






, () , .

1 셅     4
2 - 셅...   14
3 ,     22
4 ⅅ...   29
5 ⅅ...   35
6 ⅅ...   44
. 52





: , OrCAD ; - .



- ().

7400 , . +5 . ( , ),
0 ≤ 0,4 (L ≤ 0,4 V),
1 ≥ 2,4 (H ≥ 2,4 V). 7400 7400. 133, 135, 555 .

4000 , 7400, ( +3 +18 ).
0 ≤ 0,1 (L≤0,1 V),
1 ≥ 2,4 (H ≥ 2,4 V). 4000 4000. 176, 561, 1554 .


7400 4 , -Ż (. 1 ).

7402 4 , -Ż (. 1 ).

7404 6 (. 1 ).

7408 4 , Ȼ (. 1 ).

7411 3 , Ȼ (. 1 ).

7432 4 , Ȼ (. 1 ).

7486 4 , Ȼ (. 1 ).

, :





. 1.


. . 6.


. 1.


. . 5.



Capture :

1. , , : C:\EMb-14-1\Ivanov\ Lab_rab1\Zadanie1.

2. Windows , :

<>→< >→< Cadence >→<Release 16.3>→<OrCAD Capture >, Capture . Capture, OrCAD Capture.

3. , File New, Projec.

4. New Project:

Name (, Zadanie1);

Analog or Mixed A/D ( -);

Location () ;

OK, New Project.

5. Create PSpice Project ( PSpice), Analog GND Symbol. opj ( ), OK. Capture Design Resources Zadanie1.dsn OrCAD Capture C:\ Ivanov\ Lab_rab1 Analog or Mixed A/D. File ()
Hierarchy (). File , :

+ Zadanie1.dsn;



, (), , , Delete ().


2. 1.



/ .

SCHEMATIC1: PAGE1 . , , 7400 4000.

Place part Place Part 7400.

Part Place Part 7404. Capture 7404 Place Part. , Place Part Enter , . , . , . . , End Mode, .




, . Capture , (Properties). Property
Editor ( ) Display Properties ( ). Property Editor , Display Properties .



, () , .

PSpice Bias (/ ). SCHEMATIC1-bias, PSpice , , . OrCAD .



Run PSpice : <PSpice>→<Run>.

: Enable Bias Voltage Display ( ), Enable Bias Current Display ( ) Enable Bias Power Display ( ). , .



: <File>→<Save>, Save document ( ).

1. , 2, 7400, V1, V2, V3 5V. Bias .

, . .


2. , 3, U6 A 180 Om, 9.

, , .

, 7486 1,967 V, 7432 , .


. 2.

3. , 3, BC548 B ( EBIPOLER) U6 A, 4. , U7 A .

, , Q1.



. 3. , 1,967 V

2 U7 A



. 4.

3.1. OrCad Capture.

3.2. 1, 2, 3.



1 2;

, 24 , .


1. , ?

2. 7400, 7408,7486.

3. 7402, 7404,7411, 7432.

4. 1.

5. 2.

6. 3.

1. . PSPICE: . . .: , 2008. 336 .: .

2. . . . : - ; . , 2007. 344 .: ., . ( ).







: - ; Probe; .



- . PSpice Transient ( ) SCHEMATIC1-transient. , PSpice , Probe . :

( ) . (, V(U1A:GND)) (, V (U1A:VCC)). : V , U1A , GND , VCC U1A;

, , , . : U1A:Y U1A; V(U1B:Y) U1B;

, , , U1A:Y.

, . , in, out
. . , - , . - .



. 1. -

1. - , 1. , , 2 U1A. 495 us 505 us , U1A .

Lab_rab2, C:\EMb-14-1\Ivanov\Lab_rab2, Zadanie1 CAPTURE.

, , 1.

Place Part, Part : VPULSE, Source, . 7404 ( 7400) R1 ( Analog), R. .




. VPULSE Property Editor, :

V1=0V ( );

V2=5V ( );

TD=0,5ms ;

TR=1us ( );

TF=1us ( );

PW=0,498ms ( );

PER=1ms () .


U1A in, U1B out, midl. < Place ()>→ <Net Alias( )>. Place Net Alias Alias: in OK, . (), V1 U1A. , End Mode ( ). U1A U1 midl U1B R1 out.




Transient SCHEMATIC1-transient, .

1. ٸ New Simulation Profile ( ) : <PSpice>→<New Simulation Profile>. New Simulation ( ).

2. Name: (:) transient ( ) Create (), Simulation Settings transient ( ), .

3. Simulation Settings transient, PSpice. Analysis () Analysis type: ( :) Time Domain (Transient) ( ). .

Run to time: ( :) 2 ms. . Start saving data after: ( :) 0 s. Maxi-mum step size: ( :) 0,02 ms. , PSpice (Maximum step size), . , PSpice , , . , .

4. ٸ : <>→<OK>, Simulation Settings transient .




, . Windows Probe SCHEMATIC1 transient PSpice A/D [transient (active)]. , . , .

ٸ : <Trace ()>→<Add Traces> Add Traces, Add Traces. - , Currents, Power Alias Names . ٸ V (in), OK, . ٸ , Add Traces, V(out), OK, . midl, Add Traces midl, OK. , 2, .

(. 2), Probe : , . , : <Plot>→<Digital Size ( )>, Digital Plot Size Percentage of Plot to be Digital ( ) , 20, 20 % .

, . : <Plot>→<Axis Settings ( ...)> Axis Settings. X Axis ( ) Data Range ( ) User Defined ( ) . : 495us, : 505us OK, . , 3, .



. 2.


, 7404 ( 1) ( . 1 ), - , . 7404 ( 0) L=0 , ( 1) H=5 . 0,8 2 .


. 3.

PSpice , . . . 3 , Probe U1A 1,3 2 :


1,3 2 .

ٸ Toggle cursor, . U1 A 1,3 2 . .

2. , 1, : R1=10 KOm; : TR=5 us, TF=5 us, PW=490 us . 5 ms. Edit Simulation Profile ( ), Simulation Settings-transient Analysis Run to time 5 ms, Maximum step size 0,05 ms. ٸ : <>→<OK>, Simulation Settings-transient . V(in), V(out) midl. , 2.

, 490 us, 510 us. . , U1A . .



1. OrCad Capture.

2. 1 2.




1. 1.

2. 1 :

- (. 1);


V(in), V(out), V(midl) V(in), V(out).

3. 2 :

, .



1. ( 0s 2ms) , :

V1=5 V, V2=5 V, TD=0 s, TR=0,1 us, TF=0,1 us, PW=498 us, PER=1 ms.

2. , 3. U1A, ?

3. , 490 us 510 us. U1 A?

4. 2 U1 B?



1. . PSPICE: . . .: , 2008. 336 .: .

2. . . . : - ; . , 2007. 344 .: ., . ( ).



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