






B) Chapter VIII Legal Profession




1) LegalEnglish -2. : .

A) ChapterVIICrimesandTorts

Unit 21 Crimes

Unit 22 TheGlobalizationofDeceit

Unit 23 Torts

Unit 24 Punishment

Unit 25 Capital Punishment

b) Chapter VIII Legal Profession

Unit 26 Professional Titles

Unit 27 People in Law Cases in Great Britain

Unit 28 Lawyers in the USA

Unit 29 Lawyers in Russia


- , ( );

- (Vocabulary), ;


2) :

( - Simple, Continuous, Perfect, Perfect Continuous, ThePassiveVoice, ModalVerbs,Conditionals I, II, III)


1. Prepositions Language Focus . 10, 53 (Legal English-2)

2. Conditionals I, II, III - Language Focus . 39 (Legal English-2)

3. Present Simple / Present Continuous Language Focus . 53 (Legal English-2)

4. Passive Voice Language Focus . 89,130 (Legal English-2)

5. ModalsVerbs - Language Focus . 98 (Legal English-2)


3) 5 (1 2018) ( , ,. ,4- ,.4, .202).



4) :

a) RosettaStone. 20 RosettaStone ;

b) (- ࠠ ( - , )


. . library.fa.ru ( , , EBSCOPUBLISHING,EBSCO PUBLISHING:BusinessSourceUltimate, Elsevier .) .

1. -1 -(2200-2500 ,-2 , TimesNewRoman, -12, -1,15).

2. - 25 ( ) .

3. (Summary). 15 , .


1.Thetitleofthearticleis / The headline of the article is

It is published in/It is taken from

2.Thearticleiswrittenby../The author of the article is

The main idea is about /The article is devoted to/The aim of the article is to provide the reader with some material (data) on/The central idea of the article is based on the authors belief that

3.Theauthorstartsbytellingthat / At the beginning of the article the author dwells on/The article deals with the following problems

Then the author writes (states, stresses, considers, points out, emphasizes) that / Furtherontheauthorpassesonto /The article goes on to say that / Next the author touches on

4.In conclusion /The author comes to the conclusion

5. , .

I find the article interesting

In my opinion the article is valuable because

It seems to me

It must be emphasized that/It is worth mentioning/One of the main points to be singled out is /It should be noted that

I cant agree with the author on the idea that

The article is marked with pessimism/optimism.

(, , ) .


1. 1 4
2. 1 4
3. ( ) 10 10
4.   10 10
5. RosettaStone 12 12






(Introduction). (The Headline)

The article I am going to render (The article under discussion) is taken from The Financial Times of February 16, 2010.

, ( ) TheFinancialTimes 16 2010 .

The headline (The title) of the article is The US Will Continue to Lose Market Share. It is suggestive / misleading / giving a hint on / based on the authors message because one can (cannot) easily guess from the title what the article is going to be about.

() The US Will Continue to Lose Market Share. / / ѐ / , () , ѐ .

<== | ==>
| (The Author). (The Problem)

: 2018-10-14; !; : 272 |



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