : I haven't been here since my childhood.

4. : Since you are ill, I'll go alone. , .


While , (a long while , a short while ) to while away . while . : He met her while staying in France , (). While he is respected, he is not loved. , (). .

, .

VI. , , , , . , : (, , , ), , . , . : febrile marked or caused by fever: Jeremy suited up for the game despite a high temperature and other febrile symptoms. - , . , . , . : mash - an intense and usually passing infatuation, an object of such infatuation: Daisy had a mash on me and I was surprised since wed never even said two words to each other. , , .

, , , . , ism : 1. , : ageism ; heightism ( ); ablism , ; a lphabetism ; beardism . 2. ( ): Majorism , - 1990 .

ate: to oxygenate ); - able: scrollable text , ); -ing: profiling, Psychological profiling );

de-: , decaf , decommunize , defriend ); re -: - reskill ; revisit - ); up -: , to update, outsourcing - , , .

: agritourism , metrosexual , blame-storming , ( brain-storming, jeggings -). : infotech .

: avian influenza , eugenics , yashmak , i ncommu-nicado , langue ( . ).

: : metrosexual , outsourcing ; : no-fly zone , , ; avian grippe - , : de-hiring ; muggle ( , , .

VII. , - , , , climate, Literature, politician, conference . . , ( ) ).

: 1., , : decade (), (); compositor (), (), angina (), (). 2. , , : dramatic , , , .


1. Actual - , ,

urgent, pressing

2. Agent , , , ,

representative, agent, detective

3. Balloon ,

bulb ( ), cylinder ( ), tire ()

4. Base , ; ; ,

reserve, resources; proof; store or warehouse, tourist center

5. Basin , ; ,

swimming pool

6. Billion (10¹²) (, ); , (10 9) (, )

billion (Amer.), milliard (Brit.)

7. Cabinet , ,

study, office

8. apital ,


9. Camera ,

chamber, cell

10. Characteristic ,

reference, character, testimonial

11. Conductor , ,

- conductor

12. Construction , , ,

construction, design

13. Data , ,

date , ,

14. Decade

ten day period, campaign

15. Decoration , , ,

scenery, camouflage

16. Demonstration , ,

rally, demonstration, display

17. Direction , , ,

administration, management

18. Diversion , ,

act of sabotage, subversive activity

19. Dramatic , ,

- dramatic

20. 20. Fabric ,

mill, factory

21. Familiar , ,

unceremonious, free and easy, familiar

22. Instruction , ,

direction, instruction

23. Instrument , ,


24. Original , ,

unusual, strange, peculiar

25. Personal ,

personnel, staff

26. Physic


physique -

27. Probe , ,

trial, test, sample

28. Procedure , ,

(.) treatment, procedure, technique

29. Production , ()

output, product, yield, production

30. Protection ,

patronage, influence

31. Repetition

- rehearsal

32. Replica ,

remark, retort

33. Resin ,

- rubber

34. Revolution , ,

- revolution

35. Scale , , , ,

scale, range, dial

36. Scholar

pupil, school boy\girl

37. Special , ,

- special

38. Specific , ,

special, peculiar, unique

39. Speculate ,

speculate, profiteer, gamble

40. Stamp , ,

stamp, cliche ( ).

41 Subject , , ,

person, fellow, individual

41. Sympathetic , ,

pleasant, nice, sweet, attractive

42. Tank , , , , ( )

- tank

43. Thesis

( ) abstract, summary











: , , , , , , , , ,


I. - , , . - . , , . , . , , , , , , : Who pinched the hat done her in. - , . to do somebody in , .

, .. , , . , to pass away, to kick the bucket, to jump over a twig , to pass away - , , , to kick the bucket, to jump over a twig - , , . : as cool as a cucumber - , , rag, tag and bobtail , to be at the end of one s row - ( ), golden handshake ,

, : .. , .. , .. , .. . , .. , . . .. , . 1. - , , : to get smb s goat - , , to feel one s oats - , . : the goose hangs high - , ( , ). 2. , . : to let somebody \ something slip through one s fingers , to know the way the wind blows - , . 3. : to meet the requirements - , if any - , , for that matter - , .

II. , - . : 1. ; 2. , , ; 3. - ; 4. , 5. -.

: - Don t wash dirty linen in public. . - : Make the hay while the sun shines ( )- , ( ), a stitch in time saves nine , (), to bark up a wrong tree - (). , , .

, : to leave in the lurch - (-), a fly in the ointment - (-), to kill two birds with one stone - (+). . , , , , : 1. to pass the Rubicon - , (.); to show one s true colours - (; 2. the fish begins to stink from the head - , good riddance to bad rubbish - (.), 3. old fart - , flat on the ass - (.). - , , .

