






Trends in the Modern Machine-Building Industry


The scientific and technological progress will continue in engineering along two main headlines. Firstly, it is automation including the creation of unmanned industries. Secondly, raising the reliability and extending the service life of machines.

This certainly requires new technology. The machine modules which have only begun to be made on a large scale are well suited for unmanned industries.

Intense work is being carried out on new robots. What we need is not merely manipulators which can take up a workpiece and pass it on, but robots which can identify objects, their position in space, etc.

We also need machines that would trace the entire process of machining. Some have been designed and are manufactured. Over the past few years this country has created new automated coal-digging complexes and machine systems, installations for the continuous casting of steel, machines for spindleless spinning and shuttleless weaving, machine-tools for electrophysical and electrochemical treatment of metals, unique welding equipment, automatic rotor transfer lines and machine-tool modules for flexible industries.

New technologies and equipment have been designed for most branches of engineering.


9. . .

Module, robot, to identify, manipulator, electrophysical, electrochemical, unique, rotor, line, productivity, to reserve, criteria, to optimize, vacuum, plasma, component, nitride, carbide, titanium, apparatus.





1. . :


forestry [f]rwstrw]
reproduction [7ri:prc!džk•cn]
utilization [7ju:twlaw!zew•cn]
resources [rw!s]:swz] ,
planting [!pla:ntwŋ]
rational [!ræ•ncl]
protect [prc!tekt]
fires [fawcz]
diseases [dw!zi:zwz]
qualified [!kw]lwfawd]
equipment [wk!wwpmcnt]
sphere [sfwc]
mechanical [mw!kænwkl]
designing bureau [dw!zawnwŋ!bjucrou]
machinery [mc!•i:ncrw] ()
hauling [!h]:lwŋ]



2. , :

logging mechanization

are busy with -

log hauling -

gasoline motor powered saw -

branch cutter -

loader of original design

semiautomatic lines

automated sorting transport belts

heavy duty motor trains -


3. . . .

My Speciality is Forestry


The main directions in the economic development of Russia in forestry are: to improve the reproduction and utilization of forest resources, to use forest lands more intensively, to pay more attention to planting forest belts, to increase the control over the rational use of forest resources and protect forests against fires, pests and diseases.

The Forestry Technical Faculty of the Bratsk State Technical University trains highly qualified specialists who are to fulfil these tasks at the departments: for forest engineering, the department for forestry machines and equipment, and wood working.

Graduates from the department for forest engineering work as production engineers in the sphere of logging mechanization, wood felling operations and transportation of timber by land and water.

One of the most important features of modern forestry industry is the concentration of production and forest settlements like the well-known complexes in Bratsk and Ust-Ilimsk.

Graduates from the department for forestry machines and equipment work as mechanical engineers at timber industry enterprises, at designing bureaus and research institutes. They are busy with developing and maintaining up-to-date machinery for felling, log making, branching, skidding, loading, road making, rafting and etc.

Russian engineering supplies the timber industry with various machinery: gasoline motor powered saws, branch cutters, loaders of original design, heavy-duty-motor trains, semiautomatic lines with automated sorting transport belts.

All the students learn how to get knowledge for their future work. The lectures and seminars are followed by practical work in laboratories of the University, in the forest camps and in the nurseries located in the forest districts or at industrial enterprises. Many students take part in the research work at the departments of the faculty.


4. , .

; ; ; ; ; , , ; ; ; .


5. . .

1. What are the main directions in forestry nowadays?

2. What department do you study at?

3. Where do graduates from the department for forest engineering work?

4. What is the most important feature of modern forestry industry?

5. Where do graduates from the department for forestry machines and equipment work?

6. What are they busy with?

7. What does Russian engineering supply the timber industry with?


6. :

1. harvesting 2. knotting 3. absorb 4. bunch 5. stem 6. bult 7. skidding 8. equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. , 8.


7. , .

1. ꠠ ) builder, b) loader,

c) receiver, d) feller,


2. a) skidding b) harvesting,

c) knotting, d) felling


3. a) to build, b) to send,

c) to manufacture, d) to receive,


4. a) crown, b) butt, c) stem, d) root



8. .

Medical plants

The interest of people in medical plants is quite understandable, plants are very useful: one-third of drugs produced in our country is made of plants. The cultivation of medicinal plants has become a highly mechanized field of agriculture. Instead of collection of wild plants experimental stations grow them.

Turning wild plants into cultivated ones is a long process. It covers up to ten years.

Do you know any medical plants?


9. .


1. . .

to ensure [wn!•uc] ,
raw [r]:]
processing [prc!seswŋ]
to process [prou!ses]
labour [lewbc]
qualified [!kw]lwfawd]
features [!fi:cz]
kinds [kawndz]
fibre-boards [!fawbc b]:dz]
plywood [!plawwud]
characteristics [7kærwktc!rwstwks]
furniture [!fc:nwc]
veneer [vw!nwc]
automation [7]:tc!mew•n]
equipment [w!kwwpmcnt]

2. :

1. utilization of raw materials

2. processing of wood ()

3. to rise labour productivity

4. to lower production costs

5. to train highly qualified specialists -

6. the most important features

7. woodworking industry

8. concentration of production


3. . . .


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Heat&Power Engineering | My Speciality is Woodworking

: 2018-10-14; !; : 730 |



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