. : eye for eye - , the sword of Damocles - . , , : , , , , not to set the Thames on fire, to dine with Duke Humphry, to get on the wrong side of the bed, to smile like Cheshire cat.

. 5 :

1. - , . . , , , : time is money, as cold as ice, better late than never, to play with fire. ( ) , - , - : to kill the goose laying golden eggs ( , ), put by for a rainy day ( ), gras s widow ( ). , , , , - , , , : eye for eye, to cross the Rubicon, Achilles heel.

2. , : to learn by heart , to have a screw loose , , out of a frying pan into the fire .

3. - . , , , , : Don t throw stones if you live in a glass house. , : to put all eggs into one basket , golden handshake . : , : It was raining cats and dogs and a little puppy got on my page - , , , , . : Liars must have good memories. . to put the cart before the horse .

4. , , , . : - to waste time, - to shift the blame, to dine with Duke Humphry - , to cut off with a shilling - . , .

5. - , , , , . : One of the saddest aspects of the Kosovo crisis has been watching John Pilger tie himself in Tautological knots. - , , . to tie oneself in the knots . tautological , , .. . : Carol was always a black sheep in her class her parents were Afro - Americans. , .. -. black shee p - , , .. .

IV. , , .

1. , .

2. . , to lead by the nose , , - ; to throw dust in one s eyes = , = , , to see eye to eye , .

3. . to save one s skin - , - : Betty saved Tom s skin by typing his report for him. , . Jack of all trades, but master of none . .: , , , .

4. . What will Mrs. Grundy say? ?, , - : ? : To carry coal to Newcastle - .

: = Rome was not built in a day. = .

5. : to measure one s length - , ; to pull up one s socks - , , to pass the time of day - , , to hang up one's hat -, to let one s hair down - , .

6. , . :

- to tell idle stories, to fiddle-faddle, to talk nonsense at random,

to talk bosh, to moon, to rave, to pull the long bow. , , . , , . . the apple of one s eye - - - , . , , Dick, my pet, the apple of my eye - , , . : The two - party system is the apple of the capitalists eyes - .

, , : Madam, y ou re Caesar s wife - Ceasar s wife is above suspicion. - , , ,


V. . - , , : to have breakfast - to breakfast, : to run - , ; to have a run - . , .

, - . , , . . , , , : if any (at all), for that matter - , , , , , , . . :

Objections to this decision, if any, should be reported to the director at once. - , .

I didn t ask you about the present or past, for that matter - , , .

none the better - , none the less - , none the worse - , :: He is none the worse for the fall - . The shoes are none the worse for the wear - .


VI. : 1. - , ; 2. - ; 3. - . . , , . , . .: , .

: 1. ; 2. ; 3. ( ); 4. ; 5. . : Father says he hasn t a leg to stand on - Awkward, if he wants to roller - skate. - , . - , . (to have no leg to stand on - , ).

1. , . , : Marriages (divorces) are made in heaven. A surly bird catches the germ. - An early bird catches the worm.

2. , : Two is company, three is none - - . In married life three is company, two is none - .

3. , : Every country has a fine collection of skeletons in the cupboard - . If we only knew what went on behind the armament scenes.

4. : Isabella prov e d her face is still her fortune. Her face is all her fortune - - . , .

5. , , : Desist from counting your fowl prior to their emergence fr om the shell. . = Dont count your chicken before they are hatched .

. : I started to tell her what an experience I was having. The cat was almost out of the bag when I grabbed it by its tail and pulled it back. - , . to let the cat out of the bag , . , .

, . , . .










: , , , , , , ,


1. : 1. (, , ); 2. . , , , , , , , , ); 3. ( , ).

, , , . . . , . , , , : , merrily. : , . , ( ), ( ): He was at a reception given for the delegates of the Forum. - , \ .


1. , .. . , : ut n ur t. - . By that time he had already left the country. - .

2. , . , Absolute Participle Construction , . , . : The work having been done, everybody felt a great relief. , . .

. .


II. : , , , , - . . , , : I like you. . I am greatly impressed. . . , , , .

. 4 : , , , . .


III. : , , , .

1. . , (, ), . . , . , , , .. . .: .- .

2. - . , , , , , . , . , , . , , , . . .: . - An old man entered the room. , . A year passed . : 1. , , no, neither, none; No bodies were ever recovered from the wreckage. 3. alone, just, such as, even; really, actually, awfully, exactly, rather than, precisely: Its just dreadful what happened to her. 4. ; 5. . , , , , . . .


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